1st paragraph 1) I agree with us needing a more consistent play style on some maps 2) in my opinion Mad Lions sometimes works really bad because we don't do ramp pressure, which could be done by the guy that goes towards B early, it might block a rotation and stretch map a little bit 3) the way we play it I agree Mad Lions should be played mostly as a forcebuy (but still with some ak's probably) 2nd paragraph 1) about the input you can have, I agree that you could show him more stuff on the maps and we could use some of them, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense, I agreed we should have a play style on inferno that bases more on A control and mid takes and it should be a different playstyle 2) if we want to combine it, we should have some faster mid rounds like closing in mid like we do on Spirit, so we can be in a better position for earlier mid takes, which could also look like a short explode 3) with the overpass A default I see two huge problems, one is that we are very easy to read when we play it, second is that I'm blocked towards long, which shouldn't really happen, I should be able to open long and leaf being the guy holding long, BUT I agree that we should play it, for me it's way better to be able to play more towards A, especially because most of the people play towards B 4) I also dislike our way of ending the A default, I have no problem with gathering towards B, but the A goes look really bad from my pov, I'm all the time seeing someone rotating and moving, I feel like we lose 20-30s because of our positions and "capabilities" at given time; the problem I have with this is: if CT does something we are in no position to react, very often we should be, otherwise it doesn't really matter, we can go superlate round 3rd paragraph 1) it was said really weird, but I don't want to play the way you guys wanted to play; for me it makes no sense to stack A basically every round with 3 people to not do anything specific, the way I see playing it: we play 3 early when there is a lot of stuff going on, we play 1 (max 2) when there is a little bit, for every situation we should have a protocol, obviously it doesn't mean we shouldn't gamble 3A early, but imo we should play it more with double awp to just lock me on A, or just leave me alone A and play heavy B 2) the problems we had with your way of playing were mostly with rotations, there were a lot of rounds we should just open A, leave one person and play like 2/3 B 1/2 mid, based on what we have, we had bad position transitioning as a filler I will just say about it that I went for compromise, I'm taking part in some of those rounds (going sandbags when I think they could rush/go fast A), because I see a point of being there, it's not like I completly ignored everything you said 4th paragraph 1) I disagree that we need a revamp, I think we should add some stuff towards what we do to make it more complete 2) I agree that we don't utilize half of the map and I understand the point behind it, I think it's good that we are able to play like this, BUT this is a little bit too radical, I wouldn't like to play mid + banana 50/50, but I would like to have games 80/20 banana/mid and 20/80 banana/mid (what I mean is round starts and opening kill strategies, in general applying different kind of pressure), we will probably be fine vs 70% of opponents if we play correctly what we are supposed to play, but if we won't be fine it would be good being able to change our play style into playing heavy mid 5th paragraph 1) I don't understand why grashog wants to play 1-1-3 and 1-2-2, they don't connect with the A default that well, if we wanted to base mostly on A default (which I think we do), we should add defaults like 2-2-1 and 2-1-2, and have some set rounds towards B and B finishes, if we played the other way around, the way grashog wanted to play - heavy B, then the defaults would be okay in my opinion (the 1-2-2 and 2-1-2), we are applying different kind of pressure and we are able to do different stuff 2) I disagree with rushes being bad, we play them too often on praccs, but I think we play them enough in officials, the way we are playing it's okay I would say 3) I agree we should change pace differently (not only with rushes), we lack fast map takes and fast round openings that provides us map control, I can't relate to it because I'm not the guy that takes it, but this is an issue in some games 4) about pace changing, I feel like on inferno we do some semi-aggro stuff on banana, when we could just go for instant banana take, I know I do it sometimes when I have the best spawn to just rush and take entire control and then leave it, you do it as well on vertigo with my flash going through yellow fast, but other than that I'm not really sure how much of it we have 5) I agree with 2nd round rush being a bad idea, although if we were able to cancel rush after they throw counter utility it could be okay in some of the situations, the reason for me is: it's really easy to counter rush and any fast go with closed quater deagle fights 6th paragraph 1) I disagree that rushes won't work vs capable players, I feel like sometimes we just lack information from previous rounds if we can do it, I might be wrong, but there are some CT defaults we can exploit with rushes, but if we know they can't work (sometimes I know we should have), we shouldn't play them 2) I mentioned earlier that we need to have different pace changers 3) all stuff you said here is like the general idea of playing any map in CSGO, it's just vision related and how you want to approach the game, you need to have answers for questions that might occur during the rounds, it doesn't matter what you do, you don't have to be igl to have it, it's heavily player based in some teams, it's just a matter of how you might want to deal with things, gambit plays this way, because it fits their contact play style 4) regarding point 3) I just feel that rushes don't work good with the way we play on overpass so I would drop them until we ( if ) change our game style 7th paragraph 1) about bad spacing, I can tell that it's maybe as high as 80% of the rounds at some moments, we wait, we lose time, we are not ready to do anything, we are out of position, we hold bad angles, we just have bad spacing in general, we should pay way more attention to this, because it is really bad here and our goes are not natural - it also leads to missed trades, but there can't really be any trades because we are in a really bad positions sometimes, we have no trade potential or we can't really hold 8th paragraph 1) I disagree, we do a lot of stuff bad, we have bad spacing, we wait too long, we barely ever play something the way we should because of the grouping, rotations and transitions, we lack information, our communication is bad, there are plenty of misscalls, some crucial things being not called, I don't say we would win those rounds, but we lose a lot because of this and this is a reason why I can't even relate to it 2) I agree we should have a more fleshed out system on some maps, regarding 1st paragraph: this is necessary on dust2 for example, I don't see it ever becoming consistent