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Sorry, you have been disconnected from the server because your account is being used from another device.Waiting to startSearching for hosts YOU DIEDControl pointsControl point %d is under attack.Your team captured control point %d.The other team captured control point %d.Capturing control point in %d second(s).Freeing control point in %d second(s).Control point %d has been captured.You were killed by %S.You were killed by %S's grenade.You were killed by enemy defenses.You were killed by a grenade.You are dead.%S has left the game!%S has connected!30 seconds remaining +1 Dog Tag+%d Dog TagsDog Tags:You earned the rank of Corporal!You earned the rank of Sergeant!You earned the rank of Staff Sergeant!You earned the rank of First Sergeant!You earned the rank of Master Sergeant!LoginUsernamePasswordCreate AccountRetrieve passwordRemember meUsername cannot be left blankPassword cannot be left blankConnection request failedWelcome back to Gameloft LIVE!Invalid usernameInvalid passwordLogging inThe password will be sent to the registered e-mail address in a few minutes.Invite friendLobby room closed!Low connectivityNo connectivityLeaderboardRankNameDog TagsKillsVar.My RankTopBACKSKIPTAP THE SCREEN TO CONTINUEYesNoOnOffPauseResumeOptionsMain MenuRestartReload CheckpointBackSoundBlood: OnBlood: OffMaster VolumeMusic VolumeSFX VolumeVibrationVibration: OnVibration: OffSensitivity:Bloom Effects: OnBloom Effects: OffEdit bloomRedGreenBlueBlurChange BloomColorChange SceneColorChange ThresholdBloom: OnBloom: OffShow: OnShow: OffEdit fogRedGreenBlueDens.StartEndLinExpExp2Edit auto aimSnap distCam speedCross speedWeapon speedRecenter timerSnap inSnap lockedSnap outGame SettingsVisualsRestore DefaultsVoicesAuto Aiming:Auto Leveling:Left Handed:Invert Y Axis:HUD OpacityLOCKEDYou can unlock the biography by finishing the next levels.EasyNormalHardCOMPLETEDReset ProgressThis will reset your current progress.Reset completeAre you sure?This will erase your previous saved game.This will change current controls.You will lose progress since the last checkpoint.You will lose current progress in the game.You will lose current progress in the game.You will automatically lose the match.You will exit the current multiplayer game.Are you sure you want to exit the game?Are you sure you want to reset settings to default values? Control SchemeControl: virtual padControl: point and aimControl: screen tapControl: virtual sticksControl: Game ControllerGod: OffGod: OnAll Weapons: OffAll Weapons: On90270Orientation:PLEASE CHOOSE THE DESIRED ORIENTATION FOR THE DEVICE.Drag your finger along the screen or use the  to change viewing angle. Drag the stick in the bottom-left corner or use the  or the directional buttons to move. Tap the bottom-right icon or press the  to fire.Drag the right side of the screen or use the  to change viewing angle. Drag the left side of the screen or use the  or the directional buttons to move. Double tap anywhere on the screen or press the  to shoot.Drag the right side of the screen or use the  to change viewing angle. Drag the left side of the screen or use the  or the directional buttons to move. Double tap anywhere on the screen or press the  to shoot.Drag the stick in the bottom-right corner or use the  to change viewing angle. Drag the stick in the bottom-left corner or use the  or the directional buttons to move. Tap anywhere else on the screen or press the  to shoot.Use Right Touchpad to change viewing angle. Use Left Touchpad to move. Press Right Trigger to fire.August 21, 1942November 10, 1942March 23, 1943July 8, 1943July 27, 1943August 17, 1943June 6, 1944July 25, 1944July 25, 1944March, 1945March, 1945March 21, 1945March 30, 1945Dear Eric, Enjoying North Africa? The food is not quite like Mom's, is it? The Japanese took a beach near Alligator Creek last night. We have to get it back. They just never stop fighting. Time for us to pack up. Be safe. DavidThe Army says my brother's death is ''classified''. Who knows why. Finally found Eric's lieutenant in Tunisia. I hope he can tell me what happened to my brother. But today will be the first action I've seen since the Pacific.We're pinned down inside an old British fort. Spent months trying to find my brother's friend "Mac"; his squad was split up. Schu found him, but he's badly wounded and on morphine. I just hope he can tell me what happened to Eric.The Licata invasion's delayed. Have to land our gliders in broad daylight now; we'll be sitting ducks in these flying boxes. The hardest part of the whole battle will just be landing on solid ground. Trying to find out who "Donnie" is.I can't forget what MacNeill said: "If you love your brother, leave it alone." Why? What happened to him? I believe ''Donnie" is a sergeant named Marcus Donovan, but I have yet to track him down. Once we secure the bridge, I hope I'll be able to find him.When we were kids, two bullies picked on Eric. I finally caught them at it, just in time to hear Eric yell "You wanna fight? Join the Army!" Even I chuckled a bit. But I made sure they left him alone. Why wasn't I there for him this time?I hear my brother was in trouble with an officer; some believe he was murdered. I won't stop until I know the truth.I have a name: Becker. A colonel, angry with my brother, a private? Why? I don't know, the trail's gone cold. I have to confront him. They tell me I'll just tip my hand if he's guilty, or annoy an officer. I don't care. I have to know.Our mission here is to take out the enemy supply lines. Fuel depot, stationed tanks, ammunitions, everything has to go!We're about to take the fight to the Germans in a big way. My real life is at the edge of war, searching for answers.Hartley found out that Lieutenant Dyer and Sergeant Donovan were with my brother when he was ambushed! They're hiding something. All I know is my brother would never have done what he was accused of. I'm going to prove Becker wrong.When I found out Dyer had been transferred to the Pacific, I had to pull every imaginable string to get back there. They thought I was crazy. Probably am. I'm so close now. Dyer has the answer. I'll make him talk. I swear I will.By day we battle the Japanese; at night, the mosquitoes. How long have I searched? Eric died in 1942! If I don't survive this, what happens to the truth? Will it die too? I go on patrol with Dyer tomorrow. I miss my little brother.Prologue - PacificDesert Sun - TunisiaOn the Move - TunisiaSkies on Fire - SicilyBridges - SicilyQuestions - SicilyInto the Fray - NormandyCountryside - NormandyTeam Support - NormandyInto the Lion's Den - GermanyClosing Act - GermanyAcross the World - PacificThe Confrontation - PacificYour goal is to shoot all the targets as fast as possible. For improved accuracy, you can use ironsight mode.During multiplayer games, your ranking is based on kills. You can also call for reinforcements in team battle and domination, if you have earned enough dog tags.Back home in Missouri, I used to believe in a lot of things.But war doesn't just kill men. Sometimes it kills the things you believe in, too.I used to believe I could trust people with my heart......or my life.Out here, though, the only belief worth having......is the one that keeps you alive......one more day. So what do I believe now?I believe in my brothers; that we will know victory.I believe our enemies will one day know defeat.And God help us all when the shooting starts.Corporal David Wilson, US 503rd Parachute Infantry Battalion.My name is David Wilson. I used to be a corporal in the US 503rd Parachute Infantry Battalion. The war is now over, but the ghosts still haunt me at night. What I found out changed me forever... And to think that everything started just three years ago.United States Department of DefenseAugust 10, 1945Following your request, we have reviewed Private Eric Wilson's wartime actions and, after carefully examining all evidence presented, we hereby decree he shall be re-awarded the Medal of Honor, for giving his life in combat.August 11, 1945The war is over now. My brother is dead and no one remembers him but me. Every day I wake up hoping this was all a bad dream... But then I remember it all... Why wasn't I there to save him? ...My only consolation is that Dyer shared his fate.Sgt. NeissmanPvt. HarrisPvt. Collins***l. MoorePvt. Green***l. WilsonCol. BeckerSgt. DonovanLt. DyerPvt. MacNeill***l. Schumacher***l. HartleyDavid is what they call "The Midwestern Everyman". He's a loyal and hard-working guy who would do anything for his younger brother Eric. Their father left them when they were little, and David had to take care of his brother. When David joined the army, Eric enlisted the very same day.A stern father figure to his men, Neissman will not hesitate to break you