## Interfaces ``` ClientRenderTargets001 EngineTraceClient004 EngineTraceClientDecals004 EventSystem001 GameUI011 ISoundC002 RunGameEngine005 ShaderSystem002 VClient018 VClientEntityList003 VClientPrediction001 VCvarQuery001 VDebugOverlay004 VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION005 VENGINE_LAUNCHER_API_VERSION004 VEngineModel016 VEngineRandom001 VEngineRenderView013 VGUI_System010 VMaterialSystemConfig004 ``` ## Miscellaneous ``` TimeDateStamp = 0x6132da77 CheckSum = 0x2047f75 GameVersion = "v3.0.3.60" ``` ## NetworkedStringTables ``` EffectDispatch ExtraParticleFilesTable ImpactEffectTableNames Materials Movies ParticleEffectNames ScriptNames SoundIDs VguiScreen WeaponNames localize ``` ## Buttons These are addresses to global instances of the [`kbutton_t`](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/master/mp/src/game/client/kbutton.h#L14-L20) struct. ``` kbutton_t in_attack; kbutton_t in_backward; kbutton_t in_break; kbutton_t in_camin; kbutton_t in_camout; kbutton_t in_campitchdown; kbutton_t in_campitchup; kbutton_t in_camyawleft; kbutton_t in_camyawright; kbutton_t in_commandermousemove; kbutton_t in_dodge; kbutton_t in_duck; kbutton_t in_forward; kbutton_t in_graph; kbutton_t in_jump; kbutton_t in_klook; kbutton_t in_left; kbutton_t in_lookdown; kbutton_t in_lookup; kbutton_t in_melee; kbutton_t in_movedown; kbutton_t in_moveleft; kbutton_t in_moveright; kbutton_t in_moveup; kbutton_t in_offhand0; kbutton_t in_offhand1; kbutton_t in_offhand2; kbutton_t in_offhand3; kbutton_t in_offhand4; kbutton_t in_pause_menu; kbutton_t in_ping; kbutton_t in_reload; kbutton_t in_right; kbutton_t in_score; kbutton_t in_showscores; kbutton_t in_speed; kbutton_t in_strafe; kbutton_t in_toggle_duck; kbutton_t in_toggle_zoom; kbutton_t in_use; kbutton_t in_useAndReload; kbutton_t in_use_alt; kbutton_t in_use_long; kbutton_t in_variableScopeToggle; kbutton_t in_walk; kbutton_t in_weaponCycle; kbutton_t in_weapon_discard; kbutton_t in_zoom; ``` ## ClientClasses
client_class CAI_BaseNPC class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1dc0`
client_class CAmbientGeneric class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xac0`
client_class CBaseAnimating class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1690`
client_class CBaseAnimatingOverlay class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x19e0`
client_class CBaseButton class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CBaseCombatCharacter class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1c00`
client_class CBaseEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CBaseGrenade class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x2df0`
client_class CBaseParticleEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CBaseTempEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x28`
client_class CBaseToggle class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa90`
client_class CBaseTrigger class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CBaseVPhysicsTrigger class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa70`
client_class CBaseViewModel class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x4fb0`
client_class CBoneFollower class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa70`
client_class CBreakableProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1690`
client_class CBreakableSurface class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xec0`
client_class CCascadeLight class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xbb0`
client_class CColorCorrection class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xbb0`
client_class CCrossbowBolt class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x2d60`
client_class CDeathBoxProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1710`
client_class CDynamicLight class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa80`
client_class CDynamicProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16d0`
client_class CDynamicPropLightweight class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16d0`
client_class CEntityBlocker class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CEntityDissolve class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa90`
client_class CEntityLinkPage class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1270`
client_class CEnvDecoy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1690`
client_class CEnvWind class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xbe0`
client_class CFirstPersonProxy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1700`
client_class CFuncBrush class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xad0`
client_class CFuncBrushLightweight class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xad0`
client_class CFuncMoveLinear class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa90`
client_class CGameRulesProxy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CGlobalNonRewinding class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1270`
client_class CGrappleHook class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16a0`
client_class CHardPointEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CHardPointFrontierEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CHealthKit class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1690`
client_class CImportantOnEntSound class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa80`
client_class CInfoPlacementHelper class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa80`
client_class CInfoTarget class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CInfoTargetGravity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa70`
client_class CInfoTargetMinimap class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CLootGrabber class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16e0`
client_class CLootRoller class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1700`
client_class CMissile class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x2eb0`
client_class CMovieDisplay class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xbc0`
client_class CNPC_Drone class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1de0`
client_class CNPC_Dropship class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1df0`
client_class CNPC_SentryTurret class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1de0`
client_class CNPC_Titan class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1e60`
client_class CParticleSystem class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xb20`
client_class CPhysicsProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16f0`
client_class CPlayer class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x46a0`
client_class CPlayerDecoy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1700`
client_class CPlayerTasklist class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xfb0`
client_class CPlayerVehicle class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1d70`
client_class CPlayerWaypoint class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xd60`
client_class CPointCamera class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xb10`
client_class CPortal_PointPush class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa80`
client_class CPostProcessController class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa80`
client_class CPredictedFirstPersonProxy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1720`
client_class CProjectile class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x2d30`
client_class CPropDoor class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1790`
client_class CPropSurvival class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16c0`
client_class CRopeKeyframe class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xf40`
client_class CScriptMover class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x18c0`
client_class CScriptMoverTrainNode class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1090`
client_class CScriptNetData class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xc70`
client_class CScriptNetDataGlobal class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xda0`
client_class CScriptNetDataGlobalNonRewind class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xda0`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xcc0`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xda0`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL_NON_REWIND class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xda0`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xd40`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE_EXPANDED class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xdb0`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xd40`
client_class CScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xcf0`
client_class CScriptProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1770`
client_class CScriptTraceVolume class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa90`
client_class CShieldProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x16e0`
client_class CSkyCamera class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa60`
client_class CStatueProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1720`
client_class CStatusEffectPlugin class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CTEBreakModel class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x70`
client_class CTEEffectDispatch class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xd0`
client_class CTEExplosion class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x80`
client_class CTEGibEvent class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x38`
client_class CTEParticleSystem class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x38`
client_class CTEPhysicsProp class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x60`
client_class CTEProjectileTrail class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x58`
client_class CTEScriptParticleSystem class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x50`
client_class CTEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x40`
client_class CTEScriptParticleSystemOnEntityWithPos class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x58`
client_class CTEShatterSurface class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x68`
client_class CTESoundDispatch class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x48`
client_class CTeam class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xbc0`
client_class CTitanSoul class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xde0`
client_class CTriggerCylinderHeavy class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xb70`
client_class CTriggerNoGrapple class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CTriggerNoObjectPlacement class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CTriggerNoZipline class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CTriggerPlayerMovement class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xab0`
client_class CTriggerPointGravity class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xac0`
client_class CTriggerSlip class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xac0`
client_class CTriggerUpdraft class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xaa0`
client_class CTurret class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1aa0`
client_class CVGuiScreen class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xb10`
client_class CVortexSphere class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xab0`
client_class CWaterLODControl class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa70`
client_class CWeaponX class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x67c0`
client_class CWorld class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1330`
client_class CZipline class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1070`
client_class CZiplineEnd class_id: `0` sizeof: `0xa70`
client_class DoorMover class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x18d0`
client_class ScriptMoverLightweight class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x18d0`
client_class Titan_Cockpit class_id: `0` sizeof: `0x1890`
``` ## RecvTables
class DT_AI_BaseNPC extends DT_BaseCombatCharacter ``` { statuseffectsdata_npc: DT_AI_BaseNPC_StatusEffects, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_hGroundEntity: Int, m_iHealth: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_lifeState: Int, m_inventory: DT_WeaponInventoryActiveWeaponOnly, m_fireteamSlotIndex: Int, m_aiSprinting: Int, m_aiNetworkFlags: Int, m_isHologram: Int, m_title: String, m_aiSettingsIndex: Int, m_subclass: Int, } ```
class DT_AI_BaseNPC_StatusEffects ``` { m_statusEffectsTimedNPCNV: DataTable, m_statusEffectsEndlessNPCNV: DataTable, } ```
class DT_AmbientGeneric extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_radius: Float, m_isEnabled: Int, m_networkTableSoundID: Int, m_networkedSegmentEndpointWorldSpace: Vector, m_hasPolylineSegments: Int, } ```
class DT_AnimRelativeData ``` { m_animInitialPos: Vector, m_animInitialVel: Vector, m_animInitialRot: Rotation, m_animInitialCorrectPos: Vector, m_animInitialCorrectRot: Rotation, m_animEntityToRefOffset: Vector, m_animEntityToRefRotation: Rotation, m_animBlendBeginTime: Time, m_animBlendEndTime: Time, m_animScriptSequence: Int, m_animScriptModel: Int, m_animIgnoreParentRot: Int, m_animMotionMode: Int, } ```
class DT_BaseAnimating extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { serveranimdata: DT_ServerAnimationData, m_animPlaybackRate: Float, m_animFrozen: Int, m_animModelIndex: Int, m_nNewSequenceParity: Int, m_flPoseParameter: DataTable, m_bClientSideRagdoll: Int, m_vecForce: Vector, m_flEstIkOffset: Float, m_passDamageToParent: Int, m_animNetworkFlags: Int, m_animActive: Int, m_animCollisionEnabled: Int, m_animRelativeToGroundEnabled: Int, m_animPlantingEnabled: Int, m_animRelativeData: DT_AnimRelativeData, m_syncingWithEntity: Int, m_predictedAnimEventData: DT_PredictedAnimEventData, m_nRagdollImpactFXTableId: Int, m_flSkyScaleStartValue: Float, m_flSkyScaleEndValue: Float, m_flSkyScaleStartTime: Time, m_flSkyScaleEndTime: Time, m_SequenceTransitioner: DT_SequenceTransitioner, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Int, m_nBody: Int, m_camoIndex: Int, m_nForceBone: Int, m_bSequenceFinished: Int, m_lockedAnimDeltaYaw: Float, m_flModelScale: Float, } ```
class DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay extends DT_BaseAnimating ``` { overlay_vars: DT_OverlayVars, m_animOverlayIsActive: DataTable, m_animOverlayStartTime: DataTable, m_animOverlayStartCycle: DataTable, m_animOverlayPlaybackRate: DataTable, m_animOverlayModelIndex: DataTable, m_animOverlaySequence: DataTable, m_animOverlayWeight: DataTable, m_animOverlayOrder: DataTable, m_animOverlayAnimTime: DataTable, m_animOverlayFadeInDuration: DataTable, m_animOverlayFadeOutDuration: DataTable, } ```
class DT_BaseCombatCharacter extends DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { bcc_localdata: DT_BCCLocalPlayerExclusive, m_weaponGettingSwitchedOut: DataTable, m_showActiveWeapon3p: DataTable, m_vecViewOffset.x: Float, m_vecViewOffset.y: Float, m_vecViewOffset.z: Float, m_cloakEndTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInEndTime: Time, m_cloakFadeOutStartTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInDuration: Float, m_cloakFlickerAmount: Float, m_cloakFlickerEndTime: Time, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_deathVelocity: Vector, m_minimapData: DT_MinimapBaseEntityData, m_nameVisibilityFlags: Int, m_lastFiredTime: Time, m_lastFiredWeapon: Int, m_raiseFromMeleeEndTime: Time, m_sharedEnergyCount: Int, m_sharedEnergyTotal: Int, m_sharedEnergyLockoutThreshold: Int, m_lastSharedEnergyRegenTime: Time, m_sharedEnergyRegenRate: Time, m_sharedEnergyRegenDelay: Float, m_lastSharedEnergyTakeTime: Time, m_selectedWeapons: DataTable, m_latestPrimaryWeapons: DataTable, m_latestPrimaryWeaponsIndexZeroOrOne: DataTable, m_latestNonOffhandWeapons: DataTable, m_lastCycleSlot: Int, m_weaponPermission: Int, m_weaponDelayEnableTime: Time, m_weaponDisabledInScript: Int, m_weaponDisabledFlags: Int, m_weaponTypeDisabledFlags: Int, m_weaponTypeDisabledRefCount: DataTable, m_weaponAmmoRegenDisabled: Int, m_weaponAmmoRegenDisabledRefCount: Int, m_hudInfo_visibilityTestAlwaysPasses: Int, m_contextAction: Int, m_phaseShiftTimeStart: Time, m_phaseShiftTimeEnd: Time, m_targetInfoIconName: String, } ```
class DT_BaseEntity ``` { movetype: Int, movecollide: Int, predictable_id: DT_PredictableId, HighlightSettings: DT_HighlightSettings, moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_usableType: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_clrRender: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_clIntensity: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_bossPlayer: Int, m_shieldHealth: Int, m_shieldHealthMax: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_teamMemberIndex: Int, m_squadID: Int, m_grade: Int, m_ignorePredictedTriggerFlags: Int, m_passThroughFlags: Int, m_passThroughThickness: Int, m_passThroughDirection: Float, m_bIsSoundCodeControllerValueSet: Int, m_flSoundCodeControllerValue: Float, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_bRenderWithViewModels: Int, m_nRenderFX: Int, m_nRenderMode: Int, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_contents: Int, m_collideWithOwner: Int, m_iSignifierName: String, m_iName: String, m_scriptNameIndex: Int, m_instanceNameIndex: Int, m_holdUsePrompt: String, m_pressUsePrompt: String, m_phaseShiftFlags: Int, m_baseTakeDamage: Int, m_invulnerableToDamageCount: Int, m_attachmentLerpStartTime: Time, m_attachmentLerpEndTime: Time, m_attachmentLerpStartOrigin: Vector, m_attachmentLerpStartAngles: Vector, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_fadeDist: Float, m_dissolveEffectEntityHandle: Int, m_usablePriority: Int, m_usableDistanceOverride: Float, m_usableFOV: Float, m_usePromptSize: Float, m_spottedByTeams: DataTable, m_firstChildEntityLink: Int, m_firstParentEntityLink: Int, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, } ```
class DT_BaseGrenade extends DT_Projectile ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_cloakEndTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInEndTime: Time, m_cloakFadeOutStartTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInDuration: Float, m_cloakFlickerAmount: Float, m_cloakFlickerEndTime: Time, m_baseTakeDamage: Int, m_invulnerableToDamageCount: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_doesExplode: Int, m_DmgRadius: Float, m_grenadeStatusFlags: Int, m_ziplineGrenadeExpectedEndPosition: Vector, } ```
class DT_BaseViewModel ``` { overlay_vars: DT_OverlayVars, m_animStartTime: Time, m_animOverlayIsActive: DataTable, m_animStartCycle: Float, m_animPlaybackRate: Float, m_animFrozen: Int, m_animOverlayStartTime: DataTable, m_animModelIndex: Int, m_animSequence: Int, m_nNewSequenceParity: Int, m_animOverlayStartCycle: DataTable, m_fEffects: Int, m_clrRender: Int, m_animOverlayPlaybackRate: DataTable, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_animOverlayModelIndex: DataTable, m_animOverlaySequence: DataTable, m_animOverlayWeight: DataTable, m_animOverlayOrder: DataTable, m_animOverlayAnimTime: DataTable, m_animOverlayFadeInDuration: DataTable, m_animOverlayFadeOutDuration: DataTable, m_nRenderMode: Int, m_nBody: Int, m_nResetEventsParity: Int, m_bSequenceFinished: Int, m_flModelScale: Float, m_overlayEventParity: DataTable, m_viewModelOwner: Int, m_projectileIsVisible: Int, m_bBlockEventLayer: Int, m_isAdsTransition: Int, m_hWeapon: Int, m_tracerAttachments: DataTable, m_tracerAttachmentsScoped: DataTable, } ```
class DT_BoneFollower ``` { m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_modelIndex: Int, m_boneIndex: Int, } ```
class DT_BreakableSurface extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_nNumWide: Int, m_nNumHigh: Int, m_flPanelWidth: Float, m_flPanelHeight: Float, m_vNormal: Vector, m_vUp: Vector, m_vCorner: Vector, m_bIsBroken: Int, m_nSurfaceType: Int, m_RawPanelBitVec: DataTable, } ```
class DT_CPropDoor ``` { HighlightSettings: DT_HighlightSettings, m_fEffects: Int, m_usableType: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Int, m_closedAngle: Float, m_angle: Float, m_startAngle: Float, m_startAngleVel: Float, m_startMoveTime: Time, m_isLocked: Int, m_isFrozen: Int, m_oppositeDoor: Int, m_interactingPlayer: Int, m_interactingPlayerWantsOpen: Int, } ```
class DT_CascadeLight extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_shadowDirection: Vector, m_envLightShadowDirection: Vector, m_bEnabled: Int, m_bEnableShadows: Int, m_LightColor: Int, m_cloudMaskName: String, m_cloudOffset: Vector, m_cloudScale: Float, } ```
class DT_CollisionProperty ``` { m_vecMins: Vector, m_vecMaxs: Vector, m_usSolidFlags: Int, m_nSolidType: Int, m_triggerBloat: Int, m_collisionDetailLevel: Int, m_nSurroundType: Int, m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins: Vector, m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs: Vector, } ```
class DT_ColorCorrection extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_MinFalloff: Float, m_MaxFalloff: Float, m_flFadeInDuration: Float, m_flFadeOutDuration: Float, m_flMaxWeight: Float, m_flCurWeight: Float, m_netLookupFilename: String, m_bEnabled: Int, m_bMaster: Int, m_bClientSide: Int, m_bExclusive: Int, } ```
class DT_CurrentData_LocalPlayer ``` { m_viewConeAngleMin: Vector, m_viewConeAngleMax: Vector, m_stepSmoothingOffset: Vector, m_duckTransitionRemainderMsec: Int, m_vecPunchBase_Angle: Vector, m_vecPunchBase_AngleVel: Vector, m_vecPunchWeapon_Angle: Vector, m_vecPunchWeapon_AngleVel: Vector, m_shieldChangeAmountPerSource: DataTable, m_pushedFixedPointOffset: DataTable, m_pushedFixedPointOffsetReplayCompensated: DataTable, m_localGravityRotation: Rotation, } ```
class DT_CurrentData_Player ``` { m_flHullHeight: Float, m_angEyeAngles.x: Float, m_angEyeAngles.y: Float, m_traversalAnimProgress: Float, m_sprintTiltFrac: Float, m_ammoPoolCount: DataTable, } ```
class DT_DoorMover ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_usableType: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_vecAngVelocity: Vector, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_iSignifierName: String, m_scriptNameIndex: Int, m_holdUsePrompt: String, m_pressUsePrompt: String, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_fadeDist: Float, m_usablePriority: Int, m_usableDistanceOverride: Float, m_usableFOV: Float, m_usePromptSize: Float, m_doorFlags: Int, } ```
class DT_DynamicLight extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_Flags: Int, m_LightStyle: Int, m_Radius: Float, m_Exponent: Int, m_InnerAngle: Float, m_OuterAngle: Float, m_SpotRadius: Float, } ```
class DT_DynamicProp extends DT_BreakableProp ``` { m_iTeamNum: Int, m_lifeState: Int, m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox: Int, m_bAnimateInStaticShadow: Int, m_wantsScopeHighlight: Int, } ```
class DT_DynamicPropLightweight ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_fadeDist: Float, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Int, } ```
class DT_EffectData ``` { m_vOrigin.x: Float, m_vOrigin.y: Float, m_vOrigin.z: Float, m_vStart.x: Float, m_vStart.y: Float, m_vStart.z: Float, m_vNormal: Vector, m_vAngles: Vector, m_effectFlags: Int, m_effectEntHandle: Int, m_otherEntHandle: Int, m_flScale: Float, m_flMagnitude: Float, m_flRadius: Float, m_nAttachmentIndex: Int, m_attachmentIndexForViewmodel: Int, m_nSurfaceProp: Int, m_nDamageType: Int, m_nOtherEntIndex: Int, m_sharedInt32_A: Int, m_sharedInt32_B: Int, m_iImpactEffectTableIndex: Int, m_nColor: Int, m_persistentWeaponEffect: Int, m_iEffectName: Int, } ```
class DT_EntityDissolve extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_flStartTime: Time, m_flFadeStart: Float, m_flFadeLength: Float, m_nDissolveType: Int, m_isLethal: Int, } ```
class DT_EntityLinkPage ``` { pageIndex: Int, next: DataTable, entity: DataTable, } ```
class DT_EnvWindShared ``` { m_flStartTime: Time, m_iWindSeed: Int, m_iMinWind: Int, m_iMaxWind: Int, m_iMinGust: Int, m_iMaxGust: Int, m_flMinGustDelay: Float, m_flMaxGustDelay: Float, m_flGustDuration: Float, m_iGustDirChange: Int, m_iInitialWindDir: Int, m_flInitialWindSpeed: Float, } ```
class DT_FuncBrushLightweight ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, } ```
class DT_GlobalNonRewinding ``` { m_playerObserver: DataTable, m_playerMiscData: DataTable, } ```
class DT_GrappleData ``` { m_grapplePoints: Array, m_grappleVel: Vector, m_grapplePoints[0]: Vector, m_grapplePointCount: Int, m_grappleAttached: Int, m_grapplePulling: Int, m_grappleSwinging: Int, m_grappleRetracting: Int, m_grappleForcedRetracting: Int, m_grappleGracePeriodFinished: Int, m_grappleUsedPower: Float, m_grappleActivateTime: Time, m_grapplePullTime: Time, m_grappleAttachTime: Time, m_grappleDetachTime: Time, m_grappleMeleeTarget: Int, m_grappleAutoAimTarget: Int, m_grappleHasGoodVelocity: Int, m_grappleLastGoodVelocityTime: Time, m_grappleSwingDetachLowSpeed: Float, m_grappleSwingHoldTime: Time, } ```
class DT_GrappleHook ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, m_grappleZipline: Int, } ```
class DT_HardPointEntity ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_minimapData: DT_MinimapBaseEntityData, m_state: Int, m_estimatedCaptureTime: Float, m_progressRefPoint: Float, m_teamMilitiaAICount: Int, m_teamIMCAICount: Int, m_teamMilitiaPlayerCount: Int, m_teamIMCPlayerCount: Int, m_teamMilitiaPlayerTitanCount: Int, m_teamIMCPlayerTitanCount: Int, m_hardpointID: Int, m_terminal: Int, } ```
class DT_HighlightSettings ``` { m_highlightParams: DataTable, m_highlightFunctionBits: DataTable, m_highlightTeamBits: DataTable, m_highlightServerFadeBases: DataTable, m_highlightServerFadeStartTimes: DataTable, m_highlightServerFadeEndTimes: DataTable, m_highlightServerContextID: Int, } ```
class DT_ImportantOnEntSound extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_networkTableSoundID: Int, m_hAttachedToEntity: Int, m_beginTime: Time, m_hSuppressedClient: Int, m_milesSignal: Int, } ```
class DT_InfoPlacementHelper ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, } ```
class DT_InfoTarget ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_bIsSoundCodeControllerValueSet: Int, m_flSoundCodeControllerValue: Float, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_iSignifierName: String, m_iName: String, m_scriptNameIndex: Int, m_instanceNameIndex: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_firstChildEntityLink: Int, m_firstParentEntityLink: Int, } ```
class DT_Local ``` { m_airMoveBlockPlanes: Array, m_iHideHUD: Int, m_superJumpsUsed: Int, m_jumpedOffRodeo: Int, m_jumpPressTime: Time, m_prevJumpPressTime: Time, m_jetpackActivateTime: Time, m_jetpackDeactivateTime: Time, m_flSuitPower: Float, m_flSuitJumpPower: Float, m_flSuitGrapplePower: Float, m_flFallVelocity: Float, m_flStepSize: Float, m_airSlowMoFrac: Float, predictableFlags: Int, m_bitsActiveDevices: Int, m_forceStance: Int, m_duckToggleOn: Int, m_bDrawViewmodel: Int, m_bAllowAutoMovement: Int, m_accelScale: Float, m_powerRegenRateScale: Float, m_dodgePowerDelayScale: Float, m_hSkyCamera: Int, m_skybox3d.scale: Int, m_skybox3d.useWorldFog: Int, m_skybox3d.fog.botAlt: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.topAlt: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.halfDistBot: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.halfDistTop: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.distColorStr: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.dirColorStr: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.distOffset: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.densityScale: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.halfAngleDeg: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.HDRColorScale: Float, m_skybox3d.fog.distColor: Int, m_skybox3d.fog.dirColor: Int, m_skybox3d.fog.direction: Vector, m_skybox3d.fog.enable: Int, m_audio.localSound[0]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[1]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[2]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[3]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[4]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[5]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[6]: Vector, m_audio.localSound[7]: Vector, m_audio.soundscapeIndex: Int, m_audio.localBits: Int, m_audio.entIndex: Int, m_animNearZ: Float, lastAttacker: Int, attackedCount: Int, m_airMoveBlockPlanes[0]: Vector, m_airMoveBlockPlaneTime: Time, m_airMoveBlockPlaneCount: Int, m_queuedMeleePressTime: Time, m_queuedGrappleMeleeTime: Time, m_disableMeleeUntilRelease: Int, m_meleePressTime: Time, m_meleeDisabledCounter: Int, m_meleeInputIndex: Int, m_trackedChildProjectileCount: Int, m_oneHandedWeaponUsage: Int, m_flCockpitEntryTime: Time, m_ejectStartTime: Time, m_disembarkStartTime: Time, m_hotDropImpactTime: Time, m_outOfBoundsDeadTime: Time, m_objectiveIndex: Int, m_objectiveEntity: Int, m_objectiveEndTime: Time, m_cinematicEventFlags: Int, m_forcedDialogueOnly: Int, m_titanBuildTime: Time, m_titanBubbleShieldTime: Time, m_titanEmbarkEnabled: Int, m_titanDisembarkEnabled: Int, m_voicePackIndex: Int, m_playerAnimStationaryGoalFeetYaw: Float, m_playerAnimJumping: Int, m_playerAnimJumpStartTime: Time, m_playerAnimFirstJumpFrame: Int, m_playerAnimDodging: Int, m_playerAnimJumpActivity: Int, m_playerAnimLanding: Int, m_playerAnimShouldLand: Int, m_playerAnimLandStartTime: Time, m_playerAnimInAirWalk: Int, m_playerAnimPrevFrameSequenceMotionYaw: Float, m_playerAnimMeleeParity: Int, m_playerAnimMeleeStartTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStartRotation: Rotation, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndRotation: Rotation, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndDirection: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStartTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStrength: Float, m_playerLocalGravityStrength: Float, m_playerLocalGravityType: Int, m_playerLocalGravityPoint: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityLineStart: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityLineEnd: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityEntity: Int, m_playerLocalGravityLineStartEntity: Int, m_playerLocalGravityLineEndEntity: Int, m_playerFloatLookStartTime: Time, m_playerFloatLookEndTime: Time, m_wallrunLatestFloorHeight: Float, m_wallrunFromJetpack: Int, m_groundNormal: Vector, m_continuousUseBlocked: Int, m_useEnt: Int, } ```
class DT_LocalPlayerExclusive ``` { NearbyPushers: DT_NearbyPushers, m_localOrigin: VectorXY, m_localOrigin.z: Float, m_vecAbsVelocity: Vector, m_vecBaseVelocity: Vector, m_vecVelocity.x: Float, m_vecVelocity.y: Float, m_vecVelocity.z: Float, m_flFriction: Float, m_tethers: DataTable, m_lastUCmdSimulationTicks: Cycle, m_lastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime: Float, m_Local: DT_Local, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer: DT_CurrentData_LocalPlayer, m_modInventory: DataTable, m_consumableInventory: DataTable, m_fStickySprintMinTime: Float, m_sprintStartedTime: Time, m_sprintStartedFrac: Float, m_sprintEndedTime: Time, m_sprintEndedFrac: Float, m_stickySprintStartTime: Time, m_upDirPredicted: Vector, m_lastWallRunStartPos: Vector, m_wallrunFrictionScale: Float, m_groundFrictionScale: Float, m_traversalBegin: Vector, m_traversalMid: Vector, m_traversalEnd: Vector, m_traversalMidFrac: Float, m_traversalForwardDir: Vector, m_traversalProgress: Float, m_traversalStartTime: Time, m_traversalHandAppearTime: Time, m_traversalReleaseTime: Time, m_traversalBlendOutStartTime: Time, m_traversalBlendOutStartOffset: Vector, m_wallDangleJumpOffTime: Time, m_wallDangleMayHangHere: Int, m_wallDangleForceFallOff: Int, m_wallDangleLastPushedForward: Int, m_wallDangleDisableWeapon: Int, m_gravityLiftActive: Int, m_gravityLiftEnterTime: Float, m_gravityLiftEjectTime: Float, m_gravityLiftHoverTime: Float, m_blackholeActive: Int, m_slowMoEnabled: Int, m_sliding: Int, m_slideLongJumpAllowed: Int, m_bIsStickySprinting: Int, m_prevMoveYaw: Float, m_sprintTiltVel: Float, m_sprintTiltPoseParameter: Int, m_sprintFracPoseParameter: Int, m_ziplineAllowed: Int, m_lastZipline: Int, m_lastZiplineDetachTime: Time, m_zipline: DT_PlayerZipline, m_ziplineViewOffsetPosition: Vector, m_ziplineViewOffsetVelocity: Vector, m_ziplineGrenadeEntity: Int, m_sameZiplineCooldownTime: Float, m_highSpeedViewmodelAnims: Int, m_playAnimationType: Int, m_detachGrappleOnPlayAnimationEnd: Int, m_playAnimationNext: DataTable, m_playAnimationEntityBlocker: Int, m_playAnimationEntityBlockerDucking: Int, m_boosting: Int, m_activateBoost: Int, m_repeatedBoost: Int, m_boostMeter: Float, m_jetpack: Int, m_activateJetpack: Int, m_jetpackAfterburner: Int, m_gliding: Int, m_glideMeter: Float, m_glideRechargeDelayAccumulator: Float, m_hovering: Int, m_lastJumpHeight: Float, m_touchingUpdraftTriggers: DataTable, m_touchingUpdraftTriggersCount: Int, m_touchingSlipTriggers: DataTable, m_touchingSlipTriggersCount: Int, m_slipAirRestrictDirection: Vector, m_slipAirRestrictTime: Time, m_replayImportantSounds_networkTableSoundID: DataTable, m_replayImportantSounds_beginTime: DataTable, m_viewConeActive: Int, m_viewConeParented: Int, m_viewConeParity: Int, m_hConstraintEntity: Int, m_vecConstraintCenter: Vector, m_flConstraintRadius: Float, m_flConstraintWidth: Float, m_flConstraintSpeedFactor: Float, m_bConstraintPastRadius: Int, m_iObserverMode: Int, m_hObserverTarget: Int, m_observerModeStaticPosition: Vector, m_observerModeStaticAngles: Vector, m_observerModeStaticFOVOverride: Float, m_lastKillTime: Time, m_wallRunStartTime: Time, m_wallRunClearTime: Time, m_dodging: Int, m_dodgingInAir: Int, m_airSpeed: Float, m_airAcceleration: Float, m_firstPersonProxy: Int, m_predictedFirstPersonProxy: Int, m_hardpointEntity: Int, m_petTitanMode: Int, m_hThirdPersonEnt: Int, m_thirdPersonShoulderView: Int, m_thirdPerson: DT_ThirdPersonView, m_playerLookTargetEntity: Int, m_playerLookTargetOffset: Vector, m_viewConeLerpTime: Float, m_flLaggedMovementValue: Float, m_lastMoveInputTime: Time, m_ignoreEntityForMovementUntilNotTouching: Int, m_lungeTargetEntity: Int, m_isLungingToPosition: Int, m_lungeTargetPosition: Vector, m_lungeStartPositionOffset: Vector, m_lungeEndPositionOffset: Vector, m_lungeStartTime: Time, m_lungeEndTime: Time, m_lungeCanFly: Int, m_lungeLockPitch: Int, m_lungeStartPitch: Float, m_lungeSmoothTime: Float, m_lungeMaxTime: Float, m_lungeMaxEndSpeed: Float, m_nearbyPusherCount: Int, m_prepClimbPusher: Int, m_pushAwayFromTopAcceleration: Vector, m_minimapTargetZoomScale: Float, m_minimapTargetLerpTime: Time, m_playerScriptNetDataExclusive: Int, m_pingOffset: Float, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueVelocity: Float, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueCurrent: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueVelocity: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueCurrent: Float, m_skydiveYawVelocity: Float, m_skydiveIsNearLeviathan: Int, m_skydiveStartTime: Time, m_skydiveEndTime: Time, m_skydiveAnticipateStartTime: Time, m_skydiveAnticipateEndTime: Time, m_skydiveDistanceToLand: Float, m_skydiveFreelookEnabled: Int, m_skydiveFreelookLockedAngle: Vector, m_skydiveFollowing: Int, m_skydiveUnfollowVelocity: Vector, m_skydiveLeviathanHitPosition: Vector, m_skydiveLeviathanHitNormal: Vector, m_skydiveSlipVelocity: Vector, m_skydiveFromUpdraft: Int, m_skywardDeployStartPos: Vector, m_skywardDeployEndTime: Float, m_skywardDeploySpeed: Float, m_skywardOffsetSpeed: Float, m_twitchRewardBits: BitMask, m_twitchDropsInitialized: Int, m_twitchDropsBits: BitMask, m_playerKnockBacks: DataTable, m_updraftCount: Int, m_updraftStage: Int, m_updraftEnterTime: Time, m_updraftLeaveTime: Time, m_updraftMinShakeActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftMaxShakeActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftLiftActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftLiftSpeed: Float, m_updraftLiftAcceleration: Float, m_updraftLiftExitDuration: Float, m_updraftSlowTime: Time, m_armsModelIndex: Int, m_deathFieldIndex: Int, } ```
class DT_LootGrabber extends DT_DynamicProp ``` { m_minimapData: DT_MinimapBaseEntityData, m_impactEffectColorID: Int, m_lootBeingGrabbed: Int, m_lootGrabDist: Float, } ```
class DT_MinimapBaseEntityData ``` { visibilityDefaultFlag: DataTable, visibilityShowFlag: DataTable, flags: Int, zOrder: Int, customState: Int, objectScale: Float, } ```
