Instructions for combining twitch vod+chat into a single 1440p video, using ffmpeg and hardware acceleration. Example of what it looks like: 1) Download FFmpeg, FFmpegLauncher and a preset for it, place them in same directory. - - - 2) Download vod, render chat. Get TwitchDownloader: Run TwitchDownloader.exe, download a VOD (.mp4) and it's chat (.json). Make sure they're of same length/duration. Render chat using following settings: 3) Combine vod+chat using FFmpeg. Prepare about x4 disk space of original vod's size. Either use the launcher from step #1, or run FFmpeg manually (commands listed at the end as well). 4) Upload the 1440p video. It should get encoded in VP9 regardless of view count. You're good to go here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONAL: Building a beefy ffmpeg for yourself. Necessary functionality requires proprietary modules, which is why distributed pre-built ffmpeg builds don't include them. We'll make them. Prerequisites: - CUDA Toolkit: - Media-autobuild_suite: - Have at least 12 Gb available, the final build will be around 700 Mb. Building itself will take several hours. - With CUDA installed, run media-autobuild_suite.bat - Follow instructions, generally self explanatory. Important choices: select "non-free", select "yes, custom ffmpeg options". - If you get errors during "/making" of ffmpeg, visit ...\build\ffmpeg_options.txt and comment out sketchy modules. My options, for example: Once building has finished (suite should autoclose itself), copy following files into your directory of choice: - All files from ...\media-autobuild_suite\local64\bin-video\ - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.2\bin\nppc64_11.dll - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.2\bin\nppicc64_11.dll - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.2\bin\nppidei64_11.dll - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.2\bin\nppig64_11.dll Now that ffmpeg is ready, you can uninstall CUDA and remove all MAS files. The copied over files SHOULD get the job done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONAL: Run ffmpeg manually (without launcher). Open CMD in ffmpeg's folder and run following command: ffmpeg.exe -i Vod_864p.mp4 -i Chat.mp4 -c:a copy -map 0:a -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset p7 -tune hq -b:v 26M -minrate 24M -fps_mode cfr -r 60 -temporal-aq 1 -i_qfactor 0.75 -b_qfactor 1.1 -refs:v 16 -rc-lookahead 32 -bf 3 -b_ref_mode middle -filter_complex " [0:v]scale=2106:-1:flags=bicubic, setsar=1/1, pad=w=2560:h=1440:x=0:y=-1[base]; [base][1]overlay=x=main_w-overlay_w:y=main_h-overlay_h" Final_1440p.mp4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONUS: Overlaying transparent chat over vod. 1. Generating chat+mask: 2. FFmpeg instructions and gallery: --------------------------------------------------------------------------