Here's a presentation by Dr. Jim Tucker who followed in the footsteps of Dr. Ian Stevenson. [Open] Here's one of the more compelling cases in the west and referenced in the above video in the end. You can read up on Dr. Stevenson here (or watch the video) You can read one of his books here. I recommend the book because he goes into great detail in the cases, as well as the strength and weaknesses of the cases. Evidence that suggest the reality of reincarnation From the abstract: >In many cases, the revelations of the children have been verified and have corresponded to a particular individual, already dead. A good number of these children have marks and birth defects corresponding to wounds on the body of his previous personality. Many have behaviors related to their claims to their former life: phobias, philias, and attachments. Others seem to recognize people and places of his supposed previous life, and some of their assertions have been made under controlled conditions. The list continues if you look. While we cannot provide conclusive proof, there are thousands of studied cases that provide so much evidence for the phenomenon that it cannot be ignored.