nka town is in the present day Orumba North Local Government of Anambra State . Before now . Nanka was in Aguata Local Government Area ; thereafter to Orumba Local Government , before the present Orumba North Local Government Area . She is the biggest town in the present Orumba North LGA : followed by Ufuma town Nanka was the fifth largest town when she was in the old Aguata Local Government Area ; as follows : Umunze ; Umuchu ; Uga ; Igbo-ukwu and Nanka Nanka town shares boundary with the following towns : Oko Ekwulobia : Isuofia : Umuona ; Agulu-Uzoigbo ; Agulu ; Awgbu , and Amaokpala Villages in Nanka Nanka has seven villages in the following order of seniority 1 . Agbiligba 2 . Enugwu 3. Ifite 4. Amako 5. Umudala 6. Ubaha: and 7. Etti When the British colonialists came to Nanka in 1905 , the first thing They did was to identify persons who had much influence and respEct the in the various villages ; whom they could use as link between the government and the villages . The first person whom the British appointed Warrant Chief in Nanka was Nwankwo Okoli and the second person was Ezeugwa Ezenachukwu . When Nwankwo Okoli died his son Ofomata was appointed as Warrant Chief . Other persons who were appointed as warrant chiefs were Ezeokafor Ezeugboaia and Ezeolisakwe All warrant Chiefs were appointed as members of the Native Court Native Courts were established in 1906 in the following towns in Awka division : Awka ; Achalla ; Abagana ; Isuofia ; Ajalli and Agulu Each of these courts were attended by the communities assigned by the District officer ( P . 3 ) As already noted , Nanka has four warrant chiefs . two came from gbiligba village , one each from Enugwu and Ifite respectively . Wards Structure in Nanka Nanka has 23 Wards , which has been the most convenient ways we used to share things in the town . Big villages have five wards each , while small villages had two each . The names of the wards are list below , according to village seniority , starting from Agbiligba to Etti villages , as follows : AGBILIGBA 1 Umuezeoke ii Abasili 1 ii Abasili 2 iv Umudunu v Oka / umudim ENUGWU : i Umuokwua ii Obunato iii Nnukwu Ogbuefi iv Obele Ogbuefi v Afam / Uhuabor IFITE i Umuezeagbanari ii Uhuagu iii Umuezenwekwe iv Ndu Na Nebo v Amaoye AMAKO Umuezejiofor / Umuezeme ii Ugbene / Etiti UMUDALA i Umuezigwe / Uhuetiti ii Ezeoha / Urunnukwu UBAHU : i Egbutu ii Eyisi ETTE 1 Umunnofor / Umuavu / Abiana / Umunono ii Isiomu / Umuzu / Umuchi / Umuenu Sharing Formula in Nanka Sharing formula in Nanka is predicated upon the size of each village . Based on the sharing formula of the Ward level , one would notice that , three big villages of : Agbiligba , Enugwu and Ifite take 60% shares in the town ; while the four small villages of Amako , no Umudala , Ubahu and Etti take 40% Voting Format in Nanka During general elections which used to be on 30 December of election year ; each village would contribute 10 people per ward Thus , three big villages would contribute 150 voters ; while four small villages would contribute 80 voters . Thus , making it the total number of 230 members that would vote in elections during election year , or any other important decision taking in the town This electoral sharing formula is also applicable to any serious election that would take place in the town ; like amendments of constitution and other important things WHAT IS NANKA KNOWN FOR ? Nanka town is known by all in her immediate and academIc environments as a town that has produced greatest array of professionals and academics . Our professionals are in hundreds and in thousands. If you encounter anybody outside the town and you introduced yourself as somebody from Nanka . The first thing the person would say is that , Nanka has lots of smart people ; either in secondary or university level . I have personally encountered several of them-where they mention some names that are today professors in their different callings As published in periodicals and newspapers , the Nanka League of Professionals , Listed were 45 Professors from the town that are scattered across the world . As of 2018 when Barr . Bmma Achukwu , SAN was elevated to SANship position ; we enumerated Nanka Lawyers to be over 250 practicing lawyers . You must count in your fingertips how many towns in the present Anambra State that can produce this number of lawyers-such might be possible in towns like Onitsha . Nimo and few others. The Npu the NPU is an umbrella Political institution in Nanka consisting of individuals elected into the various positions in the organization. it is headed by the president General, it Also has a secretary, treasurer, financial secretary, and other key positions. the NPU works hand-in-hand with the nanka chieftaincy institution for the effective administration of the town. when the colonial government abandoned the Warrant chief system In the early 1950s, Nanka already had formed a town union called Nanka patriotic union, NPU which was to serve as a platform for traditional and political governance of the entire Nanka. The founding fathers of the NPU were Messrs Josiah Ezeilo, Stephen Ezeozue, Godfrey Ezeonyeokwelu, all of blessed memory. NANKA PATRIOTIC UNION CHAIRMEN/PRESIDENT. 