Bill Thaxton, The Lone Ranger Race: Human ***: Male Body: Face - Masculine Height - Average Bust - Flat Butt - Masculine Hips & Thighs - Masculine Fitness - Fit Skin tone - Tan Hair - Brown Eyes - N/A (6P) FMSU: Love Nectar Patches x2 (61P) Not looking for too much here, but these are pretty ok. I’m looking for T5 combat and Ooga Booga, plus animal companions to help me get around being completely blind. Global Race Mods: Arithmomania (101P) Going to help me keep track of my shots. And that’s a life saving number to know. Under The Table: Contortionist Mr. Clean (89P) Easy enough. And very practical. Spawn Point: Encore It’s where the Hippenin’s Happenin. Arbiter: Lahash - Arbiter of Will I’ll explain this one later. Respawn Timer: 1 year Death And Deity modifiers: None (119P) Don’t need them. Proficiencies: Str: 1 Agi: 2 Dur: 1 End: 2 Combat: 3 Smithing: 3 Beast Mastery: 1 Alchemy: 2 Banes: Just Passin’ Through Fate Dynamo Mushi -> Sleigh Beggy Masculinity Rose of Thorns Dere Dere (264P) It’s all coming together. More Banes: Calamity Magnet Mark of Failure High Threat Beastial (324P) Friend to animals. Some of my only friends, you know. That’s just the life of a rough rider. But I’m going to take High threat as an opportunity to help protect those around me, if I can. That’s what a Ranger does, after all. Beastial to help me get far more in tune with my instincts, because I’m gonna need’em. Boons: Permanence Man Portions Flavor Flay Sensory Overdose Destiny Drive Unbreakable Mind Unbreakable Will Auxiliary systems Bio-Immortal Pain zero Regeneration Hero (Combat) Demon Lord (Combat) (89P) It’s a long and dusty trail. You’ll need these things for the ride. More Boons: Ooga Booga Max Charisma (34P) Can’t be a proper trail duster if you can’t make friends or navigate the wilds. Items: Boom Stick Prosthetics (Eye, if possible. Riftgate License if not) More Items: Starting Bonus (A six shooter that never runs out of ammo.) Final Proficiencies: Str: 1 Agi: 2 Dur: 1 End: 2 Combat: 5 Smithing: 3 Beast Mastery: 1 Alchemy: 2 “Born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore the stars.” I grew up with this phrase and stories of the old West, both from my Grandfather and the movies we used to watch together. A life full of adventure, and the quiet romantic tragedy of never settling down? I think it’s something I could get used to. Going to have to learn the Guitar on my own, though. The whole ‘being blind’ thing is admittedly a very stupid move on my part, but I’ve always had a soft spot for ‘the blind warrior’ trope. We’ll see how well I can live it out, though. See you folks on the Ol’ Dusty Trail.