in two if he thinks it might save your life in combat later on. His men love him and are always ready to follow him anywhere.A charming, wisecracking guy from Long Island, Ira is the best buddy you can hope for in combat. Always ready to fight and help you find out the truth.A close friend of your brother, Eric Wilson. He doesn't know how Eric died and he feels guilty for not being there... Maybe this is why he pushed himself so hard during the siege.Donovan has a sharp mind, but lacks any social skills or comradery. He is used to hiding the truth if it suits him, so pay attention to what he tells you.Hartley studied to be a lawyer, just like his father. Even in the fiercest battle, he remains calm and in control.Becker was born for the army. A lifelong warrior, he is bitter at being passed over for promotion - rumor has it's because of his uncontrollable rage. Despite it, he is a skilled commander and his troops respect and fear him.Before being called up, Bill Dyer was a salesman. A soldier's soldier, his men have nothing but respect for him. But he also harbors a secret - he has been smuggling medical supplies for the black market, which is what got Eric killed. Out of the frying pan and into the fire!This beach is crawling with Japanese soldiers as well.They've spotted us. Here they come!Here, bring him to safety!We've got an incoming air strike! Move, move, move!Follow me; we've got to help our boys!More of them, on the right.They are probably coming through that tunnel. Be careful.Grab that machine gun! Enemies incoming!They're everywhere! We must push them back at all costs.They're trying to flank us!More on the left!To the right, watch out!There are more in that house. Let's get in there and smoke them out!They're counterattacking, we must hold our position!Another bunker on the right!Air strike, keep your cover!Yeah, here comes the cavalry!My God... They're all gone...One of our guys dropped a flamethrower.Go grab it; we'll need it to smoke the Japanese from that bunker!Quick, take cover!Those soldiers haven't seen us!Wait until they come in the flamethrower's range!Wait for it...Now, fire!Let's push forward!Hold! I hear something!There are Japanese ahead! I think we could sneak up on them!Keep low and follow me!Far enough! Take them out!This is their communications center!They're coordinating all the air strikes from this place. If we manage to take it out, they won't be able to call for more planes.We need some sort of diversion... We can't take all of them alone!There, our boys are attacking from the other side of the clearing.Let's move! Attack!They're flanking us on the right, get through that shack and outflank them!Incoming enemy armor, grab some cover!We've got to destroy their radio equipment, follow me!There, take it out!More enemies on our six, stay sharp!Incoming armor, we need something to take it out!Search these shacks for a bazooka!There, in that crate! Grab the bazooka.Hit it, go go go!Great, let's move towards the other shack, we'll find some more ammo there!Hit it again!Move back, we're in the open!Great job, David! Let's regroup with the company... Watch out, ambush!David, behind you!Hang in there, David, you're gonna be fine!I'll get you to a doctor; he'll give you some morphine for the pain.Hey. Do you know... how long I've been out? They haven't told me nothin'.I heard the doctors say six weeks.Six... weeks? OK. Thanks.Following an official review, we have taken the extraordinary step of revoking Private Eric Wilson's Medal of Honor...Wait, what? They gave my brother a medal... for what?...awarded for giving his life in combat. We regret any distress this may cause you and your family.My brother's dead? When? How? And they revoked the Medal of Honor?This has to be a mistake... I don't believe it. I won't.I'm sorry for your loss, kid...What do you think we should do with him?I say we finish him off right now, before more of them appear.David, are you hurt?Only my pride. Ah... I'll be fine. Thank you, Sarge!It was quite a hard landing. Get up and take a look around, it will help you get back to your senses.Great, it's all coming back, isn't it? Now, let's recover your gear.Follow me.Let's see if you're still the fastest runner in the company. Double time, soldier!Good, good. Now we'll check your coordination.Sprint to that tree trunk and assume cover position behind it.Don't look at me like that, corporal. This may very well save your life out there in battle.Jump over the cover and follow me.Hold your position, I hear something.Incoming Japanese patrol. Wait for them to get closer.You take the one on the left; I'll shoot the one on the right. Fire!The other left, Wilson...C'mon, I think the attack is starting.Touch the Grenade icon or press the  while targeting an enemy to throw a grenade in that direction.There's four of them. Use your grenades to take them all out!Wilson, get over here!Get behind cover, near this wall!Another soldier. Assume a crouched position and sneak up on him!They're a bit too far. Take aim and look through the ironsight.The flamethrower is out of fuel.Touch the Dash icon or press  while looking at the wall to assume a high cover position.I'm out of ammo.While shooting, slide your finger across the screen or use the  to change the viewing angle.Tap the Exit icon or press the  to exit machine gun mode.You've acquired a new weapon.Slide your finger over the Weapon icon or hold the  and press the   to cycle through the available weapons.The game will automatically save your progress at key points.You can always reload from the last checkpoint through the in-game menu.Here, this letter is for you.You've never told me why you decided to join the military...I suppose it just runs in the family. I joined the same day as my brother...Besides, he always gets into trouble. Someone has to keep an eye out for him!Wilson, get back here, it's not safe out there!Get back, you'll get yourself killed!Weapons have a slower firing rate when overheated!Drag the stick in the bottom-left corner or use the  or the directional buttons to move.Drag on the left side of the screen or use the  or the directional buttons to move.Slide your finger along the screen or use the  to change the viewing angle.Tap the screen or use the  to change viewing angle. Drag the stick in the bottom-left corner or use the  or the directional buttons to move. Tap the bottom-right icon or press the  to fire.Drag on the right side of the screen or use the  to change the viewing angle.Drag the stick in the bottom-right corner or use the  to change the viewing angle.While under cover, tap forward, tap the Dash icon or press the  to jump over it.Touch and hold the Dash icon or press the  to move faster.Tap the Dash icon once or press the  while near cover to assume a low cover position.Tap the Ironsight icon on the bottom right or press the to take aim.Tap the Crouch icon on the bottom left or hold the  and press the   to assume a crouched position.Tap the Dash icon or press the  while near a wall to assume a high cover position.Get close to the machine gun and tap the Machine Gun icon or press the  to use it.To pick up a weapon, simply walk over it.Tap the Grenade icon or press the  while aiming at an enemy to throw a grenade in that direction.Looks like it's just you and me, Wilson.Our objective here is to take out the enemy radio center.If we cut their communications, they won't be able to call in more airstrikes.Don't worry! Your health will recover after a while...You are wounded.Sitting in a cover or waiting for a few seconds will help you regain your health. Corporal Ira Schumacher!That's what it says on the uniform our Army so kindly provided for us unworthy commoners!Everybody says you're the go-to guy when it comes to asking about people who know people.Knowing people is what I do best. But still, I don't know you.Corporal David Wilson. I... I had a brother in this company... He died a couple of months back...Wilson... Wilson... I think I remember... Edgar... No, Eric. Eric Wilson, right?I'm sorry about your loss. I honestly don't know what happened back then.I've tried asking questions myself, but the Lieutenant told me to keep my mouth shut.Look... I think there's a cover-up here.All I know is that the one who asked questions about what happened was Lieutenant Dyer. Maybe you should talk to him about this.Lieutenant Dyer... I'll keep my eyes open for him... Tell me -Airstrike, everyone grab some cover!We're being ambushed!Germans in those ruins, fire at will!German infantry, closing in on the left.German soldiers, on the right!Look out! Panzer!Panzerfaust troopers! Take them out before they destroy our tank!Hold it! The sign says the road is mined. Corporal, grab the machine gun on the tank and cover us while we disarm the mines.More Germans! Don't