#CharacterSheet //Abilities set Strength 0 set Constitution 0 set Dexterity 0 set Intelligence 0 set Wizdom 0 set Charisma 0 //Tags to select a number/abilitie //number tags set sixteenTag 0 set fifteenTag 0 set thirteenTag 0 set tweleveTag 0 set nineTag 0 set eightTag 0 //abilitie tags set StrengthTag 0 set ConstitutionTag 0 set DexterityTag 0 set IntelligenceTag 0 set WizdomTag 0 set CharismaTag 0 //Modifiers set STR 0 set CON 0 set DEX 0 set INT 0 set WIZ 0 set CHA 0 //Select a call #ChooseStatsIn //Use the values of your Abilities to set your modifier values call #SetSTR call #SetCON call #SetDEX call #SetINT call #SetWIZ call #SetCHA quit #setBlank set Strength 0 set Constitution 0 set Dexterity 0 set Intelligence 0 set Wizdom 0 set Charisma 0 quit #checkStats msg Abilities :: {Strength} {Constitution} {Dexterity} {Intelligence} {Wizdom} {Charisma} msg Modifiers :: {STR} {CON} {DEX} {INT} {WIZ} {CHA} quit #ChooseStatsIn call #ChooseStats quit //Make Stat selection,reset if used, Then number selection,reset if used, Then set stat to number and set number tag and stat tag to 1 to indicate used state //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ChooseStats msg Choose the abilitie to set. reply 1|Strength|#ChooseStats2|StrengthTag reply 2|Constitution|#ChooseStats2|ConstitutionTag reply 3|Dexterity|#ChooseStats2|DexterityTag reply 4|Intelligence|#ChooseStats2|IntelligenceTag reply 5|Wizdom|#ChooseStats2|WizdomTag reply 6|Charisma|#ChooseStats2|CharismaTag quit #ChooseStats2 //If already used, msg, Then restart choosestats, if not used call ChooseNumber msg choose stats2 if {runArg1}|=|1 msg You already set this abilitie. if {runArg1}|=|1 call #ChooseStats if {runArg1}|=|0 call #ChooseNumber quit #ChooseNumber msg Choose the value to set this abilitie to. reply 1|16|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|sixteenTag reply 2|15|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|fifteenTag reply 3|13|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|thirteenTag reply 4|12|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|tweleveTag reply 5|9|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|nineTag reply 6|8|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|eightTag quit #ChooseNumber2 msg choose number2 //If already used, msg, Then restart choosenumber, if not used call setStat if {runArg2}|=|1 msg You already used this number on a abilitie. if {runArg2}|=|1 call #ChooseNumber2 if {runArg2}|=|0 call #setStat|runArg1|runArg2 quit #setStat msg setStat set statName runArg1 set StrengthTag2 StrengthTag set ConstitutionTag2 ConstitutionTag set DexterityTag2 DexterityTag set IntelligenceTag2 IntelligenceTag set WizdomTag2 WizdomTag set CharismaTag2 CharismaTag show StrengthTag2 show statName msg sets done if statName|=|{StrengthTag2} call #setStr|runArg2 if statName|=|{ConstitutionTag2} call #setCon|runArg2 if statName|=|{DexterityTag2} call #setDex|runArg2 if statName|=|{IntelligenceTag2} call #setInt|runArg2 if statName|=|{WizdomTag2} call #setWiz|runArg2 if statName|=|{CharismaTag2} call #setCha|runArg2 msg after set calls quit //For stat set to given number #setStr msg setStr set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Strength 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Strength 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Strength 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Strength 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Strength 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Strength 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set StrengthTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setCon set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Constitution 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Constitution 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Constitution 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Constitution 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Constitution 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Constitution 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set ConstitutionTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setDex set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Dexterity 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Dexterity 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Dexterity 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Dexterity 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Dexterity 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Dexterity 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set DexterityTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setInt set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Intelligence 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Intelligence 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Intelligence 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Intelligence 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Intelligence 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Intelligence 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set IntelligenceTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setWiz set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Wizdom 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Wizdom 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Wizdom 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Wizdom 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Wizdom 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Wizdom 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set WizdomTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setCha set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Charisma 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Charisma 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Charisma 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Charisma 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Charisma 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Charisma 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set CharismaTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit //Check what value a stat is at and set modifier correctly //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //STR #SetSTR if Strength|<=|3 set STR -3 if Strength|>|3 call #SetSTR2 quit #SetSTR2 if Strength|<=|5 set STR -2 if Strength|>|5 call #SetSTR3 quit #SetSTR3 if Strength|<=|8 set STR -1 if Strength|>|8 call #SetSTR4 quit #SetSTR4 if Strength|<=|12 set STR 0 if Strength|>|12 call #SetSTR5 quit #SetSTR5 if Strength|<=|15 set STR 1 if Strength|>|15 call #SetSTR6 quit #SetSTR6 if Strength|<=|17 set STR 2 if Strength|>|17 call #SetSTR7 quit #SetSTR7 if Strength|<=|18 set STR 3 quit //CON #SetCON if Constitution|<=|3 set CON -3 if Constitution|>|3 call #SetCON2 quit #SetCON2 if Constitution|<=|5 set CON -2 if Constitution|>|5 call #SetCON3 quit #SetCON3 if Constitution|<=|8 set CON -1 if Constitution|>|8 call #SetCON4 quit #SetCON4 if Constitution|<=|12 set CON 0 if Constitution|>|12 call #SetCON5 quit #SetCON5 if Constitution|<=|15 set CON 1 if Constitution|>|15 call #SetCON6 quit #SetCON6 if Constitution|<=|17 set CON 2 if Constitution|>|17 call #SetCON7 quit #SetCON7 if Constitution|<=|18 set CON 3 quit //DEX #SetDEX if Dexterity|<=|3 set DEX -3 if Dexterity|>|3 call #SetDEX2 quit #SetDEX2 if Dexterity|<=|5 set DEX -2 if Dexterity|>|5 call #SetDEX3 quit #SetDEX3 if Dexterity|<=|8 set DEX -1 if Dexterity|>|8 call #SetDEX4 quit #SetDEX4 if Dexterity|<=|12 set DEX 0 if Dexterity|>|12 call #SetDEX5 quit #SetDEX5 if Dexterity|<=|15 set DEX 1 if Dexterity|>|15 call #SetDEX6 quit #SetDEX6 if Dexterity|<=|17 set DEX 2 if Dexterity|>|17 call #SetDEX7 quit #SetDEX7 if Dexterity|<=|18 set DEX 3 quit //INT #SetINT if Intelligence|<=|3 set INT -3 if Intelligence|>|3 call #SetINT2 quit #SetINT2 if Intelligence|<=|5 set INT -2 if Intelligence|>|5 call #SetINT3 quit #SetINT3 if Intelligence|<=|8 set INT -1 if Intelligence|>|8 call #SetINT4 quit #SetINT4 if Intelligence|<=|12 set INT 0 if Intelligence|>|12 call #SetINT5 quit #SetINT5 if Intelligence|<=|15 set INT 1 if Intelligence|>|15 call #SetINT6 quit #SetINT6 if Intelligence|<=|17 set INT 2 if Intelligence|>|17 call #SetINT7 quit #SetINT7 if Intelligence|<=|18 set INT 3 quit //WIZ #SetWIZ if Wizdom|<=|3 set WIZ -3 if Wizdom|>|3 call #SetWIZ2 quit #SetWIZ2 if Wizdom|<=|5 set WIZ -2 if Wizdom|>|5 call #SetWIZ3 quit #SetWIZ3 if Wizdom|<=|8 set WIZ -1 if Wizdom|>|8 call #SetWIZ4 quit #SetWIZ4 if Wizdom|<=|12 set WIZ 0 if Wizdom|>|12 call #SetWIZ5 quit #SetWIZ5 if Wizdom|<=|15 set WIZ 1 if Wizdom|>|15 call #SetWIZ6 quit #SetWIZ6 if Wizdom|<=|17 set WIZ 2 if Wizdom|>|17 call #SetWIZ7 quit #SetWIZ7 if Wizdom|<=|18 set WIZ 3 quit //CHA #SetCHA if Charisma|<=|3 set CHA -3 if Charisma|>|3 call #SetCHA2 quit #SetCHA2 if Charisma|<=|5 set CHA -2 if Charisma|>|5 call #SetCHA3 quit #SetCHA3 if Charisma|<=|8 set CHA -1 if Charisma|>|8 call #SetCHA4 quit #SetCHA4 if Charisma|<=|12 set CHA 0 if Charisma|>|12 call #SetCHA5 quit #SetCHA5 if Charisma|<=|15 set CHA 1 if Charisma|>|15 call #SetCHA6 quit #SetCHA6 if Charisma|<=|17 set CHA 2 if Charisma|>|17 call #SetCHA7 quit #SetCHA7 if Charisma|<=|18 set CHA 3 quit