****************************************************** * system documentation for pinebox * * this documenet contains all information * * pretaining to pinebox including but not limited to * * installed packages, code compilers, text editors, * * system notes and How To guides as well as a Q&A * * about the system and the provided services * ****************************************************** |last edited on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 | -------------------------------------------| | system host: 53.bhh.sh | | system domain: 53.bhh.sh, pinebox.ftp.sh | | system OS: alpine 64bit | -------------------------------------------| $ code compilers $ ~ python2 ~ python3 ~ gcc ~ erlang ~ golang ~ nodejs ~ perl $ pacakge managers $ ~ pip ~ pip3 ~ npm ~ yarn $ shells $ ~ sh ~ bash ~ ash ~ csh ~ fish ~ zsh ~ mksh ~ tcsh $ web browsers $ ~ lynx ~ w3m ~ links ~ elinks $ text editors $ ~ vim ~ emacs ~ nano $ email clients $ ~ mutt ~ alpine $ IRC clients $ ~ weechat ~ irssi ~ sic $ misc $ ~ git ~ shellcheck ~ tor ~ torsocks ~ httpie ~ fakeroot |------------------------------------------------------| | Q&A | | these are some common questions people seem to have | |------------------------------------------------------| Q: why do you run this ? A: We run this service because we believe technology and programming are an important part of shaping the future of human society for the better