let them get too close!.88 Anti-Tank gun ahead. We must disable it before moving the tank.Flank them on the right!Flank them on the left!One more AT gun. Corporal, you know the drill.Cannons out, hold the line until the tank arrives!MG nest guarding the gate. Take it out, boys!The road is clear, let's move!Jimmy, take this rusted piece of junk around the city and prevent them from receiving reinforcements.Wilson, you're with me, let's move!Another MG on the right. Wilson, flank them and take the MG out.After all, this is what you were transferred for!MG out, let's push forward.Incoming enemy armor! Corporal, we'll distract them.Get near that tank and throw a grenade inside.Look out, halftrack. Take it out, use your grenades.Area clear; let's move. Follow me!Above, look out! At the balcony!Great! The road is blocked. Looks like the only route is through that building.Wilson, let's clear the floor above and then we'll take out that MG!I don't like this one bit. I smell an ambush.Well since your sense of smell is so accurate, why don't you go and scout the area?Double time, private! Always wanted to say that...Looks like you were right, it was an ambush!Let's smoke them out, boys!Jonson, set up that MG, we need more firepower to hold them back!Johnson is down. Wilson, grab that MG!Good job, Wilson! Area clear!So I found the lieutenant in charge of your brother's platoon.But I think he's in a hurryI'll be brief, Schu. Don't worry.Lieutenant Dyer, sir? This is the man I told you about.Williams, is it?Wilson, sir.Welcome to hell, corporal. You're looking for your brother?Not exactly, sir. My brother, Eric Wilson, he was killed in action.About 2 months ago. I think he served in your platoon, sir.He may very well have, but I was only transferred into my platoon about a month ago. I didn't know him.I see. Do you know anyone who may have been in his squad? He often mentioned a fellow by the name of "Mac".Mac... There's a MacNeill in one of my squads. Maybe it's him.Maybe. Thank you, sir.OK, then. But... May I ask why you're looking for your brother's squad?I suppose I'm just looking for closure, sir.Closure?! Son, this here's a war. You're lucky to get three squares a day and a place to sleep.Closure's for when you die or go home - or both.Yes, sir.Germans on that house, take them down.We expect some heavy resistance outside the city.Wilson, grab that tank and take out any enemies you can find outside the city walls.Enemy armor ahead!German tanks, on our flank.Panzerfaust troopers, up on that cliff.There, the old fort! That's the last strong German position in the area.If we clear that out, the area will be ours.Stay on your toes; they'll throw everything they've got at us.Enemy armor, 3 o'clock.Enemy tanks, 9 o'clock.German tanks, on our six.Panzerfaust on that crenel. Blast it!Blast down the gates, let's smoke them out!Crenel? That's a fancy word for someone like you!Shut your pie hole, smart*ss!That's more like it!To get inside the tank, move near it and tap the Tank icon.He used that car to get away.Be careful, there are probably more German forces in the canyon.We must seal those rat holes. David, protect us while we plant the explosives.Well done, squad! Let's proceed forward.Incoming tank, right ahead!It's out!Watch out! Two more on the left!We're outnumbered, we ain't gonna make it!David, are you okay? Let me give you a hand.Our tank is destroyed. We must find another way to get to the city.We'll distract them from here.Meanwhile, find a way to flank them and then destroy them with a well placed grenade.To destroy the tank, get behind it and tap the Destroy Tank icon.The city is right ahead. Probably more of our forces on the way.Seems like you have a clear entrance to the city.You guys enter the city; our orders are to keep this area safe.We need to cross the desert and reach the city, but watch out for traps on the way.New Weapon Available: Submachine Gun MacNeill? James MacNeill?Hmmm? You look like... a guy I knew...What's that?My name's David Wilson. I think you knew my brother, Eric? Eric Wilson?Mmmm. It's a... It's a darn shame...Do you know what happened to him? Can you tell me?Eric's... They killed him.Who killed him? How?If you... really love your brother... leave it alone. Let sleeping dogs... Why? What happened to him? Why'd they take away his Medal of Honor?Ask Donnie... Donnie knows...Mac? MacNeill? The villages along the road are swarming with Germans.We need to blast through them and reach our squad.The fewer the holes in use, the better.Let's get started!We've passed the first village. Keep your focus, Wilson.There's our squad!Welcome, sir!What's the status?We are currently holding the fort. German scouts were seen outside the fort walls!Well, handle them. The rest of you get back to the fort.Yes sir!Wilson, take the MG. Shoot anything that moves.Hostiles ahead. Waste them!Let them feel the pressure, Wilson!Wait, what's that sound?Take the MG and follow me!That squad is too heavy to be on scouting duty.Wilson, on my mark...FIRE!Good job! Let's get back to the fort!German units incoming from the north!Wilson, grab that sniper rifle from the tower and deal with the infantry.Boys, grab what you can and get ready!Tanks incoming. Wilson, get on that flak and stop them.Keep the pressure on them, boys!Keep them away!They've broken into the courtyard!Push them back!!!Keep shooting!They're retreating! We made it!Not yet, we haven't. Wilson, grab a few boys and follow me!We must destroy their headquarters if we want some peace and quiet.They're holed up in an oasis a few miles away from here.We'll jump them and kill as many as we can before they regroup.Let's move!Tank ahead. Go around it!Panzerfaust on top of that building!Shoot them down!We're done here. Let's get back to the fort.I'm getting tired of seeing the same old view.Blood, flesh and steel, over and over again.Get close to the vehicle and touch the Drive icon or press the  to get in.Get close to the vehicle and touch the Machine Gun icon or press the  to control it.There is a German outpost in the next village.We'll go on foot and retrieve what documents we can findI don't like this. It's too quiet.Germans! Find cover!The documents are in that building. Get them, Wilson!We're done here. I'll go get the vehicle.There are Germans on those dunes!Grab the sniper rifle and help our boys!Let's move!Germans are swarming around the fort.We must help our boys! We're under fire, leave the beach!Quick, follow me!We have to get behind those bunkers!More Germans in the trenches. Stay on your toes.Incoming German attack. Use the MG in the bunker.GO! GO! GO!Place some explosives on that AA gun.Place explosivesClear!MG ahead. We'll keep them busy. You flank them around that rock.Heavy flak on the left side! Move to the right!Hold her steady, just a bit more.Captain, we're hit... We're going down!Stand back!More Germans to the north! Take cover!Incoming, keep your heads down.Our boys need help, follow me!We've got them on the run, after them!Clear that bunker, we'll draw their attention!Flank them on the left.Look out!Watch out! Germans from behind!They're retreating! Push them back. Attack!They're counterattacking.We're in the open. We should retreat. Get to that bunker.We're sitting ducks in here. Let's get out! Follow me.Hold this line, help is on the way!Glad to see you, Captain! You guys saved our behinds...Glad to hear your behind is still in one piece.Now you can move it and clear out those trenches.Double time, soldier. Move, move, move!Stay clear of the blast areas!Move to the rightMove to the leftGood job so far, corporal...We're close, but the German resistance is still fierce.Our priority is clearing as much of the static defenses as possible!Your squad will clear out any bunkers or AA guns it can find.There's an MG pillbox ahead. Find some cover.There's no way of flanking it, we'll have to attack it head on.Get as close as you can and throw some grenades in there, Wilson!Use the Dash icon or press the  to quickly move from cover to cover.Well, well! Look who decided to show up!We've got several fortified positions up front.If the tank can get close enough, we could take them out in no time!Panzerfaust ahead! Protect the tank!One of your squad mates is wounded.Get to him and give him first aid.Thanks for patching me up... I'll be more careful next time!Get in that bomb shelter, soldier. Grab any enemy intel you can find!We got the papers!Another AA gun. Place explosives on it and take it out!Germans on the cliffs, take them out!Use your grenades and take them out!Wait a sec, we'll cut the wires.All done, let's move!Retreat, I'll cover you!Good evening, ladies, and welcome to beautiful Sicily.The weather is sunny, but with a mild chance......of having your behind handed to you by enemy flak!Shut