There exists a global agenda, called the New World Order, which intentionally poisons the public, and then dismisses the truthful exposures of the NWO as 'conspiracies.' Some of the poisions are just greedy capitalism, people selling harmful products just to profit, others are inteional poisons, often a mix of both. The theme of the NWO is they poison people, and say the poisons are medicines. In the example of vaccines causing Autism, the Vaccines are a medicine in that the vaccines grant immunity to certain viruses, but a poison in the neurological toxins mercury , alluminum , and other toxic vaccine ingredients. The NWO controlls fake medical organizations, to promote and cover up harms caused by the poisions they mass distribute to people, such as the CDC, which covers up vaccine related seizures. The NWO has 'doctors', 'health officials' under their control which promote their toxins as medicine. They say "Theres no proof of any harm in all these >>Faked, Biased<< studies." Lack of evidence, intentionally biased studies, are not sufficient. The NWO knows their toxins are harmful, and basically creates fake studies showing that their vaccines arnt harmful, to convince the public that their poisionous vaccines, are actually harmless, based upon FAKE/Biased STUDIES, which selectively ignore the harmful effects of the vaccines. 1. Ciggarettes and Tobacco, Alcohol, thousands of cases of lung cancer and alcohol related car accidents and domestic violence. 2. Flouride, neurotoxin, claimed to be good for teeth but most flouride never touches the teeth and is simply swallowed and accumulates in the bodily organs causing toxicity. 3. Vaccines cause Autism, intenionally neurotoxic vaccine ingredients, such as Alluminum, Mercury Thermerasol, and MRC-5 Cell DNA, which gets assimilated into the body, and expresses over 560+ cancerous genetic codes, meaning, a healthy person is injected with Neurotoxic Mercury straight into the blood stream, when mercury is eaten, the kidneys, liver, and similar filtering systems remove the mercury, but when Mercury or other toxic vaccine ingredients such as alluminum are injected straight into the bloodstream, the neurotoxins reach the brain within seconds, before the blood can be filtered totally, guarantee'ing neurological harm. The MRC-5 is a complete human DNA cells, which are picked up by the Bodies mRNA and encoded, genetic instructions enacted. And Cancer is expressed, according to the cancerous coding of the MRC-5 Genetic Code. Cancerous Genetic Instructions DNA is injected into peoples bloodstream directly. Vaccines are neurotoxins, and 'autism' is just a diagnostic label to hide the truth, the truth about vaccines is they are intentionally neurotoxic, and 'autism' is just a synonym for Vaccine Neurotoxin Introduced BRAIN DAMAGE. Its not Autism, its VACCINE INDUCED BRAIN DAMAGE. Then, the NWO says 'All studies show no harm'. This isn't good enough, because the studies done were done to show a bias twords 'vaccines cause no harm'. Honest science, directly comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated kids Autism rates, would clearly show that vaccinated kids have autism, and non-vaccianted kids are healthy and normal. Lookup 'Gardasil' Vaccine Deaths, 'MMR Vaccine Autism' Same story told thousands of times, healthy kid, gets vaccinated, becomes non-verbal autistic. Healthy Kid, gets vaccinated, has seizure and cant walk. Healthy Kid, gets vaccinated, becomes paralized. The bodily harm is caused by the vaccines. The vaccines are causing neurological brain damage and other bodily harms. I am therefore calling for a total cessetation, a stoping of all vaccines, in the name of public health. 4. Chemtrails. The Former head of the CIA, John Brennan calls it 'Atmospheric Aerosol Injection'. Particles can be injected into the airstream, and block out the sun, or cause the trees below to die, or the crops to not grow, or deliver toxic mold spores to then cause plant disease, or more. 5. Bisphenol-A BPA Synthetic Estrogen, femenizes men and causes neurotoxicicity, brain cancer. 6. The Gay Agenda The promotion of 'Gay' in movies, songs, and artificial popular culture, exists to normalize the 'gay' ideals, in order to prevent people from having children, by being Gay instead. 7. Covid19 was Invented by Bill Gates, Anthony Fauchi and similar Klaous Schwab, Bilderberg, Rothschild, George and Alexander Soros, Liberal, Democrat, Pro-gay, pro-abortion evil humans. SPARS Document, Operation Lockstep, Crimsion Contagion, Event 201. Bill Gates has said 'More deadly viruses will be released soon, by 'bio-terrists'. Bill Gates is the one who is going to relase the new more deadly viruses. and The NWO controlled News media will label the new virus as a 'bio-terrorist attack'. Arrest Bill Gates, Anthony Fauchi, for the invention and release of Covid19. 8. Pro-Abortion, another anti-fertility/birth reduction tool. 9. 'Anti-Depressants' actually worsen depression, numb emotion, dull creativity, lower *** ability, and increase suisidality. Most school shooting, were done by teens on anti-depressants, which dull emotion and make people psychopathic by being emotionally numb. "However, in children and adolescents, there appears to be a bit of increased risk of suicidal ideations and attempts, but not of completed suicides. " Please arrest the members of the satanic, Evil new world order: Bill Gates of Microsoft - Funder of Gain of Function Virus research. Anthony Fauchi of CDC - Creator of Gain of Function Virus Research. Klaous Schwab of WeForum - Idealistic mastermind of the controlled collapse of society, via border immegrant migrations to destabalize the host country, to microchipping the population. Rothschilds - Funds NWO activities. Bilderbergs - Funds NWO activities. George and Alexander Soros - Stimulates social caous with AntiFA and BLM and more. AntiFA - Domestic Terrorist Violence Organization Black Lives Matter - Domestic Terrorist Violence Organization