保奈美 Honami 貴方とこうして食べる明石焼きは何個目かしら? ふふ、正確な数が知りたいわけじゃないの。 ・・・・・・数え切れないほど一緒に過ごしてきたわね、ってこと。 How many akashiyaki have we eaten together? Fufu It's not that I want to know the exact number. I'm just saying that we've had so many that we've lost track of it. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashiyaki ] 保奈美 Honami すっかり定番にしてしまってごめんなさい。 レッスン後の明石焼き・・・・・・。 美味しくて、すっかりハマってしまったみたい。 I'm really sorry for making it like a routine. That eating of akashiyaki after a lesson. It was so delicious, that it seems that I'm addicted to it. 保奈美 Honami でも、このルーティンのおかげで、 今まで以上にレッスンへの集中力が上がっているように感じるの。 However, thanks to this routine, I feel like my concentration towards my lessons would be much better than before. 保奈美 Honami おかげで今度のLIVEは、 また新しい表現に挑戦ができそうだわ。 プロデューサーさんが付き合ってくれたおかげ。 I feel like I'll be able to draw out a new expression for the upcoming live. And it wouldn't be able to do it with you keeping me company. 保奈美 Honami 情熱的に力強く、優しさと温かさを備えた歌・・・・・・。 でもそれだけではなく、 この上手く言葉にできない気持ち・・・・・・。 A song that is passionate and powerful, yet gentle and warm... Not only that, it contains those feelings that can't be put into words... 保奈美 Honami 貴方との日々を重ねる中で、 私の中に芽生えた、ほんのささやかな欲望・・・・・・。 それを表現に昇華してみせたいの! With is passing day I spent with you, there's this small yet slowly growing desire with me... And I want that desire to be manifested into an expression! 保奈美 Honami 何度だって私の歌を聴きたくなるように・・・・・・ 蠱惑的な表現だって、自分のものにしてみせるから。 妖しく艶めく私の歌を・・・・・・聴いて! In order to make you want to listen to my songs over and over again... I will make even the seductive expressions my very own! This bewitching and charming song of mine... You'll listen to it!