it, Harris. Don't make me come back there and...Man, that was too close!James, NO!He's hit! Move aside, let me pass!We're getting closer to enemy fire, boys. This will get rough!David, get up there and use that artillery. We've got incoming enemy armor!Enemy armor in sight!Another tank! Fire!You can assume a high cover position behind the tank!I think this is it! Good job, corporal, the tank should be safe!The command may find these useful.We're too low! Lift it up!Flak area ahead! Steer to the right!Heavy flak above, take us closer to the water!Flak ahead! Steer left!Take us up! Fire zone close to the water!Use the accelerometer to steer the glider.Down there, to the right!Enemy armor heading our way.Good job, Wilson. The beachhead is secure.But our work here has just begun. We've got an entire island to secure.Let's move, soldier!Listen up, squad!Our main priority is to secure the beachhead.The German resistance will be heavy, so stay on your toes.Let's move! Go, go, go!Watch out! Incoming enemy fighters! This position is heavily guarded.Try flanking them by going under the bridge!Keep pressing forward!MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!MG post up ahead. Get to cover!We can't hold out for long. Use the walkway under the bridge and flank them!GO! GO! GO!Faster, Wilson! We're taking a beating out here!Suppress the MG gunners!Job well done, corporal. Now move!Get on that MG, Taylor! Wilson, get the other one!Start cutting them down!Keep shooting, corporal! Don't let them get close!Wilson! Take the rookie and clear the area under the bridge.Keep on pushing them back! We're almost at the end.Our planes are dropping like flies!Taylor and Johnson! Flank them from the right. Wilson, keep shooting!German reinforcements coming down the road!Use your sniper rifle to clear the area!MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!Germans moving towards our location. Requesting air support!We must hold this position! Keep shooting!Keep running, corporal, and look for cover!Johnson! Take the corporal and get behind the Germans!The rest of you follow me!Open fire!Flank the Germans inside the ruins!Fine job, Wilson! Fine job! Now stop staring and start moving!Incoming tanks! Destroy them before they reach us!Get that bazooka, corporal!Head towards the bunkerGermans are moving towards those fallen gliders!Man the MG!Here's the deal, boys. The Germans are held up in the ruins having a little picnic!With a bit of luck, we're going to ruin their little party!Sergeant, I guess our luck just took a hike!Move, boys! We have to reach that bridge!FIRE!Cut down everything that moves!Bunker up ahead. Gunner, on my mark...Get moving, Wilson!Keep shooting, Wilson!Road block up ahead! Squad, get in position!Damn it! Now even our own gliders are trying to kill us.Don't stand there looking like a statue, Wilson. We need to get them out of there!Yes sir! Lead the way!Ira, we should radio for help. These poor souls won't last through the night without medical care!Wilson, we ain't got time for that. Our orders are to move towards the town. And that's what we're going to do.Wilson! Take care of those tanks before they reach us!We need to clear the resistance in this area. Come on, we need to advance through the city.The cowards are retreating. Don't let them escape!Reinforcements approaching at 12 o'clock!!!Check this courtyard. We'll cover your back.We'll keep them busy from here. Try to find a way to flank them.Quiet! Kill the patrol on the archway above!They've spotted us. Find a way around them while we keep them busy here.Watch out for the balconies!Help me, I'm hurt!All clear. Proceed forward but watch out for the patrol.Watch out on the left!Watch out on the right!Injured soldiers in the square. Medic is on the way. Germans are on their way too.Hurry up; use the balcony of the nearby building to protect your injured squad mates until the medic can save them.Use the bazooka to destroy the tankThanks for saving our butts. Now let's finish this.Destroy the AA battery while we check the gates.Haha, the coward is retreating. I'll smash his face!The gate is locked. I'll search for another entrance while you distract them.There's a breach in the walls out here. Move, move!!!Please, don't let us die in here!Donny! This Schumacher fella was asking about you earlier! C'mere!Hey, uhh... why you looking for me?While it's true my family once made shoes, you got the wrong dogface. Talk to him.You're Donnie? Marcus Donovan?Sergeant Donovan, yeah.I'm David Wilson. Eric Wilson's brother.Oh yeah? I'm ahh... I'm sorry for your loss.Listen, I'm trying to find out how he died. It's classified or something, and... well, what do you know?Me? Nothing, really.You weren't there?No. But uhhh... well, I gotta get back to my squad. Good luck to you!Please. He was my brother. Please.Honestly, I don't know nothing. But you ask me? He was murdered.Murdered?!Murdered?!I don't know that, but I got a strong feeling, somethin' just didn't smell right. Plus, there were rumors... I don't know. It just didn't smell right, if you ask me. Look, I gotta go, really. I was you, I'd keep your head down and watch your back.Just what the heck have you got me into here, Wilson? You believe what he said?I don't know.Watch out for the MG!More incoming!We'll keep this position while you try to enter the monastery and knock him out.You made it! We'll secure the gates while you reach the altar.We'll cover your back from here.Good job, Wilson. This city is now secured.So now what? I need to find out what happened to Eric.I understand. You'll have to find someone from his unit...I know someone at headquarters. Maybe he can help...We must clear the streets of Germans and secure the church. They have reinforcements there. Hey there. You're Dave Wilson, aren't you?I am.Hartley. You wanna take a walk?I hear you're asking questions about your brother.Yeah...I have a name for you, but you're not gonna like it. Colonel John Becker. Most ruthless guy you'll ever meet, on the Allied side anyway. I hear he didn't like your brother much.What's a colonel care one way or another about a dogface grunt?That I can't tell you. But I know he's angry about something to do with an Eric Wilson and he's not afraid to tell people.Hmm...Thank you... Hartley?Call me Hart. Guys say I'm either fighting Hart or Hartley fighting, they never can tell.Heh. That's pretty good.Some people say puns are the lowest form of humor, but I ain't got no sense, so I don't pay 'em no mind.Hehe, David made it.Did you see how he surprised them? Fantastiiiiiiiic.Hey, David, watch out!!!Where did that guy come from?Man, that was close. You were one step away from the grave.You should be more careful, corporal, sir.Advance quietly so as not to alert them.Two ahead. Knock 'em out, Wilson.Damn, they've spotted us!Fire at will!They're retreating! Advance with caution.They're gonna use the machine gun nest!Quick, Wilson, check the barn's backyard and see if we can use it.I think more are on the way. We should get ready.Right. Wilson, grab that damn MG while we keep this street secured!I think tanks are approaching... This doesn't look good...Wilson, as soon as you see one, retreat as fast as possible. We don't want to find ourselves cornered.Nice job, Wilson.Now let's teach the enemy a lesson, sir!They've got our men, sir!Finish them off and hope our men get out of this mess alive...Well done, squad!Wilson, help the wounded soldiers.Incoming tank!Let's move on. Maybe we can save more of our men.MG nest!This is all just a waste of time!Keep this position and don't let them get near you!Another tank? Let's get out here!Wait for us!Check out the balcony.Damn, one of them got away!There's one in the house. Finish him off!Please help me! I'm wounded!More of 'em down the street!The area seems to be secured, sir.Let's move on. Maybe we can save more of our men.There's one in the house, upstairs!This looks like a large area. Probably swarming with Germans, too.That machine gun should do the job.Hurry up, Wilson! We don't want them to catch us off guard!Great, just what we needed... A halftrack...Don't worry; more of our men are already on their way.STEEEEERIIIIIKE!Nicely done, boys. I don't know how much longer we would've been able to keep it up here.Yeah... you came here and... bang!!!It was about time for some fireworks!Come on guys, we gotta move!We have orders to keep this position, but you should move out.Let's move!No, no, no, it's a mistake. We're friends.Right on time, Wilson.Clear this market square and walk over to that car.Let's take this car and make our way to the radio station.Left or right? I'd take the right path.Seems to be a dead end.We've gotta go back.This should be the right path.Too quiet... we have to stop them before they make the