#### EPIC ### As a Organization, I want to be able to add Stripe as a Payment Method so that I can pay with it to freelancers. The reason Organizations have been asking for Stripe is that they want to pay recurrently to freelancers in a fixed monthly or weekly amount. ### Stories Structure: - Add - Connect Stripe - One Account Preexisted - Add - Connect Stripe - Multiple Accounts Preexisted - Edit - Edit Stripe Payment - Remove - Stripe Payments - Test Stripe Payments - Error Pages - Country of Origin does not match - Missing fields - in case Stripe does not have the same fields as us - Reconnect Stripe - Token expired #### Story 01 ### Allow an Organization to Add Stripe - One account preexisted The users needs to access the payments menu and have the option to add Stripe as a method. Once the users chooses the Stripe options, they need to have an option to "*Connect with Stripe*" - button. To connect they will need to click on the "*Connect with Stripe*" button, where they will be redirected to a authentication page provided by Stripe, where they will need to add their Stripe credentials, once the connection is successful they will be redirected back to the previous page. Once they reach the page we should let them now that the connection is done and that they can now start using it. **Steps:** - Add a new Stripe Payment Method option on the Add Payments Page - New Stripe Payment Method Page using Stripes Connect recommendations - Stripe Connected - Stripe Error, not connected - Payments List view with Stripe Notes: the Stripe Connect button should have an explanation to the user that they are going to leave the website, and that a Stripe Account is required to do so, if they do not have an account they will be asked to create one, and if they have multiple they will be asked by Stripe to choose the right one. **Journey with 1 Stripe account previous created** ```mermaid sequenceDiagram Note left of Payments List: Successful
Journey Payments List ->> Add New Stripe Payment: Create New, Give it a name Add New Stripe Payment-->>Stripe Connect: External Link Stripe Connect-->>Add New Stripe Payment: Successfull Connected Add New Stripe Payment ->> Payments List: Saved, back to list ``` ### Not Accepted - Out of scope - We are not going to use the Stripe Api Key to connect. - If the user needs to open a browser pop-up. - If the user needs to add manually and DATA to the form besides the Payment name, because all information should come from Stripes. --------------- #### Story 02 ### Allow an Organization to Add Stripe - Multiple accounts preexisted The users needs to access the payments menu and have the option to add Stripe as a method. Once the users chooses the Stripe options, they need to have an option to "*Connect with Stripe*" - button. To connect they will need to click on the "*Connect with Stripe*" button, where they will be redirected to a authentication page provided by Stripe, where they will need to add their Stripe credentials, differently from when the user only has one account, when they have multiple, they need to be very careful to choose the right one and once the connection is successful they will be redirected back to the previous page. Once they reach the page we should let them now that the connection is done and that they can now start using it. **Steps:** - Add a new Stripe Payment Method option on the Add Payments Page - New Stripe Payment Method Page using Stripes Connect recommendations - Stripe Connected - Stripe Error, not connected - Payments List view with Stripe Notes: the Stripe Connect button should have an explanation to the user that they are going to leave the website, and that a Stripe Account is required to do so, if they do not have an account they will be asked to create one, and if they have multiple they will be asked by Stripe to choose the right one. **Journey with 1 Stripe account previous created** ```mermaid sequenceDiagram Note left of Payments List: Successful
Journey Payments List ->> Add New Stripe Payment: Create New, Give it a name Add New Stripe Payment-->>Stripe Connect: External Link Note right of Stripe Connect: User changes
account Stripe Connect-->>Add New Stripe Payment: Successfull Connected Add New Stripe Payment ->> Payments List: Saved, back to list ``` ### Not Accepted - Out of scope - We are not going to use the Stripe Api Key to connect. - If the user needs to open a browser pop-up. - If the user needs to add manually and DATA to the form besides the Payment name, because all information should come from Stripes. ---------------