class DT_MovieDisplay extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_bEnabled: Int, m_bLooping: Int, m_szMovieFilename: String, m_szGroupName: String, m_szExternalAudioFilename: String, m_bStretchToFill: Int, m_bLetterbox: Int, m_bPausesWithClient: Int, m_bForcedSlave: Int, m_bUseCustomUVs: Int, m_flUMin: Float, m_flUMax: Float, m_flVMin: Float, m_flVMax: Float, } ```
class DT_NPC_SentryTurret extends DT_AI_BaseNPC ``` { m_turretState: Int, m_killCount: Int, m_titanKillCount: Int, m_eyeAttach: Int, m_controlPanel: Int, } ```
class DT_NPC_Titan extends DT_AI_BaseNPC ``` { m_decalIndex: Int, m_inventory: DT_WeaponInventory, m_selectedOffhands: DataTable, m_titanSoul: Int, m_grappleHook: Int, m_grapple: DT_GrappleData, m_grappleActive: Int, m_canStand: Int, } ```
class DT_NearbyPushers ``` { m_nearbyPushers: DataTable, } ```
class DT_OverlayVars ``` { m_AnimOverlay: DataTable, m_AnimOverlayCount: Int, } ```
class DT_ParticleSystem ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, m_iEffectIndex: Int, m_nStopType: Int, m_bActive: Int, m_bForceRenderAlways: Int, m_flStartTime: Time, m_bInSkybox: Int, m_killForReplay: Int, m_killIfOverLimit: Int, m_vServerControlPoints: DataTable, m_hControlPointEnts: DataTable, m_controlPointAttachTypes: DataTable, m_controlPoint1AttachmentIndex: Int, m_vServerControlPointColorIds: DataTable, m_parentAttachType: Int, } ```
class DT_PhysicsProp extends DT_BreakableProp ``` { m_spawnflags: Int, m_bAwake: Int, m_ignoresCollisionWithCombatCharacters: Int, m_isRolling: Int, m_networkTableRollSoundId: Int, m_iPhysicsMode: Int, m_fMass: Float, m_collisionMins: Vector, m_collisionMaxs: Vector, } ```
class DT_Player extends DT_BaseCombatCharacter ``` { localdata: DT_LocalPlayerExclusive, teamshareddata: DT_PlayerTeamShared, connectionQualityIndex: DT_ConnectionQualityIndex, m_passives: Array, portalnonlocaldata: DT_PortalNonLocalPlayerExclusive, m_vecAbsOrigin: Vector, isLocalOriginLocal: Int, m_fFlags: Int, m_hGroundEntity: Int, m_iHealth: Int, m_flMaxspeed: Float, m_jumpPadDebounceExpireTime: Time, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_lifeState: Int, m_decalIndex: Int, m_overlayEventParity: DataTable, m_inventory: DT_WeaponInventory, m_selectedOffhands: DataTable, m_selectedOffhandsPendingHybridAction: DataTable, m_titanSoul: Int, m_bZooming: Int, m_zoomToggleOnStartTime: Time, m_zoomBaseFrac: Float, m_zoomBaseTime: Time, m_zoomFullStartTime: Time, m_currentFramePlayer: DT_CurrentData_Player, pl: DT_PlayerState, m_ammoPoolCapacity: Int, m_hasBadReputation: Int, m_happyHourActive: Int, m_hardwareIcon: String, m_hardware: Int, m_unspoofedHardware: Int, m_platformUserId: BitMask, m_unSpoofedPlatformUserId: BitMask, m_EadpUserId: BitMask, m_crossPlayChat: Int, m_crossPlayChatFriends: Int, m_classModsActive: BitMask, m_passives[ 0 ]: BitMask, m_bleedoutState: Int, m_bleedoutStartTime: Float, m_statusEffectsTimedPlayerNV: DataTable, m_statusEffectsEndlessPlayerNV: DataTable, m_damageComboLatestUpdateTime: Time, m_damageComboStartHealth: Int, m_gestureSequences: DataTable, m_gestureStartTimes: DataTable, m_gestureBlendInDuration: DataTable, m_gestureBlendOutDuration: DataTable, m_gestureFadeOutStartTime: DataTable, m_gestureFadeOutDuration: DataTable, m_gestureAutoKillBitfield: Int, m_autoSprintForced: Int, m_fIsSprinting: Int, m_playerSettingForStickySprintForward: Int, m_lastSprintPressTime: Time, m_stickySprintForwardEnableTime: Time, m_stickySprintForwardDisableTime: Time, m_damageImpulseNoDecelEndTime: Time, m_playerVehicles: DataTable, m_playerVehicleCount: Int, m_playerVehicleDriven: Int, m_playerVehicleUseTime: Time, m_duckState: Int, m_leanState: Int, m_canStand: Int, m_StandHullMin: Vector, m_StandHullMax: Vector, m_DuckHullMin: Vector, m_DuckHullMax: Vector, m_entitySyncingWithMe: Int, m_upDir: Vector, m_traversalState: Int, m_traversalType: Int, m_traversalForwardDir: Vector, m_traversalRefPos: Vector, m_traversalYawDelta: Float, m_traversalYawPoseParameter: Int, m_wallClimbSetUp: Int, m_wallHanging: Int, m_grapple: DT_GrappleData, m_grappleActive: Int, m_turret: Int, m_hViewModels: DataTable, m_viewOffsetEntity: DT_Player_ViewOffsetEntityData, m_animViewEntity: DT_Player_AnimViewEntityData, m_activeZipline: Int, m_ziplineValid3pWeaponLayerAnim: Int, m_ziplineState: Int, m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationEntity: Int, m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationAttachmentIndex: Int, m_isPerformingBoostAction: Int, m_lastJumpPadTouched: Int, m_launchCount: Int, m_melee: DT_PlayerMelee_PlayerData, m_useCredit: Int, m_playerFlags: Int, m_hasMic: Int, m_inPartyChat: Int, m_playerMoveSpeedScale: Float, m_bShouldDrawPlayerWhileUsingViewEntity: Int, m_iSpawnParity: Int, m_flDeathTime: Time, m_lastDodgeTime: Time, m_timeJetpackHeightActivateCheckPassed: Time, m_grappleHook: Int, m_petTitan: Int, m_xp: Int, m_skill_mu: Float, m_bHasMatchAdminRole: Int, m_ubEFNoInterpParity: Int, m_hColorCorrectionCtrl: Int, m_title: String, m_Shared: DT_PlayerShared, m_pilotClassIndex: Int, m_pilotClassActivityModifier: Int, m_playerScriptNetDataGlobal: Int, m_helmetType: Int, m_armorType: Int, m_controllerModeActive: Int, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueTarget: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueTarget: Float, m_skydiveState: Int, m_skydiveDiveAngle: Float, m_skydiveIsDiving: Int, m_skydiveSpeed: Float, m_skydiveStrafeAngle: Float, m_skydivePlayerPitch: Float, m_skydivePlayerYaw: Float, m_skydiveFromSkywardLaunch: Int, m_skywardLaunchState: Int, m_skywardLaunchSlowStartTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchSlowEndTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchFastEndTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchEndTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchSlowSpeed: Float, m_skywardLaunchFastSpeed: Float, m_skywardOffset: Vector, m_skywardLaunchInterrupted: Int, m_skywardLaunchFollowing: Int, } ```
class DT_PlayerDecoy extends DT_BaseAnimating ``` { m_cloakEndTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInEndTime: Time, m_cloakFadeOutStartTime: Float, m_cloakFadeInDuration: Float, m_cloakFlickerAmount: Float, m_cloakFlickerEndTime: Time, m_iHealth: Int, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_nameVisibilityFlags: Int, m_currentState: Int, m_decoyFlags: Int, m_lastPulseTime: Time, m_currentClass: BitMask, m_classModsActive: BitMask, m_decoyVelocity: Vector, } ```
class DT_PlayerMelee_PlayerData ``` { meleeAttackParity: Int, attackActive: Int, attackRecoveryShouldBeQuick: Int, isSprintAttack: Int, attackStartTime: Time, attackHitEntity: Int, attackHitEntityTime: Time, attackLastHitNonWorldEntity: Time, scriptedState: Int, pendingMeleePress: Int, lungeBoost: Vector, } ```
class DT_PlayerTasklist extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_notifyTime: Time, m_customInt: Int, m_taskStatus: DataTable, m_taskType: DataTable, m_taskCountGoal: DataTable, m_taskCountNow: DataTable, m_taskFlags: DataTable, m_taskGameTimes: DataTable, m_taskInts: DataTable, m_taskFloats: DataTable, m_taskEnts: DataTable, m_taskStringA: String, m_taskStringB: String, m_taskStringC: String, m_taskStringD: String, m_taskStringE: String, m_taskStringF: String, m_taskStringG: String, m_taskStringH: String, m_taskStringI: String, m_taskStringJ: String, m_taskStringK: String, m_taskStringL: String, m_taskStringM: String, } ```
class DT_PlayerTeamShared ``` { m_healResources_healthTarget: Int, m_lastTimeDamagedByOtherPlayer: Time, m_lastTimeDamagedByNPC: Time, m_lastTimeDidDamageToOtherPlayer: Time, m_lastTimeDidDamageToNPC: Time, } ```
class DT_PlayerVehicle extends DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { vehicledriverdata: DT_VehicleDriverExclusive, vehiclenondriverdata: DT_VehicleNonDriverExclusive, m_vehiclePlayers: Array, m_vecViewOffset.x: Float, m_vecViewOffset.y: Float, m_vecViewOffset.z: Float, m_iHealth: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_vehicleDriver: Int, m_driverActivationTime: Time, m_driverDeactivationTime: Time, m_vehiclePlayers[0]: Int, m_vehiclePlayerCount: Int, m_vehicleActivated: Int, m_blockDuckInput: Int, m_vehicleFlags: Int, m_vehicleType: Int, m_vehicleLaunchTime: Float, m_cameraVehicleMaxDist: Float, m_cameraVehicleMaxVertDist: Float, m_vehicleVelocity: Vector, m_vehicleGroundEntity: Int, m_vehicleGroundNormal: Vector, m_hoverVehicleIsOnGround: Int, m_hoverVehicleLastBoostTime: Time, m_hoverVehicleIsParked: Int, m_hoverVehicleIsMarkedAsDrivingForward: Int, m_hoverVehicleStunTimeEnd: Float, m_hoverVehicleThrottle: Float, m_hoverVehicleBanking: Float, m_hoverVehicleFrictionLastTime: Float, m_hoverVehicleFrictionSurfPropOther: Int, m_hoverVehicleFrictionNormal: Vector, m_hoverVehicleFrictionPos: Vector, m_hoverVehicleSeats: DataTable, m_abilityAttachmentEnts: DataTable, m_abilityAttachmentInts: DataTable, m_overrideVehicleAngles: Vector, m_overrideVehicleAnglesUntilTick: Int, m_pushingEnt: Int, m_materialDualColorMask: Int, } ```
class DT_PlayerWaypoint ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_teamMemberIndex: Int, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_iSignifierName: String, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, m_waypointType: Int, m_waypointBitfield: Int, m_waypointEnts: DataTable, m_waypointVectors: DataTable, m_waypointGameTimes: DataTable, m_waypointInts: DataTable, m_waypointFloats: DataTable, m_objectivePackedInt: Int, m_waypointGroupName: String, m_waypointGroupFlags: Int, m_waypointCustomType: String, m_waypointStringA: String, m_waypointStringB: String, m_waypointAssetA: String, m_waypointAssetB: String, } ```
class DT_PlayerZipline ``` { m_ziplineReenableWeapons: Int, m_mountingZiplineDuration: Float, m_mountingZiplineAlpha: Float, m_ziplineStartTime: Time, m_ziplineEndTime: Time, m_mountingZiplineSourcePosition: Vector, m_mountingZiplineSourceVelocity: Vector, m_mountingZiplineTargetPosition: Vector, m_ziplineUsePosition: Vector, m_slidingZiplineAlpha: Float, m_lastMoveDir2D: Vector, m_ziplineReverse: Int, } ```
class DT_Player_AnimViewEntityData ``` { animViewEntityHandle: Int, animViewEntityAngleLerpInDuration: Float, animViewEntityOriginLerpInDuration: Float, animViewEntityLerpOutDuration: Float, animViewEntityStabilizePlayerEyeAngles: Int, animViewEntityThirdPersonCameraParity: Int, animViewEntityThirdPersonCameraAttachment: DataTable, animViewEntityNumThirdPersonCameraAttachments: Int, animViewEntityThirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks: Int, animViewEntityDrawPlayer: Int, fovTarget: Float, fovSmoothTime: Float, animViewEntityParity: Int, } ```
class DT_PortalNonLocalPlayerExclusive ``` { m_pusher: Int, m_originRelativeToPusher: Vector, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: VectorXY, m_localOrigin.z: Float, m_sliding: Int, } ```
class DT_PortalPointPush extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_bEnabled: Int, m_flMagnitude: Float, m_flRadius: Float, m_flInnerRadius: Float, m_flConeOfInfluence: Float, } ```
class DT_PostProcessController extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_flPostProcessParameters: DataTable, m_bMaster: Int, } ```
class DT_PredictedAnimEventData ``` { m_predictedAnimEventTimes: DataTable, m_predictedAnimEventIndices: DataTable, m_predictedAnimEventCount: Int, m_predictedAnimEventTarget: Int, m_predictedAnimEventSequence: Int, m_predictedAnimEventModel: Int, m_predictedAnimEventsReadyToFireTime: Time, } ```
class DT_Projectile ``` { m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_PredictableID: Int, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, m_weaponDataIsSet: Int, m_forceAdjustToGunBarrelDisabled: Int, m_weaponClassIndex: Int, m_destructionDistance: Float, m_passThroughDepthTotal: Int, m_modBitfield: Int, m_overrideMods: Int, m_projectileTrailIndex: Int, m_impactEffectTable: Int, m_reducedEffects: Int, m_projectileCreationTimeServer: Time, m_weaponSource: Int, m_passThroughModCount: Int, m_passThroughPoints: DataTable, m_preModdedTrailEffectIndices1p: DataTable, m_preModdedTrailEffectIndices3p: DataTable, m_launchOrigin: Vector, } ```
class DT_PropSurvival ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_usableType: Int, m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_localAngles: Vector, m_Collision: DT_CollisionProperty, m_CollisionGroup: Int, m_iSignifierName: String, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_usablePriority: Int, m_usableDistanceOverride: Float, m_usableFOV: Float, m_usePromptSize: Float, m_realmsBitMask: BitMask, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Int, m_nBody: Int, m_camoIndex: Int, m_ammoInClip: Int, m_customScriptInt: Int, m_survivalProperty: Int, m_weaponNameIndex: Int, m_modBitField: Int, m_survivalPropFadeDist: Float, } ```
class DT_RopeKeyframe ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_fadeDist: Float, m_ropeZiplineAutoDetachDistance: Float, m_ziplineSagEnable: Int, m_ziplineSagHeight: Float, m_ziplineMoveSpeedScale: Float, m_wiggleFadeStartTime: Time, m_wiggleEndTime: Time, m_wiggleMaxLen: Float, m_wiggleMagnitude: Float, m_wiggleSpeed: Float, m_flScrollSpeed: Float, m_RopeFlags: Int, m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex: Int, m_nSegments: Int, m_hStartPoint: Int, m_hEndPoint: Int, m_hPrevPoint: Int, m_iStartAttachment: Int, m_iEndAttachment: Int, m_subdivStackCount: Int, m_subdivSliceCount: Int, m_ropeLength: Int, m_constraintIterations: Int, m_ropeDampening: Float, m_Slack: Int, m_TextureScale: Float, m_TextureScale: Float, m_fLockedPoints: Int, m_lockDirectionCutoffLength: Int, m_lockDirectionStrength: Float, m_nChangeCount: Int, m_Width: Float, m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptMover extends DT_ScriptProp ``` { m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_vecAngVelocity: Vector, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptMoverLightweight ``` { moveparent: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_moverNetworkCellX: Int, m_moverNetworkCellY: Int, m_moverNetworkCellZ: Int, m_moverNetworkLocalOrigin: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_moverNetworkAngularVelocity: Vector, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_moverNetworkLinearVelocity: Vector, m_moverNetworkLocalAngles: Vector, m_scriptNameIndex: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_parentAttachmentModel: Int, m_fadeDist: Float, m_moveModeNonPhysics: Int, m_moveModeIsLocal: Int, m_moveToStartPos: Vector, m_moveToEndPos: Vector, m_moveToTimeStart: Time, m_moveToTimeEnd: Time, m_moveToTimeEaseIn: Float, m_moveToTimeEaseOut: Float, m_moveVelocity: Vector, m_moveGravity: Vector, m_trainStartTime: Time, m_trainStopTime: Time, m_trainStartDistance: Float, m_trainCurrentNode: Int, m_trainStopNode: Int, m_trainInitialSpeed: Float, m_trainGoalSpeed: Float, m_trainAcceleration: Float, m_trainLastNode: Int, m_trainLastDistance: Float, m_trainLastSpeed: Float, m_trainFollowMover: Int, m_trainFollowDistance: Float, m_trainBreadcrumb: DataTable, m_trainBreadcrumbBegin: Int, m_trainBreadcrumbCount: Int, m_trainAutoRollStrength: Float, m_trainAutoRollLookAheadDistance: Float, m_trainAutoRollMax: Float, m_trainSimulateBeforeMeEntity: Int, m_rotateModeNonPhysics: Int, m_rotateModeIsLocal: Int, m_RotateToAnglesStart: Vector, m_RotateToAnglesEnd: Vector, m_rotateToTimeStart: Time, m_rotateToTimeEnd: Time, m_rotateToTimeEaseIn: Float, m_rotateToTimeEaseOut: Float, m_rotateAxis: Vector, m_rotateSpeed: Float, m_trainPitchMax: Float, m_useNonPhysicsMoveInterpolation: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptMoverTrainNode ``` { m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_scriptNameIndex: Int, m_firstChildEntityLink: Int, m_firstParentEntityLink: Int, m_numSmoothPoints: Int, m_trainNodeMakeSmoothPointsParity: Int, m_tangentType: Int, m_perfectCircularRotation: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_DEATH_BOX extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_GLOBAL_NON_REWIND extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_EXCLUSIVE_EXPANDED extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_PLAYER_GLOBAL extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptNetData_SNDC_TITAN_SOUL extends DT_ScriptNetData ``` { m_bools: Array, m_ranges: Array, m_int32s: Array, m_times: Array, m_entities: Array, m_bools[0]: Int, m_ranges[0]: Int, m_int32s[0]: Int, m_times[0]: Time, m_entities[0]: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptProp extends DT_DynamicProp ``` { m_networkedFlags: Int, m_iHealth: Int, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_minimapData: DT_MinimapBaseEntityData, m_nameVisibilityFlags: Int, m_title: String, m_footstepType: String, m_renderColorFriendlyIsValid: Int, m_renderColorFriendly: Int, m_armorType: Int, m_scriptPropFlags: Int, m_scriptPropSmartAmmoLockType: Int, } ```
class DT_ScriptTraceVolume extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_shapeType: Int, m_sphereRadius: Float, m_boxMins: Vector, m_boxMaxs: Vector, m_drawDebug: Int, } ```
class DT_SequenceTransitioner ``` { m_sequenceTransitionerLayers: DataTable, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerCount: Int, } ```
class DT_SequenceTransitionerLayer ``` { m_sequenceTransitionerLayerActive: Int, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerStartCycle: Cycle, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerSequence: Int, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerPlaybackRate: Float, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerStartTime: Time, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerFadeOutDuration: Cycle, } ```
class DT_SoundData ``` { m_targetEnt: Int, m_soundID: BitMask, m_networkTableID: Int, m_soundIsStart: Int, m_seek: Float, } ```
class DT_StatueProp extends DT_PhysicsProp ``` { m_hInitBaseAnimating: Int, m_bShatter: Int, m_nShatterFlags: Int, m_vShatterPosition: Vector, m_vShatterForce: Vector, } ```
class DT_StatusEffectPlugin ``` { m_hOwnerEntity: Int, m_statusEffectsTimedPluginNV: DataTable, m_statusEffectsEndlessPluginNV: DataTable, } ```
class DT_TEBreakModel extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_vecOrigin: Vector, m_angRotation.x: Float, m_angRotation.y: Float, m_angRotation.z: Float, m_vecSize: Vector, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_nRandomization: Int, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_nCount: Int, m_fTime: Float, m_nFlags: Int, } ```
class DT_TEExplosion extends DT_TEParticleSystem ``` { m_fScale: Float, m_nFrameRate: Int, m_nFlags: Int, m_vecNormal: Vector, m_chMaterialType: Int, m_nRadius: Int, m_nInnerRadius: Int, m_nMagnitude: Int, m_impactEffectTableIndex: Int, m_surfaceProp: Int, m_owner: Int, m_victim: Int, } ```
class DT_TEPhysicsProp extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_vecOrigin: Vector, m_angRotation.x: Float, m_angRotation.y: Float, m_angRotation.z: Float, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_nModelIndex: Int, m_nSkin: Int, m_nFlags: Int, m_nEffects: Int, } ```
class DT_TEProjectileTrail extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_owner: Int, m_startPos: Vector, m_endPos: Vector, m_weaponClassIndex: Int, m_modBitfield: Int, m_projectileTrailIndex: Int, m_impactEffectTable: Int, } ```
class DT_TEScriptParticleSystem extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_effectIndex: Int, m_origin: Vector, m_angles: Vector, m_controlPoint1: Vector, } ```
class DT_TEScriptParticleSystemOnEntity extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_effectIndex: Int, m_ent: Int, m_attachType: Int, m_attachmentIndex: Int, m_attachType2: Int, m_attachmentIndex2: Int, } ```
class DT_TEShatterSurface extends DT_BaseTempEntity ``` { m_vecOrigin: Vector, m_vecAngles: Vector, m_vecForce: Vector, m_vecForcePos: Vector, m_flWidth: Float, m_flHeight: Float, m_flShardSize: Float, m_nSurfaceType: Int, } ```
class DT_Team ``` { player_array_element: Int, "player_array": Array, m_score: Int, m_score2: Int, m_kills: Int, m_deaths: Int, m_iRoundsWon: Int, m_iTeamTeamNum: Int, m_teamColor: Vector, m_szTeamname: String, m_reservedPlayerCount: Int, m_connectingPlayerCount: Int, m_loadingPlayerCount: Int, } ```
class DT_Tether ``` { pos: Vector, health: Float, strength: Float, healthDrainDelay: Float, healthDrainCutoffPct: Float, healthDrainPerSec: Float, healthStretchDamageScale: Float, healthVelocityDamageScale: Float, radius: Float, } ```
class DT_ThirdPersonView ``` { m_thirdPersonEntViewOffset.x: Float, m_thirdPersonEntViewOffset.y: Float, m_thirdPersonEntViewOffset.z: Float, m_thirdPersonEntShouldViewAnglesFollowThirdPersonEnt: Int, m_thirdPersonEntPitchIsFreelook: Int, m_thirdPersonEntYawIsFreelook: Int, m_thirdPersonEntUseFixedDist: Int, m_thirdPersonEntFixedClientOnly: Int, m_thirdPersonEntPushedInByGeo: Int, m_thirdPersonEntDrawViewmodel: Int, m_thirdPersonEntEnableCameraLag: Int, m_thirdPersonEntFreezeLookControls: Int, m_thirdPersonEntBlendInTotalDuration: Float, m_thirdPersonEntBlendInEaseInDuration: Float, m_thirdPersonEntBlendInEaseOutDuration: Float, m_thirdPersonEntBlendOutDuration: Float, m_thirdPersonEntFixedPitch: Float, m_thirdPersonEntFixedYaw: Float, m_thirdPersonEntFixedDist: Float, m_thirdPersonEntFixedHeight: Float, m_thirdPersonEntFixedRight: Float, m_thirdPersonEntMinYaw: Float, m_thirdPersonEntMaxYaw: Float, m_thirdPersonEntMinPitch: Float, m_thirdPersonEntMaxPitch: Float, m_thirdPersonEntSpringToCenterRate: Float, m_thirdPersonEntSpringToCenterDelay: Float, m_thirdPersonEntLookaheadLowerEntSpeed: Float, m_thirdPersonEntLookaheadUpperEntSpeed: Float, m_thirdPersonEntLookaheadMaxAngle: Float, m_thirdPersonEntLookaheadLerpAheadRate: Float, m_thirdPersonEntLookaheadLerpToCenterRate: Float, } ```
class DT_TitanSoul ``` { statuseffectsdata_soul: DT_TitanSoul_StatusEffects, m_bossPlayer: Int, m_shieldHealth: Int, m_shieldHealthMax: Int, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_titan: Int, m_titanSoulScriptNetData: Int, m_lastRodeoHitTime: Time, m_nextCoreChargeAvailable: Time, m_coreChargeExpireTime: Time, m_coreChargeStartTime: Time, m_coreUseDuration: Time, m_damageComboLatestUpdateTime: Time, m_damageComboStartHealth: Int, m_stance: Int, m_doomed: Int, m_playerSettingsNum: BitMask, m_invalidHealthBarEnt: Int, m_bEjecting: Int, m_isValidRodeoTarget: Int, } ```
class DT_TitanSoul_StatusEffects ``` { m_statusEffectsTimedTitanSoulNV: DataTable, m_statusEffectsEndlessTitanSoulNV: DataTable, } ```
class DT_TriggerCylinderHeavy extends DT_BaseTrigger ``` { m_triggerFilterMask: BitMask, m_radius: Float, m_aboveHeight: Float, m_belowHeight: Float, m_triggerType: Int, m_vertOverride: Float, m_launchPower: Float, m_punchSoftAmount: Float, m_punchHardAmount: Float, m_punchRandomBoost: Float, m_nextLaunchTime: Float, m_launchFlightTime: Float, m_launchDelayAmount: Float, m_gravityLiftUpSpeed: Float, m_gravityLiftMoveSpeed: Float, m_gravityLiftMoveAccel: Float, m_gravityLiftToCenterSpeed: Float, m_gravityLiftToCenterAccel: Float, m_gravityLiftEjectUpSpeed: Float, m_gravityLiftEjectForwardSpeed: Float, m_gravityLiftMaxEjectTime: Float, m_gravityLiftMaxHoverTime: Float, m_blackholeIsStrongPulling: Int, m_blackholeStrongPullAddlSpeed: Float, m_blackholeOuterPullSpeed: Float, m_blackholeInnerPullSpeed: Float, m_blackholeOuterMoveSpeed: Float, m_blackholeInnerMoveSpeed: Float, m_blackholeInnerRadius: Float, m_teslaTrapFXVisible: Int, m_teslaTrapBaseHeight: Float, m_teslaTrapObstructedEndTime: Time, m_teslaTrapStart: Int, m_teslaTrapEnd: Int, m_teslaTrapUp: Vector, m_launchDir: Vector, m_mortarRingSegementStart: Int, m_mortarRingSegementEnd: Int, } ```
class DT_TriggerPointGravity extends DT_BaseTrigger ``` { m_pullOuterRadius: Float, m_pullInnerRadius: Float, m_reduceSpeedOuterRadius: Float, m_reduceSpeedInnerRadius: Float, m_pullAccel: Float, m_pullSpeed: Float, m_constantPullStregnth: Int, } ```
class DT_Turret extends DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { m_iHealth: Int, m_iMaxHealth: Int, m_overlayEventParity: DataTable, m_settingsIndex: Int, m_driver: Int, m_forceAimPitch: Float, m_forceAimYaw: Float, m_driverDetachTime: Float, m_driverState: Int, m_turretWeapon: Int, m_title: String, } ```
class DT_VGuiScreen extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_flWidth: Float, m_flHeight: Float, m_nPanelName: Int, m_nAttachmentIndex: Int, m_nOverlayMaterial: Int, m_fScreenFlags: Int, m_hPlayerOwner: Int, } ```
class DT_VehicleDriverExclusive ``` { m_hoverVehicleHoverOffsetPrev: Array, m_localOrigin: VectorXY, m_localOrigin.z: Float, m_hoverVehicleHoverOffsetPrev[0]: Float, m_hoverVehicleSmoothTilt: Vector, m_hoverVehicleSmoothTiltVelocity: Vector, m_hoverVehicleSmoothYaw: Float, m_hoverVehicleSmoothYawVelocity: Float, m_hoverVehicleLookAheadAcceleration: Vector, m_hoverVehicleDebugFlyMode: Int, m_hoverVehiclePhysPush: Vector, m_pushedFixedPointOffset: DataTable, } ```
class DT_VehicleNonDriverExclusive ``` { m_cellX: Int, m_cellY: Int, m_cellZ: Int, m_localOrigin: VectorXY, m_localOrigin.z: Float, } ```
class DT_VortexSphere extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_spawnflags: Int, m_iHealth: Int, m_enabled: Int, m_radius: Float, m_height: Float, m_bulletFov: Float, m_bulletAbsorbedCount: Int, m_projectileAbsorbedCount: Int, m_ownerWeapon: Int, m_vortexEffect: Int, m_vortexLocalAngles: Vector, m_gunAttachment: String, } ```
class DT_WeaponInventory ``` { weapons: DataTable, offhandWeapons: DataTable, activeWeapons: DataTable, } ```
class DT_WeaponInventoryActiveWeaponOnly ``` { activeWeapons: DataTable, } ```
class DT_WeaponPlayerData ``` { m_moveSpread: Float, m_spreadStartTime: Time, m_spreadStartFracHip: Float, m_spreadStartFracADS: Float, m_kickSpreadHipfire: Float, m_kickSpreadADS: Float, m_kickTime: Time, m_kickScaleBasePitch: Float, m_kickScaleBaseYaw: Float, m_kickPatternScaleBase: Float, m_kickSpringHeatBaseTime: Time, m_kickSpringHeatBaseValue: Float, m_semiAutoTriggerHoldTime: Time, m_semiAutoTriggerDown: Int, m_pendingTriggerPull: Int, m_semiAutoNeedsRechamber: Int, m_pendingReloadAttempt: Int, m_offhandHybridNormalMode: Int, m_pendingoffhandHybridToss: Int, m_fastHolster: Int, m_didFirstDeploy: Int, m_shouldCatch: Int, m_clipModelIsHidden: Int, m_segmentedReloadEndSeqRequired: Int, m_reloadStartedEmpty: Int, m_segmentedAnimStartedOneHanded: Int, m_segmentedReloadCanRestartLoop: Int, m_segmentedReloadLoopFireLocked: Int, m_realtimeModCmds: DataTable, m_realtimeModCmdHead: Int, m_realtimeModCmdCount: Int, m_realtimeModCanADS: Int, m_customActivityAttachedModelIndex: Int, m_customActivityAttachedModelAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fireRateLerp_startTime: Time, m_fireRateLerp_startFraction: Float, m_fireRateLerp_stopTime: Time, m_fireRateLerp_stopFraction: Float, m_chargeAnimIndex: Int, m_chargeAnimIndexOld: Int, m_proScreen_owner: Int, m_proScreen_int0: Int, m_proScreen_int1: Int, m_proScreen_int2: Int, m_proScreen_float0: Float, m_proScreen_float1: Float, m_proScreen_float2: Float, m_reloadMilestone: Int, m_rechamberMilestone: Int, m_cooldownMilestone: Int, m_prevSeqWeight: Int, m_fullReloadStartTime: Time, m_scriptTime0: Time, m_scriptTime1: Time, m_scriptFlags0: Int, m_scriptInt0: Int, m_scriptInt1: Int, m_curZoomFOV: Float, m_targetZoomFOV: Float, m_zoomFOVLerpTime: Float, m_zoomFOVLerpEndTime: Time, m_latestDryfireTime: Time, m_requestedAttackEndTime: Time, m_currentAltFireAnimIndex: Int, m_legendaryModelIndex: Int, m_charmModelIndex: Int, m_charmAttachment: Int, m_charmScriptIndex: Int, } ```
class DT_WeaponX extends DT_BaseAnimating ``` { LocalWeaponData: DT_WeaponX_LocalWeaponData, predictingClientOnly: DT_WeaponX_PredictingClientOnly, m_networkedFlags: Int, m_bClientSideAnimation: Int, m_weaponOwner: Int, m_worldModelIndexOverride: Int, m_iWorldModelIndex: Int, m_holsterModelIndex: Int, m_droppedModelIndex: Int, m_nIdealSequence: Int, m_IdealActivity: Int, m_weaponActivity: Int, m_ActiveState: Int, m_weapState: Int, m_allowedToUse: Int, m_discarded: Int, m_forcedADS: Int, m_tossRelease: Int, m_offhandSwitchSlot: Int, m_customActivity: Int, m_customActivitySequence: Int, m_customActivityOwner: Int, m_customActivityEndTime: Time, m_customActivityFlags: Int, m_playerData: DT_WeaponPlayerData, m_lastTossedGrenade: Int, m_targetingLaserEnabledScript: Int, m_needsReloadCheck: Int, m_needsEmptyCycleCheck: Int, m_skinOverride: Int, m_skinOverrideIsValid: Int, m_chargeStartTime: Time, m_chargeEndTime: Time, m_lastChargeFrac: Float, m_sustainedDischargeEndTime: Time, m_sustainedLaserCurrentSpread: Float, m_sustainedDischargeIsInPrimaryAttack: Int, m_sustainedLaserNextRandomSeed: Int, m_modBitfieldFromPlayer: Int, m_modBitfieldInternal: Int, m_modBitfieldCurrent: Int, m_curSharedEnergyCost: Int, m_grappleWeaponNeedsDryfire: Int, m_scriptFloat0: Float, m_shouldPlayIdleAnims: Int, m_scriptActivated: Int, m_isLoadoutPickup: Int, m_utilityEnt: Int, m_weaponNameIndex: Int, m_oaActiveOverride: Int, m_parentTurret: Int, } ```
class DT_WeaponX_LocalWeaponData ``` { m_nNextThinkTick: Int, m_lastPrimaryAttackTime: Time, m_nextReadyTime: Time, m_nextPrimaryAttackTime: Time, m_attackTimeThisFrame: Time, m_ammoInClip: Int, m_ammoInStockpile: Int, m_lifetimeShots: Int, m_flTimeWeaponIdle: Time, m_bInReload: Int, } ```
class DT_WeaponX_PredictingClientOnly ``` { m_lastRegenTime: Time, m_cooldownEndTime: Time, m_stockPileWasDraining: Int, m_weaponIsCharging: Int, m_weaponChargeLevelIncreasedAnimPlaying: Int, m_lastChargeLevel: Int, m_chargeEnergyDepleteStepCounter: Int, m_burstFireCount: Int, m_burstFireIndex: Int, m_shotIndexForSpread: Int, m_shotCount: Int, m_animModelIndexPredictingClientOnly: Int, m_animSequencePredictingClientOnly: Int, } ```
class DT_World extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_WorldMins: Vector, m_WorldMaxs: Vector, m_bStartDark: Int, m_statusEffectsGenerationNV: Int, m_worldFlags: Int, m_timeshiftArmDeviceSkin: Int, m_spTitanLoadoutUnlocks: Int, m_deathFieldIsActive: DataTable, m_deathFieldOrigin: DataTable, m_deathFieldRadiusStart: DataTable, m_deathFieldRadiusEnd: DataTable, m_deathFieldTimeStart: DataTable, m_deathFieldTimeEnd: DataTable, m_teamRelationRulesForPVE: Int, m_civilTeamsMaskA: DataTable, m_civilTeamsMaskB: DataTable, m_rabidTeamsMask: DataTable, } ```
class DT_Zipline extends DT_BaseEntity ``` { m_numZiplinePoints: Int, m_ziplinePositions: DataTable, m_ziplinePhysics: DT_ZiplinePhysics, m_ziplineMaterialIndex: Int, m_prevZipline: Int, m_nextZipline: Int, m_detachEndOnUse: Int, m_dropToBottom: Int, m_ziplineAutoDetachDistance: Float, m_ziplineVerticalPushOffInDirectionX: Int, m_ziplineVerticalPreserveVelocity: Int, m_ziplineWidth: Float, m_ziplineEnabled: Int, m_ziplineRestPositions: DataTable, m_numZiplineRestPositions: Int, m_ziplineFadeDist: Float, m_ziplineSpeedScale: Float, } ```
class DT_ZiplinePhysics ``` { ziplinephysicsexclusive: DT_ZiplinePhysicsExlusive, m_isInit: Int, m_ziplineType: Int, m_ziplineStart: Vector, m_ziplineEnd: Vector, m_springDistance: Float, m_springDistanceScale: Float, m_outerZiplineEntity: Int, m_attachedEntities: DataTable, m_numAttachedEntities: Int, m_ziplineOwner: Int, } ```
class DT_ZiplinePhysicsExlusive ``` { m_nodes: DataTable, m_numNodes: Int, m_remainingUnsimulatedTime: Float, } ```
## Datamaps
class CBaseGrenade extends C_BaseAnimating ``` { m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_doesExplode: Bool, m_DmgRadius: Bool, m_grenadeCreationTime: Float, m_grenadeCreationOrigin: Vector, m_useMaskAbility: Bool, m_grenadeStatusFlags: Int, m_flDamage: Float, m_hThrower: EHANDLE, } ```
class CBaseViewModel ``` { m_currentFrame.modelIndex: Short, m_currentFrame.animCycle: Float, m_angAbsRotation: Vector, m_vecAbsOrigin: Vector, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_fEffects: Int, m_angNetworkAngles: Vector, m_nBody: Int, m_nResetEventsParity: Int, m_bSequenceFinished: Bool, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartTime: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartCycle: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animPlaybackRate: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animModelIndex: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequence: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequenceParity: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayIsActive: Bool, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayStartTime: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayStartCycle: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayPlaybackRate: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayModelIndex: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlaySequence: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayWeight: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayAnimTime: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayFadeInDuration: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayFadeOutDuration: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayCycle: Float, m_viewModelOwner: EHANDLE, m_projectileIsVisible: Bool, m_bBlockEventLayer: Bool, m_isAdsTransition: Bool, m_hWeapon: EHANDLE, m_tracerAttachments: Int, m_tracerAttachments: Int, m_tracerAttachmentsScoped: Int, m_tracerAttachmentsScoped: Int, } ```
class CCollisionProperty ``` { m_vecMins: Vector, m_vecMaxs: Vector, m_usSolidFlags: Int, m_nSolidType: Char, m_triggerBloat: Char, m_collisionDetailLevel: Char, } ```
class CGrappleHook ``` { m_pMoveParent: EHANDLE, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_parentAttachmentType: Int, m_parentAttachmentIndex: Int, m_parentAttachmentHitbox: Int, m_grappleZipline: EHANDLE, } ```
class CPlayerShared ``` { m_nPlayerCond: Int, } ```
class CPlayerState ``` { deadflag: Bool, } ```
class CPredictedFirstPersonProxy extends C_BaseAnimating ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_angNetworkAngles: Vector, m_SequenceTransitioner: C_SequenceTransitioner, m_camoIndex: Int, } ```
