import java.util.*; class triangle { public static void main(String args []){ float a=0.f; float b=0.f; float c=0.f; float h=0.f; float s=0.f; float base=0.f; double area; Scanner sc = new Scanner (; System.out.println("enter three sides of the traingle:"); a=sc.nextInt(); b=sc.nextInt(); c=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("enter height of the traingle:"); h=sc.nextInt(); if (a==b){ base = a; } else if (b==c){ base = b; } else if (a==c){ base=c; } if ( a==b && b==c && a==c){ System.out.println("equilateral"); area = (Math.sqrt(3)/4)*(a*a); System.out.println("area is :"+ area); } else if (((a==b)&& ((a!=c) && (b!=c))) || ((a==c) && ((a!=b) && (c!=b))) || ((b==c) && ((b!=a)&& (c!=a)))){ System.out.println("isosceles"); area = (base * h)/2; System.out.println("area is :"+ area); } else if (a!=b && b!=c && a!=c){ System.out.println("scalene");; s=(a+b+c)/2; area = Math.sqrt (s* ((s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))); System.out.println("area is :"+ area); } } }