['Make like a tree and **** off.', 'I know how to pronounce it! I ordered fuckin' ja-lap-ano!', 'Smokes, let's go.', 'Get two birds stoned at once.' 'I love all creatures like gophers and deerts, and those things that fly and everything else, but **** seagulls. I got no time for those cocksuckers.', 'And you can teach how to get drunk, get fired from the police force become a... lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a fuckin' idiot that doesn't wear a shirt and looks like a dick but thinks he looks good... 101.', 'You can't tell me to do that. It's like telling the NWA to stop being black.', '****, I missed jail this year. Was it awesome?', 'Don't you have some offs to **** there, boys?', 'What, are you stupid? You fuckin' taste it. Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.', 'You know, your thoughts might be better than mine but I have thoughts going around in my head too about different thinkings and brain things that you can use... and doing different things... and I think I know what's best for my daughter. So **** off and let me fix the brakes for my daughter and then I'll help you with the hash. You guys don't always know what's best. My fuckin' thoughts have feelings of their own too sometimes.', 'Getting caught masturbating sucks. I got caught masturbating in jail 7 or 8 times, it really sucks.', 'I gotta kill this fuckin puppet, Julian.', '****, that's good pepperoni!', 'I mean how many fathers can give a nine-year-old daughter a car? I'm just happy I'm in a position where I can do something like that.', 'Breaker breaker, come in Earth, this is Rocket Ship 27, aliens ****** over the carbonator on engine four, I'm gonna try to refuckulate it on Juniper. Uhh, and hopefully they've got some, space weed there, over. How... how was that buddy? I don't fuckin' know.', 'NAYSA, power rockets are firin' all over the place... they got lasers that are shootin' and uh... Bubbles I can't fuckin' do this.', 'Closed for renovations'? This is ******!', '******* squirrel on my shoulder just told me to **** off!', 'Yeah, it was like, even though Bubbles was Bubbles, he was two people at the same time as bein' Bubbles. He was tryin' to be this other person that wasn't Bubbles, but he was still Bubbles. It was, it was ******.', 'The thing with kids and growings and getting learnings and stuff is that... You can't lie to them. Basically, if you wanna tell the children they can't do something they're gonna want to do it more. When I was young I did all kinds of crazy shit and I turned out wicked. That's because my dad was fuckin' cool, he let me do shit. I was allowed to drive his car around the park, basically took my dirt bike to school, let me grow dope in his shed in grade 7. You know, that's what good parenting is all about. You gotta let them have a bit of freedom.', 'It's shitty work. Everybody does that, all right? Carpenters, electricians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, fuckin' politicians, CBC employees, principals, people who paint the lines on the fuckin' roads, get stoned, it'll be fun, get to work! Oh, and this is the most important, go down to the Shit-Mart. I need a bag of chicken chips. If they don't have chicken, get me dill pickle. And I want a chocolate milk.', 'I'm not getting Lucy one of those 'Cubic Zarcarbian' fuckin' things.', 'At the ****-off hotel Lahey.', 'God damnit Trinity, you can't smoke with the patch on.', 'Lucy, smokes, let's go.', 'What, do you own space? No, NAYSA does.', 'I try to be a role model for kids around the park. If some kid wants to grow dope, they can come talk to me, instead of growing dope 6 or 7 times through denial and error, they're going to get it right the first time and have some good dope.', 'Julian, I don't fuckin' know where it is. It was grade 6. I was drunk.', 'A fuckin' shitty fuckin' trailer park supervisor who hangs around with a big-gutted drunk elf who thinks he's gettin' us thrown back in jail but he can't 'cause he's got no evidence and he's dumb as ****, and he's got this other thing goin' on in his head that's tryin' to... twirly around and... fuckin' get... different... ****!', 'Take-out my ass, looks to me like you're on a date with cinnamon-roll-fuckin-head.', 'What in the **** are you dressed up as a bumblebee for? And why do you look like Indianapolis Jones?', 'I know how to pronouce it, I ordered ******* galapeno.', 'And many can **** off, Lahey!', 'Mr. Lahey and Randy to the ****-off department. Mr. Lahey and Randy to the ****-off department and hurry the **** up!', 'Mr. Stupidy-head, thats, fuckin' pissin' me off right now and thinks he's the captain of the Shit-liner, and by the way your fish stick sucks so **** off!', 'I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'.', 'What the ****? Julian, it must be the fumes, i'm hallucinating, man! Looks like Bubbles has got wings on his back and he's strangling Mike Bullard!', 'Randy, I can see you through all those goddamn liquor bags and lawn-chair strapping, fucksakes!', 'Well, I wasn't one who really ******* noticed anything out of the ordinary but they were requesting songs like Madonna and that which is ******* awesome, but it was Julian who noticed something really ******* weird.', 'Randy only fights with his pants off because he's worried that he'll ruin his tight pants so when the pants come off... look... the **** out.', 'Holy ****, purple squirrels!', 'Bubbles give me the cat back.', 'Treena, I'm stupid. I'm not as smart as everyone else.', 'Randy can't fight with his pants on, he doesn't want to tear his precious little pants. So when the pants come off, look the **** out!', 'You guys are bleeding, you're not getting in my fuckin car.', 'A link is only as long as your longest strong chain', 'All for all and one for one', 'Alright, Heisenstein', 'Astronaut **** and Snoopy The **** Dog', 'Atodaso', 'Avengers of the Nerds', 'Bagmitten', 'Beauty is in the eye when you hold her', 'Does a bear shit on the pope?', 'Don't judge a cover of a book by its look', 'Do onto others as you do onto you', 'Do you wanna get married by me?', 'Every kid goes through phrases' 'For the Gooder of Us All', 'Friends with the Benedicts', 'Good things come to those at the gate', 'Green grapes with the crunchy things in the middle', 'Hit 'em with everything we caught', 'Honesty is just a test policy', 'I do trust his judgmentals', 'I dont have enough people words to make it understand you the way it understands me', 'I'm not going to put my dad in jeopardization', 'It's better to have a gun and need it than to not have a gun and not need it', 'It's clear to see who makes the pants here', 'It doesn't take rocket appliances', 'Keep your friends close, but your enemies toaster', 'Let guy bonds be guy bonds', 'Looks like we need two turnips in heat', 'Long stories get short', 'Passed with flying fuckin' carpets', 'People's freedom of choices and voices act', 'Pick someone your own brain size', 'Sweet empowered chicken things', 'Water under the fridge', 'What comes around is all around', 'Where there's smoke there's wires', 'What Julian doesn't grow won't burn him', 'What Lucy doesn't know won't learn her', 'What the **** does that suppose to mean?', 'Worst case Ontario', 'Scale from one or ten', 'Spy for a spy', 'Sudyfeds', 'Cosby, Bill, and 'Stache',]