class CRagdoll ``` { m_ragdoll.listCount: Int, m_ragdoll.allowStretch: Bool, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 0].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 0].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 0].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 0].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 1].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 1].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 1].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 1].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 2].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 2].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 2].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 2].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 3].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 3].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 3].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 3].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 4].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 4].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 4].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 4].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 5].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 5].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 5].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 5].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 6].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 6].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 6].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 6].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 7].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 7].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 7].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[0 + 7].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 0].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 0].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 0].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 0].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 1].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 1].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 1].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 1].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 2].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 2].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 2].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 2].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 3].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 3].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 3].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 3].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 4].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 4].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 4].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 4].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 5].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 5].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 5].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 5].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 6].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 6].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 6].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 6].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 7].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 7].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 7].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[8 + 7].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 0].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 0].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 0].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 0].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 1].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 1].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 1].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 1].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 2].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 2].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 2].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 2].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 3].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 3].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 3].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 3].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 4].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 4].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 4].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 4].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 5].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 5].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 5].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 5].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 6].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 6].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 6].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 6].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 7].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 7].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 7].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[16 + 7].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 0].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 0].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 0].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 0].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 1].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 1].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 1].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 1].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 2].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 2].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 2].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 2].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 3].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 3].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 3].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 3].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 4].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 4].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 4].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 4].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 5].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 5].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 5].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 5].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 6].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 6].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 6].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 6].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 7].originParentSpace: Vector, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 7].pObject: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 7].pConstraint: Custom, m_ragdoll.list[24 + 7].parentIndex: Int, m_ragdoll.boneIndex: Int, } ```
class CTurret extends C_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { m_aimAngle: Float, m_minConeAngle: Float, m_maxConeAngle: Float, } ```
class CWeaponX extends C_BaseAnimating ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, m_nNextThinkTick: Int, m_SequenceTransitioner: C_SequenceTransitioner, m_weaponOwner: EHANDLE, m_lastPrimaryAttackTime: Time, m_nextReadyTime: Time, m_nextPrimaryAttackTime: Time, m_attackTimeThisFrame: Time, m_worldModelIndexOverride: Int, m_iWorldModelIndex: Int, m_holsterModelIndex: Int, m_droppedModelIndex: Int, m_nIdealSequence: Int, m_IdealActivity: Int, m_weaponActivity: Int, m_ActiveState: Int, m_ammoInClip: Int, m_ammoInStockpile: Int, m_lifetimeShots: Int, m_flTimeWeaponIdle: Time, m_weapState: Int, m_discarded: Bool, m_bInReload: Bool, m_tossRelease: Int, m_offhandSwitchSlot: Int, m_customActivity: Int, m_customActivitySequence: Int, m_customActivityOwner: EHANDLE, m_customActivityEndTime: Time, m_customActivityFlags: Char, m_playerData: WeaponPlayerData, m_targetingLaserEnabledScript: Bool, m_needsReloadCheck: Bool, m_needsEmptyCycleCheck: Bool, m_skinOverride: Int, m_skinOverrideIsValid: Bool, m_chargeStartTime: Time, m_chargeEndTime: Time, m_lastChargeFrac: Float, m_lastRegenTime: Time, m_cooldownEndTime: Time, m_stockPileWasDraining: Bool, m_weaponIsCharging: Bool, m_weaponChargeLevelIncreasedAnimPlaying: Bool, m_lastChargeLevel: Int, m_chargeEnergyDepleteStepCounter: Int, m_burstFireCount: Int, m_burstFireIndex: Int, m_shotIndexForSpread: Int, m_shotCount: Int, m_sustainedDischargeEndTime: Time, m_sustainedLaserCurrentSpread: Float, m_sustainedDischargeIsInPrimaryAttack: Bool, m_sustainedLaserNextRandomSeed: Char, m_modBitfieldFromPlayer: Int, m_modBitfieldInternal: Int, m_modBitfieldCurrent: Int, m_curSharedEnergyCost: Int, m_grappleWeaponNeedsDryfire: Bool, m_scriptFloat0: Float, m_shouldPlayIdleAnims: Bool, m_scriptActivated: Bool, m_flNextEmptySoundTime: Float, m_bRemoveable: Bool, } ```
class C_BaseAnimating extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_currentFrame.animCycle: Float, m_animNetworkFlags: Int, m_networkAnimActive: Bool, m_animActive: Bool, m_animCollisionEnabled: Bool, m_animRelativeToGroundEnabled: Bool, m_animPlantingEnabled: Bool, m_predictedAnimEventData: PredictedAnimEventData, m_SequenceTransitioner: C_SequenceTransitioner, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Short, m_nBody: Int, m_nResetEventsParity: Int, m_bSequenceFinished: Bool, m_bSequenceLooped: Bool, m_bSequenceLoops: Bool, m_bSequenceReadyForBreakout: Bool, m_flModelScale: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartTime: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartCycle: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animPlaybackRate: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animModelIndex: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequence: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequenceParity: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.m_flPoseParameters: Float, } ```
class C_BaseAnimatingOverlay extends C_BaseAnimating ``` { m_AnimOverlay: C_AnimationLayer, m_AnimOverlayCount: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayIsActive: Bool, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayStartTime: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayStartCycle: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayPlaybackRate: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayModelIndex: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlaySequence: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayWeight: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayOrder: Int, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayAnimTime: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayFadeInDuration: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayFadeOutDuration: Float, m_currentFrameAnimatingOverlay.animOverlayCycle: Float, } ```
class C_BaseCombatCharacter extends C_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { m_currentFrame.weaponGettingSwitchedOut: EHANDLE, m_currentFrame.showActiveWeapon3p: Bool, m_deathVelocity: Float, m_phaseShiftFlags: Int, m_flNextAttack: Time, m_lastFiredTime: Time, m_lastFiredWeapon: EHANDLE, m_raiseFromMeleeEndTime: Time, m_sharedEnergyCount: Int, m_sharedEnergyTotal: Int, m_sharedEnergyLockoutThreshold: Int, m_lastSharedEnergyRegenTime: Time, m_sharedEnergyRegenRate: Time, m_sharedEnergyRegenDelay: Float, m_lastSharedEnergyTakeTime: Time, m_inventory: WeaponInventory_Client, m_selectedWeapons: Char, m_latestPrimaryWeapons: EHANDLE, m_latestPrimaryWeaponsIndexZeroOrOne: EHANDLE, m_latestNonOffhandWeapons: Char, m_selectedOffhands: Char, m_selectedOffhandsPendingHybridAction: Char, m_lastCycleSlot: Char, m_latestMeleeWeapon: EHANDLE, m_weaponPermission: Int, m_weaponDelayEnableTime: Time, m_weaponDisabledInScript: Bool, m_weaponDisabledFlags: Char, m_weaponTypeDisabledFlags: Int, m_weaponTypeDisabledRefCount: Char, m_weaponAmmoRegenDisabled: Bool, m_weaponAmmoRegenDisabledRefCount: Int, m_hudInfo_visibilityTestAlwaysPasses: Bool, m_contextAction: Int, m_phaseShiftTimeStart: Time, m_phaseShiftTimeEnd: Time, } ```
class C_BaseEntity ``` { m_iEFlags: Int, m_fFlags: Int, m_currentFrame.modelIndex: Short, m_currentFrame.viewOffset: Vector, m_vecAngVelocity: Vector, m_angAbsRotation: Vector, m_vecAbsVelocity: Vector, m_vecAbsOrigin: Vector, m_localOrigin: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_flGravity: Float, m_flProxyRandomValue: Float, m_hGroundEntity: EHANDLE, m_flMaxspeed: Float, m_visibilityFlags: Int, m_fEffects: Int, m_iTeamNum: Int, m_passThroughFlags: Int, m_passThroughThickness: Int, m_passThroughDirection: Float, m_deathVelocity: Vector, m_bIsSoundCodeControllerValueSet: Bool, m_flSoundCodeControllerValue: Float, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_angNetworkAngles: Vector, m_flFriction: Float, m_hOwnerEntity: EHANDLE, m_bRenderWithViewModels: Bool, m_nRenderFX: Char, m_nRenderMode: Char, m_MoveType: Char, m_MoveCollide: Char, m_Collision: CCollisionProperty, } ```
class C_BaseEntity ``` { m_ModelName: String, m_fFlags: Int, m_angAbsRotation: Vector, m_vecAbsOrigin: PositionVector, m_vecPrevAbsOrigin: PositionVector, m_flGravity: Float, m_rgflCoordinateFrame: Float, } ```
class C_BreakableSurface extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_nPanelBits: Char, } ```
class C_ClientRagdoll extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_clrRender: Color32, m_nRenderFX: Char, m_nRenderMode: Char, m_pRagdoll: CRagdoll, m_nSkin: Int, m_skinMod: Short, m_nBody: Int, m_bFadeOut: Bool, m_bImportant: Bool, m_flEffectTime: Time, m_iCurrentFriction: Int, m_iMinFriction: Int, m_iMaxFriction: Int, m_flFrictionModTime: Float, m_flFrictionTime: Time, m_iFrictionAnimState: Int, m_bReleaseRagdoll: Bool, m_bFadingOut: Bool, m_flScaleEnd: Float, m_flScaleTimeStart: Float, m_flScaleTimeEnd: Float, } ```
class C_CrossbowBolt extends C_Projectile ``` { m_bounceCount: Int, m_maxBounceCount: Int, m_doesGrow: Bool, m_growStartSize: Float, m_growStage1Tick: Tick, m_growStage1Size: Float, m_growStage2Tick: Tick, m_growStage2Size: Float, m_growStageFinalTick: Tick, m_growStageFinalSize: Float, } ```
class C_DynamicProp extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_bClientSide: Bool, } ```
class C_EnvWindShared ``` { m_flStartTime: Float, m_iWindSeed: Int, m_iMinWind: Int, m_iMaxWind: Int, m_windRadius: Int, m_iMinGust: Int, m_iMaxGust: Int, m_flMinGustDelay: Float, m_flMaxGustDelay: Float, m_flGustDuration: Float, m_iGustDirChange: Int, m_location: Vector, m_iszGustSound: Int, m_iWindDir: Int, m_flWindSpeed: Float, m_currentWindVector: Vector, m_CurrentSwayVector: Vector, m_PrevSwayVector: Vector, m_iInitialWindDir: Int, m_flInitialWindSpeed: Float, m_flVariationTime: Float, m_flSimTime: Float, m_flSwitchTime: Float, m_flAveWindSpeed: Float, m_bGusting: Bool, m_flWindAngleVariation: Float, m_flWindSpeedVariation: Float, m_iEntIndex: Int, m_Stream: Void, m_WindVariationStream: Void, m_WindAveQueue: Void, m_WindVariationQueue: Void, } ```
class C_ExposureController extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_autoCompensation: Float, m_autoForceValue: Float, m_autoMin: Float, m_autoMax: Float, m_autoSpeed: Float, m_minFadeTime: Float, m_isDirectional: Bool, m_directionalHalfAngle: Float, } ```
class C_ExposureVolume extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_volumeTester: Outer, m_exposureTarget: ClassPtr, m_exposureTargetName: String, m_exposurePriority: Float, } ```
class C_FogController extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_fogParams: fogplayerparamsstate_t, m_fogAngles: Vector, m_useAbsAngles: Bool, } ```
class C_FogVolume extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_volumeTester: Outer, m_fogTarget: ClassPtr, m_fogTargetName: String, m_fogPriority: Int, } ```
class C_GlobalNonRewinding extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_playerObserver: C_ObserverMode, m_playerMiscData: C_NonRewindMiscData, } ```
class C_KnockBack ``` { velocity: Vector, beginTime: Time, endTime: Time, } ```
class C_Missile extends C_Projectile ``` { m_hasPlayedWhizby: Bool, m_whizByStart: Vector, m_whizBySoundName: Char, m_homingSpeed: Float, m_homingSpeedDodgingPlayer: Float, m_launchDir: Vector, m_hSpecificTarget: EHANDLE, m_targetOffset: Vector, m_targetPosition: Vector, m_useTargetPosition: Bool, m_postIgnitionSpeed: Float, m_flGracePeriodEndsAt: Time, m_pathSettingsInitialized: Bool, m_expandContractMissile: Bool, m_spiralMissile: Bool, m_spiralSettings: Void, m_expandContractSettings: MissilePathExpandContractSettings_Client, m_lastThinkTime: Time, m_explosionIgnoreEntity: EHANDLE, } ```
class C_NPC_SentryTurret extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_killCount: Int, m_titanKillCount: Int, } ```
class C_NonRewindMiscData ``` { m_nextRespawnTime: Float, m_musicPackAssigned: Int, } ```
class C_ObserverMode ``` { m_observerMode: Int, m_observerTarget: EHANDLE, } ```
class C_ParticleSystem extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_bClientSide: Bool, m_bActive: Bool, m_warmUpTime: Float, m_pauseAfterWarmup: Bool, m_bInSkybox: Bool, m_killForReplay: Bool, m_killIfOverLimit: Bool, } ```
class C_Player extends C_BaseCombatCharacter ``` { m_fFlags: Int, m_currentFrame.animCycle: Float, m_pMoveParent: EHANDLE, m_vecAbsVelocity: Vector, m_hGroundEntity: EHANDLE, m_flMaxspeed: Int, m_jumpPadDebounceExpireTime: Time, m_vecVelocity: Vector, m_flFriction: Float, m_nNextThinkTick: Int, m_SequenceTransitioner: C_SequenceTransitioner, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartTime: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animStartCycle: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animPlaybackRate: Float, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequence: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.animSequenceParity: Int, m_currentFrameBaseAnimating.m_flPoseParameters: Float, m_bZooming: Bool, m_zoomToggleOnStartTime: Time, m_zoomBaseFrac: Float, m_zoomBaseTime: Time, m_zoomFullStartTime: Time, m_lastUCmdSimulationTicks: Int, m_lastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime: Float, m_Local: C_PlayerLocalData, m_currentFramePlayer.timeBase: Float, m_currentFramePlayer.statusEffectsTimedPlayerCUR: StatusEffectTimedData, m_currentFramePlayer.statusEffectsEndlessPlayerCUR: StatusEffectEndlessData, m_currentFramePlayer.m_flHullHeight: Float, m_currentFramePlayer.m_traversalAnimProgress: Float, m_currentFramePlayer.m_sprintTiltFrac: Float, m_currentFramePlayer.m_ammoPoolCount: Int, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_stepSmoothingOffset: Vector, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_duckTransitionRemainderMsec: Int, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchBase_Angle: Vector, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchBase_AngleVel: Vector, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchWeapon_Angle: Vector, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchWeapon_AngleVel.x: Float, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchWeapon_AngleVel.y: Float, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_vecPunchWeapon_AngleVel.z: Float, m_currentFrameLocalPlayer.m_localGravityRotation: Quaternion, pl: CPlayerState, m_ammoPoolCapacity: Int, m_classModsActive: 29, m_gestureSequences: Int, m_gestureStartTimes: Time, m_gestureBlendInDuration: Float, m_gestureBlendOutDuration: Float, m_gestureFadeOutStartTime: Time, m_gestureFadeOutDuration: Float, m_gestureAutoKillBitfield: Int, m_afButtonLast: Int, m_afButtonPressed: Int, m_afButtonReleased: Int, m_nButtons: Int, m_nImpulse: Int, m_flPhysics: Int, m_flStepSoundTime: Float, m_flTimeAllSuitDevicesOff: Float, m_fStickySprintMinTime: Float, m_bPlayedSprintStartEffects: Bool, m_fIsSprinting: Bool, m_fIsWalking: Bool, m_lastSprintPressTime: Time, m_stickySprintForwardEnableTime: Time, m_stickySprintForwardDisableTime: Time, m_sprintStartedTime: Time, m_sprintStartedFrac: Float, m_sprintEndedTime: Time, m_sprintEndedFrac: Float, m_stickySprintStartTime: Time, m_damageImpulseNoDecelEndTime: Time, m_duckState: Int, m_leanState: Int, m_doingHalfDuck: Bool, m_canStand: Bool, m_StandHullMin: Vector, m_StandHullMax: Vector, m_DuckHullMin: Vector, m_DuckHullMax: Vector, m_upDir: Vector, m_upDirPredicted: Vector, m_lastWallRunStartPos: Vector, m_wallRunCount: Int, m_wallRunWeak: Bool, m_shouldBeOneHanded: Bool, m_oneHandFraction: Float, m_animAimPitch: Float, m_animAimYaw: Float, m_wallRunPushAwayTime: Float, m_wallrunRetryTime: Time, m_wallrunRetryPos: Vector, m_wallrunRetryNormal: Vector, m_wallHangTime: Float, m_traversalState: Int, m_traversalType: Int, m_traversalBegin: Vector, m_traversalMid: Vector, m_traversalEnd: Vector, m_traversalMidFrac: Float, m_traversalForwardDir: Vector, m_traversalRefPos: Vector, m_traversalProgress: Float, m_traversalStartTime: Time, m_traversalHandAppearTime: Time, m_traversalReleaseTime: Time, m_traversalBlendOutStartTime: Time, m_traversalBlendOutStartOffset: Vector, m_traversalYawDelta: Float, m_wallDangleJumpOffTime: Time, m_wallDangleMayHangHere: Bool, m_wallDangleForceFallOff: Bool, m_wallDangleLastPushedForward: Bool, m_wallDangleDisableWeapon: Int, m_wallDangleClimbProgressFloor: Float, m_wallClimbSetUp: Bool, m_wallHanging: Bool, m_gravityLiftActive: Bool, m_gravityLiftEnterTime: Float, m_gravityLiftEjectTime: Float, m_gravityLiftHoverTime: Float, m_gravityLiftLastOrigin: Vector, m_gravityLiftEjectVelocity: Vector, m_blackholeActive: Bool, m_grapple: GrappleData, m_grapple: GrappleData, m_grappleActive: Bool, m_grappleActive: Bool, m_grappleNeedWindowCheck: Bool, m_grappleNextWindowHint: EHANDLE, m_slowMoEnabled: Bool, m_sliding: Bool, m_slideLongJumpAllowed: Bool, m_lastSlideTime: Time, m_lastSlideBoost: Float, m_gravityGrenadeStatusEffect: Int, m_bIsStickySprinting: Bool, m_prevMoveYaw: Float, m_sprintTiltVel: Float, m_turret: EHANDLE, m_hViewModels: EHANDLE, m_viewOffsetEntity: Player_ViewOffsetEntityData, m_activeZipline: EHANDLE, m_lastZipline: EHANDLE, m_lastZiplineDetachTime: Time, m_ziplineValid3pWeaponLayerAnim: Bool, m_ziplineState: Int, m_zipline: PlayerZiplineData_Client, m_ziplineViewOffsetPosition: Vector, m_ziplineViewOffsetVelocity: Vector, m_ziplineGrenadeEntity: EHANDLE, m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationEntity: EHANDLE, m_ziplineGrenadeBeginStationAttachmentIndex: Int, m_sameZiplineCooldownTime: Float, m_playAnimationType: Int, m_detachGrappleOnPlayAnimationEnd: Bool, m_playAnimationNext: Int, m_boosting: Bool, m_activateBoost: Bool, m_repeatedBoost: Bool, m_boostMeter: Float, m_jetpack: Bool, m_activateJetpack: Bool, m_jetpackAfterburner: Bool, m_gliding: Bool, m_glideMeter: Float, m_glideRechargeDelayAccumulator: Float, m_hovering: Bool, m_isPerformingBoostAction: Bool, m_lastJumpHeight: Float, m_touchingUpdraftTriggers: EHANDLE, m_touchingUpdraftTriggersCount: Int, m_touchingSlipTriggers: EHANDLE, m_touchingSlipTriggersCount: Int, m_slipAirRestrictDirection: Vector, m_slipAirRestrictTime: Time, m_melee: PlayerMelee_PlayerData, m_useCredit: Bool, m_wallRunStartTime: Time, m_wallRunClearTime: Time, m_onSlopeTime: Float, m_lastWallNormal: Vector, m_dodging: Bool, m_lastDodgeTime: Time, m_vecPreviouslyPredictedOrigin: Vector, m_flTimeLastTouchedWall: Float, m_timeJetpackHeightActivateCheckPassed: Time, m_flTimeLastTouchedGround: Float, m_flTimeLastJumped: Float, m_flTimeLastJumpGraceTap: Float, m_flJumpGraceMultiTapFactor: Float, m_flTimeLastLanded: Float, m_flLastLandFromHeight: Float, m_usePressedTime: Float, m_lastUseTime: Float, m_lastFakeFloorPos: Vector, m_bHasJumpedSinceTouchedGround: Bool, m_bDoMultiJumpPenalty: Bool, m_dodgingInAir: Bool, m_activeViewmodelModifiers: Bool, m_lastMoveInputTime: Time, m_ignoreEntityForMovementUntilNotTouching: EHANDLE, m_gameMovementUtil.m_surfaceFriction: Float, m_lungeTargetEntity: EHANDLE, m_isLungingToPosition: Bool, m_lungeTargetPosition: Vector, m_lungeStartPositionOffset: Vector, m_lungeEndPositionOffset: Vector, m_lungeStartTime: Time, m_lungeEndTime: Time, m_lungeCanFly: Bool, m_lungeLockPitch: Bool, m_lungeStartPitch: Float, m_lungeSmoothTime: Float, m_lungeMaxTime: Float, m_lungeMaxEndSpeed: Float, m_vPrevGroundNormal: Vector, m_prepClimbPusher: EHANDLE, m_pushAwayFromTopAcceleration: Vector, m_controllerModeActive: Bool, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueVelocity: Float, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueTarget: Float, m_skydiveForwardPoseValueCurrent: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueVelocity: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueTarget: Float, m_skydiveSidePoseValueCurrent: Float, m_skydiveYawVelocity: Float, m_skydiveIsNearLeviathan: Bool, m_skydiveState: Int, m_skydiveStartTime: Time, m_skydiveEndTime: Time, m_skydiveAnticipateStartTime: Time, m_skydiveAnticipateEndTime: Time, m_skydiveDistanceToLand: Float, m_skydiveDiveAngle: Float, m_skydiveIsDiving: Bool, m_skydiveSpeed: Float, m_skydiveStrafeAngle: Float, m_skydiveFreelookEnabled: Bool, m_skydiveFreelookLockedAngle: Vector, m_skydivePlayerPitch: Float, m_skydivePlayerYaw: Float, m_skydiveFollowing: Bool, m_skydiveUnfollowVelocity: Vector, m_skydiveLeviathanHitPosition: Vector, m_skydiveLeviathanHitNormal: Vector, m_skydiveSlipVelocity: Vector, m_skydiveFromUpdraft: Bool, m_skydiveFromSkywardLaunch: Bool, m_skywardLaunchState: Int, m_skywardDeployStartPos: Vector, m_skywardLaunchSlowStartTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchSlowEndTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchFastEndTime: Float, m_skywardDeployEndTime: Float, m_skywardLaunchEndTime: Float, m_skywardDeploySpeed: Float, m_skywardLaunchSlowSpeed: Float, m_skywardLaunchFastSpeed: Float, m_skywardOffset: Vector, m_skywardOffsetSpeed: Float, m_skywardLaunchInterrupted: Bool, m_skywardLaunchFollowing: Bool, m_playerKnockBacks: C_KnockBack, m_updraftCount: Int, m_updraftStage: Int, m_updraftEnterTime: Time, m_updraftLeaveTime: Time, m_updraftMinShakeActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftMaxShakeActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftLiftActivationHeight: Float, m_updraftLiftSpeed: Float, m_updraftLiftAcceleration: Float, m_updraftLiftExitDuration: Float, m_updraftSlowTime: Time, } ```
class C_PlayerLocalData ``` { m_nStepside: Int, m_nOldButtons: Int, m_nOldVehicleButtons: Int, m_iHideHUD: Int, m_superJumpsUsed: Int, m_jumpedOffRodeo: Bool, m_jumpPressTime: Time, m_prevJumpPressTime: Time, m_jetpackActivateTime: Time, m_jetpackDeactivateTime: Time, m_flSuitPower: Float, m_flSuitJumpPower: Float, m_flSuitGrapplePower: Float, m_flFallVelocity: Float, m_flStepSize: Float, m_airSlowMoFrac: Float, predictableFlags: Int, m_bitsActiveDevices: Int, m_forceStance: Int, m_duckToggleOn: Bool, m_bDrawViewmodel: Bool, m_bAllowAutoMovement: Bool, m_airMoveBlockPlanes: Vector, m_airMoveBlockPlaneTime: Time, m_airMoveBlockPlaneCount: Int, m_queuedMeleePressTime: Time, m_queuedGrappleMeleeTime: Time, m_disableMeleeUntilRelease: Bool, m_meleePressTime: Time, m_meleeDisabledCounter: Int, m_meleeInputIndex: Int, m_oneHandedWeaponUsage: Bool, m_prevOneHandedWeaponUsage: Bool, m_titanEmbarkEnabled: Bool, m_titanDisembarkEnabled: Bool, m_playerAnimStationaryGoalFeetYaw: Float, m_playerAnimJumping: Bool, m_playerAnimJumpStartTime: Time, m_playerAnimFirstJumpFrame: Bool, m_playerAnimDodging: Bool, m_playerAnimJumpActivity: Int, m_playerAnimLanding: Bool, m_playerAnimShouldLand: Bool, m_playerAnimLandStartTime: Time, m_playerAnimInAirWalk: Bool, m_playerAnimPrevFrameSequenceMotionYaw: Float, m_playerAnimMeleeParity: Int, m_playerAnimMeleeStartTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityToWorldTransform: Quaternion, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStartRotation: Quaternion, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndRotation: Quaternion, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndDirection: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStartTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityBlendEndTime: Time, m_playerLocalGravityBlendStrength: Float, m_playerLocalGravityStrength: Float, m_playerLocalGravityType: Int, m_playerLocalGravityPoint: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityLineStart: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityLineEnd: Vector, m_playerLocalGravityEntity: EHANDLE, m_playerLocalGravityLineStartEntity: EHANDLE, m_playerLocalGravityLineEndEntity: EHANDLE, m_playerFloatLookStartTime: Time, m_playerFloatLookEndTime: Time, m_wallrunLatestFloorHeight: Float, m_wallrunFromJetpack: Bool, m_groundNormal: Vector, m_continuousUseBlocked: Bool, m_useEnt: EHANDLE, } ```
class C_PlayerVehicle extends C_BaseAnimatingOverlay ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, m_SequenceTransitioner: C_SequenceTransitioner, m_vehicleDriver: EHANDLE, m_vehicleActivated: Bool, m_blockDuckInput: Bool, m_vehicleLaunchTime: Float, m_vehicleVelocity: Vector, m_vehicleGroundEntity: EHANDLE, m_vehicleGroundNormal: Vector, m_vehicleGroundDist: Float, m_hoverVehicleHoverOffsetPrev: Float, m_hoverVehicleGroundAngles: Vector, m_hoverVehicleIsOnGround: Bool, m_hoverVehicleHoverSimulationIsAwake: Bool, m_hoverVehicleSmoothTilt: Vector, m_hoverVehicleSmoothTiltVelocity: Vector, m_hoverVehicleSmoothYaw: Float, m_hoverVehicleSmoothYawVelocity: Float, m_hoverVehicleLookAheadAcceleration: Vector, m_hoverVehicleLastBoostTime: Time, m_hoverVehicleIsMarkedAsDrivingForward: Bool, m_hoverVehicleStunTimeEnd: Float, m_hoverVehicleThrottle: Float, m_hoverVehicleBanking: Float, m_hoverVehicleFrictionLastTime: Float, m_hoverVehicleFrictionSurfPropOther: Int, m_hoverVehicleFrictionNormal: Vector, m_hoverVehicleFrictionPos: Vector, m_hoverVehiclePhysPush: Vector, } ```
class C_Projectile extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_weaponDataIsSet: Bool, m_forceAdjustToGunBarrelDisabled: Bool, m_weaponClassIndex: Int, m_destructionDistance: Float, m_passThroughDepthTotal: Int, m_modBitfield: Int, m_overrideMods: Int, m_projectileTrailIndex: Int, m_impactEffectTable: Int, m_reducedEffects: Bool, m_projectileCreationTimeServer: Float, m_weaponSource: EHANDLE, m_passThroughModCount: Int, m_passThroughPoints: Vector, m_preModdedTrailEffectIndices1p: Int, m_preModdedTrailEffectIndices3p: Int, m_launchOrigin: Vector, m_wpnData: Outer, m_hWeaponFileInfo: Short, m_weaponChargeLevel: Int, m_weaponChargeFraction: Float, m_modVars: Void, m_modVarsAreValid: Bool, m_launchVel: Vector, m_scriptCB: Void, m_hasPlayedTrailEffect: Bool, m_projectileLifeTimeEndTick: Tick, m_projectileCreationTime: Float, m_isVortexRefired: Bool, m_damageAliveOnly: Bool, m_usesPositionFunction: Bool, m_lastCollisionNormal: Vector, m_bounceIndex: Int, m_randomInt: Int, m_thrownByAI: Bool, m_perPolyRadius: Float, m_posBeforePhysicsSimulate: Vector, m_hasIgnited: Bool, m_inLagCompensation: Bool, m_passEntities: EHANDLE, m_projectileSpeed: Float, m_wantStartTrailEffect: Bool, m_hasCalledPostDataUpdate: Bool, } ```
class C_PropDoor ``` { m_localOrigin: Vector, m_localAngles: Vector, m_nNextThinkTick: Int, m_angle: Float, m_startAngle: Float, m_startAngleVel: Float, m_startMoveTime: Time, m_nextHitSoundTime: Float, m_lastThinkTime: Float, m_interactingPlayer: EHANDLE, m_interactingPlayerWantsOpen: Bool, m_useDebounceEndTime: Time, m_prevAngle: Float, } ```
class C_SequenceTransitioner ``` { m_sequenceTransitionerLayers: C_SequenceTransitionerLayer, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerCount: Int, } ```
class C_SequenceTransitionerLayer ``` { m_sequenceTransitionerLayerActive: Bool, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerStartCycle: Float, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerSequence: Int, m_weight: Float, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerPlaybackRate: Float, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerStartTime: Time, m_sequenceTransitionerLayerFadeOutDuration: Float, } ```
class C_Team extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_score: Int, m_score2: Int, m_kills: Int, m_deaths: Int, m_iRoundsWon: Int, m_iTeamTeamNum: Int, m_szTeamname: Char, } ```
class C_TriggerCylinderHeavy ``` { m_nextLaunchTime: Time, m_teslaTrapObstructedEndTime: Time, } ```
class C_VortexSphere extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_enabled: Bool, m_radius: Float, m_height: Float, m_bulletFov: Float, m_bulletAbsorbedCount: Int, m_projectileAbsorbedCount: Int, m_ownerWeapon: EHANDLE, m_vortexEffect: EHANDLE, m_vortexLocalAngles: Vector, m_gunAttachment: String, m_listPrev: Outer, m_listNext: Outer, } ```
class C_WallrunCurve extends C_GameplayHint ``` { width: Int, height: Int, } ```
class C_WindowHint extends C_GameplayHint ``` { normal: Vector, right: Vector, halfSize: Float, halfSize[0]: Float, halfSize[1]: Float, } ```
class C_Zipline extends C_BaseEntity ``` { m_ziplinePhysics: C_ZiplinePhysics, m_detachEndOnUse: Bool, m_currentFrameZipline.numZiplinePoints: Int, m_currentFrameZipline.ziplinePositions: Vector, m_currentFrameZipline.ziplinePreviousPositions: Vector, m_currentFrameZipline.ziplineDistances: Float, } ```
class C_ZiplinePhysics ``` { m_ziplineType: Int, m_ziplineStart: Vector, m_ziplineEnd: Vector, m_nodes: C_ZiplinePhysicsNode, m_numNodes: Int, m_springDistance: Int, m_remainingUnsimulatedTime: Float, m_attachedEntities: C_ZiplinePhysicsAttachedEntity, m_numAttachedEntities: Int, m_ziplineOwner: EHANDLE, } ```
class C_ZiplinePhysicsAttachedEntity ``` { entity: EHANDLE, attachAcceleration: Vector, attachTime: Float, } ```
class C_ZiplinePhysicsNode ``` { position: Vector, prevPosition: Vector, } ```
class GrappleData ``` { m_grappleVel: Vector, m_grapplePoints: Vector, m_grapplePointCount: Int, m_grappleAttached: Bool, m_grapplePulling: Bool, m_grappleSwinging: Bool, m_grappleRetracting: Bool, m_grappleForcedRetracting: Bool, m_grappleGracePeriodFinished: Bool, m_grappleUsedPower: Float, m_grappleActivateTime: Time, m_grapplePullTime: Time, m_grappleAttachTime: Time, m_grappleDetachTime: Time, m_grappleMeleeTarget: EHANDLE, m_grappleAutoAimTarget: EHANDLE, m_grappleSwingDetachLowSpeed: Float, m_grappleSwingHoldTime: Time, } ```
class MissilePathExpandContractSettings_Client ``` { launchOutVec: Vector, launchInVec: Vector, launchOutTime: Time, launchInLerpTime: Time, launchInTime: Time, launchStraightLerpTime: Time, endPos: Vector, applyRandSpread: Bool, } ```
class PlayerMelee_PlayerData ``` { meleeAttackParity: Int, attackActive: Bool, attackRecoveryShouldBeQuick: Bool, isSprintAttack: Bool, attackStartTime: Time, attackHitEntity: EHANDLE, attackHitEntityTime: Time, attackLastHitNonWorldEntity: Time, scriptedState: Int, pendingMeleePress: Bool, lungeBoost: Vector, } ```
class PlayerZiplineData_Client ``` { m_ziplineReenableWeapons: Bool, m_mountingZiplineDuration: Float, m_mountingZiplineAlpha: Float, m_ziplineStartTime: Time, m_ziplineEndTime: Time, m_mountingZiplineSourcePosition: Vector, m_mountingZiplineSourceVelocity: Vector, m_mountingZiplineTargetPosition: Vector, m_ziplineUsePosition: Vector, m_slidingZiplineAlpha: Float, m_lastMoveDir2D: Vector, m_ziplineReverse: Bool, } ```
class Player_ViewOffsetEntityData ``` { viewOffsetEntityHandle: EHANDLE, lerpInDuration: Float, lerpOutDuration: Float, stabilizePlayerEyeAngles: Bool, } ```
class PredictedAnimEventData ``` { m_predictedAnimEventTimes: Time, m_predictedAnimEventIndices: Int, m_predictedAnimEventCount: Int, m_predictedAnimEventTarget: EHANDLE, m_predictedAnimEventSequence: Int, m_predictedAnimEventModel: Int, m_predictedAnimEventsReadyToFireTime: Time, } ```
class StatusEffectEndlessData ``` { seComboVars: Int, } ```
class StatusEffectTimedData ``` { seComboVars: Int, seTimeEnd: Float, seEaseOut: Float, } ```
class WeaponInventory_Client ``` { weapons: EHANDLE, activeWeapons: EHANDLE, } ```
class WeaponPlayerData ``` { m_moveSpread: Float, m_spreadStartTime: Time, m_spreadStartFracHip: Float, m_spreadStartFracADS: Float, m_kickSpreadHipfire: Float, m_kickSpreadADS: Float, m_kickTime: Time, m_kickScaleBasePitch: Float, m_kickScaleBaseYaw: Float, m_kickPatternScaleBase: Float, m_kickSpringHeatBaseTime: Time, m_kickSpringHeatBaseValue: Float, m_semiAutoTriggerHoldTime: Time, m_semiAutoTriggerDown: Bool, m_pendingTriggerPull: Bool, m_semiAutoNeedsRechamber: Bool, m_pendingReloadAttempt: Bool, m_offhandHybridNormalMode: Bool, m_pendingoffhandHybridToss: Bool, m_fastHolster: Bool, m_didFirstDeploy: Bool, m_shouldCatch: Bool, m_clipModelIsHidden: Bool, m_segmentedReloadEndSeqRequired: Bool, m_reloadStartedEmpty: Bool, m_segmentedAnimStartedOneHanded: Bool, m_segmentedReloadCanRestartLoop: Bool, m_segmentedReloadLoopFireLocked: Bool, m_realtimeModCmds: Char, m_realtimeModCmdHead: Char, m_realtimeModCmdCount: Char, m_realtimeModCanADS: Bool, m_customActivityAttachedModelIndex: Int, m_customActivityAttachedModelAttachmentIndex: Int, m_fireRateLerp_startTime: Time, m_fireRateLerp_startFraction: Float, m_fireRateLerp_stopTime: Time, m_fireRateLerp_stopFraction: Float, m_chargeAnimIndex: Int, m_chargeAnimIndexOld: Int, m_reloadMilestone: Int, m_rechamberMilestone: Int, m_cooldownMilestone: Int, m_prevSeqWeight: Int, m_fullReloadStartTime: Time, m_scriptTime0: Time, m_scriptTime1: Time, m_scriptFlags0: Int, m_scriptInt0: Short, m_scriptInt1: Short, m_curZoomFOV: Float, m_targetZoomFOV: Float, m_zoomFOVLerpTime: Float, m_zoomFOVLerpEndTime: Time, m_latestDryfireTime: Time, m_requestedAttackEndTime: Time, m_currentAltFireAnimIndex: Int, m_legendaryModelIndex: Int, m_charmModelIndex: Int, m_charmAttachment: Int, m_charmScriptIndex: Int, } ```
class fogplayerparamsstate_t ``` { enable: Bool, botAlt: Float, topAlt: Float, halfDistBot: Float, halfDistTop: Float, distOffset: Float, densityScale: Float, halfAngleDeg: Float, distColorStr: Float, dirColorStr: Float, HDRColorScale: Float, minFadeTime: Float, forceOntoSky: Bool, distColor: Color32, dirColor: Color32, vlParams.color: Vector, vlParams.distFalloff: Float, vlParams.intensity: Float, vlParams.scatter: Float, vlParams.inShadowScatter: Float, direction: Vector, id: Int, } ```
## ConVars
default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x0`
Allow_auto_Party default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
AutoRejectInviteToPlay default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
AutoRejectNewRules default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
BlendBonesMode default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
Clubs_QueryPrefersFriend Use friend on clubs querry default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
Communities_TextUseLocalName default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
CrossPlay_user_optin Our Crossplay opt-in preference default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000200`
DigiCertGlobalRoot_usable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
DoorSoundPrefixDouble Sound prefix for door sounds for double doors default: `"Door_Single_"` flags: `0x2`