1. Josiah Ezeilo (1930-1951) 2. Alfred Ezenwegbu(1951). He was nominated but he ran away. He protested that mostly Anglicans occupied Leadership positions in NPU So, he was nominated to become the Chairman 3. Stephen Nwankwo(1951-1953 4. Beniah Okoye(1953-1956 5. Aaron Obijiofor (1957-1962). He was not elected but he assumed the position of a Supreme Leader in a time of crisis and dictated the pace of Nanka History. Nanka Meetings were usually held in his House during his days, even during the Biafran Civil Warin emergencies 6. Joseph Ezenekwe(1962). He was nominated but he ran away. He was afraid that it would give the Obu-Ezekeili clan the opportunity to do away with him, since they had attempted unsuccessfully before to kill him 7. Walter Ezeilo (1963-1967) 8. Ebenezer Nwankwo (1968) 9. GLO Nwankwo (1968-1970 January) 10. Michael Enemuo(1970-1971) 11. Augustine Ezenachukwu(1971-1973) 12. Matthias Okoli(1974-1976) 13. Walter Ezeilo(1977-1981) 14. Eleazar Ezeofor(1981-1984) 15. Ogbuefi Gilbert Obiora (1984-1988) 16. Samuel Ezeugwa(1988-1992) 17. 1992-One-month Sole Administrator: Damian Okeke Ogene. 18. Nwagboo Okoli(1992-1995) 19. Damian Okeke(1996-2001) 20. Clement Anwuna(2002-2007) 21. Damian Okoye(2008-2013 22. Bernard Onyekwelu(2014-2019) AGE GRADE SYSTEM : Age Grade is an age long institution in many Igbo Communities . In Abiriba age grade is noted for positive community development . No age grade in Abiriba has come to stay if it was not identified with one project or the other in the town. Very near to us at Amawbia all the market stalls were constructed by age grades . One age grade one market stall. Age Grade in Ifite Nanka : In olden days men were initiated into age grade in a colourful ceremony called "Igba Egbe Agu". Literally "Igba egbe agu" meant shooting of age grade gun. It was an initiation into man-hood. Once a man shot the age grade gun he could be called to do anything a man can do including going to war. As soon as the age grade shot the "egbe-agu'" the members stopped clearing ebe shrine and the younger age grade would take over. NNADIGBO Age Grade is the survivor of the extinct age grades Messers B. I. Ezeaguba and Okey Nnolim in article titled "Age Grade System in Ifite Nanka". Published in the Magazine "NANKA"in 1985 at Page 8 inter-alia wrote: "The Nnadigbos Traditional Duties as an operative age grade include: Isu Ebe which means clearing of the field for a ceremony for young girls of marriage age, organising wrestling matches as and when due and presenting skillful wrestlers to represent the village; covering the walls of village shrines with palm fronds and performing all masculine task involved in the cleanliness of the shrine and surroundings. Construction of foot paths to streams and other public places; sending able-bodied men to the then Chiefs for wars and other duties like farming for the chiefs. For over eight years the Nnadigbo operated, their tasks were performed creditable and to the satisfaction of the entire villageā€. The quotation above gave in sight into What Age grades did in the olden days. Today age grades must be engaged in community development in any town al they exist. In early 1980s age grades in Ifite was resuscitated with Nnadigbo being the oldest. The one time Secretary of Nnadigbo who is over eighty years of age is one Mr. Beniah Okoye. CENTRAL AGE GRADE When Chief S. N. C: Ezeugwa was the President General Nanka Patriotic Union 1988-1992 efforts were made to reorganize the Age Grades in the community so that all people of the same age bracket in the seven villages will be known by the same name even though their administration and operation will still be village based. In Nanka village Unions are stronger than the Town union because of the weakness of the centre the idea of uniting the age grades only in name could not succeed. In 1981 ten age grades in Ifite came together and formed the Central Age Grade. The age grades were 1. Nnadigbo 2: Amala 3.Ogadimma 4. Tagbo 5. Ogbobuike 6. Chikwado 7. Chijindu 8. Obinwanne 9. Chinedu 10. Chigozie The aims and objectives were 1. To unite all the ten age grades for peace and unity 2. To plan jointly for the development of the village. This organisation which do had Mr. Josiah Nwankwo and Julius Okeke as Chairman and Secretary respectively could not implement any project because of lack of unity in the village. The organisation wanted to build village Hall. It is unfortunate that age grades in Ifite could not boast of any completed project either jointly or individually, yet the village is in dire need of water, health center, and village hall.