Discord Rules; ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 - Follow all of the following rules at all times whilst in the discord and in-game as you can and will be punished for both. 2 - No Gore or NSFW of any kind. 3 - No Racism, Sexism, or discrimination in a serious manner. 4 - Jokes are just jokes. There is a limit to how far they can go. Though most should be taken as such. Majority rules. 5 - No spamming, flooding, or otherwise backing up chats. 6 - No harassing the Moderators about their decisions. 7 - Game / Project slander will result in punishment. [Only as needed.] 8 - Pedophilia, Sexual Harassment, or any kind of sexual blackmail will result in a permanent ban. 9 - Poaching / Advertising without explicit permission will result in a permanent ban. 10 - Exploiting the discord in anyway, shape, or form will result in an immediate ban from it. 11 - No Politics. 12 - If you feel a member of staff is wrong in their decision, please contact a Head Administrator. 13 - Trying to create or abuse any loopholes found in the rules will result in a more severe punishment than normal. 14 - No E-Dating or anything in relation against Roblox ToS. 15 - Harassment of fellow discord members will result in nothing less than a temporary ban. 16 - Abuse of bots or incorrect use of channels will result in punishment. 17 - There are to be no Staff Members abusing their powers. Any found doing so will be removed from their position and barred from the Staff ranks. 18 - Mentioning any Developer or above will result in a warn unless you have explicit permission to do so. 19 - Use some "common sense". If you're bound to be punished and are aware of the actions you are taking, you probably should realize you aren't acting how you should. 20 - If there is a decision about the game / project made, you have a right to an opinion. However, if that opinion becomes corrupted into some form of problematic ideal, it's bound to be stopped. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