DoorSoundPrefixSingle Sound prefix for door sounds for single doors default: `"Door_Single_"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_AcceptInvite_Check_isAcceptingInvite default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_DELAY_QUERRY_SCRIPT_SECONDS default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_DELAY_QUERRY_SECONDS default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_Enabled Allow RTM code to work! default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_Productid default: `"r5"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_SEARCH_Enabled Allow EADP SEARCH code to work! default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_code_redemption_enabled Allows code redemption requests to be made default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_code_redemption_hostname default: `"proxy/commerce_gateway/coderedemption/redeem"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_http_inbound_friend_invite_can_use_commentforname default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_optin_datachange_throttle default: `"2"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0.1` max value: `5`
EADP_search_accountname_count The Number of responce from a name search. default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_search_use_starts_with default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_server_enviorment default: `"INT"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_dev_persistence_domain Value used to construct marketplace alias sent to UM in dev default: `"r5dev_a"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_enabled Allows requests to be made the UM service default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_forceError default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_path default: `"em/v4.5/action"` flags: `0x2`
EADP_um_promo_id The trigger id for promos default: `"fetchpromo"` flags: `0x2`
EAPD_friends_invite_has_platform default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
Invite_Flyout_Off Used to disable ****** Fly Outs. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
OriginAllowRebootClientAuthTokens default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
OriginRebootClientAuthTokens_Retryinterval default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ScriptDisallowedToUsePersistenceOnSP default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ScriptSaveAllowed default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
StreamMicDisabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
TLS_trust_cert default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
TalkIsStream default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
TextDataFromCommunityOnlyInLobby default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
VoiceDataFromCommunityOnlyInLobby default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
VoiceNeedsReset default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_DigiCertGlobalRoot_usable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_TLS_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_TLS_secure_conn default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_TLS_trust_cert default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_telemetry_buffer_sends_per_second default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_telemetry_shortcircuit Allow customers to turn off xlog. default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
XLOG_telemetry_socket_recv_freq default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_telemetry_socket_send_freq default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
XLOG_telemetry_streams default: `""` flags: `0x2`
adjustableCharacterBoostBias Change the character boost bias default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
ai_titan_grapple_max_len default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_enabled Enables air slowmo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_enter_time Duration it takes to reach full slowmo default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_ground_immediate_end Controls whether air slowmo fades out after landing or immediately stops default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_leave_time Duration it takes to leave full slowmo default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_scripted_speed default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2002`
airslowmo_when_hovering Replaces hovering with air slowmo default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
always_touch_triggers_cl default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
animEvent_debug 1 = sparse, 2 = verbose default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
animEvent_debugEnt default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
animEvent_debug_cl 1 = sparse, 2 = verbose default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
anim_estimateVelocity default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_playerMovementAngleMargin default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_player_ragdoll_fix default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_print_transition_overflow default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_runGestureAnimEventsToCompletionOnReset_client default: `"0"` flags: `0x6000`
anim_showstate Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none). default: `"-1"` flags: `0x6002`
anim_showstatelog 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both. default: `"0"` flags: `0x6002`
anim_transitionsequences Enables blended transitions between sequences. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_view_entity_third_person_camera_use_move_parent default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
anim_window_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
announcement default: `""` flags: `0x12`
announcementImage default: `""` flags: `0x12`
announcementVersion default: `"0"` flags: `0x12`
assetdownloads_desiredState default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
assetdownloads_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
assetdownloads_forceError default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
assetdownloads_hostname default: `"r5-assets.stryder.respawn.com"` flags: `0x2`
async_serialize Force async reads to serialize for profiling default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
attachment_orthogonal_warnings default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
automantle_backoff_anim_maxfrac Fraction of mantle after which pulling back simply aborts the mantle default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_cooldown Minimum time between mantles default: `".25"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_dangle_required_space Required space under the ledge to dangle default: `"60"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_debug Debugs player auto-mantle behavior default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_disable_hang disables the hang mantle behavior default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_enable Enables player auto-mantle behavior default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_forwarddist Distance forward to do the ground check from when auto-mantling default: `"26.f"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_gun_enable_height Eye height above ledge at which gun is reenabled default: `"33"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_height_above Mantle height above ledge below which the "above" animation is used and above which the "high" animation is used default: `"30"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_height_below Mantle height above ledge below which the "below" animation is used default: `"-10"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_height_level Mantle height above ledge below which the "level" animation is used default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_jumpoff_anim_maxfrac Maximum fraction of mantle at which jump off animation is played default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_jumpoff_duration Duration of jump off animation when jumping off default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_max_frac Fractional amount (0-1) player can move forward without hitting jump. default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_maxangle_push Max angle the player can be pushing from the wall normal to auto-mantle default: `"50"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_maxangle_view Max angle the player can be facing from the wall to auto-mantle default: `"50"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_min_frac Fractional amount (0-1) player can move backward without hitting jump. default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_mindist Minimum forward distance when auto-mantling default: `"18.f"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_rest_frac Fractional amount (0-1) player will tend toward when no input is given. default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_rest_frac_below Replaces rest_frac when using the "below" animation default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_searchdist Forward distance within which to look for a ledge to auto-mantle default: `"5.f"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_trace_debug Debugs the traces of player auto-mantle behavior default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
automantle_view_correction_speed Speed at which view direction is clamped when mantling default: `"180"` flags: `0x4000`
automantle_view_high_yaw_max Max view yaw when mantling with the "high" mantle animation default: `"90"` flags: `0x4000`
automantle_view_pitch_max Max view pitch when mantling default: `"35"` flags: `0x4000`
automantle_view_pitch_min Min view pitch when mantling default: `"-80"` flags: `0x4000`
automantle_view_yaw_max Max view yaw when mantling default: `"60"` flags: `0x4000`
automantle_wallrun_maxangle_view Max angle the player can be facing from the wall to auto-mantle while wall running default: `"45"` flags: `0x2002`
baseanimatingoverlay_playbackRateThreshold default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2`
baselines_print default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
bhit_enable Enables bhit commands from the client default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
bhit_reliable Makes bhit commands reliable messages default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
bink_materials_enabled Allows materials with 'Emissive Uses Video' checked to play video on the material default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
bink_preload_videopanel_movies Preload Bink movies used by VideoPanel. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
boost_jetwash_prediction_factor Factor used to scale player's velocity when finding jetwash trace point. default: `"20.0f"` flags: `0x2002`
bot_lagOut Cause bots to lag out default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
bot_num_exclusive_teams Number of teams to reserve and fill with bots(autoplayers) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
budget_animatingEntities default: `"5000"` flags: `0x2`
budget_animationOverlayEntities default: `"260"` flags: `0x2`
budget_combatCharEntities default: `"200"` flags: `0x2`
budget_weaponEntities default: `"1200"` flags: `0x2`
budget_ziplineEntities default: `"250"` flags: `0x2`
bug_reproNum default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
build_nonmerged default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
buildcubemaps_async default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
buildcubemaps_index default: `"-1"` flags: `0x4000`
buildcubemaps_pvs_start_early default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
buildcubemaps_single_step default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
building_cubemaps default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
bulletPredictionDebug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
bullet_trace_test_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
bullet_trace_test_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
c_dropship_ground_fx_dist_interval default: `"256"` flags: `0x2`
c_dropship_ground_fx_time_interval default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
c_dropship_rope_debug Used to visualize the drop ship rope interaction. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
c_dropship_rope_events Turn on client side drop ship rope interaction detection. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
c_dropship_rope_magnitude Used to scale the interaction of a drop ship and a rope. default: `"128"` flags: `0x2`
c_dropship_rope_range Max distance away from a drop ship that a Rope is effected. default: `"1024"` flags: `0x2`
c_maxdistance default: `"400"` flags: `0x2`
c_maxpitch default: `"90"` flags: `0x2`
c_maxyaw default: `"135"` flags: `0x2`
c_mindistance default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
c_minpitch default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
c_minyaw default: `"-135"` flags: `0x2`
c_orthoheight default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
c_orthowidth default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdistADS_110 default: `"35.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdistADS_70 default: `"50.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdistADS_90 default: `"40.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist_110 default: `"60.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist_70 default: `"100.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist_90 default: `"75.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshouldergetsviewpunch default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset default: `"17.0"` flags: `0x2`
c_threadedAnimPostData default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cam_collision When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cam_idealdelta Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_idealdist default: `"150"` flags: `0x2`
cam_ideallag Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_idealpitch default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_idealyaw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchLock_feetRelative default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_on default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_period default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_phase default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_pitchBase default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_pitchRange default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_pitchlock_pitchWiggleRoom default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_player_viewheight_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cam_showangles When in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cc_captiontrace Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cc_global_norepeat How often a caption can repeat, unless overriden by norepeat. (or 0) default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cc_linger_time Close caption linger time in seconds. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80`
cc_max_duration The max duration in seconds for a closed caption if event doesn't stop playing. default: `"30.0"` flags: `0x2`
cc_minvisibleitems Minimum number of caption items to show. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cc_predisplay_time Close caption delay in seconds before showing caption. default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x80`
cc_rui Use RUI to draw closecaption text. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cc_text_size Changes the size of subtitles and closed captions text. 0 = normal, 1 = large, 2 = huge. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
cc_timeshift_norepeat How often a caption can repeat, unless overriden by norepeat. (timeshift only) (or 0) default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
chasecam_distanceMax_override default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chat_rules_MuteIsMute Ignore Difrences between text and Voice muting. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
chat_rules_log_details default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_console_ptt default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_min_status_send_interval default: `"16"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_nameLength default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_namePaddingX default: `"12"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_nameWidth default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_onlyWhenActive default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_sendServerMutes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_useSlopSpace default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_use_deprecated_isfriends default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_voiceMode default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
chatroom_voiceMode default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cheap_captions_fadetime default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
cheap_captions_test default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
check_PSN_ByName_BlockList default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
chroma_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x80`
cl_NotifyAllLevelAssetsLoaded_endframe default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_RunClientConnectScripts_Before_ProcessOnDataChangedEvents default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_SetupAllBones default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts Show which entities are having their bones setup each frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_adjustTimeEntsPerJob default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
cl_aggregate_particles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_allowABSCalculationDuringSnapshotScriptCalls default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_allowABSDuringSnapshotScriptCalls default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_allowAnimsToInterpolateBackward default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_always_draw_3p_player Always draw the 3p player model, even when in first-person view default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_always_ragdoll_radius Always create client ragdoll if within this distance to viewer default: `"500"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anglespeedkey default: `"0.67"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anim_blend_transition_dist default: `"2500"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anim_detail_dist default: `"1500"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anim_face_dist default: `"250"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anim_sequence_transition_full_weight_optimization default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_anim_sounds_seek default: `"1"` flags: `0xa`
cl_approx_footstep_origin default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_approx_tracer_origin default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_async_bone_setup default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_base_entity_effect_lock default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_bones_incremental_blend Don't reblend bones which we don't need to in SetupBones. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_bones_incremental_transform Don't retransform bones which we don't need to in SetupBones. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_bones_oldhack Redo all previously transformed bones in SetupBones--old 'hack'. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_bounds_show_errors default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_burninggibs A burning player that gibs has burning gibs. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_clock_correction Enable/disable clock correction on the client. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_clock_correction_ahead_correct_interval Minimum interval over which the clock will try to correct to ideal when it's ahead default: `"20"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_clock_correction_behind_correct_interval Interval over which the clock will try to correct to ideal when it's behind default: `"200"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it). default: `"999"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_cmdbackup Number of redundant usercmds to send, to cover client->server packet loss default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
cl_cmdrate Max number of command packets sent to server per second default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
cl_configversion Configuration layout version. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_configversion_dummy Configuration layout version dummy. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_cull_weapon_fx default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_dataBlockFragmentPL default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0` max value: `1`
cl_deathhints_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
cl_debugClientEntities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_debug_deferred_trace default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_debug_deferred_trace_overlay default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_debug_model_fx_sounds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_decal_alwayswhite Force FX decals to white (1), or white full alpha (2). default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_decal_backoff Amount to back off FX decal trace by. default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
cl_deferred_effects default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_deferred_trace_normal_priority default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_demoviewoverride Override view during demo playback default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_disable_ragdolls default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_disable_splitscreen_cpu_level_cfgs_in_pip default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_disconnectOnTooManySnapshotFrames Disconnect when the client gets too many snapshot messages from the server without the server getting any messages from the client. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_doNetworkAsserts Turn off to disable some client asserts that fail rarely, presumably due to network bugs. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_doRecreateEnts default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_draw_player_model default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_drawhud Enable the rendering of the hud default: `"1"` flags: `0x40004000`
cl_drawmonitors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ejectbrass default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_enable_remote_splitscreen Allows viewing of nonlocal players in a split screen fashion default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_entCreateDeleteDebug If true, print out when we create or delete an entity on the client default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_events_ignore_invalidate default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_failremoteconnections Force connection attempts to time out default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_fasttempentcollision default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cl_flip_vis_bits default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_flushentitypacket For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_footstep_event_max_dist default: `"4000"` flags: `0x2`
cl_footstep_event_max_dist_titan default: `"4000"` flags: `0x2`
cl_forceAdjustTime default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_fovScale default: `"1.27216005"` flags: `0x41000200` min value: `1` max value: `1.7`
cl_gib_allow default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
cl_gib_attack_dir_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_gib_lifetime default: `"3"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_idealpitchscale 0 to turn off. 0.8 is a good starting value default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ignorepackets Force client to ignore packets (for debugging). default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_interp_all Disable interpolation list optimizations. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_interpolate Interpolate entities on the client. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_interpolate Interpolate entities on the client. default: `"1.0f"` flags: `0x2`
cl_interpolateSoAllAnimsLoop default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_interpolation_before_prediction Interpolate entities before doing prediction default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ipgeo_country IP Geo based country code of the client default: `""` flags: `0x2`
cl_isUnderAge default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000200`
cl_is_softened_locale default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
cl_jiggle_bone_debug Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_jiggle_bone_invert default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_jiggle_bone_sanity Prevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_keepPersistentDataOnDisconnect default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_lagcompensation Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. default: `"1"` flags: `0x200`
cl_language Language default: `"english"` flags: `0x2`
cl_leafsystemvis default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_lerpIfChildrenLerp default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_liveapi_dir [LiveAPI] Log directory default: `"live_api"` flags: `0x2`
cl_liveapi_enabled [LiveAPI] Global State default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
cl_liveapi_spectator_only [LiveAPI] Spectator only (dev mode only) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_loadBspFromServerInfo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_loadPostProcessShadersEarly default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_loadStaticPropsInJob default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_matchmaking_timeout Total time allowed for the client to resend the 'connect' attempt when matchmaking default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000` min value: `0.5` max value: `20000`
cl_model_fx_gib_cull_front_dist default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2`
cl_model_fx_gib_cull_radius default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
cl_mouseenable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_move_use_dt Use the actual delta time for motion instead some super complicated system based on the server frame rate. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_noTimeoutLocalHost default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_overrideEventTimes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_parallelParticlePreDrawWork default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_parallel_clientside_animations default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_particle_batch_mode default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_particle_control_snap_dist default: `"2000.0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_control_snap_mode 0 - Off, 1 - By Distance, 2 - Force on default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_fallback_base Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load. default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load. default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
cl_particle_limiter_display_killed Display a red box around killed fx. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_limiter_hide_killable Hide fx than could be killed if over limit. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
cl_particle_limiter_max_particle_count Limit the total number of active particles. 0 to not limit. default: `"10000"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_limiter_max_system_count Limit the total number of active particle systems. 0 to not limit. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_limiter_min_kill_distance Only kill fx that are further than this distance from the player. default: `"4000"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_limiter_overlay Display particle limiter infos. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particle_max_count default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms the sim time is. Higher numbers are more aggressive. default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions default: `"6.0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_particle_snoozetime Particle snooze time in seconds (0 is off) default: `"0.166667"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particles_show_bbox default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_particles_show_bbox_name show the bounding box of only particles with this name default: `""` flags: `0x2`
cl_particles_show_controlpoints 1 to show parent effects, 2 shows all children effects too default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_pclass Dump entity by prediction classname. default: `""` flags: `0x4000`
cl_pdump Dump info about this entity to screen. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_phys_maxticks Sets the max number of physics ticks allowed for client-side physics (ragdolls) default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
cl_phys_show_active default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_phys_timescale Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls) default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_physics_invalidate_ents default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_physics_maxvelocity Max velocity of a vphysics object on the client default: `"4000.0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_physicsshadowupdate_render default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_pitchspeed default: `"225"` flags: `0x2`
cl_playback_screenshots Allows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_player_fullupdate_predicted_origin_fix default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_postSnapshotTransitionBlockCount default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
cl_preSnapshotTransitionBlockCount default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
cl_precache_player_models pre load player models into the streaming system default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_pred_error_verbose Show more field info when spewing prediction errors. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_pred_optimize Optimize for not rerunning prediction if there was no difference between what we predicted and the incoming networked state default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_predict Perform client side prediction. default: `"1"` flags: `0x200`
cl_predict_basetoggles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_predict_cmdlimit Artificially limits the number of remembered commands that can be used for prediction default: `"750"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predict_error_icon_duration Duration for prediction error icon to stay visible default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predict_error_icon_show Whether to show the prediction error icon default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predict_error_icon_threshold_angle Angle error required to show prediction error icon default: `"0.01"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predict_error_icon_threshold_dist Distance error required to show prediction error icon default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predict_motioncontrol default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_predict_viewangles Predict view angles even if cl_predict is 0. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_prediction_error_timestamps default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_predictionlist Show which entities are predicting default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_predictweapons Perform client side prediction of weapon effects. default: `"1"` flags: `0x200`
cl_prevent_weapon_text_hints stops weapon text hints from appearing default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time Fade out ragdoll even if in players view after this many seconds default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_local_view_player If the ragdoll is of the local view player then use the max of this and cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time for the fade time default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_on_moving_geo Fade out ragdoll even if in players view after this many seconds when touching moving geo. default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_titan Fade out titan ragdoll even if in players view after this many seconds default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
cl_ragdoll_maxcount default: `"8"` flags: `0x40000000` min value: `0` max value: `8`
cl_ragdoll_self_collision default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000002`
cl_ranked_reconnect_timeout Total time allowed for the client to resend the 'connect' attempt when reconnecting to ranked matches default: `"15"` flags: `0x80000` min value: `0.5` max value: `20000`
cl_replayDelayTolerance default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
cl_requireAnimForAnimEventsHdr default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_resend Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x80000` min value: `0.5` max value: `20`
cl_resend_timeout Total time allowed for the client to resend the 'connect' attempt default: `"10"` flags: `0x80000` min value: `0.5` max value: `20000`
cl_retire_low_priority_lights Low priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_runWeaponCloneThinkWhenHidden default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_safearea default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
cl_screenshotname Custom Screenshot name default: `""` flags: `0x2`
cl_scriptCompileAsync default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_script_perf_dump_on_shutdown default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_shadowupdatespacing default: `"10.0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showClanTags Only change this while disconnected from a server default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_show_splashes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showfiredbullets default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showfps Draw fps meter (1 = fps, 2 = smooth, 3 = server, 4 = Show+LogToFile, +10 = detailed ) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showfps_altframetime Use the showfps_enabled time instead of the old cl_showfps time. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showpausedimage Show the 'Paused' image when game is paused. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_showpos Draw current position at top of screen default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
cl_showsounds Print server to client networked sounds to the console default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_showtime Draw current demo time if recording a demo default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
cl_simulateAllModelsRegardless default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_simulationtimefix default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_skipAnimEventsOnProps default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_skipfastpath Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_smooth Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_smooth_debug Show prediction errors that are being smoothed default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_smoothtime Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0.01` max value: `2`
cl_threaded_bone_setup Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones() default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_update_visibility_for_non_predicted_local_player_always default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_updatedirty_async Call UpdateDirtySpatialPartitionEntities on a worker thread. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_updatedirty_early default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_updaterate_mp Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server in mp default: `"20"` flags: `0x10202`