transmission!Incomiiiiiiiiiing!Quick, David!Okay guys, our orders are clear: first secure the city, then find and destroy the radio transmission center. Get in and find cover.Return fire!MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!Keep on pushing!TANKS! Corporal, get on the artillery and stop them!Wilson! Stop wasting time and get on that artillery!Shoot them! Don't let them get near!Good job, corporal! Clear the barn.Wilson, mount an MG at the window!Behind us! Corporal, man the MG!They're dropping mortars on us! Move out of the area!Wilson! Get out and find new cover!Halftracks coming from the right side! We're surrounded!Missed me, boys?Sergeant, are we there yet?Stop whining and keep running.Corporal! Take the sniper rifle and wait for my instructions.Listen, don't let anyone escape! Do you hear me?More patrols incoming.Pick the lonely one before he reaches our boys!Charges are set!Let 'em have it, boys! Open fire!Move out! Get to the second barn!Leave the halftracks to us, boy. Take Johnson and secure the orchards. MG nest up ahead. Keep low and flank them!We need to silence that nest.Wilson, now's your time to shine. Silence that MG nest!Halftrack incoming!Listen kid! I know you're worried about your brother. But now you should worry more about staying alive!Take a look at Johnson. Give him a gun, a woman and some food, and he'll be happy even if the entire German artillery rains down on him.Sarge, you forgot something.What is it, Johnson? What did I forget?Your mother is all I need, Sarge.You're a funny one, Johnson. At least now I have a volunteer for latrine duty.C'mon Sarge, just jokes between boys!Now boys, stay focused. We're entering the town! Sarge! I have an idea.No you don't, Johnson. I have an idea! Why don't you try and silence that MG nest? Now that's a good idea.Maybe I should switch sides.Feel free to do that. I'll hunt you down till the ends of the earth.Now that's scary!All right men, get behind the tank and stay low.Panzerfaust spotted! Find cover and clear the barn.Search for survivors!Damn! They've barricaded themselves.Storm the barn! Move!What's that noise? Boys, find cover and don't let them see you.What the...A German supply convoy is said to be near this area. Our orders are to sabotage it and toast a few enemy soldiers while we're at it.Pick your targets carefully. Don't let anyone escape or our position will be compromised.Our boys will stay out of sight until they've reached the trucks.Patrols incoming! Shoot down only single targets and don't let them near our men.Get in the barn and clear it!Don't let him escape!Listen up, boys! You'll act as decoys and storm the orchards. The boys in the 1st squad and I will flank them from the forest.With all due respect sir, this borders insanity. They'll fill us with lead before we fire a single bullet!Nobody asked you to think, Hartley, only to follow. You do know how to follow your orders, don't you? Now get moving!Sir! Please reconsider! You have 10 seconds to march towards those orchards or you'll be shot for insubordination. Is that understood, Hartley?Calm down, sir, we got it. Hartley, Johnson, let's move.A couple of our boys are holed up near a bridge on the lake.Germans are entrenched around the river. We'll slice through them and get our boys outta there.Wilson, you and Hartley will act as decoys. Use the vehicle and run through the Germans. If you have a chance to pop a few holes in their defenses, be my guest.Wilson, you handle the driving. I'll mow them down.A couple of flaks up ahead. Drive close by them so I can take down the gunners.Keep it up, Wilson. We're near the bridge.Nicely done, boys. If you keep it up like that, I guarantee you'll be going back home in caskets.We need to eliminate any resistance in this area. Excuse me, sir. Might I trouble you for a moment?I can tell by your expression you're planning to spoil my day, corporal. Are you sure you want to do that?I'd like to talk to you about Eric Wilson, sir.Never heard of him. I think you have, sir.Just who do you think you're talking to, corporal?I meant no disrespect, sir. Eric Wilson was my brother. I'm hoping you might be able to tell me something about him.I know all about you, Wilson. And if you ever - EVER - question my command again or spread lies among my ranks to decrease their morale, I will have you sent to the brig so fast it'll make your head spin. Do I make myself clear?Yes, sir. You want an answer? Here it is: your brother, Private Eric Wilson, died in an ambush - while transporting medical supplies he stole from an Army hospital. And it wasn't the first time he stole 'em.Eric...? Sir, there must be some mistake, he wouldn't...Oh really? We found the meds on his person, corporal. On his person. Believe me, it was thoroughly investigated. Now. As far as most people know, your brother died honorably in combat. But stealing medicine that would otherwise go to injured war heroes... That kind of thing gets around, and who knows? Lotta guys would take serious exception to that. Might even treat such a man's brother harshly. Guilt by association and such.He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't steal. I don't believe it!I don't give a rat's maggot-ridden backside what you believe, corporal - and neither will anyone else. Dismissed. And don't let me catch you in here again.Move out, boys! It's time we evicted the Germans from this town!Return fire!Keep it quiet! There are German patrols in this part of town.Open fire!Ambush! Everyone, find cover!We won't get lucky in open space. I'll mount the MG.Wilson, keep the Germans away from us.Halftrack incoming!Let's keep moving, Wilson. I don't want to give Becker a chance to gloat while I'm in a casket.We meet again, boys! And to my surprise you're still around... and alive. We have a couple of POWs in the castle up ahead. Normally I wouldn't even consider mounting a rescue for them.Apparently someone higher up likes us so much that he wants us to storm a castle full of Germans.Just for a few unlucky souls.And that task, ladies, falls to you. That should put a grin on your snouts.Lucky for you we will provide armor for your own enjoyment.I can see it now. Grease, oil, smoke and gunpowder, all churned up with a little blood and sweat. Do me proud, boys! Especially you, Wilson! Heh heh...What did you do to get him that mad?That's none of your business.Tank ahead. Destroy it!Incoming tanks!A squad is holed up in this area. We've gotta reach them before the Germans do.German counterattack!They're attacking with everything they've got! Keep them away, Wilson!There's the castle. We'll move on foot from here on out.Clear the courtyard!Here! They're alive. Patch them up and let's go.They're crawling out of every hole. Shoot them down!How long 'til we reach our squad, sir?Tired of dancing through bullets and blood, Wilson?Use your grenades against the vehicles.Keep on shooting, Wilson!Incoming vehicles! Take cover!Let's move! We have to get to our squad before the Germans finish us!Incoming vehicle! Get out of the way!Here, Wilson! Take the flamethrower.Germans rushing over the wall! Burn them down!Good job, Wilson! Keep your eyes open until we're out of this hellhole.Will do, sir!That barn is the German headquarters in this sector. Get on that MG!Keep on shooting! I'll radio for help.Incoming airstrike! OK boys, follow me!Wilson, take care of those vehicles now!Throw your flares, boys!German counterattack! Hope our boys in the sky keep their eyes open!Move out! We're getting near.MG nest up ahead. Stay low and flank them!You know the drill! Blast anyone that moves!Why are we even considering storming the castle?You have Becker and Wilson to thank for this. Apparently Wilson stepped on more than one of Becker's toes, and here we are.Wilson, if we get out of here alive, the after party is on you.Sure thing.Planes! They're probably on scouting duty. Get ready boys!Anti tank infantry up ahead. Blow them up.We've lost one. Wilson, take out that bunker!Nice one! On to the next!Tank ahead. Brace yourself!They're swarming all around the place. Take down the big targets first.Beautiful shot!Tank at 12 o'clock. Destroy it.Don't get close to the bunker or you'll get burned.Back! Back! Get back!Nice shooting, Wilson!Haha! Nice one!Halftracks! Destroy them before they get away!Bunker up ahead! Waste it!Good one, Wilson! Didn't know you had a talent for blowing things up.Incoming anti tank fire!Blow up those bunkers, Wilson!More tanks incoming. Brace yourselves, boys. This is gonna hurt.Panzerfausts up on those rooks. Blow them up.We're nearing the castle, Wilson. Show me more of that talent of yours.That must've hurt!Fight fire with fire, Wilson. Fire with fire!We're here, ladies. If you need a tour, I suggest you ask the Germans.Germans at the windows!Shoot them