The Greek Royalist Youth server is a meeting place for supporters of the institution of monarchy in Greece. Here are the rules that govern this server: 1/ Freedom of expression Our server is deeply committed to freedom of expression. However, outrageous comments will be punished accordingly. 2/ Justice is blind A member's rank/role offers no protection against the rules. 3/ Rule of politeness Vulgar, rude or offensive comments are not allowed and will be punished accordingly. 4/ Common sense Just because a rule isn't listed here doesn't mean it doesn't apply. All members should use common sense. 5/ Rule for new members New members must refer to the channel ⁠🚪│είσοδος. Without referring there no entry will be granted to the rest of the server. 6/ Lése-majesté rule Members who insult an admin or refuse to follow the rules will be punished. 7/ Rule of Orthodoxy It is necessary to respect the Christian Orthodox faith and understand that it is the spiritual foundation of our culture, people and state. 8/ Use of channels Each channel must be used for the purpose it was created for. 9/ Discord Community Guidelines All members must follow the Discord Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.