Kendra Fry (goes by Kendra Divina on social media) notoriously fakes being lesbian for male attention, despite the fact that she openly lost her virginity for marijuana to a dude named Chris Mandolini back in high school. She's your classic "Tumblr SJW" type and has been for ages, she's a really unpleasant person to be around due to her social, s-xual, and political views. She has been in an on and off "relationship" with a manchild; a pathetic anime nerd named Gaige Hanrahan, who she has cheated on multiple times after stealing him from another woman several years ago. She has claimed to be a lesbian even while with Hanrahan, despite the fact that she has only had s-x with men, multiple older ones, and for money as well. She is diagnosed bipolar and has attacked Hanrahan multiple times to get him to stay with her. She is a MASSIVE sl-t under the guise of being a "s-x-positive feminist" and has stolen several men from several women, including her own former friends. She is not trustworthy as a person, partner, or a friend. She is, however, on the Google Images page 1 result for "fake lesbian", since the Internet doesn't forget or forgive wh-res.