[18:30:41] Vincent Bisceglia says: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford one, one will be assigned to you free of charges. [18:30:45] Vincent Bisceglia says: Do you understand your rights, Mister Galligher? [18:30:51] Tom Galligher says: Blah, blah, blah. [18:31:00] Tom Galligher says: No, could you repeat that for me? [18:31:03] Vincent Bisceglia says: Oh well. I wanted to help you not get charged with trying to steal a car, Mister Galligher. [18:31:08] Vincent Bisceglia says: If yo uwanna play it that way. [18:31:12] Vincent Bisceglia says: Nah I'm reading him his rights. [18:31:13] Tom Galligher says: Bullshit, you can't do anything. [18:31:19] Vincent Bisceglia says: Yes I can sir. Let me read your rights. [18:31:22] Tom Galligher says: It's like, illegal to give me false promises [18:31:26] Vincent Bisceglia says: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford one, one will be assigned to you free of charges. [18:31:32] Vincent Bisceglia says: Do you understand your rights, Mister Galligher? [18:31:33] * Galeno Rosales opens the back door, escorting Wayne to the front Scout. [18:31:41] Tom Galligher says: Yes, I think I got it this time. [18:31:45] Vincent Bisceglia says: Good. So. [18:31:48] Wayne Marriott says: Hey, Tommy. [18:31:49] Tom Galligher says: Ayyy, Dub. [18:31:56] Wayne Marriott says: Are you stupid? [18:32:03] Tom Galligher says: Evidently, I am. [18:32:08] Vincent Bisceglia says: Mister Galligher. [18:32:12] Tom Galligher says: Yep? [18:32:20] Vincent Bisceglia says: Let me tell you the investigation we've conducted, yes. [18:32:25] Tom Galligher says: Finally. [18:32:31] Tom Galligher says: Let's hear it. [18:32:43] Vincent Bisceglia says: So. In short. My colleague has saw you in the vehicle. However the vehicle's ignitio nwas not tampered, we observed the side door is. [18:33:08] Vincent Bisceglia says: Also. We've collected a cellphone alert regarding the lock being broken into. [18:33:18] Vincent Bisceglia says: And we're waiting on the owner to provide us with CCTV footage. [18:33:30] Vincent Bisceglia says: Now. It is my understanding you were not sitting in the driver seat, Mister Galligher? [18:34:05] Tom Galligher says: I believe might be right. [18:34:11] Tom Galligher says: I believe that might be right. [18:34:19] Vincent Bisceglia says: So. You were in the passenger seat. You didn't desire to drive away with the vehicle, sir? [18:34:35] Tom Galligher says: Yeah, that's about right. [18:34:53] Vincent Bisceglia says: Okay. So. [18:35:00] Vincent Bisceglia says: You don't look like a bad guy, Mister Galligher. [18:35:09] Vincent Bisceglia says: You made a vulgar mistake. [18:35:20] Tom Galligher says: I'd say... [18:35:22] Vincent Bisceglia says: How did you learn to get past door locks like this, Tom? [18:35:40] Tom Galligher says: Just somethin' my brother showed me. Used to have to break into our own home some nights. [18:35:52] Vincent Bisceglia says: So you used the lockpick we found on you on that side door? [18:35:55] Wayne Marriott says [low]: Man— [18:36:00] Tom Galligher says: Ugh... [18:36:05] Tom Galligher says: I don't wanna answer that. [18:36:10] Vincent Bisceglia says: No trouble, Tom. [18:36:20] Vincent Bisceglia says: Listen, like I said. The way I see it. You did not want to steal the car. [18:36:30] Vincent Bisceglia says: You made your way inside and sat in the passenger seat. [18:37:02] Vincent Bisceglia says: The owner of this vehicle received an alarm, right Tom? [18:37:21] Vincent Bisceglia says: So because of this, my colleague is gonna have to expertise the lockpick and match it with the vehicle's paint fragment. [18:38:03] Vincent Bisceglia says: Is there anything you were looking for in particular inside the car Tom? [18:38:41] > Wayne Marriott sighs. [18:39:20] Vincent Bisceglia says: Tom? [18:39:59] Tom Galligher says: Just anything to sell. [18:40:13] Vincent Bisceglia says: What kind of items would sell good? [18:40:22] Wayne Marriott says: Dude, are you serious? [18:40:28] Tom Galligher says: I don't know man. [18:40:32] Wayne Marriott says: We're ******* poor. Anything. Stop with the retarded questions, buddy. [18:40:41] Tom Galligher says: Ay, relax Dub. [18:40:44] Vincent Bisceglia says: Alright. You're not concerned with the questioning mister. [18:40:53] Vincent Bisceglia says: Anyway. I'll just leave you two alone. Time is huh. [18:40:56] Vincent Bisceglia says: 18:40.