alvia — Today at 8:33 AM dude. you may be trying to be helpful. but please stop giving bad advice in the academy Meth Damon — Today at 8:33 AM such as? alvia — Today at 8:34 AM any ship with 70+ly jump range should do The pins clearly say that 45ly is the recomended. Telling someone they need 70 is insane. Meth Damon — Today at 8:34 AM for a 1.7kly trip? higher is better, regardless of what the pins say alvia — Today at 8:35 AM you didnt say higher is better. you said 70+ Meth Damon — Today at 8:35 AM maybe im a bit out of touch alvia — Today at 8:35 AM and this is like the third time today. Meth Damon — Today at 8:35 AM but is that hard to do? which were the first two Meth Damon — Today at 8:36 AM the guy has a conda and clearly has engineering a high jump range ship (70ly) is not only perfectly possible but saves time alvia — Today at 8:37 AM telling someone to engineer to do the CG (although that wasn't the academy) and telling someone that neutron jumping wasnt as good as regular jumping. there are lots of people who know lots of things. even I only answer questions when I am sure of the answer. if you are "out of touch" maybe think before posting Meth Damon — Today at 8:37 AM not a good idea to tell him to head out with a 45ly asp alvia — Today at 8:37 AM dude said i have a combat conda and a aspx clearly the aspx is the better option Meth Damon — Today at 8:37 AM up for debate alvia — Today at 8:37 AM easier to land and less refit needed Meth Damon — Today at 8:38 AM neutron jumping really isnt for a good amount of routes alvia — Today at 8:38 AM either way any ship with 70+ly jump range should do is bad advice. Meth Damon — Today at 8:38 AM ive done 10kly trips with and without neutron plotting maybe my normal jumps are too efficient or the neutron boosts too inefficient but it genuinely is slightly faster Meth Damon — Today at 8:39 AM why not in that case respond? if you truly believe my advice is bad, help the guy dont dm me alvia — Today at 8:40 AM im going to. i wasnt expecting this to go so long. i didnt want another ******* public argument Meth Damon — Today at 8:40 AM i dont want to argue with you either