The context for me, I'm a 20-year-old guy. My tinder match is a 19-year-old girl. We got on a good tone fast. She seemed very interested, joking/flirting about us being a power couple as rich parents and other jokes/flirts about us if we started dating, etc. when I asked her on a date she seemed really excited and she suggested we cook at my house. Witch felt a bit aggressive for a first date when never meeting a person before, but I was down because I felt we had good chemistry. We flirted back and forth and used a lot of the "romantic emojis" talking about our interests. After setting the date for our first date, she now after a few days seem less interested. She writes smaller, less excitable messages and only one message a day. The date is coming up in one day, and as she only writes one message a day now, agreeing upon time and sending location will not work in that timeframe. This is info that can be conveyed in 10min, not 2 days. Very weird. A strange thing from the beginning is that she only messaged me after 20:00PM. She also said that she never had gone out drinking/partying till 05:00. Don't know if it means any, but thats a bit weird where I live. I don't know what is happening now, we have agreed to do a date but she seems not that interested anymore, I tried to confirm the date and she replied with just; "yes, that works well" with on itself looks good but in context to how she previously replied, a bit bad. And we have not set a time for when she should come over, and she does not know the location either. Should I take up the sudden change in responses and ask her directly if she is interested anymore? Or maybe suggest a new location/activity for our date? Or just leave it to be? what should I do? What is going on and why? ye, I'm a bit over anxious, but just seems weird not to at least send follow-up answers and questions to date, location, time etc. And a bit weird about the after 20:00PM, many that that was like clockwork, she would send me messages within like 10min.