Here is my harahel build. -Race Kitsune -body choice Female Feminine face Average height Large (Ecup) Feminine ass Feminine Hip Unfit body Pale skin Blonde hair Blue eyes -Global Race mod Monster Mash (Human, 50/50) Mofu Mofu Back Support -Spawn place The great Wilds 10000 player Arbiter of Sanctuary Mastema -Death and deaty modifier Respawn Timer Aww Shit Reincarnation Here we Go Again -Class Profiency Strategy (4) Illusion (Demon Lord) (5) Artistry (3) -Banes Feminity Mark of Faillure Muscle Atrophy The Darkest Hour Damsel -Boons Torpor HUD Hammerspace Inventory Remote Capture Aura Veil Convenient Backstory Unbreakable Mind Bio Immortal Regeneration Demon Lord I want to add that I am deeply racist against human and my life goal will to opress them or enslaving them. For that my life goal will be to wheither trying to unify under my command the Great Wild or to be a subordinate of a demon lord wanting to rule over human and conquest Encore.