Working Name: Cruising With Gun Turrets (RWGT) CWGT is an easy to make 100% ship-based game that allows the player to design their own ship. We start with WWII-era Destroyers, and from there the player will progressively unlock Light Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers (modern Frigates and Cruisers as side tech) and Battleships. (submarines and aircraft carriers to come later as they would need to have unique mechanics) It borrows heavily from 2 games: Warship Gunner 2 and Running With Rifles. The hulls will be based on real life ships and blueprints will be provided for reference, but the main draw will be a highly-detailed ship editor that allows the player to customize their ship and fit it with guns, AA, torpedoes, armor, power plant, fore bridge, aft bridge, subsystems and later, radar, missiles, and potentially even sci-fi weapons from there. The design system is fairly flexible, but a combination of weight and power will determine the mobility of the ship, that is subject to changes by special subsystems. Within the constaints of the system, you can always go full retard and make a Flecher-class with a single 80 cm gun that instakills other Destroyers, or make a stripped down fast battleship that fights with humongous torpedo broadsides. Like in Warship Gunner 2, there are up to 8 weapon slots, where the player will be able to fit his weapons and group ones that are groupable into fire groups, where they will be firing together. Each caliber of gun is highly customizable with adjustable calibre (barrel length in units of caliber, that is, the diameter of the gun barrel), guns per turret, turret height (less space taken on the hull this way by overlapping turrets), adjustable turret housing depth (increases ammunition storage as well as fire rate, but heavier and some hulls can only be so deep) so we need to be able to procedurally scale weapons accordingly. The 8th slot is the automatic fire slots, where some weapons, usually small and point defense ones, are capable of auto fire. These autofire weapons will open fire against air targets and with the right subsystems, incoming shells and missiles, automatically, and addional slots can be converted to autofire slots with the right subsystems. The view and zoom system are isometric like in Running With Rifles, meaning engagement ranges can be rather short. However, since we are model based rather than voxel based, we will have greater freedom in zooming out, and aim assistance will allow us to simulate gravity without gimping gameplay. TL;DR: If was made by 2 autists with 1 with heavy interest in naval history and games, instead of just 1 autist