down!Clear the courtyard!Get those poor souls out of there.Damn it! If those planes are here, then the Germans are closing in.Wilson, take a few men and scout the exit!Germans incoming! They're too many!Hold your ground, Private!We're saved!Damn good job, Wilson!You're sure about this?I trust my source 100%.Lieutenant Dyer and Sergeant Donovan were with your brother when he was ambushedThere he is.Sergeant. Can I have a word with you?'Course. Glad to see you made it through the latest cr*pstorm.You didn't tell me you were on patrol with my brother when he died.How do you, I mean... how do you...?Never mind how I know. Is it true?C'mon, Sarge. The truth.The truth is... I was s'posed to be there, but I wasn't. I was... there was this nurse. A nice girl, pretty, and uhhh... well, I missed that patrol.Why should I believe you?Because it's the truth!I couldn't tell anybody I missed a patrol where your brother died because I was off, you know... I couldn't do that!Wait a minute, Wilson. You talked to that fella Dyer, right?Lieutenant Dyer? Didn't he tell you he didn't even know your brother?That's right. So why would he lie about something like that?Exactly. And now we know he was there when your brother died.Guess I better talk to Dyer.Wilson, I got some news for you.From what I heard, Dyer was transferred to the Pacific front.He doesn't make it easier for me to find him.At least now I know where I'm going.Good luck, Wilson. Hang in there.We need to clear the resistance in the area.We must get to that castle. Eliminate all opposition.Now, go! Take the bunker out!Grab the flamethrower and destroy the bunker!Sniper! Stay low and hug the cover!Wilson, you have to get on the other side and flank him!Damn! The Flyboys actually hit something...Nine o'clock low! Japanese reinforcements coming up the slope. Take them out!Nine o'clock low! Japanese reinforcements coming up the slope. Take them out!These mortars are pounding the boys on the beaches...Destroy the guns in the caverns.Save the ammo on that flamethrower, Wilson! We might need it later.Friendlies coming in!Well, I'll be... Williams, right? I thought you were in Europe!Wilson. I was, but I got myself transferred out here - into the same battalion as you, in fact.Right, you're just joking. I'm a little slow today. Saving it up for the enemy ahead.I'm not joking. I came here for you. Why don't you tell me about my brother, and this time tell me the truth?Oh right, your brother... Did you ever find out anything?I did. You were with him when he died.Was I?You were. From what I understand, he saved your life. And then they found evidence that he was smuggling medical supplies.But you know what? I'm pretty sure he wasn't.Yeah? That's quite a story. Quite a story. Not for nothin' though: I'd spend more time worrying about the Japanese firing at us, and less time thinking up that conspiracy theory.That sniper must still be there... See if you can hit the barrels next to him.The enemy is retreating from the beaches. A lot of infantry soldiers are coming up the slopes. Get ready!The flamethrower is out of fuel, Roy!Stay back. The sniper is still there. Try to hit those barrels, the blast will get him.Get back, Wilson, or you'll end up like your brother! Okay boys, you know the drill. Stay clear of the bunker, use suppression fire and wait for the gunner to reload.Everyone ready? Go, go, go!Burn it, Wilson!We're pinned down! Wilson, flank them from the right!I'm hit! Wilson, we're about to be overrun!Cannons like this one are pounding our guys on the beaches...Spike those guns!Check every corner and be on the lookout for ambushes.The door is sealed. Wilson, blow it up!Destroy the artillery.Storm the building.Flank left!Flank right!Check your corners!It's done...This is for you, brother...The only way out of this mess is up. We have to take the mountain from the Japanese and knock their command chain out.Once it falls, the island is ours.Incoming! Corporal Wilson, sorry to barge in, but I thought you should know this...Lieutenant Dyer pulled every string he could to get away from this mission.I overheard him talking with the LC yesterday in the chow hall.And he changed his mind only after he found out that you'll be commanding this squad.Maybe it's just me, corporal, but I think he's holding a grudge against you...I've been expecting something like this from him... Thank you, Jimmy.I'll have a few words with the Lieutenant after we finish our job.Listen up, squad! We're closing in on our mission zone. Stay sharp!Snipers ahead, take them out fast!Japanese tanks on the left!Enemy armor on the right.Incoming airstrike.Let's move, punch it!Ahh... I'm hit...Grab the machine gun. Take them out fast.Enemy patrol heading our way. They've spotted us, prepare to engage!More of them, on the left!More Japanese soldiers to the right!They're hiding in the tall grass! Take them out fast!Ambush, find some cover!OK, men! This is our first target: the fuel depot!Jimmy, get the TNT charges ready!But corporal, I thought you had those?No time for jokes, private! Set them for 15 minutes and ready to be armed!Sorry sir, yes sir, they are set and ready!Let's move! Get in cover while I take out those guards.Incoming enemy armor! Corporal, we'll distract them.Get near that tank and throw a grenade inside.Use the tall grass to avoid being spotted.Get in there and place some charges!Charges are set!Enemy infantry coming out through that tunnel, take it out!MG post up ahead! Get close and take them out!Corporal, cover us from that MG, we'll go inside and place the charges!We've got a problem, sir! Jimmy is wounded, come help us pull him out of there!Cover me, I'll pull him out!How you feeling, Jimmy?It's OK, I'm good to go. It's just a flesh wound!Another MG ahead! Flank it through the tall grass!MG nest up ahead. Use your grenades and take it out!This is our last objective. We need to set the charges near those tanks.Corporal, cover us with the sniper rifle while we place the charges!Take out the guards in the watchtowers first.Get up in that watchtower; you'll have a better view of the area.Don't let them get in those tanks, take them out fast.Infantry to the left! Take them out!Enemy soldiers on the right! Snipe them!Incoming tank! Corporal, we need your help down here. Help us take it out.Incoming enemy infantry. Men, take cover and keep this position at all costs!Good job, squad!Here comes Dyer's squad!They've secured our way out, but they've got some wounded men.We'll wait for two minutes while they receive the first aid, and then we move towards the river.Hey, where's Dyer going?Stay here and take care of the men, Jimmy. I've got a score to settle with Dyer.Lieutenant!Corporal Wilson, right on time. We have a Japanese patrol on our trail. Let's move! We'll take it out together!Nope.NO???Tell me the truth about my brother first.Are you mad?!! What is WRONG with you??Tell me the truth.You'll get us both killed!Is that what you said to my brother? Is that...?! No. You know what I said to your brother? Nothing. Not one stupid thing. OK?I don't believe you.Fine. I messed up. I saw an opportunity to take some stuff from the hospital and sell it. I was transporting it under cover of your brother's patrol. He didn't know what I was up to; none of 'em did.Yeah, he saved my life - saved a lot of lives that day. But he was dead, you know?So I planted everything on him... What did he care? He was dead!But I... I got a second chance. And I never did nothin' like that ever again. OK?So that's it.Now. Can we take out that darn patrol?You'll tell the truth when this is all over.Let's just get our butts out of this alive first, OK? OK?!OK.MG post up ahead! Flank it on the right.Wasn't this supposed to be a silent operation?Looks more to me like we've got the entire Japanese army on our trail...MG post up ahead! Flank it on the left.Carefully... there... guards on that watchtower.Use your sniper rifle and take them out.Take out the MG.Let's turn this MG around, they're probably sending reinforcements this way.Let's push forward.Take cover, we're under fire!Up there, in the watchtower. Shoot!They're trying to collapse the tunnels!Double time, men! We have to take them out before they plant any more charges.No! We're too late...There's more of them! Take them out fast, shoot, shoot, shoot!Good job, let's move!Flank them on the left!Flank them on the right!We'll give them a piece of their own medicine!Cover us while we seal one of these tunnels.Job done, bail out!Get back... We have to find another way out. Stand back, I'll clear the way.We don't stand a chance against all those tanks.Jimmy, help me keep them busy.Eddie, go around the back and place some charges near the tanks.All done, sir. They're all rigged and ready to go.Keep low and follow me! Don't make a