Officer King and Deputy Pierre Paul responded to a Breaking and Entering call in Vinewood Hills. We identified a suspicious vehicle (Black Sultan) next to a house. Deputy Paul was posititioned in a bush adjacent to the door (accross the street) with a high definition camera. Deputy Paul witnessed a man leaving the house wearing a motorcycle helmet and a greenish/black clothing. The suspect was carrying a large Statue, walked from the front door of the house to the suspicious vehicle, and put the statue into in the trunk. Deputy Paul took photos of the suspect with the statue. Deputy Paul jumped from his bush, approached the suspect and told him to Stop and Put his hands up. The suspect jumped into his vehicle and fled the scene down the street. The suspect took a ramp and flipped his vehicle 1 block down the streeet. Officer Paul persued him on foot and tackled him from behined and placed him under arrest. The suspect was then Identified as Yuno Sykk. The vehicle was registered to him and not reported or flagged as stolen. Yno Sykk was searched but no illegal items were found or taken from his possession. Yuno Sykk was informed of his rights and was escorted to Mission Row PD where he pled guilty to Burglery, Resisting Arrest, and Evading. Yuno Sykk was jailed and fined.