cl_upspeed default: `"320"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_useFutureSnapForEvents default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_useLobbyTypeForChatroom default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_view_cone Enable clamping view to animated/scripted viewcone default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_view_cone_debug Show view cone debugging window default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
cl_viewmodel_pre_animate default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cl_warnAboutSoundsOnInvalidEntities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
cl_yawspeed default: `"210"` flags: `0x2`
clampHostFrameTimeToOneTick_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
clearOnAnimChange default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
client_boostCount Value should be set by script, Will be Shared with party in the bootsCount field of members. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
client_deferredSnapshotScriptCalls default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
clientport Host game client port default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
cloak_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
cloak_pilotNoiseFactor Intensity of noise in pilot cloak aberration default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
cloak_pilotTint1 Brightness factor for center-left sample default: `"0.35"` flags: `0x2002`
cloak_pilotTint2 Brightness factor for upper-right sample default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
cloak_pilotTint3 Brightness factor for lower-right sample default: `"0.65"` flags: `0x2002`
clock_bias_mp default: `"-18.0"` flags: `0x2`
clock_bias_sp default: `"-2.0"` flags: `0x2`
clock_showcorrections default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
clock_showdebuginfo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
closecaption Enable close captioning. 1 = dialogue only, 2 = dialogue and sound effects. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
clubs_allow_text_to_speech Enables text-to-speech for club chat. hudchat_play_text_to_speech must also be enabled! default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
clubs_batch_querry_size default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
clubs_showInvites Whether to show club invites or not default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
cockpitDrift_scalePitch default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpitDrift_scaleYaw default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpitDrift_speedPitch default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpitDrift_speedYaw default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpitShake_sourceRollRange The range of weapon kick roll that will be sampled for cockpit shake. default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
cockpitShake_translateRange Max amount of cockpit shake. default: `"0.6"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_damage_chroma_scale default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_hit_chroma_max_time Time to get rid of the most recent hit_chroma adjustment when at near 0 health. default: `"0.6"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_hit_chroma_scale default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_pitch_down_frac fractional amount that cockpit pitches as you look down default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_pitch_up_frac fractional amount that cockpit pitches as you look up default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_chroma_scale default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_delay_bottom default: `"1.25"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_delay_left default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_delay_mid default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_delay_right default: `"0.75"` flags: `0x2`
cockpit_screen_boot_delay_top default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
coll_spatial_entry_limit_client How many entries are used in the spatial acceleration structure for dynamic entities on the client. default: `"140"` flags: `0x2`
coll_spatial_optimize_prefetch Prefetch memory into the cache before optimizing spatial acceleration trees. This does more work, but tends to be faster overall. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
coll_use_bolt_size default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
colorblind_mode default: `"0"` flags: `0x41000000` min value: `0` max value: `3`
communities_enabled Enable communities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
communities_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
community Our current community default: `""` flags: `0x200`
community_abortCommunitySettingsTime default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
community_abortUserInfoTime default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
community_browse_excludeMine default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
community_clantags put community name in the clan tag default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_frame_run Communities should run it's frame update. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_queryServerWhenOrphaned default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_replaceInboxTokens default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_resolveNames default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_send_server_voice Communities will route voice data to the chat server! default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
community_spam Whether communities should spam to the console log default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
community_staleCommunitySettingsTime default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
community_staleUserInfoTime default: `"120"` flags: `0x2`
con_logfile Console output gets written to this file default: `""` flags: `0x2`
con_timestamp Prefix console.log entries with timestamps default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cpu_level CPU Level - Default: High default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
cpu_level CPU Level - Default: High default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
createentitydecals default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
crossPlay_Enabled Allow crossPlay code to work! default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm0_on_worker default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_cascade_res Set the cascading shadow maps rendertarget resolution default: `"1024"` flags: `0x2`
csm_cascade_res Set the cascading shadow maps rendertarget resolution default: `"1024"` flags: `0x2`
csm_coverage Set the cascading shadow maps coverage default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
csm_culling_use_base_planes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_culling_use_exclusion_planes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_culling_use_inclusion_planes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_culling_use_planes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_debug_2d default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_debug_culling default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_debug_vis_hi_range default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_debug_vis_lo_range default: `".35"` flags: `0x2`
csm_depth_bias default: `"-0.000005f"` flags: `0x2`
csm_dropsequence_adjusted_coverage Coverage for csm_dropsequence_adjustment default: `"6400"` flags: `0x2`
csm_dropsequence_adjustment Adjust CSM 2 coverage during drop sequence for STATICSHADOWMODE_GENERATE_ONCE in order to prevent drop ship shadow from being clamped. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_enabled Set whether to render cascading shadow maps default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_fadeModels default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_force_no_csm_in_reflections default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_frustum_draw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_frustum_draw_lock default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_ignore_cascade12 default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_ignore_edge_planes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_ignore_face_planes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_max_z_offset Note csm_z_cover_world expands Z range as well default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
csm_min_z_offset Note csm_z_cover_world expands Z range as well default: `"-1000"` flags: `0x2`
csm_renderable_shadows default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_rope_shadows default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_rot_override map_settings_override MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO BE FUNCTIONAL. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_rot_x map_settings_override MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO BE FUNCTIONAL. default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
csm_rot_y map_settings_override MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO BE FUNCTIONAL. default: `"43"` flags: `0x2`
csm_shadow_split_lerp_factor_range default: `".1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_texel_size_cascade_0 default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
csm_texel_size_cascade_1 default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_texel_size_cascade_2 default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_texel_size_cascade_onecascade default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2`
csm_use_env_light_direction default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_world_shadow_meshes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_world_shadows default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
csm_z_cover_world Expands CSM Depth coverage. 1 - Sea Height to Jump Height by Script, 2 - Static shadow's depth range default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
curl_allowHTTPS default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
curl_preloadDlls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
curl_spamAllQueryStates default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
cursorWide default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
damageIndicatorReplayTimeOffset Artificial delay of damage indicator in replay default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
damage_indicator_style_pilot default: `"2"` flags: `0x1000000`
damageinfo_defendInvalidValues default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
dataDump_killswitch A value of 1 means S2S_PDATA_DUMP_REQUEST is deactivated. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
debugFootstepEffects default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
debug_debug_overlay Enable debug of the debug overlays default: `"0"` flags: `0x4004`
debug_force_textRestriction default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
debug_force_ugcRestriction default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
debug_force_voiceRestriction default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
debug_map_crc Prints CRC for each map lump loaded default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
decal_clip_debug_draw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
decal_clip_debug_groups this kicks off this many work groups when a decal is spawned instead of one for each triangle on the model. 0 is disabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
defer_weapon_effects default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
delayPostSnapshotNotificationsToAfterInterpolation default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
deltaBuf_dump_includeFields default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
deltaBuf_forceOverflow Simulate an overflow of the client delta buffer default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
deltaBuf_fullUpdateOnOverflow Ask the server for a FullUpdate when the delta buffer overflows. This may cause a client death spiral default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
deltaBuf_restrictSizePercent When testing budget limits, assume the delta buffer is smaller than it actually is by this percent default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
demo_autoRecord default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
demo_autoRecordName default: `"demo"` flags: `0x2`
demo_connect_string Connect string for demo UI default: `""` flags: `0x2`
demo_ui_enable Suffix for the demo UI default: `""` flags: `0x2`
depth_prepass_dist_cutouts default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
depth_prepass_dist_opaques default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
depth_prepass_include_opaques default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
devStats True if game should report dev stats. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
developer Set developer message level default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
disable_player_use_prompts default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
discord_largeImage default: `"default"` flags: `0x2`
discord_smallImage default: `"default_small"` flags: `0x2`
discord_updatePresence default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
dlight_default_falloff default half-distance fraction for legacy dlights. default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
dlight_early_clear default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dlight_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dlight_overlay Draw debug overlay of dlight array default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
dodge_cockpitHack Hack to avoid eye moving too far back in cockpit default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_cockpitOffsetMax Cockpit translation while dodging default: `"3"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_cockpitTiltMax Additional view tilt applied to the cockpit while dodging default: `"4"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_vertical_enable Enables vertical dodge default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_vertical_horzspeedscale Horizontal speed retained when dodging vertically default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_vertical_in_air Allow dodge to still apply vertical acceleration when player is in the air default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_vertical_threshold Stick deflection before dodge becomes vertical default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_viewTiltDecreaseSpeed Speed at which view tilt decreases while dodging (degrees/sec) default: `"2.5"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_viewTiltFalloffTime Time during which view tilt decays to zero while dodging default: `".7"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_viewTiltIncreaseSpeed Speed at which view tilt increases while dodging (degrees/sec) default: `"5"` flags: `0x2002`
dodge_viewTiltMax Amount of view tilt while dodging in degrees default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
dof_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dof_farDepthEnd default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2`
dof_farDepthStart default: `"2000"` flags: `0x2`
dof_monitorFarDepthEnd default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2`
dof_monitorFarDepthStart default: `"2000"` flags: `0x2`
dof_monitorNearDepthEnd default: `"7.7"` flags: `0x2`
dof_monitorNearDepthStart default: `"7.5"` flags: `0x2`
dof_nearDepthEnd default: `"7.7"` flags: `0x2`
dof_nearDepthStart default: `"7.5"` flags: `0x2`
dof_overrideParams default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
dof_variable_blur default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
dormant_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
draw_target_info_offscreen default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
dtwatchclass Watch all fields encoded with this table. default: `""` flags: `0x2`
dtwatchdecode When watching show decode. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dtwatchencode When watching show encode. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dtwatchent Watch this entities data table encoding. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
dtwatchvar Watch the named variable. default: `""` flags: `0x2`
dump_varsights_calculations Dumps one frame of variable sights calculations and turns itself off. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
durango_voice_chat_team_only Only turn on voice chat for players on the same team default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dvs_enable Enable dynamic viewport scaling. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
dvs_enable_in_lobby Paired with dvs_enable. Both have to be true if we want to enable DVS in Lobby. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
dvs_gpuframetime_max GPU frametime threshold above which DVS will start decreasing the scale. Specified in microseconds. default: `"16500"` flags: `0x2`
dvs_gpuframetime_min GPU frametime threshold below which DVS will start increasing the scale. Specified in microseconds. default: `"15000"` flags: `0x2`
dvs_scale_min Smallest scale the viewport dimensions can be scaled by. default: `"0.5f"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0.01` max value: `1`
eadpAuth_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpCodeRedemption_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpFriends_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpGroups_Enabled Allow EADP Groups to run default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
eadpGroups_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpGroups_lastActive_min_difference (hours) If difference between the current time and the club's lastActive time is at least this, we will send an update to the club. Negative values disble this feature. default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
eadpRtm_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpSearch_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadpUM_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
eadp_force_nxNameDiscoverable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
eadp_persistence default: `"R5"` flags: `0x80000`
eadp_presence_encode_gamesessiondata base64 encode the entirety of gamesessiondata! Less stable for older clients, but eliminates possibility of anything getting messed up. - workaround for current eadp rtm limitations. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
eadp_presence_encode_presence_state base64 encode the presence state RTM message. More stable for old clients compared to encoding gamesessiondata. - workaround for current eadp rtm limitations. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
eadp_rtm_spam_log default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
effect_update_array_spam default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
enable_KVFileOverrides default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
enable_debug_overlays Enable rendering of debug overlays default: `"1"` flags: `0x4004`
enable_height_based_land_anims Enables different land animations based on the height of the fall. These may just be duplicates of each other. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
enable_height_based_land_anims_titans default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
enable_skeleton_draw Render skeletons in wireframe default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
encrypt_multiKey default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ent_lightweightEnts default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ent_repack_almostFull default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2`
ent_repack_threshhold default: `"0.0001"` flags: `0x2`
entity_error_on_hitbox_count_mismatch If set to true, SetModel will trigger a script error if any hitbox attachments will become invalid. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
entity_skipRedundantAddEffects default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
entity_useNetworkFieldBuffer default: `"1"` flags: `0x400002`
equip_all_emotes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
error_if_non_standard_ent_create default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
eula_version What the current version of the EULA is default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
eula_version_accepted default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
eventseq_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
everything_unlocked default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
fast_intro default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
fatal_error_signal_abort default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
fatal_script_error_prompt default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
fatal_script_errors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
fatal_script_errors_client Enable fatal errors for client script. -1 will revert to using "fatal_script_errors" default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
fatal_script_errors_server Enable fatal errors for server script. -1 will revert to using "fatal_script_errors" default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_buffer_size Size of per file buffers. 0 for none default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_max_stdio_read default: `"16"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_native Use native FS or STDIO default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_report_buffered_io default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_unbuffered_io default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
filesystem_use_overlapped_io default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
fire_animevents_overlay_not_active fires anim events even if the overlay isn't active default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
first_person_bullet_delay Set the amount of additional delay for first person bullets fired with net_optimize_weapons in seconds. Required so bullets match animations with cl_predict 0 and in kill replay default: `"0.1f"` flags: `0x2002`
first_person_proxy_blend_distance default: `"-60"` flags: `0x2`
first_person_proxy_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x6000`
firsttime_mp_message first time joining multiplayer default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
fog_enable map_settings_override MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO BE FUNCTIONAL. default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000002`
fog_enable_water_fog default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
fog_enableskybox default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
force3PLaserAttachment default: `"HEADFOCUS"` flags: `0x2002`
force_EAAccess default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
fov_disableAbilityScaling Disable fov scaling for abilities default: `"0"` flags: `0x41000000`
fps_absolute_max fps_max can't rise above this absolute *** default: `"300.0"` flags: `0x2002`
fps_input_max Max movement updates run per second - Set well above fps_absolute_max to not lose variable frames! default: `"350.0"` flags: `0x2002`
fps_max Frame rate limiter. -1 indicates use the desktop refresh. 0 is unlocked. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x80000`
fps_max_use_refresh Use refresh rate for fps_max. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fps_max_vsync Frame rate limiter with vsync is enabled. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
freecam_swallowButtonInput default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
freefall_sound_autoplay_time If the player falls for longer than this amount of time freefall sounds will automatically start playing. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
freefall_sound_height Height player must be falling from to trigger freefall sound effects. default: `"200.0"` flags: `0x2002`
friends_joinUsePresence default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
friends_onlineUpdateInterval default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
fs_intralevel_reads Internal var to tell the file system that we are in an intraread state... default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_monitor_read_from_pack 0:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_report_intra_level_readopens 0:Off, 1:NotAudio, 2:All default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_report_long_reads 0:Off, 1:All (for tracking accumulated duplicate read times), >1:Microsecond threshold default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_report_sync_opens 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during map load default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_report_sync_opens_callstack 0 to not display the call-stack when we hit a fs_report_sync_opens warning. Set to 1 to display the call-stack. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_report_sync_opens_fatal default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000002`
fs_showAllReads 0:Off, 1:On default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_vpk_file_open 0: No reporting, 1: Patch:VPKFilePath, 2: Patch:VPKFilePath:PartialPath default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fs_warning_mode 0:Off, 1:Warn main thread, 2:Warn other threads default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
func_break_max_pieces default: `"15"` flags: `0x2080`
fx_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
fx_deferWorldTraceConstraint 'Collision via traces' ops using collision mode 0 use deferred traces. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
fx_glass_velocity_cap Maximum downwards speed of shattered glass particles default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
fx_impact_ally default: `"0.49 0.76 1.0 1.0"` flags: `0x2`
fx_impact_enemy default: `"1.0 0.47 0.13 1.0"` flags: `0x2`
fx_impact_neutral default: `"0.86 0.86 0.86 1.0"` flags: `0x2`
fx_screenspacepass default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
g_debug_ragdoll_removal default: `"0"` flags: `0x6000`
g_ragdoll_fadespeed default: `"600"` flags: `0x2`
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
gameCursor_ModeActive Globally activates/deactivates game cursor mode default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
gameCursor_Velocity Game cursor velocity under joystick control default: `"1300.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_0 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 1x scopes / ironsights. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_1 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 2x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_2 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 3x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_3 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 4x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_4 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 6x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_5 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 8x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_6 Gamepad ads sensitivity for 10x scopes. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_ads_advanced_sensitivity_scalar_7 Gamepad ads sensitivity for an unused scope. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
gamepad_aim_assist_ads_high_power_scopes Gamepad uses aim assist in ADS with high powered scopes default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_aim_assist_ads_low_power_scopes Gamepad uses aim assist in ADS with low powered scopes default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_aim_assist_hip_high_power_scopes Gamepad uses aim assist in Hip with high powered scopes default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_aim_assist_hip_low_power_scopes Gamepad uses aim assist in Hip with low powered scopes default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_aim_assist_melee Gamepad uses aim assist with melee weapons default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_aim_speed default: `"2"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_0 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_1 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_2 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_3 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_4 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_5 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_6 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_aim_speed_ads_7 default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `-1` max value: `7`
gamepad_button_layout Gamepad button layout (used by menus) default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_buttons_are_southpaw Gamepad button layouts should use southpaw variants (used by menus) default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_pitch default: `"75.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_turn_delay default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_turn_pitch default: `"30.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_turn_time default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_turn_yaw default: `"30.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_ads_yaw default: `"110.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_assist_on default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_assist_style default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_curve default: `"10.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_deadzone_in default: `"0.15"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_deadzone_out default: `"0.02"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_pitch default: `"120.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_turn_delay default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_turn_pitch default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_turn_time default: `"0.33"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_turn_yaw default: `"220.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_hip_yaw default: `"160.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_pilot default: `"0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_custom_titan default: `"0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_deadzone_index_look default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_deadzone_index_move default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_enabled True if the gamepad is enabled, false otherwise. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0` max value: `1`
gamepad_look_curve default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000` min value: `0` max value: `4`
gamepad_stick_layout Gamepad stick layout (used by menus) default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_toggle_ads default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_toggle_survivalSlot_to_weaponInspect default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_togglecrouch_hold default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_trigger_threshold default: `"30"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_use_per_scope_ads_settings default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars Gamepad uses the per scope scalars default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gamepad_use_type Gamepad use scheme (used by menus), 0: hold use, tap reload, 1: tap use, hold reload, 2: tap use/reload default: `"2"` flags: `0x1000000`
gameui_xbox default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gamma_adjusted Whether player has done gamma adjustment default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
gatherprops_no_wait default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
gfx_desaturate_force default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gfx_nvnUseLowLatency enables Nvidia Low Latency SDK default: `"1"` flags: `0x80080`
gfx_nvnUseLowLatencyBoost enables Low Latency Boost default: `"1"` flags: `0x80080`
gl_clear_color_buffer Enable or disable the clearing of the main color buffer. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
gl_clear_fogcolor default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
gl_clear_mrt4 Enable or disable the clearing of mrt4. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
gl_clear_randomcolor Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
glass_break_required_speed default: `"150"` flags: `0x6000`
glass_shatter_direction_force_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
glass_shatter_force_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
glass_shatter_size_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
glass_shatter_use_real_direction default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
glitch_aberrationScale How far apart the glitch cloak samples should be. default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
global_lighting_partial_update Allow partial uploads of GPU lights (optimization.) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_count default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_driven_tex_stream default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_driven_tex_stream_single_thread default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_level GPU Level - Default: High default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_level GPU Level - Default: High default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_mem_level Memory Level - Default: Normal default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_mem_level Memory Level - Default: Normal default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gpu_vram_size_mb default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
