留美 Rumi 花に向き合っていると、自然と魅せ方を意識するわね・・・・・・。 この子は物言わぬ花。だから、私が魅力を見極める必要がある。 じゃあ、私が自分自身を見せる時は・・・・・・? When facing a flower, you are being mindful of its nature and charms. This one is a muted flower. Which is why, I identify its beauty. In that case, what should I do if I want to show myself? 留美 Rumi 最近ね、生け花を始めたわ。 ええ、この間の華道体験がきっかけでね。 I just taken up flower arrangement recently. Yes, it was because of the kado trial session the other day. [ https://matcha-jp.com/en/3204 ] 留美 Rumi 単に花を綺麗に飾るだけなのに、奥が深いわ。 ほんのちょっとの匙加減で、全体が台無しになってしまうのよ。 服のコーデと同じよね。 It is just making the flowers look beautiful, but it is harder than it looks. Even a small adjustment could end up ruining the entire piece. It's like putting together an outfit. 留美 Rumi 失敗して、工夫して、上手な人の作品を見て・・・・・・。 下手なりに楽しめていると思う。 Making mistakes, trying to be creative, and looking at the work of those who did it nicely... I believe that that is enjoyable in its own way. 留美 Rumi そうやって花と向き合ううちに、ひとつ、作品ができたの。 今日の撮影で、それを披露するつもり。 ・・・・・・大丈夫よ。会心の一作だから。 By doing the flower this way, I was a able to create a piece of art. And I plan to show this skill in today's shoot. ...You need not worry. This will lead to a nice piece. 留美 Rumi 題材とした花の名前は・・・・・・和久井留美。 生まれてこの方、私がずっと馴染んできた、唯一の花! The name of the featured flower... Wakui Rumi. A one-of-a-kind flower that I'm quite familiar with ever since I was born! 留美 Rumi さぁ、プロデューサーさん。その目に焼き付けて。 貴方の目に、美しい大輪として映っていればいいのだけど・・・・・・。 この花の見頃は『今』と・・・・・・これから来る『未来』よ! Go on, Producer-san. Let this sight imprint in your memory. While it would be nice if your eyes see this as one beautiful flower. However, the best time to look at this flower is "now"... and the "future" that's yet to come!