The exposition of “tiny nub neb” A little creepy crass from tinychat who has *** with nigresse(nigger whores) and as an ugly Underdeveloped body due to stunt growth when younger Nicknames: nebwin, neb, nebula, mack blewm, tiny nub neb, nebgay Real Name: Nicholas Robert Brown Date of Birth: Dec 10 1982(possibly) Height: 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) Weight: 200 lb (91 kg) Lived: Erie PA(originally possibly) Cook-County-IL 313 Elgin Ave #101 FOREST PARK, IL 60130(Currently possibly) Email: Facebook: Soundcloud: Twitter: Links: Summary of his criminal charges(he's a disgusting criminal): Driving under the influence of alcohol (nasty scumbag drunk driver) Poss of marijuana use/poss of drug paraph Resist arrest/other law enforce Public drunkenness and similar misconduct Disorderly conduct engage in fighting Harassment - comm repeatedly in anonymous manner Disorder conduct obscene lang/gest Criminal trespass/simple trespasser Terroristic threats w/int to terrorize another Criminal conspiracy engaging Accidents involving death or personal injury Disorderly conduct engage in fighting Intoxi pedest causing hazard Careless driving Fail to stop and give infr render aid Give false information Simple assault Purch etc alcoh by a minor Notes: His father is dead(like that his dead dad cant see the shame that his son as become) Is a known convicted criminal Is a hypocrite(100 percent of all moralizing mentaly weak nasty effeminate womanly males) Is a stupid no talent little corny loser no better than all the other little corny loser of his level As no future and will never amount to anything due to his terrible brain wiring and low intelligence Dues to his extreme low inteligence has a lisp when he talks, keeps getting himself arrested and beaten by niggers Got his goldeen tooth stolen by a nigger Is a nasty disucsting vile sick “nigger love” preacher and nigger love that should never be considered a human being Has *** with nigger females cuz hes so repulsive ugly and childish no white womin wants of him Brags about ******* nigger females(cant b seen as part of the white race anymorre because of that) Does tons of heavy drugs to smother his feelings of being a worthless broken disgusting no future low intelligence retard Very effeminate, womanly and queerish Is passive aggressive cuz too weak to fight like a real man Is basically a woman stuck in a man's body Apparently as a sociology degree fails whenever he tries 2 have *** due to his micro penis and his childish mind(moves in femine ways that turns off the womin hes trying to ****) he says he's irish he was arrested sometime in november or december of 2018 in PA state As tons of criminal charges(nasty criminal no wonder he loves niggers so much) said he was arrested for public intoxication for knocking on a stranger's door when he went back home for Christmas to see his mother. His father is dead. he thought the other person's house was his mother's house He punched a woman and a police officer while being drunk and going into the wrong house While trying to get to his actual mothers house Is a disgusting career criminal Even tho hes an emberassing clownish goofy empty headed emberassingly stupid nigger loving crass he still Tries 2 talk shit online lol what a joke ahah apparently he does not live in chicago proper, lives in another named town in illinois right outside of chicago still on their buslines or public transit because he's barred from driving. he is in cook county, same county as chicago, but not inside of city he got caught for drinking and driving Appeantly sucked his own cuk and came in his own mouth in prison for canteen money and not being beaten up He has an abnormally small penis and small “ugliest” shaped testicle bag lmfao! Seek to get moded in little internet chatrooms so that he can quiet his feelings of being dumb useless And a rejected retard, if modded he will then mod it manically like a retard and mind other people's business Relative: Jessica nicole brown(sister possibly)