grapple_accel_human Speed added per second from grapple, up to the grapple_speedRamp* speed default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_accel_titan Speed added per second from grapple, up to the grapple_speedRamp* speed default: `"1800"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_around_obstacle_accel Acceleration around obstacles while grappling default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMantle After detaching from grapple, how long to keep trying to automantle default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleeConvergeTime Simplify relative velocities when the enemy is this many seconds away from hitting us (increases chances of a hit) default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleeOnDetach Starts a melee sequence when the grapple detaches. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleePredict Whether to run grapple melee logic on the client (tends to mispredict anyway) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleePredictTime Melee begins when the enemy is this many seconds away from hitting us default: `"0.13"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleeViewRotateSpeedFar Speed at which view rotates toward grapple melee target default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_autoMeleeViewRotateSpeedNear Speed at which view rotates toward grapple melee target default: `"3"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_debug Show grapple debug info default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_decelMeleeStrength Strength of extra deceleration that forces melee targets to come to you default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_decel_human Deceleration of player's speed that doesn't go toward the grapple point default: `"425"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_decel_titan Deceleration of player's speed that doesn't go toward the grapple point default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_detachExtraAllowedLength Extra allowed grapple length before detaching once it's attached default: `"256"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_disableMeleeWhenActive Disallows melee when the grapple is out. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_dontFightGravity Ignores downward speed when applying deceleration, so that gravity continues to pull you down default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_fallSpeed Fall speed of the grapple hook while it's returning default: `"300"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_forcedRetractVel Return speed of grapple hook when grapple is finished or cancelled default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_gracePeriod Length of time player can grapple without using a charge, in case they mess up default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_gravityPushUnderContribution Pushing forward while looking "under" the grapple point increases gravity this much default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialImpulseOffGround_human Initial launch speed off the ground when grapple connects default: `"50"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialImpulseOffGround_human_npc Initial launch speed off the ground when grapple connects default: `"150"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialImpulseOffGround_titan Initial launch speed off the ground when grapple connects default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialImpulse_human Initial launch speed when grapple connects default: `"350"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialImpulse_titan Initial launch speed when grapple connects default: `"350"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSlowFracVert_human Fraction of vertical speed that is retained when grapple connects default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSlowFracVert_titan Fraction of vertical speed that is retained when grapple connects default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSlowFrac_human Fraction of XY speed that is retained when grapple connects default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSlowFrac_titan Fraction of XY speed that is retained when grapple connects default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSpeedMin_human When grapple connects, player speed is immediately set to at least this value (negative = away, positive = towards) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_initialSpeedMin_titan When grapple connects, player speed is immediately set to at least this value (negative = away, positive = towards) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_jumpFrac Jump velocity multiplier when grappled default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_letGravityHelpCosAngle Don't ignore gravity when grappling downward this much (0 is horizontal, 1 is straight down) default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_lift Distance above grapple hook that player is pulled to default: `"25"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_pullDelay_human Grapple delay between attachment and acceleration default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_pullDelay_titan Grapple delay between attachment and acceleration default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_retractVel Return speed of grapple hook when it hasn't hit anything yet default: `"6000"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_rodeoVerticalImpulse Vertical impulse applied to the player when grappling off of a rodeo. default: `"750"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_shootVel Outward speed of grapple hook default: `"2000"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampMax_human Player will accelerate to this speed after grapple_speedRampTime has passed default: `"400"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampMax_titan Player will accelerate to this speed after grapple_speedRampTime has passed default: `"750"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampMin_human Player will accelerate to this speed while grappling; lerps to grapple_speedRampMax over grapple_speedRampTime default: `"50"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampMin_titan Player will accelerate to this speed while grappling; lerps to grapple_speedRampMax over grapple_speedRampTime default: `"400"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampTime_human Time from grapple_speedRampMin to grapple_speedRampMax default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_speedRampTime_titan Time from grapple_speedRampMin to grapple_speedRampMax default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_swingAngle Maximum angle from vertical that swinging will generate acceleration (it will tend to zero acceleration at this angle) default: `"45"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_swingPullAngle If the player is pushing forward within this angle of the pull direction, then switch out of swinging mode. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_swingPullSpeedLength When swinging, the grapple pull speed scale begins to scale back to 1.0 at lengths below this default: `"300.0"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_swingPullSpeedScale When swinging, the grapple pull speed is scaled by this much default: `"0.025"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_titanEmbarkDist Distance at which to begin embark when grappling to your own titan. default: `"250"` flags: `0x2002`
grapple_windowCheckDist Check for window hints at this distance from grapple point default: `"150"` flags: `0x2002`
gravity_grenade_decel Deceleration applied by gravity grenade to nearby objects default: `"20000"` flags: `0x2002`
gravity_grenade_projectile_min_speed Gravity grenade never slows projectiles below this speed default: `"600"` flags: `0x2002`
ground_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ground_trace_hull_radius How wide of a sphere is the trace for getting a character's ground surface default: `"12.0f"` flags: `0x2002`
grx_hasUnknownItems default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
gtao_angle_bias angle in degree [0-90) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
gtao_intensity default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
gtao_intensity_in_lobby default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
gtao_thickness_heuristic in range of [0,1) default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2`
hasAnyAssetsWithDiscardedStreamableData default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
hasMic default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
hasPartialInstall default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
hbao_angle_bias angle in degree [0-90) default: `"6"` flags: `0x2`
hbao_intensity default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
hbao_stepsize_random default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
hbaobasic_tangent_bias angle in degree [0-90) default: `"25"` flags: `0x2`
hidehud default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
highlight_deferred_update default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
highlight_draw highlight_draw 0|1 default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
highlight_enable_discard Enable discard function in highlight geo pass 0|1 default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
highlight_lazy_clear_buffers highlight_lazy_clear_buffers 0|1 default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
highlight_object_max_count highlight_object_max_count OBJECT_MAX_COUNT default: `"255"` flags: `0x2`
hitbox_bodygroup_check default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
hitch_alert_active default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
hitch_alert_color The hitch/choke allerts will use this color. default: `"255 255 0 255"` flags: `0x2`
hitch_alert_show_large_snapshots default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_RunFrameServerAlways default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_ShowIPCCallCount Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown every frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_flush_threshold Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances default: `"12"` flags: `0x80000`
host_forceTakeHomeBuild default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_framerate Set to lock per-frame time elapse. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_hasIrreversibleShutdown default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
host_limitlocal Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_map Current map name. default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
host_print_frame_times default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_profile default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_runframe_input_parcelremainder default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
host_server_thread_min_ticks Only run the server thread when it needs this many ticks. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
host_sleep Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
host_speeds Show general system running times. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_syncfps Synchronize real render time to host_framerate if possible. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_thread_join_fast If true we force the server thread join before existing '_Host_RunFrame' default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_thread_mode Run the host in threaded mode, (0 == off, 1 == if multicore, 2 == force) default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000002`
host_threaded_sound Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
host_timescale Prescale the clock by this amount. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x6000`
hostname Hostname for server. default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
hover_vehicle_acceleration default: `"750.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_air_acceleration default: `"250.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_boost_cooldown default: `"25.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_boost_speed_max default: `"2000.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_boost_speed_min default: `"1200.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_deceleration default: `"550.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_deceleration_powerbreaking default: `"1000.0"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_invisible_when_camera_is_too_close default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
hover_vehicle_passenger_left_attachment_name default: `"passenger1"` flags: `0x2002`
hover_vehicle_speed default: `"1000.0"` flags: `0x2002`
http_StryderKey default: `"LABj38NWSTxHUhdYaP62ZU6HtutCas3L"` flags: `0x12`
http_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
http_debug_forceFailRate default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
http_debug_forceFailStatus default: `"429"` flags: `0x2`
http_expoBackoff_Enabled 0 - Linear backoff, 1 - Powers of two, 2 - DecorrJitterV2 default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
http_expoBackoff_Factor Factor used within expoBackoff formula to help smooth the first calculated delay default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
http_expoBackoff_FirstDelay Median approx. of delay for first retry in seconds default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
http_expoBackoff_MaxFailureWait Longest possible wait between retry attempts default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
http_expoBackoff_ScaleFactor Factor that allows the median values of retry waits to fall near whole seconds default: `"0.7142857"` flags: `0x2`
http_failuresAsErrors default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
http_maxAllocateAttempts default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
http_recv_fail_realloc default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
http_sandbox default: `"EARW.50"` flags: `0x2`
http_showQueries default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
hud_autoreloadscript Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
hud_setting_accessibleChat default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_adsDof default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_anonymousMode default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000200`
hud_setting_compactOverHeadNames default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_damageIndicatorStyle default: `"2"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_damageTextStyle default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_enableModWheel default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_healthUseOnHold use health by holding button default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_healthWheelToggle toggle health wheel on press default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_healthWheelUseOnRelease use health after selecting it default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_lootPromptStyle default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_minimapRotate default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_ordnanceUseOnHold use ordnance by holding button default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_ordnanceWheelToggle toggle ordnance wheel on press default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_ordnanceWheelUseOnRelease use ordnance after selecting it default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_pingAlpha default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_pingDoubleTapEnemy default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_pingWheelToggle toggle ping wheel on press default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showButtonHints default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showCallsigns default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showHopUpPopUp default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showLevelUp default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showMedals default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showMeter default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showObituary default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showTips default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_showWeaponFlyouts default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hud_setting_streamerMode default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hudchat_enable_old_history_handling default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_new_message_fade_duration How long messages added to the text chat will take to fade from opaque to not visible default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_new_message_shown_duration How long messages added to the text chat stick around with the panel not focused default: `"12"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_play_text_to_speech default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
hudchat_text_check_teams default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_text_to_speech_max_age Maximum age in seconds for text chat that is played as audio speech default: `"900"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_transition_message_mode_fade_duration When switching message mode of the text chat panel how long it takes to transition visibility default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
hudchat_visibility default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
hudwarp_chopsize Number of pixels to a primitive before chopping for warping. default: `"60.0"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_override Use convar settings for hud warp (instead of script-provided settings) default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_viewDist Distance back from sphere center to use when 2d projecting. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_xScale Final scale for X (after projecting sphere surface to 2d.) default: `"1.2"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_xWarp Degrees of arc of sphere to use (0-90, low distortion to high.) default: `"45.0"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_yScale Final scale for Y (after projecting sphere surface to 2d.) default: `"1.1"` flags: `0x4000`
hudwarp_yWarp Degrees of arc for Y warp (0-90, low distortion to high.) default: `"30.0"` flags: `0x4000`
idcolor_ally default: `"0.34 0.59 0.86 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_ally_cb1 default: `"0.24 0.50 0.96 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_ally_cb2 default: `"0.0 0.58 0.77 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_ally_cb3 default: `"0.28 0.52 0.97 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_enemy default: `"0.8 0.25 0.15 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_enemy_cb1 default: `"0.89 0.78 0.0 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_enemy_cb2 default: `"1.0 0.627 0.68 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_enemy_cb3 default: `"0.82 0.74 0.06 3"` flags: `0x2`
idcolor_neutral default: `"1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6"` flags: `0x2`
ignore_fatal_errors Don't exit on fatal errors. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ignore_script_errors Ignore script errors. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ik_debug Enables debug lines for IK default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_debug_chain Allows specifying a single IK chain name for IK debugging default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
ik_debug_ent Allows specifying a single entity for IK debugging default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
ik_debug_text Enables IK debug text; requires ik_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_enable Enables IK default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_enable_client Enables IK on the client default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_height_adjust Enable ik height adjustment default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_height_adjust_debug Debugging for ik height adjustment default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_height_adjust_move_speed IK height adjustment speed per unit of horizontal velocity in units per second default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_height_adjust_sine Test ik height adjustment with a sine wave default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_height_adjust_speed IK height adjustment speed as a fraction of step size per second default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_latch Enables IK latching to ground during footsteps default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_normal_lerp_rate Rate at which feet adjust to a new ground orientation in angles per second default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
ik_unlatch_max_rate Maximum rate an IK'd bone can unlatch; prevents pop on animation transition default: `"5"` flags: `0x2002`
ime_enabled Enabled the IME default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
imgui_buildmode Show the imgui implementation of the Build Mode dialog default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
imgui_buildmode Show the imgui implementation of the Build Mode dialog default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
impact_allow default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
impact_debug_info default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
impact_victim_offset_dist Distance to offset impact sounds from the victim, when requested default: `"256"` flags: `0x2`
impulse_low_decel_duration_scalar Impulse magnitude is multiplied by this to give a length of time that the player can't decelerate default: `"0.003"` flags: `0x2002`
inPartyChat default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
in_forceuser Force user input to this split screen player. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
in_syncRT default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
in_usekeyboardsampletime Use keyboard sample time smoothing. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
inbox_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
infoblock_requestInterval Time between info block requests default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
input_did_turn_threshold Degrees per second. default: `"1.0f"` flags: `0x2`
intro_viewed Whether the introduction video has been viewed by this player default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
ip Overrides IP for multihomed hosts default: `"localhost"` flags: `0x80000`
joy_advaxisr default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
joy_advaxisu default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
joy_advaxisv default: `"6"` flags: `0x2`
joy_advaxisx default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
joy_advaxisy default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
joy_advaxisz default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
joy_inverty Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
joy_legacy Turn on/off 'Legacy' mapping for control sticks. default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
joy_movement_stick Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick) default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
joy_requireFocus default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
joy_rumble Controller rumble. default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded If 0, the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
jpeg_quality jpeg screenshot quality. default: `"90"` flags: `0x2`
jt_help_with_anything_ignore_preference This let's JT_HelpWithAnything() work on tasks that are not preferred. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
jump_grace_jump If disable this will use last time on ground instead of last jump time for jump grace. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_grace_max Amount of velocity change allowed during jump_graceperiod, as a fraction of sprinting speed default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_grace_min_tap_period Minimum time between grace taps in seconds. default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_grace_multi_tap_factor Multiply the power of the normal grace jump by this amount for each grace jump. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_grace_require_tap Allow jump grace air movement requires taps instead of working with joysticks and keyboard holds. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_grace_strength Fraction of change toward the new direction when pressing a direction during jump_graceperiod default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_graceperiod Extra time during which a player can jump after falling off a ledge default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_graceperiodmax Extra time during which a player can change their direction with after jumping (fades to 0 strength at this time) default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
jump_graceperiodmin Extra time during which a player can change their direction with after jumping (at full strength) default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
jumppad_vert_override_ducked_scalar When a player triggers a jump pad while crouched, scale vert override by this amount default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
killReplay_lagCompensate Adjust player timing to try to match what the client saw rather than what the server saw. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
killReplay_playNonReplayRemoteCallsOnLocalClientPlayer default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
leaf_threadedRecompute default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
leaf_threadedRecompute_batchSize default: `"12"` flags: `0x2`
leech_npc_angle_cos Cos(angle) allowed for leeching npcs default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
lerp_careAboutAttachmentBonePosition default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
lerp_debugEnt default: `"-2"` flags: `0x2002`
lerp_opt default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
lerp_threaded default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
lerp_threaded_numEntsPerTask default: `"6"` flags: `0x2`
light_maxcone Max light cone limit. Cone limit is half angle in degrees. default: `"85"` flags: `0x2`
lightmap_realtimelight If true use the real-time light lightmap for selecting real-time lights. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
lightmap_realtimeshadows default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
load_during_video default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
loaderrorsCount default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
loaderrorsNeedShown default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
lobby_flicker_fix_disable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
localClientPlayerCachedLevel default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000010`
locationInfo What OS(on PC and Durango) or PSN account(on PS4) reports as the user's location default: `""` flags: `0x210`
locationInfo_nucleus What origin(on PC) or nucleus(on console) reports as the user's location default: `""` flags: `0x210`
locator_background_border_color The default color for the border. default: `"255 255 255 15"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_border_thickness How many pixels the background borders the left and right. default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_color The default color for the background. default: `"255 255 255 5"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_shift_x How many pixels the background is shifted right. default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_shift_y How many pixels the background is shifted down. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_style Setting this to 1 will show rectangle backgrounds behind the items word-bubble pointers. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_thickness_x How many pixels the background borders the left and right. default: `"8"` flags: `0x2`
locator_background_thickness_y How many pixels the background borders the top and bottom. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_fade_time Number of seconds it takes for a lesson to fully fade in/out. default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
locator_icon_max_size_non_ss Minimum scale of the icon on the screen default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
locator_icon_min_size_non_ss Minimum scale of the icon on the screen default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_lerp_rest Number of seconds before moving from the center. default: `"2.25f"` flags: `0x2`
locator_lerp_speed Speed that static lessons move along the Y axis. default: `"5.0f"` flags: `0x2`
locator_lerp_time Number of seconds to lerp before reaching final destination default: `"1.75f"` flags: `0x2`
locator_pulse_time Number of seconds to pulse after changing icon or position default: `"1.0f"` flags: `0x2`
locator_split_len default: `"0.5f"` flags: `0x4000`
locator_split_maxwide_percent default: `"0.80f"` flags: `0x4000`
locator_start_at_crosshair Start position at the crosshair instead of the top middle of the screen. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_target_offset_x How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_target_offset_y How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
locator_topdown_style Topdown games set this to handle distance and offscreen location differently. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
lookspring default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
lookstrafe default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
m_acceleration Mouse acceleration. default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
m_forward Mouse forward factor. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
m_invert_pitch Whether to invert the pitch axis of the mouse. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
m_side Mouse side factor. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mainmenu_background_movie default: `"media/frontend.bik"` flags: `0x2`
map_settings_override If this is enabled then the following ConVars will be functional and override the maps current value: fog_enable, mat_bloomscale default: `"0"` flags: `0x40004002`
mat_autoexposure_compensation This works like exposure compensation on a camera, in EV units. 0EV is no compensation, -1EV gives half the light, +2EV gives 4x the light, etc. The exposure range is still subject to the min/max, so you might want to use mat_autoexposure_uncap 1. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_debug Shows current exposure value. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_force_value default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x40004000`
mat_autoexposure_max default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_max_multiplier default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_min default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_min_multiplier default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_speed Changes the speed at which exposure adapts to changes in scene luminance. default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_autoexposure_uncap mat_autoexposure_min and mat_autoexposure_max are ignored when this is set. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_clamp default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_cutoff default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_max_lighting_value default: `"99999"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x80000`
mat_bloom_streak_amount default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_streak_clamp default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_streak_cutoff default: `"5.0f"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_streak_cutoff_exposure_adapt Whether streak cutoff value should scale with exposure values. R2 behavior is 0.0, R5 behavior is 1.0 default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_streak_exponent_post default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_streak_exponent_pre default: `"1.0f"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_wide_amount default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloom_wide_exponent_pre default: `"1.5f"` flags: `0x2`
mat_bloomamount_rate default: `"0.05f"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_bloomscale map_settings_override MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO BE FUNCTIONAL. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_checkStalls If true, flushes then syncs the render thread to the GPU at various spots of code to find hidden GPU stalls. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_cloudmask default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_disableentities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_disableentities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_disableentities Disable map color-correction entities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_editor default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_editor default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_colorcorrection default: `"1"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_debug_postprocess_allowed Allow postprocessing when debug views are enabled. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects 0 = off, 1 = show post-processing in top left corner of screen default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping_disable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping_mid1 default: `"10.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping_mid2 default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping_shoulder default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debug_tonemapping_toe default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_debugalttab default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_depthbias_decal use integer value default: `"-16"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbias_normal use integer value default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbias_shadowmap use integer value default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbias_tightshadowmap use integer value. effective on View model selfshadow default: `"10000"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbias_ui use integer value default: `"-50"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbias_zfill use integer value default: `"16"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbiasclamp_decal default: `"-0.001"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbiasclamp_normal default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbiasclamp_shadowmap default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbiasclamp_ui default: `"-0.001"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthbiasclamp_zfill default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_depthtest_force_disabled only works on PC and XB1 for now default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_detail_tex default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_diffuse default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_disable_bloom default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000002`
mat_disable_lightmap_ambient default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_disable_lightmaps default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_disable_model_ambient default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_drawMenuGrid Enable menu grid guide overlay. Only accurate for 16:9 aspect ratio. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_drawTitleSafe Enable title safe overlay default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_drawflat default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_dxlevel default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_dynamic_tonemapping default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_dynamic_tonemapping default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_enable_ssr NOTE - UNABLE TO ENABLE - Toggle Screen Space Reflections. If you want to use SSR again, uncomment the line with (1u << MTLENVOPT_SSR) in shader.*** of bakery and then rebuild shaders. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2` max value: `1`
mat_envmap_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_envmaptgasize Final envmap size for "envmap" console command; should be <= 128. default: `"CUBEMAP_SCREENSHOT_RES"` flags: `0x2`
mat_fastnobump default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_fastspecular Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_filterlightmaps default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_filtertextures default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_force_bloom default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_forceaniso default: `"2"` flags: `0x40000000` min value: `0` max value: `16`
mat_frame_color_bias Add a constant value to the average frame color. default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_frame_color_enabled Update the average frame color each frame. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_frame_color_scale Scale the average frame color. default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_frame_color_spot_metering_screen_ratio Use a percentage of the screen around the center to compute the average frame color. default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2`
mat_fullbright default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_fxaa_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_global_lighting default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_global_lighting default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_global_lighting default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_hdr_level Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps. default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
mat_hdrcolcorrection_editor default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_hdrcolorcorrection default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_hide_sun_in_last_cascade default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_instancing default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_letterbox_aspect_goal Letterbox when the window aspect ratio is below this threshold default: `"1.6"` flags: `0x2`
mat_letterbox_aspect_threshold Letterbox when the window aspect ratio is below this threshold default: `"1.59"` flags: `0x2`