sound.Clear, let's move!More of them! Hold the line!Incoming infantry, stay sharp!Watch out, in that house!Get back here, it's not safe out there!Turn around, don't break the line!Now, sit back and watch the fireworks!Our mission here is to take out the enemy supply lines.Fuel depot, stationed tanks, ammunitions, everything has to go!Listen up, men!There's still one of them left... Eddie?I swear I rigged them all...Watch out, they're preparing to fire up that tank.Corporal, you know the drill.We'll be the bait; you get near it and throw a grenade inside.Eric is dead because of Dyer.But... does Dyer deserve to share the same fate? Look around you.Recover your gear.Move forward.Move to the left.Move to the right.Tap and hold the Dash icon or press and hold the Keep moving forward, tap the Dash icon or press the  to jump.Jump over the cover.Follow Sgt. Neissman.Assume a high cover position.Enter ironsight mode.Assume a crouched position.Recover your weapon.Get under cover.Jump over cover.Use the machine gun.Defend the position.Clear the bunker.Pick up the flamethrower.Maintain your cover position.Suppress the enemy infantry.Sneak up on the enemy.Find the radio station.Find an anti-tank weapon.Destroy the enemy armor.Fire your weapon.Disable the radio station.Advance.Take out the enemy. Leave the beach!Suppress the enemy positions!Clear the German bunkers!Use the MG.Flank the MG.Flank the enemyUse the grenadesDefend the tankUse the AA gun Go under the bridge!Clear the area under the bridge!Clear the ruins!Hold this position!Follow Johnson!Clear the area!Flank the Germans inside the ruins.Destroy the tanks!Move towards the bunker! Help your squad matesSecure the courtyardProtect your comradesMeet the teamTake cover!Regroup with the teamEngage all enemies!Flank the enemies through the houseAdvance through the cityInfiltrate the church courtyardDestroy the AA batterySecure the courtyardClear the enemies inside the church Infiltrate the cityTake coverUse the barn pathUse the machine gunGet away from the tankAdvance through the citySave the prisonersHeal the wounded soldierGO! GO! GO!Don't let the enemies approachKill the gunner from the houseWait for your squadCheck out the balcony.Get out of the cityFlank the enemiesCapture the vehicleReach the radio stationDestroy the radio transmission machinesCheck the window.Get out of the house.Use the machine gun.Kill the nearest enemy. Clear the area!Use the cannon!Stop the tanks from advancing!Man the MG inside the barn!Get out and find new cover!Take cover behind the tank.Pick off the sniper!Clear the barn!Get to the second barn!Get to the orchards.Flank the MG nest! Clear the area!Use the MG!Repel the German counterattack!Pick up the flamethrower.Flank the MGs.Destroy the bunker!Clear the area! Use the tank as coverEscort the tankUse the tank's gunProtect your comradesReach the city through the canyonFind a way to flank the tanksDestroy the tanks!Secure the city entranceCapture the city Pick up the bazooka.Pick up the sniper rifle.Pick up the MG.Clear the area.Defend the fort.Find your squad.Get to the vehicle.Drive the vehicle.Use the vehicle's gun. You must heal your squadmates! You must protect your squadmates! You fled from the combat area!You must obey your orders!Your vehicle was destroyed!You were killed! Friendly fire is not tolerated!HEADSHOTKILL STREAKEnemies are easy to killEnemies fire more accuratelyAuto-aim is off.Finish the game to unlock this difficulty.Auto-aim is off; friendly fire is not tolerated.%S Mission Stats Time bonus:Enemies killedInfantry:Tanks:Cars:Headshots:Kilroy signs:Mission score:Total score:You failed to complete the mission.Halftracks:Loading...� 2011 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Published by Gameloft under license from Ubisoft Entertainment and Gearbox Software. Brothers In Arms is a trademark of Gearbox Software, L.L.C. and is used under license. Gearbox Software and the Gearbox logo are registered trademarks of Gearbox Software, L.L.C. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the US and/or other countries.AboutBROTHERS IN ARMS 2 FREEBROTHERS IN ARMS 2 VERSION X.X.X INFO AND CUSTOMER CARE: WWW.GAMELOFT.COM SUPPORT@GAMELOFT.COM � 2011 GAMELOFT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PUBLISHED BY GAMELOFT UNDER LICENSE FROM UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT AND GEARBOX SOFTWARE. BROTHERS IN ARMS IS A TRADEMARK OF GEARBOX SOFTWARE, L.L.C. AND IS USED UNDER LICENSE. GEARBOX SOFTWARE AND THE GEARBOX LOGO ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF GEARBOX SOFTWARE, L.L.C. IN THE U.S. AND/OR OTHER COUNTRIES. UBISOFT AND THE UBISOFT LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT IN THE U.S. AND/OR OTHER COUNTRIES. GAMELOFT AND THE GAMELOFT LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF GAMELOFT IN THE US AND/OR OTHER COUNTRIES. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: MARTIAL VALERY PRODUCER: ALEXANDRU-MIHAI TICA RICH GAMING DIVISION MANAGER: MATHIEU VERLAET STUDIO CREATIONS MANAGER: BOGDAN LUCACI GAMELOFT CREATIVE DIRECTOR: STANISLAS DEWAVRIN LEAD GAME DESIGNER: MIHAI CHIRILA GAME DESIGNERS: VICTOR MIHAI VARLAN MIHAI IACOB MIHAI ALIN DINDAREANU ART DIRECTOR: ARTHUR HUGOT STUDIO LEAD 2D ARTIST: ISTVAN KOVACS LEAD GRAPHIC ARTIST: LAURENTIU FRANCISC PAROTA GRAPHIC ARTISTS: EMIL OCTAVIAN ENACHE ANDREI GINO STRATOLAT TUDOR CONSTANTIN STAMATE TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: BRICE "33" RAMARD STUDIO TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: DRAGOS IFTIMI LEAD PROGRAMMER: RALUCA AXON PROGRAMMERS: VLADIMIR NICOLAE COZMA CRISTIAN POPA MARIAN ANGHEL LUCIAN IULIAN SAUCA RAZVAN VASILE BECHERIU VIOREL MUNTEANU CLAUDIU VALENTIN PARASCHIV DIMITYR VLADIMIROV STANOEV HQ PROGRAMMING: VICTOR CEITELIS 3D ART DIRECTOR: CHRISTOPHE LATOUR TECHNICAL 3D ARTIST: AUREL MANEA LEAD 3D ARTIST: ANDREI ICHIM 3D MODELING: CLAUDIU MANEA ALEXANDRU BOGDAN SUTEU RAZVAN GABRIEL GIUBERNEA MIRCEA VALENTIN COSTIN MIRCEA CRISTEA LIVIU MIHAI HQ 3D MODELING: JULIEN LAGRID VINCENT PELISSON HQ 2D GRAPHICS: STEPHANE ZETTWOOG LEAD 3D ANIMATOR: IURA SINCHEVICI 3D ANIMATION: IULIANA VLADULESCU CRISTIAN CIPRIAN VILAU ROBERT VICTOR WEGEMAN VIRGIL TOADER AMALIA SLAVESCU PRODUCER: FANG XIAO JING PROGRAMMER: GUO WEI DESIGNER: LIU JIN 3D ARTISTS: QUAN CONG QIAO YA TING TANG JUN WEI HAI TAO WANG XIU GUO 3D MODELING: ALEXEI MENARDO VINCENT RICOT WRITER: PATRICK DOWNS SOUND TEAM: AUDIO DIRECTOR: ARNAUD GALAND MUSIC COMPOSERS: ARNAUD GALAND MAXIME GOULET ALEXANDRE JACOB SOUND DESIGN: ALEXANDRE LAPIERRE QA AUDIO MANAGER: ULRICH FRANTZ AUDIO TESTERS: NICOLAS TROVATO RENAUD BARIL VOICE PRODUCTION: GAME AUDIO FACTORY CEO: VINCENT PERCEVAULT ACTORS: BRETT VANDERBURG DARRIN BYRD JEREMIAH COSTELLO JOHNALAN NORRIS MARK E. ROSSMAN MICHAEL KRUGER NICK MAURO PHILIPPE HALL THOMAS FITSCHEN YOSHI HAGA HIROAKI SASAKI QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAM: QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGERS: WANG PENG COSTEL APOPII NICOLAS GAUVREAU QA PROJECT MANAGER: ZHOU TONG QUALITY ASSURANCE LEADS: ZHANG YAN ZHAO CHUN PEI MATTHEW BERNARD-LAURIN PATRICE ST-PIERRE-PLAMONDON BENJAMIN JOHN-MORIN QUALITY ASSURANCE: LU SI YUAN MA LI LI ZHANG ZI CHENG ZHAI JIAN CHEN LEI WANG YAN SUN CHENG YU QIU LI WEI LI SI SI ZHAO HAI BIN QIAO LE WU YAN SHENG LUO AN WANG TIAN YONG ZHANG KAI CAI BIN LIU XINALEXANDRE HOTTE CATIE CORBIN ERIC PROVOST FRANCIS BAYARD GABRIEL BOIVIN-SIMARD GIOVANNI LAURELLI GLORIA FRANCE-DEFONTAINE JONATHAN LEBEL JONATHAN DAGAR-MAGNAN MARILYNE ELOI MATTHIEU MANDEVILLE GAUTHIER RENAUD PIGEON ROMAIN DUFRESNE SHIH-EN PETER MA SIMON DEAUDELIN THIERRY DONOVAN THIERRY XAVIER-ALLARD TOM DUSAUTOIR ZARABETH-ANNE WILSON LOCALIZATION TEAM: LOCALIZATION MANAGER: ALEXIS GREEN-PAINCHAUD LOCALIZATION: ALICJA BUFFA FRED LEUNG MARIKO MCDONALD KASPER HARTMAN OWEN WEISS TIMOTHY LECLAIR FOCUS GROUP TEAM: PRODUCT RESEARCH MANAGER: MICHAEL CLIMEK FOCUS GROUP ASSISTANTS: RAUL SALCEDO ELIZABETH CRONIN DATA ANALYSIS ASSISTANT: ILYA GORDON PLAYTEST GROUP TEAM: WORLD PLAYTEST MANAGER: NAHUEL GONZALEZ SENIOR PLAYTESTERS: ROBERTO ANDRIUOLO JORGE TARZIAN JUNIOR GAME EXPERTS: ADRIAN MARCELO BOSI FERNANDO SPINA PLAYTESTERS: IGNACIO ULFELDT ALEXIS DAMIAN VICENS LAURA REGUEIRA LUCAS PEVERELLI GABRIEL VINAZZA TRAILER TEAM: PRODUCER: BENJAMIN GOLDMAN STORYBOARD: PAULO TOLEDO MODELING CHARACTERS: PASCAL BEAULIEU OLIVIER THERIAULT VERONIQUE COMEAU MODELING PROPS: OLIVIER THERIAULT VERONIQUE COMEAU THIBAUT CLAEYS ENVIRONMENT: THIBAUT CLAEYS MATTE PAINTING: CRISTOBAL NIETO RIGS: STEVE HARDY ANIMATION: DANIEL SHLAIFER JOCELYN ROY TECHNICAL ARTIST: MARTIN LUTTERAL SHADER LIGHT RENDER COMP FX: CHI VANG PACKAGING ARTISTS: CRISTOBAL NIETO VERONIQUE COMEAU JULIEN N'GO GAEL LEPREVOST SPECIAL THANKS: ALEXANDRU ADAM RAZVAN PODGORNAI