(Stelia gives a warm smile to Terra. She caresses her hair gently and gives her a kiss. She grabs something else out of the same dresser. This time it seems to be a magical pen. Stelia then claps her hands together and creates 4 clones of herself, totalling to now five Stelia. Each of the four clones grab one of Terra's limbs and hold her down while the fifth Stelia wrips her pants and shirt off.) >"Don't worry Terra. I'll give you a cute tattoo that matches mine. Just hold still." (Stelia demonstrate her own womb tattoo that represents her [Lover's Lab] trait. The slime girl doesn't know if the magic pen will embue the same magical properties the symbol has onto Terra but she doesn't really care. She calmly draws on Terra's body an intricate womb tattoo that once finished, Stelia whispers a small incanatation to. The tattoo sears into Terra giving her a burning insatiable lust as well as mild pain.) >"There we go, now you're marked forever as mine." (Stelia grabs Terra's chin. She leans in close and forcefull takes a kiss from her new lover. Each of the clone Stelia's moan as they grind their crotches against each of the restrained limbs.) >"Now tell me again...." (Stelia grabs hold of Terra's fully erect **** and grips her slimy hand around it's girth.) >"Who is it that you love?"