mat_lightcull_subview default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_lightcull_subviews Re-cull lighting for subviews (monitors etc.) default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override default: `"-1000.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override default: `"-1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_local_contrast_scale_override default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override default: `"-1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override default: `"-1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_character_0 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_character_1 default: `"0 0 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_character_2 default: `"1 0 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_character_3 default: `"1 1 2 2"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_character_4 default: `"3 3 3 3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_cockpit_0 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_cockpit_1 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_cockpit_2 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_cockpit_3 default: `"1 0 0 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_cockpit_4 default: `"3 3 3 3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_model_0 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_model_1 default: `"1 0 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_model_2 default: `"1 1 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_model_3 default: `"1 1 2 2"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_model_4 default: `"3 3 3 3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_other_0 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_other_1 default: `"1 1 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_other_2 default: `"1 1 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_other_3 default: `"1 1 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_other_4 default: `"3 3 3 3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_world_0 default: `"0 0 0 0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_world_1 default: `"0 0 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_world_2 default: `"0 1 1 1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_world_3 default: `"1 1 2 2"` flags: `0x2`
mat_materialmip_world_4 default: `"3 3 3 3"` flags: `0x2`
mat_maxframelatency default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_mip_linear default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
mat_mipmaptextures default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_norendering default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_norendering default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_phong default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_picmip default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000` min value: `0` max value: `4`
mat_postprocess_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_postprocess_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_proxy default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_reducefillrate default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_report_queue_status default: `"0"` flags: `0x800002`
mat_reversedepth default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_screen_blur_enabled Enables screen blur render step default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_screen_blur_override default: `"-1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_shadowstate default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_sharpen_amount default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_sharpen_threshold default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
mat_sharpen_width default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_show_texture_memory_usage Display the texture memory usage on the HUD. default: `"0"` flags: `0x5000`
mat_showenvmapmask default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_showlowresimage default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_showmiplevels color-code miplevels 2: normalmaps, 1: everything else default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_skipid Don't draw a particular mesh id. Helps track down which mesh you care about. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_slopescaledepthbias_decal default: `"-4"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_slopescaledepthbias_normal default: `"0.0f"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap default: `"2"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_slopescaledepthbias_ui default: `"-1.7"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_slopescaledepthbias_zfill default: `"2"` flags: `0x4002`
mat_surfacefilter If set, limits surfaces shown by mat_surfaceid and mat_surfacemat to those containing the substring. default: `""` flags: `0x4000`
mat_surfaceid Draws the index of world surfaces. Can be filtered with mat_surfacefilter. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_surfacemat Draws the material name of world surfaces. Can be filtered with mat_surfacefilter. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_syncGPU If true, syncs the render thread to the GPU at the end of each frame, instead of letting the render thread get one frame ahead. default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
mat_syncInterval Number of frames to skip per sync. 0 = novsync, 1 = 60 fps, 2 = 30, 3 == 20, 4 = 15, etc. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
mat_sync_rt Sync the render thread after each queued call. This is really slow, but makes debugging much easier. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
mat_sync_rt_flushes_gpu default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_texture_list For debugging, show a list of used textures per frame default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_texture_list_view If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will render thumbnails of currently-loaded textures. default: `"1"` flags: `0x1002`
mat_translucency_errors default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mat_vignette_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
match_allowMapRotationPreloading Allow the server to change currently loaded map based on map rotation times default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
match_backingOutMaxTimeToWait default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
match_backoutslow Forces empty server queries (for backing out of a lobby) to take this long default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
match_connect If set to 0, we won't actually connect to any matchmaking results we get back default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
match_defaultMap_party Default map to load if the dedicated server is empty default: `"mp_lobby"` flags: `0x2`
match_dir What dir to look in for the matchmaking scripts default: `""` flags: `0x2`
match_dumpSearchResults Dumps search result text to the console default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
match_emptyUpdateRate default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
match_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
match_fakePort Lie about our port number (so players can't connect) default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
match_fakeS2SPort Lie about our s2s port number (so servers can't connect) default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
match_forceVerboseSearches default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
match_goodReputation default: `"1"` flags: `0x202`
match_maxPingsSent default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
match_myBestDatacenter Which datacenter we have the lowest ping to default: `""` flags: `0x80200`
match_myDatacenter Which datacenter we prefer (same as match_myBestDatacenter unless user changes it) default: `""` flags: `0x80080200`
match_myRankedDatacenter Which datacenter we prefer for Ranked play (same as match_myBestDatacenter unless user changes it) default: `""` flags: `0x80200`
match_myTeam default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
match_partyChangeNum The int that represents the change num of our party struct (did it change?) default: `""` flags: `0x200`
match_partySize The size of our party default: `""` flags: `0x200`
match_partySub The name of our party subscription default: `""` flags: `0x200`
match_pingWaveInterval default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2`
match_playlist The playlist we are looking for default: `""` flags: `0x80200`
match_precachemap Whether to precache the map for the selected playlist default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
match_precachemapOnMismatch Whether to re-precache the map on mismatch between engine and matchmaking default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
match_privateMatchListWithStryder default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
match_rankedMaxPing default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
match_rankedSwitchETA default: `"300"` flags: `0x2002`
match_resetPlaylistBetweenMatches default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
match_roleToken The role token used when matchmaking (e.g. for private match). default: `""` flags: `0x80200`
match_searchInterval How often to repeat searches default: `"2"` flags: `0x80000`
match_searching Whether or not we want the system to be actively searching right now default: `"0"` flags: `0x80200`
match_skipRedundantServerResets default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
match_teamNoFill If set, matchmaking won't fill the player's team with non-party members default: `"0"` flags: `0x80200`
match_trackMMR default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
match_updateNotableRate default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
match_updateRate default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
match_useMatchmaking This dedi is a matchmaking dedi default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
match_verbosePrintsInterval default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
match_visiblePlaylists default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
matchmaking_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
max_explosive_damage_mass Anything heavier than this will be clamped. (units kg) default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
max_explosive_damage_velocity inches/sec default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
max_tweak_shadow_updates default: `"8"` flags: `0x2`
melee_aim_assist_can_lock_pitch default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_aim_assist_use_target_velocity default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_attack_trace_can_use_lunge_distance default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_cone_trace_box_check default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_abort_distance Abort the lunge if the distance moved in one frame is less than this much of the expected lunge distance. default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_abort_if_blocked Lunging can abort if the player hits something that blocks their lunge movement. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_adjust_trace_distance default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_align_eye_position default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_dot_check default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_force_enable_flying Lunging will always ignore gravity. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_lag_compensate_target Lunging will apply lag compensation the target's position. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_scale_by_speed Increase lunge range (by up to the given scale) if the player is going fast enough. default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_slide When lunging, try slide along surfaces default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_use_closest_distance_between_cylinders When calculating distance to the lunge target, treat them as cylinders rather than points. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_lunge_use_command_time default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
melee_queue_attack_anim_event Run melee attacks after the player has moved this frame default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
mem_dumpstats Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame ( set to 2 for continuous output ) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mem_incremental_compact_rate Rate at which to attempt internal heap compaction default: `".1"` flags: `0x4000`
mem_level Memory Level - Default: High default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
mem_level Memory Level - Default: High default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
mem_runheapchecks default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mem_test_each_frame Run heap check at end of every frame default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mem_test_every_n_seconds Run heap check at a specified interval default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mem_test_quiet Don't print stats when memtesting default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
menu_faq_community_version default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000`
menu_faq_patchnotes_version default: `"-1"` flags: `0x1000000`
menu_faq_viewed default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
menu_was_multiplayer_played_last default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
migrate_attempt_interval default: `"2.5"` flags: `0x2`
migrate_attempt_max_retries default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
miles_actor_occlusion_radius Distance which must be penetrated for one of the entity check points to be considered occluded. default: `"8.0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_channels Number of audio channels, commonly 2(stereo), 6(5.1), 8(7.1). (0 is default) default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
miles_devnet_screenshot_attach_dump Attach miles dump file to each DevNet screenshot default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_devnet_screenshot_attach_samples Attach recent miles output sample file to each DevNet screenshot default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_error_counter_display Show error icons when we exceed sound playback error thresholds. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_flip_active_window_logic Only hear audio when NOT the active window. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
miles_force_emitter_environment Force Environment on played sounds and entities (per-event controllers and suffixes.) default: `""` flags: `0x2`
miles_force_listener_environment Force environment on listener (i.e., global controller changes only) default: `""` flags: `0x2`
miles_freeze When 1, sound is paused and incoming play events are ignored. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_initial_occlusion_delay Time (in msec) to delay new sounds when we defer their traces. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_language Language to use for audio (requires a miles restart to change.) default: `""` flags: `0x1000000`
miles_listener_freeze When 1, stop updating listener position. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_nonactor_occlusion Do traces to determine when non-entity sounds are occluded. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_nonactor_occlusion_radius Distance which must be penetrated for a non-entity sound to be considered occluded. default: `"8.0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_nopandist Distance at which panning is forced to center-front. default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
miles_occlusion When nonzero, perform occlusion checks default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_occlusion_force 0 to 100: Force all sounds to have occlusion values of 0 (unoccluded) to 100 (completely occluded). -1 for normal. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_occlusion_partial When zero, occlusion state is binary. When nonzero, allow partial occlusion of audio. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_occlusion_use_reset_after_deferred_initial For A/B testing feature. Enable permanently eventually. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_replay_transition_enable_early_cleanup default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
miles_samplerate Sample rate, commonly 48000, 44100, 22050, or 11025 (0 is default) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_samples_dither Enable dithering for dumped audio samples default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_samples_folddown Fold down dumped audio samples default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_samples_noise_shape Enable noise shaping for dumped audio samples default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_server_sounds_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_server_sounds_print default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_solo_ents Only play sounds from this entity index (or space-separated list of indices.) default: `""` flags: `0x2`
miles_soundscape_imgui Show imgui-based soundscape debugging window default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_spatialize_front_degrees Front panning field angle default: `"45.0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_spatialize_offplane_strength Offplane omni-fication strength default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2`
miles_spatialize_on Enable hard spatialization test default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
miles_spatialize_rear_degrees Rear panning field angle default: `"120.0"` flags: `0x2`
miles_suffixes Use emitter suffixed versions of sounds. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
min_explosive_damage_mass Anything lighter than this will be clamped. (units kg) default: `"20"` flags: `0x2002`
missile_default_speed default: `"2500"` flags: `0x2002`
missile_homing_speed default: `"150"` flags: `0x2002`
mod_trace_load default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
model_defaultFadeDistMin Default minimum fade distance. default: `"400"` flags: `0x4000`
model_defaultFadeDistMin Default minimum fade distance. default: `"400"` flags: `0x4000`
model_defaultFadeDistScale Factor that is multiplied by the model's radius to get the default fade distance. default: `"40"` flags: `0x4000`
model_defaultFadeDistScale Factor that is multiplied by the model's radius to get the default fade distance. default: `"40"` flags: `0x4000`
model_fadeRangeFraction Fraction of the fade distance to fade over. default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x4000`
model_fadeRangeFractionNear Fraction of the near fade distance at which impostors are invisible. default: `"0.9"` flags: `0x4000`
monitor_cc default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_mat_sharpen_amount default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_postfx default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_rui_world_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_snapshot_frame_delay default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_zfar_default default: `"642"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_zfar_override default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
monitor_zfar_override_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
motd default: `""` flags: `0x12`
mouse_sensitivity Mouse sensitivity. default: `"5"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars Uses the per scope scalars default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_1 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_2 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_3 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_4 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_5 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_6 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_7 Mouse sensitivity. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80` min value: `0.1` max value: `20`
move_one_cmd_per_client_frame Force clients to generate exactly one user command per client frame. There will not be a one-to-one relationship between cmds and ticks. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
movement_anim_downed_playback_maxrate default: `"2.5"` flags: `0x2002`
movement_anim_playback_maxrate default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
movement_anim_playback_minrate default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
movement_anim_sprint_playback_maxrate default: `"1.25"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_accountLink_requestInterval default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
mp_allowed default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
mp_bodyyawrate default: `"400"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_countRRNobodyAsLobby default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mp_enablematchending When set to 0, match will not end default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_enabletimelimit enable mp_timelimit timer in games default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_gamemode Current game mode name default: `""` flags: `0x12002`
mp_linkingAccountTime default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
mp_linkingAccountWindow default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
mp_maxbodyyaw default: `"60"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_permission_requestInterval default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
mp_permission_rerequestInterval default: `"21600"` flags: `0x2`
mp_player_level To read mp player level in SP default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
mp_scaleAnimationSpeeds default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
mp_showgestureslots Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one). default: `"-1"` flags: `0x6002`
mtx_svEdition default: `"1010"` flags: `0x2002`
multiplay_serverid Multiplay-assigned server-identifier default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
muteWeaponSounds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
name Current user name default: `"unnamed"` flags: `0x480`
net_RunInvalidatePhysics default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_async_sendto default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_autoUnthrottle default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_bandwidthPrintThreshold Percentage where it's worth printing spam about this message in the bandwidth tracker prints default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_bindToSpecificAddress Only bind to a certain interface default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_blockmsg Discards incoming message: <0|1|name> default: `"none"` flags: `0x4000`
net_chatThroughChatserver default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_chokeloop Apply bandwidth choke to loopback packets (only in MP) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_clearReliableDataOnReset Whether we should erase unsent reliable data when we call netchan->Reset() default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_client_side_weapon_animations Enable/disable client side weapon animations. Only apply to already optimized weapons, eg. rapid fire instant hit weapons like xo16, r101 etc. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
net_compressDataBlock default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_compressLZValue default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_compresspackets Use lz compression on game packets. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_compresspackets_minsize Don't bother compressing packets below this size. default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
net_connectPacketWarningThreshhold default: `"0.9"` flags: `0x2`
net_createUndoDeltas default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_dataRate default: `"256000"` flags: `0x2`
net_dataRateDev default: `"81920"` flags: `0x2`
net_dataRateDev_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_data_block_enabled Enable/disable net data block optimization for load times. When disabled large chunks are sent down via existing netchan reliability system instead of net data blocks. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
net_datablockPrintSummaries default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_fastRate default: `"128000"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_longSendTime default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_minResendInterval default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_networkLossForSlowSpeed default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_resendRateForSlowSpeed default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
net_datablock_slowRate default: `"64000"` flags: `0x2`
net_debugDataBlockReceiver default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_debugDataBlockSender default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_debugLerping default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
net_deltaFieldEntityBlockSize default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
net_drawslider Draw completion slider during signon default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_droppackets Drops next n packets on client default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
net_dumpChangesPrecise Prints floats at full precision default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_encrypt_copyCtx default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_encryptionDebug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_forceUnnecessaryUndoDeltas default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_forcetimeout default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
net_frames_max_gap Maximum gap allowable between packets. default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
net_highPacketLatencyThreshold default: `"0.200"` flags: `0x2`
net_highPacketLossThreshold default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2`
net_ignoreAllSnapshots Drop all snapshot messages default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_largeSnapshotThreshold The size of a snapshot that qualifies as a large snapshot default: `"15000"` flags: `0x2`
net_lerpFields default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_maxAccumulatedClearTimeBalance Max time (in seconds) to count not sending data to this player towards their 'remaining bandwidth' balance [if we haven't sent a packet in 2 minutes, that doesn't mean they have 2 minutes of bandwidth remaining to use] default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
net_maxRecvCall default: `"1000"` flags: `0x80000`
net_maxRecvPacket default: `"10000"` flags: `0x80000`
net_maxcleartime Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit). default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
net_maxfilesize Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB default: `"16"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0` max value: `64`
net_maxfragments Max fragment bytes per packet default: `"1200"` flags: `0x2` min value: `256` max value: `1200`
net_maxroutable Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'. default: `"1200"` flags: `0x202` min value: `576` max value: `1200`
net_minConnectionTimeForSpam default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
net_minQueuedPacketsForPrint default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
net_minResetIdleTimerInterval default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
net_minimumPacketLossDC The lowest packet loss we have to any datacenter default: `"100"` flags: `0x200`
net_minroutable Forces larger payloads. default: `"16"` flags: `0x2`
net_netGraph2 default: `"0"` flags: `0x41080000`
net_noPostDataForDeletedEnts default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_old_seed_generation default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
net_optimize_persistent_data default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
net_optimize_playlists default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
net_optimize_weapons Enable/disable bandwidth optimizations made to weapons. Additional experimental optimizations can be enabled values 2 (weapon player data) and 3 (client side weapon animation) default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
net_ping_debug Debug latency calculation. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_predictParentEntities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_predictedEntsUseFirstAvailableSnapshot default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_predictionDebug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_pretendSnapshotArrayFull Pretend the client snapshot array is full even when it isn't default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_printCompression default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_printOutOfSnapshots default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_printUnnecessaryDeltas default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_processSocketStats_trigger Print out stats of what packets we receive during the next process of sockets. Set to the enum of the socket you care about ie. ESocketIndex_t default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
net_queue_trace default: `"0"` flags: `0x2000002`
net_queuedPackets_PrintOversleeps default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_queuedPackets_SkipSmallSleeps default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
net_queued_packet_sender_nopacket_sleep default: `"10"` flags: `0x80000`
net_queued_packet_thread Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_recentNetworkGapWindow default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2`
net_recentNetworkGapsNeeded default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
net_recreateScriptInstanceOnReplayTransition default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_recvBufferSizeOverride Override the default receive socket buffer size default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_recv_dumpChanges default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_recv_dumpNetworkedChangesOnEntCreate default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_recv_watchEnt default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
net_recv_watchField1 default: `""` flags: `0x2`
net_recv_watchField2 default: `""` flags: `0x2`
net_resourcePrintMinimum Minimum count for printing bandwidth info about a resource (sound, effect) default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
net_sendFloatDeltas default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_sendProfileTotals default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_sendtoInJob default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_showFailedAuth default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_showLargeSnapshot Show console spam when we get large snapshots from the server default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_showQueued default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showServerStruggle Print when the server is struggling. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_showUndoDeltas default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showUserWarnings default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_showchoke Show console spam when we get choked snapshots from the server default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showchokeInterval The minimum time interval between spam about going above our network budget default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
net_showdrop Show dropped packets in console default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showfragments Show netchannel fragments default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showmsg Show incoming message: <0|1|name> default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showpeaks Show messages for large packets only: default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showsendrecv Show sendto and recvfrom calls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_showsplits Show info about packet splits default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_showudp Dump UDP packets summary to console default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_showudp_oob Dump OOB UDP packets summary to console default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_showudp_remoteonly Dump non-loopback udp only default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
net_showusercmd Show user command encoding default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_skipUnnecessaryDeltas default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_splitrate Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame default: `"3"` flags: `0x80000`
net_splitrateDefaultMP Default MP number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame default: `"3"` flags: `0x80000`
net_splitrateDefaultSP Default SP number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame default: `"10000"` flags: `0x80000`
net_tamperPackets default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_threadedEntityDeltas default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_threadedProcessPacket default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_timeoutUsesLastReadTime Don't let us time out if we haven't been actually checking the socket for packets (inside a loop, for example) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_trackerWarningInterval default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
net_transmission_events_enabled Record and report network transmission events for I/O bandwidth estimation default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
net_usesocketsforloopback Use network sockets layer even for listen server local player's packets (multiplayer only). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_verifyEncryption default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_voiceEchoFromChatServer default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
net_warnAboutSocketReadGaps Warn if we are waiting longer than this to check a socket for new packets default: `"0.200"` flags: `0x2`
net_warnGapTime default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2`
net_wifi 0 = ethernet, 1 = wifi, -1 = unknown default: `"-1"` flags: `0x80200`
net_worldHitchSlopTime default: `"0.031"` flags: `0x2`
next Set to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 ) default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
noReloadAfterUse Disables reloads for "+useAndReload" input if a use is triggered. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
noise_filter_scale default: `"0.006"` flags: `0x1000000`
not_focus_sleep MS to sleep while window doesn't have focus default: `"50"` flags: `0x80000`
notification_displayTime How long notifications should wait before auto-hiding default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
nucleus_id default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000200`
nucleus_pid default: `"unknown"` flags: `0x80000200`
number_shortenToMillionsAfter default: `"2000000"` flags: `0x2`
nx_allow_ditherfade default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
nx_static_lobby_capture_debug Force lobby capture every frame to debug capture process. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
nx_static_lobby_capture_delay_frames Delay frames when capturing the lobby to allow texture streaming to finish default: `"30"` flags: `0x4000`
nx_static_lobby_mode Enable capturing the static elements of the lobby to reduce GPU workload. 0 = disabled, 1 = only in handheld, 2 = always on default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
nx_subtile_override Override for subtile size. (0 to disable) default: `"2"` flags: `0x4000`
nx_viewportscale_max_handheld Sets the max viewportscale value on Switch handheld default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80000` max value: `1`
