Mike and I were in Legion handing out food while I completed some paperwork. Mike was off duty at this time. Multiple were coming and going and the atmosphere was friendly - Corey Newman then appeared, dressed as he always does, and was easily identifiable because he immediately came over to me and told me he was going to hurt me for 'putting him away' for so long the day before. For reference, this is related to when I pushed a full sentence of 130-something months on him for attacking officers in the cells, being abusive and consistently wasting time. I brushed off the first threat but he repeated them multiple times over the next hour, even after changing clothes - which is why I am very confident of who I was talking to even though he was masked as he kept referring to my pushing of his sentence. He was then in a physical interaction with a pair of truckers and was tased. While he was in the vehicle receiving a warning his car was stolen. The on-duty officer at the scene, Rourke, was in his head at the time and multiple people in the area including myself heard him say so. Corey became agitated and abusive as he believed his car had been allowed to be stolen, which was not the case. I moved away at this point given his repeated threats and clear agitation as he has been known to make impulsive, violent decisions and I was worried he was going to act on his threats. At the point when the incident occurred I was further down the sidewalk, almost directly facing what unbeknownst to me was Corey's car. When Corey ran for his car I had no way of escaping or retreating given my position on foot between his vehicle and the wall. Statement from DA Kratos