Yaum – e – Pakistan “With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan) A resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940 in Lahore by All Indian Muslim League which paved the road to creation of Pakistan. Over the period of time it was called by many names such as Pakistan Day, Resolution Day or Lahore Resolution, but one thing that remain constant was its magnificent important to Pakistan and to each and every one living in Pakistan. Pakistan Resolution is considered as one of the most powerful political movements in the world of politics. Pakistan Resolution Day main celebration is held in Islamabad, which includes military and civilian parades. The President of Pakistan is also in attendance and grants military and civilian awards to those who have contributed to Pakistan. Tribute is played to the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, with the laying of wreaths, song, and prayers. Pakistan Day is a national holiday, this day is usually spent surrounded by friends and family to celebrate Pakistan’s rich history! The people celebrate the day with great enthusiasm. Before Pakistan resolution vs after Pakistan resolution. Why Pakistan resolution has to done to Muslims. The importance of Pakistan Resolution. How Muslims were unguided and did not know what will happen. The Pakistan Resolution change the life of Muslims.