[quote="Bart Schenkeveld" msg_id=9935 time=1711559805 user_id=2298] [divboxc=#00103f][hr][align=center][fimg=150,150]https://static.valrisegaming.com/SAMP-RPG/logo_RTU.png[/fimg] [color=#FFFFFF][b]THE POLICE ACADEMY OF SAN ANDREAS POLICE DEPARTMENT[/b] [size=85]ACADEMY CHIEF: James Miller[/size][/align][HR][divboxc=#00081f][hr] [align=center][color=#FFFFFF][size=170][b][font=Century Gothic]EXAMINATION[/font][/b][/size][/align] [hr][color=#FFFFFF] [b][glow=blue]1) General Police Questions (15 marks)[/glow][/b] [u]1. Explain the process for conducting a traffic stop in detail. (2.5 marks)[/u] First we pull over a vehicle, then we report the traffic stop on the radio, our passenger walks up to the window, taps it, they roll down their window. We say our name and which department we are from and we ask how their day is, then we ask if they knew Why they were being pulled over for, if they know we ask for documents right away, if they don't we tell them and then we ask for documents, after receiving the documents we shall tell the partner to run a check on the driver's plate for additional upaid fines. If the driver has done many violations we can decide to fine him, if it was a light violation it could be avoided with a warning, we give the documents back to the driver and we report that the traffic stop has been concluded. [u]2. Describe the criteria for using deadly force by a police officer. (2.5 marks)[/u] Deadly force shall be used only if the suspect has been aiming and shooting at us, we may use deadly force on the vehicle if we are being rammed by the suspect. Deadly force shall be used only if used. We prioritize in using Non Lethal Force. [u]3. Describe the process of conducting an investigation with a suspect. (2.5 marks)[/u] An investigation shall be conducted with a suspect after he claims he is innocent and we do not have visual proof, we bring them to the investigation room and we start the recorder with the suspect sitting in front of us, we say our name, badge number and rank and proceed with questions, we need to check CCTV footage or Police Officer Bodycam to confirm wether or not the suspect is guilty, then we act accordingly, if he is non guilty, we can release him after frisking him first to check for anything illegal on him, if he does he will be seized, if he is guilty he will be arrested and charged accordingly, frisked and seized. [u]4. Define chain of command & list the department's hierarchy. (2.5 marks)[/u] Above all is the chief then we move up to the commanders, then commisioners, then lieutenants, then sergeants. [u]5. Describe the duties & responsibilities of a Police Officer. (2.5 marks)[/u] The duties and responsibilities of a police officer is to keep everything clean of illegal actions taken within the city, and outside the city if requested to, a police officer's responsibility is the safety of all the citizens, that is why we prioritize Non Lethal Force against suspects, we believe everyone deserves to live, when we are being shot at, we do not shoot to kill, we shoot to defend our selves. A police officer should keep the city clean with no crimes and everything in control. [u]6. Under which circumstances can you open fire on an Evading Vehicle? List down all of them. (2.5 marks)[/u] If the Evading Vehicle is a plane, if the evading vehicle has hit a police officer. [b][glow=blue]2) Scenario Based Police Questions (10 marks)[/glow][/b] [u]1. You are patrolling alone as a Lincoln unit in Idlewood when you spot a man being brutally beaten up by a large group in an alleyway. Describe what you would do in detail. (5 marks)[/u] I would report it on my radio and wait for additional units to arrive to the scene, I would try to calm the situation down from a distance, after the additional units arrive then we will take care of the situation and split the group from the civilians, we would call EMS and treat the civilian but we would arrest the group of the people and approach them slowly with backup in our side. [u]2. You are the first officer on the scene of a bank robbery. Describe the actions you would take in detail. (5 marks)[/u] Immediately call for backup and page SWAT, watch from a distance until backup arrives, secure all possible entrances and exits for the bank, barricade around the bank and have EMS on standby for any injured suspect or officer, before all that, we could check for any hostages from the outside of the bank if visible (we can get in and out). We need to plan the rescue of the hostage and try to give them as less as possible in exchange for him if there is one. If I saw any cars outside, I would spike the cars to not let any suspect escape. [b][glow=blue]3) Public Security Code Questions (15 marks)[/glow][/b] [u]1. Whats the main difference between felonies and misdemeanours? (2.5 marks)[/u] Felonies are imprisonment crimes and misdemeanours are crimes that you will be fined for or let off with a warning. Felonies are more heavy and serious than misdemeanours. [u]2. Explain "Manslaughter". Also write examples. (2.5 marks)[/u] Manslaughter is the suspect which has hit brutally someone with his car and kill him but we did not want to kill him, beaten someone up badly and ended up dying but he had no intention of killing. For Example if I was driving and hit someone with my car accidentaly and he ended up dying I am a manslaughter. [u]3. A traffic violator is swerving all over the place, and his breath reeks of alcohol. List down the laws that he has broken with your reasoning. (2.5 marks)[/u] Reckless Driving, Driving Under The influence, if he doesnt pull over then Vehicular Evasion. [u]4. What is Tax Evasion? Explain it and give an example. (2.5 marks)[/u] Tax Evasion is when a citizen avoids paying taxes and/or jumps over the tolls to avoid paying them. [u]5. List down three felonies that are related to Crimes Against a Person. (2.5 marks)[/u] Murder Attempted Murder Assault with a weapon [u]6. List down five illegal items. (2.5 marks)[/u] Heroin Cannabis Sativa Cannabis Indica (over 100g) Meth Cocaine [b][glow=blue]4) Scenario Based PSC Questions (10 marks)[/glow][/b] [u]1. Imagine you are a police officer who has been approached by a suspect who is offering you money in exchange for ignoring a violation they committed. How would you handle this situation and ensure that the suspect is held accountable for their actions? (5 marks)[/u] The suspect would be asked to hands up, if he does, then we will cuff him and suspect him for bribing + the violation the committed. Then we would take them to jail and frisk and arrest the suspect. [u]Suppose you are a police officer who has attempted to make an arrest, but the suspect is refusing to comply and actively resisting. What steps would you take to ensure that the suspect is safely taken into custody and that your safety and the safety of others is protected? (5 marks)[/u] First of all, I would call for backup then we would warn the suspect to comply or they will be tased, if he refuses we tase and we pin him down dragging him forcefully into our locked cruiser, when we arrive at the SASP we will have other officers there to help escort him in prison, if he tries to escape we will suspect him for Evading on foot. [hr] [align=center][b][sub]Best of luck.[/sub][/b] [align=center][b][sub]PLAGIARISM, LEAKING, SUPPORT FROM THIRD PARTIES LEADS TO PERMANENT BLACKLIST[/sub][/b][code] [/quote]