The Giant Invisible Cat Girl In The Sky (otherwise known as Nia) The not so imaginary friend and guardian of Encore's children, believed to be an excuse for not doing your chores by parents far and wide. tl;dr Force = Mass * Acceleration. She's a big girl. For (you). Twenty times human height. Flies or vibrates through the ground, accelerates to ludicrous speeds, manifests for a split second to smoosh like a meteor, becomes a ghost again. Uses Light to divine the futures of her wards as well as to make sure whatever plan she has in mind is going to succeed. Also: healing. >Race Phantom (Neko) -Reap What You Sow (+15) >Modifications Big Gorl->HUGE GORL (-20, +1 Strength, +1 Durability) Claws (-10, +1 Combat) Dhampir (-15, +1 Strength, +1 Agility) >Proficiencies Combat 5 Strength 4 Agility 4 Durability 3 Endurance 2 Light 3 Strategy 2 >Body Face: Girly (-4) Height: Amazonian (-8) Bust: NA (See Below) Butt: Feminine (-2) Thighs: Feminine (-2) Fitness: Buff (-12, +1 Agility, +1 Strength, +1 Durability) Looks: Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin >Stuff Contortionist (-8, +1 Agility) Back Support (-2) Femininity (+10) Max Charisma (-35, important to being a good imaginary friend!) Unbreakable Will (-35) Pain Zero (-15) Senketsu (-10) Hero+Demon Lord (-80, Combat III->V) Hero (-35, Agility III->IV) Hero (-35, Strength III->IV) Ghetto Demon Core AKA Milky+Enhanced Fluid Production+Mana Tanks (+45) Eternal Virgin AKA Localized Regen (+25) The Big Gay (+35) Nerorare (+35) Dere Dere (+20) High Threat (+20) Eye of the Beholder (+25) >Death Afterlife: Procel's (Unbreakable Mind, Dungeon Dowser) Respawn: 1 Year (+30) Death Is The Only Cure (-10) >Misc Spawn: Encore Players: 10,000