BRIAN MARTEL BRIAN BURLESON PORTING TEAM PRODUCERS LE MINH HOANG TRAN DINH DUY PROGRAMMERS NGO VAN ANH TAN QA LEAD LE TU HOANG QUAN QUALITY ASSURANCE PHAM SON LOC StatisticsBurning FlamesTacticianSpecial GiftMarksmanTin Box ExpertKamikazeHidden PowerSweet RevengeGrenadierMaster GrenadierWorld TravelerFlawlessEnlistedDried OutSunny ItalyLongest DaysIsland ConquestBrave Soldier MedalVeteran MedalElite MedalUnfallen HeroBrick WallLong-Distance RunnerKaboom!Penny PincherKing of the HillStatisticsKill 20 enemies with the flamethrowerDestroy 3 AA batteriesThrow back 10 enemy thrown grenadesExecute 3 headshots in a rowKill 10 enemies using explosive barrelsEliminate 5 enemies using melee Kill 30 enemies using ironsightKill 15 enemies with an enemy machine gunExecute 5 grenade killsKill 4 enemies with a single grenadeFind all the 'Kilroy was here' graffitiComplete any mission without dying or reloading checkpointFinish the prologue missionComplete the Tunisian campaignComplete the Sicilian campaignComplete the European campaignsComplete the Pacific campaignComplete all campaigns on Easy difficultyComplete all campaigns on Normal difficultyComplete all campaigns on Hard difficultyComplete each mission without dying or reloading checkpointComplete a multiplayer match without dying Capture 3 control points without dying Win a match using only grenades (you need to score at least 6 kills) Win a multiplayer round without calling for reinforcements Reach the Master Sergeant rank in multiplayer modePrologue:Africa:Sicily:Europe:Pacific:TrophiesBiographiesJournalWeaponsMeleeMiscellaneousControlsVehiclesMultiplayerStandard RifleSubmachine gunGrenadesFlamethrowerAnti-tank weaponSniper rifleLight machine gunFixed machine gunHeavy machine gunGrenade launcherAnti-tank cannonChanging and reloadingStandard army issue. Very good for close range, with an unlimited supply of ammo. Its main drawbacks are a small clip size and slow fire rate.Issued only in limited numbers due to short supply. Ammo for it is scarce, but it compensates with a large magazine and burst mode.Very useful for distant enemies, they allow you to dispose of enemies without leaving the safety of cover positions.Very effective at close range, but rarely used due to fire hazard and high malfunction rates.The only rocket propelled weapon available. Very effective against tanks or groups of enemies.Similar to the standard army rifle, this powerful weapon can deliver massive damage at long ranges. Ammunition is very scarce, so use it wisely.A powerful light machine gun, with fast firing rate. Available in single-player mode when you complete the game on easy difficulty.Vehicles are equipped with this powerful machine gun. Fire rate is very high, ammo is in unlimited supply, but be careful not to overheat it. Available as a portable weapon in single-player mode when you complete the game on hard difficulty.The standard army rifle can be fitted with a grenade launcher extension, allowing you to fire grenades at a distance. Available in single-player mode when you complete the game on normal difficulty.These fixed machine guns are very good for defending against enemies. They give a lot of damage and have unlimited ammo, but can overheat if used for long periods of time.This cannon is used against vehicles. Gives a lot of damage, but needs to be reloaded after each shot.Slide your finger over the Weapon icon or hold the  and press the   to switch weapons. Tap the Weapon icon or press the  to reload.These mobile units are the backbone of any serious army. They are designed to go over any terrain and can be equipped with a machine gun.Used to deploy troops in enemy territory, the glider lacks any means of propulsion. Cheap to build and deploy, but lacks any means of defense.The tanks are the most powerful units on the ground. Nothing can stand in their way and the only means of destroying them is to use grenades or anti-tank weapons.These armored vehicles are equipped with half-tracks to allow movement in treacherous terrain. They are used to transport troops across land and can be used for attacks when fitted with a machine gun.Every army uses planes to obtain aerial supremacy. Watch out for them, as they can lay deadly fire with the mounted machine guns.ReconnaissanceTanksHalf-tracksGlidersPlanesThe hardest setting of the game. Auto-aim cannot be used.The hardest setting of the game. Auto-aim cannot be used. Friendly fire will not be tolerated.Enemies can charge you at close range. Defend yourself by shaking the device or pressing the You can sprint ahead by holding the Dash icon or holding  You can hide behind boxes or walls to protect yourself from incoming bullets. Be careful though, because grenades can still hurt you. To take cover, tap the Cover icon or press the You can jump over low covers by tapping Jump icon or pressing  You can exit high covers by tapping Exit Cover icon or pressing You can throw back enemy grenades before they explode. Tap the glowing icon or press the  to throw them back.When you are near a machine gun, tap the Machine Gun icon or press the  to use it.When you are near an enemy tank, tap the Attack icon or press the  to throw a grenade inside.During your missions, you will have to gather intelligence, heal teammates and destoy enemy equipment.Each level contains several 'Kilroy was here' drawings. Make sure to look for them when you play.You can toggle between standing and crouching by touching the Crouch icon or pressing  and  RunningEnter coverExit coverThrow back grenadesUse machine gunDestroy tanksSpecial actionsKilroy was hereCharactersStand / CrouchDog TagsReinforcementsRankingLeaderboardYou can earn dog tags for various actions: Enemy player kill - 2 dog tags Enemy reinforcement kill - 1 dog tag Freeing a control point - 2 dog tags Capturing a control point - 3 dog tagsYou can advance in ranking, based on your kill count: Corporal - 2 kills Sergeant - 5 kills Staff Sergeant - 9 kills First Sergeant - 14 kills Master Sergeant - 20 killsYou can use your earned dog tags to call for reinforcements. Rifleman - 6 dog tags Sniper - 8 dog tags Rocket Launcher - 10 dog tagsIf you play multiplayer online, remember to check the leaderboards to see your progress.Congratulations!Thanks for playing! You can test your skill now in the multiplayer section or enter the single player campaign to earn all the trophies!Thanks for playing! You can try to play again and save Dyer, in order to clear your brother's name.You unlocked a new difficulty:Congratulations! You unlocked the %S campaignYou unlocked the light machine gun. You unlocked the grenade launcher. You unlocked the heavy machine gun.Did you like this game? Check out other Gameloft games!MINSECCheckpoint... Game saved.You found ammo for the sniper rifle.You found a sniper rifle.You found ammo for the rocket launcher.You found a rocket launcher.You found some grenades.You found a flamethrower.You found a light machine gun.You found ammo for the light machine gun.You found a submachine gun.You found ammo for the submachine gun.You already have maximum ammo. You already have maximum grenades Trailer SettingsShow HUDShow 3D ArrowShow CheckpointsShow ObjectivesShow DamageShow WeaponShow short textsShow Ally namesShow 2D IconsLoadingLoading.Loading..Loading...You completed %d achievement(s). You completed all the achievements. You earned new achievement(s):� 2011 GAMELOFTMission failedREMEMBER: TAP THE WEAPON ICON OR HOLD THE  AND PRESS THE   TO SWITCH YOUR CURRENT WEAPON.You earned the %S achievement!You found a new Kilroy!Kilroy already found!Your total score is %S.Instant playFull versionBuy full gameGet the gameYou completed the lite version!pendingTop Deals- 5 locations (Pacific, North Africa, Europe)- More than 6 hours of gameplay- Several vehicles to control (glider, tank, etc.)- Online Multiplayer up to 6 playersA FIGHT ACROSS THE GLOBE: - 5 different locations (Pacific, North Africa, Europe) - unveil an intriguing plot across 13 levels - control cars, tanks and gliders - use 8 weapons (incl flamethrower, grenade launcher, machine guns) JOIN YOUR ALLIES ONLINE: - Play locally or online via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth - Up to 6 players - 5 different maps - 3 different modes (Free For All, Team Deathmatch or Domination) - Worldwide leaderboardsShooting RangeTargets hit:Average reaction time:ThompsonGarandMG-42M1 Garand M84GrenadeM1A9 BazookaFlak .88TankM1918M7 Grenade LauncherBrowning M1919FlamethrowerKarabiner 98KKarabiner 98K SBKarabiner 98K SSMP 40STG 44PanzerschreckType 99 rifleType 2 rifleType 97 rifleType 100Type 96Rocket LauncherType 11Overheated!OverheatingReloading�Pod PlayerPlaylistsArtistsSongsSKIPSUBTITLESBrothers in Arms 2ENOKCannot connect to server. 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