nx_viewportscale_max_handheld_lobby Sets the max viewportscale value on Switch handheld default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80000` max value: `1`
nx_viewportscale_min_handheld Sets the min viewportscale value on Switch handheld default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x80000` max value: `1`
nx_viewportscale_min_handheld_lobby Sets the min viewportscale value on Switch handheld default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80000` max value: `1`
object_placement_debug Enable/disable debug lines for object placement default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
offhandTossOverheadPitchThreshold default: `"-1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
offhand_alignEndAnim1p3p default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
old_culling default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
old_gather_props default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
one_handed_change_rate The rate at which the transition to and from one handed weapon usage takes place default: `"1.25"` flags: `0xa`
opaque_renderable_worker default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
openInvite_spam Whether open invites should spam to the console log default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
openInvites_filterByLanguage default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
openInvites_filterByRegion default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
openinvite_duration_default default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
ordnanceSwapSelectCooldown default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
origin_Errorlevel_OldBehaviour Enables Setting errorlevel for as in the old code base did. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_Errorlevel_Telementry Enables sending host Telemetry event for Origin errorLevel default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_authCodeFailureMaxBackoffSeconds default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
origin_autoRefreshTokenClient default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_autoRefreshTokenServer default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
origin_debug Enable Origin HTTP debug logging (all HTTP queries and responses, token data etc.) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
origin_disconnectWhenOffline default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_ignoreInvitesOnLoadScreen default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
origin_igo_mutes_sound_enabled Enables feature for optionally muting game sound when Origin overlays are launched. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_igo_mutes_sound_enabled Enables feature for optionally muting game sound when Origin overlays are launched. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_igo_muting_sound True if game sound was muted when launching an Origin overlay. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
origin_keepOldPresence default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_presense_updateRate Minimum time between origin updates in seconds. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
origin_tokenFailureMaxBackoffSeconds default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
panel_showVisChanges default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
panel_test_title_safe Test vgui panel positioning with title safe indentation default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
parenting_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particleEffect_checkShouldStillPlay default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
particle_alwayswakeonstop default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
particle_cpu_level default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000` min value: `0` max value: `2`
particle_delete_all_except default: `""` flags: `0x2`
particle_dlights_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
particle_dlights_spew default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_gpu_level default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_lighting_clear_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_lighting_size The size of each particle in the atlas default: `"32"` flags: `0x2`
particle_lighting_viewmodel_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay Show particle overlay (2 for same as particle_overlay_list_tally) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_detail_attributes Space separated list of attributes to show per particle - 'all id duration xyz prev_xyz radius color alpha length' default: `"id"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_detail_filter Filters which particles to see in detail - can be id or substring or * default: `""` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_detail_list_particles List individual particles in detail view default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_detail_scroll Skip this many rows in particle overlay detail default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_hide_sleeping Hide sleeping effects in particle overlay default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_list_filter Filters which particles to see in list - can be id or substring or * default: `"*"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_list_tally Show tally of particle counts, rather than list (same as particle_overlay 2) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_list_tally_collapse_children Collapse children in tally-- only show totals at top level. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_old Draw particle overlay the old way (no imgui) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_overlay_scroll Skip this many rows in particle overlay default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_remap_vol2cp_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_script_dump particle_script_dump SCRIPT_HANDLE default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
particle_script_list default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
particle_script_log particle_script_log SCRIPT_HANDLE default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
particle_scrub_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_debug_effect default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_is_using_time_scrub default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
particle_scrub_max_dt default: `"0.02"` flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_play_speed default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_quality default: `"6"` flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_time default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
particle_simulateoverflow Used for stress-testing particle systems. Randomly denies creation of particles. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
particles_cull_dlights default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
particles_max_passes default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
particles_spawncull default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
particles_spawncull_report default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
parties_alwaysReadSubs default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
party_autoCreatePartyAlways default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
party_autoCreatePartyDelay default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
party_color_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
party_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
party_httpHandleTimeout default: `"10.0f"` flags: `0x2`
party_keepAliveTime How often party clients should send a keepalive packet default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
party_keepAliveTime How often party clients should send a keepalive packet default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
party_leaderAlwaysDetectsChanges default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
party_leaderReadyOnly default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
party_leaveMatchOnJoin Whether a player should quit the match they're in when they join a party default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
party_minSize default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
party_nofill_selected default: `"0"` flags: `0x80200`
party_privacy our privacy setting for parties default: `"open"` flags: `0x2`
party_readyToSearch our ready-up status default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
party_relyOnPartyForMemberUserInfo If true, we won't re-request userinfo speculatively, only when their version changes in our party block default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
party_requireConsensusForSearch Whether everyone in the party has to ready up before finding a match default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
party_userinfo_allowstale If true, stale userinfo for party members will continue to be used until the new info is fetched default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
perTriangleCollisionForced Forces all traces on static models to use high detail traces. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
perfcharts_killswitch A value of 1 means perfcharts is deactivated. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
perfcharts_pin_enabled Enable telemetry events (pin). default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
perfcharts_pin_print Print telemetry events (pin). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
persistenceDef_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
persistenceDef_queryMaxHttpRetries default: `"4"` flags: `0x6`
persistenceDef_readMaxHttpRetries default: `"2"` flags: `0x6`
persistenceDef_retryReadAfterErrorTime default: `"15"` flags: `0x6`
persistenceDef_writeMaxHttpRetries default: `"4"` flags: `0x6`
persistence_clForceNew default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
persistence_disableForBuildProcess default: `"0"` flags: `0x6`
persistence_enforce_manifest Enable validating against manifest. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
persistence_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
persistence_new_player_if_upgrade_fails Create a new player if upgrade fails. (dev only) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
persistence_upload_def default: `"1"` flags: `0x6`
persistence_upload_failure_is_error default: `"1"` flags: `0x6`
persistent_warningRate default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pertrianglecollision Enables per-triangle collision with TRACEDETAILLEVEL_HIGH (i.e., bullets) on static models. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
phys_bounce default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_cfm Constraint Force Mixing value. Softens the force applied to resolve constraints. ode.org/ode-latest-userguide.html: "If CFM is set to zero, the constraint will be hard .... the constraint is allowed to be violated by an amount proportional to CFM times the restoring force that is needed to enforce the constraint" default: `"0.0001"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_cfm_anglejointstop default: `"0.0001"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_drawContacts default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_drawContactsDuration default: `"0.016666"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_drawGeoms default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_drawTunnelChecks default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_enableObjectPairCollidePrototype default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
phys_erp Fraction of penetration that physics tries to resolve per time step. At 1.0, all contacts add a velocity that will end the penetration in a single frame, though this is unstable. At 0.0, contacts create no outward force (though they still provide friction). default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_erp_anglejointstop default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_frictionDefault default: `"0.82"` flags: `0x2002`
phys_showObjectCount default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
phys_threadGoWide Go wide across threads with Physics. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
physics_async_cl Run physics simulation asynchronously from the main thread. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
physics_autoSleepAngularThreshold Angular speed below which a physic object goes to sleep. (in degrees / second) default: `"120"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_autoSleepDebug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_autoSleepGroundHysteresis default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_autoSleepSpeedThreshold Speed below which a physic object goes to sleep. default: `"20"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_collideWithMovingGeo default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_collision_speed_threshold default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_defaultMaxAngularSpeed default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_defaultMaxSpeed default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_scaled_mem Amout of extra memory taken by scaled collision meshes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
physics_tunnelChecks Do traces to prevent physics objects from falling through the world. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
physics_tunnelChecksForceAlways Require objects to do tunnel checks every frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
pin_opt_in Enables sending PIN telemetry data to EA default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
pin_plat_id Platform user id for PIN default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000202`
pin_sid session id default: `"unknown"` flags: `0x80000200`
pin_telemetry_actually_send default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_debug_code Shows unformatted json of all messages default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_debug_http_requests Track down pin http requests lifetime default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_debug_payload Shows final payloads being sent to PIN server, including header default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_debug_script Shows nicely formatted json of script messages default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_dont_send_events List of PIN events to suppress default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
pin_telemetry_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_inactivity_send_time Interval at which client PIN messages are sent. (Client only) default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_max_payload_size default: `"30720"` flags: `0x2`
pin_telemetry_send_debug Enables x-ea-lint-level 2 for useful error messages default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ping_max_green default: `"70"` flags: `0x2`
ping_max_red default: `"250"` flags: `0x2`
ping_max_yellow default: `"140"` flags: `0x2`
ping_minSentForChoice Minimum number of pings sent to this target (not received) before we are willing to say the player can matchmake because we're confident that this data is useful default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
ping_qos_units Divisor to use for pings, so we don't think a 3 ping is wildly better than a 4 ping, but we do think a 33 ping is worse than a 31 ping (at 60fps, that's another frame of latency) default: `"32"` flags: `0x2`
ping_usePacketLoss default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pixvis_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pixvis_maxquads Change the upper bound on how many 2x2 quads to sample for pixel visibility default: `"256"` flags: `0x4000`
pixvis_spew default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
plat_environment default: `""` flags: `0x2`
platform_user_id Platform user id (origin user id on PC, xuid on xboxone) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playerListPartyColorB default: `"204"` flags: `0x2`
playerListPartyColorG default: `"255"` flags: `0x2`
playerListPartyColorR default: `"179"` flags: `0x2`
playerListUseFriendColor default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
player_ADS_buffer_time_seconds How long (in seconds) will the game buffer a Toggle Zoom attempt if the player cannot ADS when they press the button. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_debugPredictedPosition default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
player_deltaAnimsMakeMeUnpredicted default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
player_doJetwashEffects default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
player_extraairaccelleration Extra air acceleration given to players, even if they're already at max speed. Helps to start wall running default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2002`
player_highFrequencyThinkDistance default: `"6000"` flags: `0x2`
player_melee_clear_on_button_pair_pressed When the user presses the ultimate button pair combination, clear the melee attack state along with clearing weapons. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_movementBounds_predictionShare default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_movingDeathThreshold default: `"50"` flags: `0x6000`
player_offhand_input_validate_every_frame Check for disabled weapons and validate offhand input every frame. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_respawnInputDebounceDuration How long after respawning will certain player inputs be debounced for default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
player_setting_autosprint Automatically sprint when walking forward. default: `"0"` flags: `0x41000000`
player_setting_damage_closes_deathbox_menu Controls whether death box automatically closes when taking damage (used for menus). default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
player_setting_enable_heartbeat_sounds Enables heartbeat sensor heartbeat sounds. default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
player_setting_stickysprintforward Double-tapping sprint will keep the player sprinting forward. default: `"0"` flags: `0x41000200`
player_showEyePosition default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
player_useMovementBounds default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_usercmd_skipping_enabled Allows server to skip simulating certain UserCmds to save CPU default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
player_viewchange_debug_pitch default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
player_viewchange_debug_roll default: `"9"` flags: `0x2`
player_viewchange_debug_yaw default: `"160"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_allowGameDediToPatch Allow game dedi to apply patch playlist default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_changeGamemodeAutomatically default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_debug_getvar default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_debug_localization default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_debug_validateQueryVersusKV Until we're confident in PlaylistQuery, validate that we get the same results as the KV search default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_debug_varByName default: `""` flags: `0x2`
playlist_dump Dump contents of playlists file (and patches) when we parse it default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_mapRotationIgnoreFakeTime Ignore FakeTime computing what is the current map in the rotation cycle default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
playlist_rotationGroup Current rotation group among playlists default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
playlist_rotationInterval How often to rotate playlist groups in minutes default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_rotationIntervalDefault Default value of how often to rotate playlist groups in minutes default: `"150"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_rotationIntervalOverride Override value (if > 0) of how often to rotate playlist groups in minutes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
playlist_rotationNextTime Next rotation time for playlist group default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
playlist_variableErrorsChecks default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
playlistquery_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
portal_pointpush_debug Debug the portal_pointpush. default: `"0"` flags: `0x6000`
portal_pointpush_think_rate The amount of time between thinks for the portal_pointpush. default: `"0.05f"` flags: `0x6000`
portal_use_player_avoidance default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
postdataupdate_threaded default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
postdataupdate_threaded_chunksize default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
printConnectTimings default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
print_timeprefix default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
process_pending_vm_effects default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
progressbar_allow_wrap Allow loading bar to wrap. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
progressbar_high_precision Use a higher precision bar. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
progressbar_single_bar Use a single bar. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_debug_arc_client_offset Offset client arc drawing vertically by this much default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_fake_prediction_in_kill_replay Calls weapon primary-attack callbacks on client during replay to create predicted projectiles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_faketrails Enables fake projectile trails when the projectile impacts on the server before lag compensation is complete default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_filltrails Fill the gap between the gun barrel and the first seen projectile position for trail Fx (1: 1st person only, 2: 3rd person only, 3: 1st and 3rd persons) default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_lagCompensationDebug Draws lag compensation on projectiles default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationDebugDrawNoReg Debug draw when NoReg is detected. Set >= 2 to notify all clients default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationDebugDrawTime Amount of time debug drawing persists with projectile_lagCompensationDebug enabled. default: `"3.0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationDebugExtra Draws the "real" arc the projectile would take, as well as an extra simple simulation to compare with the actual path default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationDebugForceNoReg Force no reg on all shots. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationDebugServerOffset Offset the server debug lines by this many units vertically default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_lagCompensationMissileTimeStepScalar Scales the time step used for seeking missiles in lag compensation default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_muzzleOffsetFirstPersonDecayDist Distance over which projectiles fake their origin to come out of the gun muzzle default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_muzzleOffsetFirstPersonDecayMaxTime Max time over which projectiles fake their origin to come out of the gun muzzle default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_muzzleOffsetThirdPersonDecayDist Distance over which projectiles fake their origin to come out of the gun muzzle default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_muzzleOffsetThirdPersonDecayMaxTime Max time over which projectiles fake their origin to come out of the gun muzzle default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_prediction Performs client-side prediction and lag compensation on projectiles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
projectile_predictionErrorCorrectTime Time over which prediction errors are corrected for projectiles default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
projectile_prediction_move_to_impact When impact predicted, move projectile to the predicted impact point to ensure the trail ends at the impact point default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
prop_front_to_back_opt Front to Back optimization for props (ex. Grass). It works for the models that are built with it enabled. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
prop_lightweightPropsSkipAnimData default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
prop_survivalSkipsAnimData default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
props_break_burst_rotation Rate of rotation in degrees per second. default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
props_break_max_pieces Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default) default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
props_break_max_pieces_perframe Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default) default: `"20"` flags: `0x2002`
publication_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
push_cl 1: Moving geo pushes client entities, 0: Client entities do not get pushed default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
push_cl_always_update_prev_matrix default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
push_debug Debug all pushing entities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
push_debug_ent Debug pushing entity default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
push_ragdolls Toggles whether to push ragdoll entities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
pve_debug default: `""` flags: `0x2002`
pvs_addWorkItemsAccum Accumulate this many work items from the main PVS job before adding them to the worker thread array, which can be slow default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_addWorkItemsThreshold_edges load balancing threshold; if a node has more than this many leaves, it will spread the work across threads default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_addWorkItemsThreshold_leaves load balancing threshold; if a node has more than this many leaves, it will spread the work across threads default: `"5000"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_cullBoxes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_frustumCullOnly 0 - Off, 1 - On by Script, 2 - forced On default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
pvs_start_early 0 not early, 1 after view setup, 2 after threaded bone setup default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x6000`
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq default: `"7.0"` flags: `0x6000`
r_AirboatViewZHeight default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x6000`
r_JeepViewDampenDamp default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x6000`
r_JeepViewDampenFreq default: `"7.0"` flags: `0x6000`
r_VehicleViewDampen default: `"1"` flags: `0x6000`
r_WaterDrawReflection Enable water reflection default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_WaterDrawRefraction Enable water refraction default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_aspectratio default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_blurmenubg Blurs background when menus are open default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_bone_matrix_bulk_update_threshold default: `"64"` flags: `0x2`
r_brush_queue_mode default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_createmodeldecals default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
r_cullshadowworldmeshes default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_debug_draw_box_depth_test Toggle depth test for debug draw box functionality default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_decal_cover_count default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
r_decal_cull_stretch_limit Reciprocal of per-tri limit on decal stretching (0 is most permissive, 1 is most restrictive.) default: `"0.707"` flags: `0x4000`
r_decal_draw_basis default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_decal_drawclipped A bit-field! 1:Draw decal debug triangle overlays of *all* potential hits, 2:Draw actual hits, 4:Draw clipped hits default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_decal_overlap_area default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
r_decal_overlap_count default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
r_decal_test_scale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
r_decals default: `"256"` flags: `0x40000000` min value: `0` max value: `256`
r_deferred_decals default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_deferredlighting default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_delay_texture_destroy immediate call on Destroy() may cause GPU hang as it can still be used by GPU. this will make it delayed by one frame. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_ditherFade default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_ditherFade default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_ditherFadeShadows default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawallrenderables Draw all renderables, even ones inside solid leaves. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawalphasort default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawbrushmodels Render brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawbrushmodels Render brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawdecals Render decals. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawdepth_of_blend2transparent default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_drawdlights whether to debug draw dlights default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawentities 0: dont' draw; 1: draw normal; 2: draw bones; 3: draw hulls default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawlight_simple simple shape. useful when too many lights are drawn. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawlight_ztest default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawlightdist If r_drawstaticlight is -1, only include draw lights within this radius default: `"4000"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawlightinfo default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawmodelsinzfill Draw models in the zfill pass where they will affect light tile culling default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawopaquerenderables default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawparticles Enable/disable particle rendering default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawrenderboxes default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawscreenspaceparticles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_drawsky Enable the rendering of sky default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawstaticlight 0 = none, -1 = all within r_drawlightdist, other draws that light index default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawstaticprops Toggle drawing of static props default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawtracers default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawtransrenderables default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawvgui Enable the rendering of vgui panels default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawviewmodel default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_drawworld Render the world (0 = none, 1 = opaque only, 2 = trans only, 3 = both). default: `"3"` flags: `0x40004000`
r_dynamic default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
r_earlyRenderables default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_enableOriginSort default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_fadeincode default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_farz Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller. default: `"-1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_fastzreject Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_forcecheapwater Force all water to be cheap water, will show old renders if enabled after water has been seen default: `"0"` flags: `0x4008`
r_jiggle_bones default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_lightmap default: `"-1"` flags: `0x804000`
r_lightprobe_force_trans_dist if an entity moves this distance or greater in one frame it is automatically transitioned to a new probe default: `"2000"` flags: `0x2`
r_lightstyle default: `"-1"` flags: `0x804000`
r_lod default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
r_lod default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2` min value: `-1`
r_lod default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
r_lod_shift Shifts the quality of LODs towards higher LOD levels default: `"0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
r_lod_shift Shifts the quality of LODs towards higher LOD levels default: `"0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
r_lod_switch_scale default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
r_mapextents Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane default: `"16384"` flags: `0x4000`
r_modeldecal_maxtotal default: `"75"` flags: `0x2`
r_nearz Near clipping plane distance default: `"7"` flags: `0x2`
r_no_stalls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_no_stalls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_no_stalls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_norefresh default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_lighting_debug Toggle Particle Lighting Debug Texture default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_lighting_enable Toggle Particle Lighting default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_lighting_enable Toggle Particle Lighting default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_lighting_force Force all particles to be lit default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_lighting_force Force all particles to be lit default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_low_res_debug Toggle Low Res Paricle Debug Texture default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_low_res_draw_weight_tex default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_low_res_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_low_res_force default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_low_res_tiled_composite default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_sim_spike_increment_ms default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particle_timescale default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
r_particles_early_distance_cull default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_pos_debug default: `""` flags: `0x2`
r_render_pos_debug default: `""` flags: `0x2`
r_rimlight default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_rootlod Root LOD default: `"0"` flags: `0x4800002` min value: `0` max value: `2`
r_ropetranslucent default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_setupBoneWorkSize work size for SetupBone_Worker default: `"10"` flags: `0x4000`
r_setupBoneWorkerThreadhold minimum ModelListByType_t::m_nSetupBoneCount value to be threaded for SetupBoneForModelList() call default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_setupBoneWortSort Sort bone work. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_shadowrendertotexture default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_sky_ignoreAngles Ignore the angle of the sky (for debugging) default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_sort_trans_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_sort_trans_debug_dist default: `"2000"` flags: `0x2`
r_threaded_particles default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_updaterefracttexture When disabled, supresses any update of refract texture. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
r_updaterefracttexture_allowmultiple Allows multiple updates of refract texture per frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_visambient Draw leaf ambient lighting samples. Mask of VIS_AMBIENT = 1, VIS_SKY = 2, VIS_SUN = 4, VIS_CLOUDMASK = 8, VIS_LIGHTS_1ST = 16, etc. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_visambient_orig Show original lighting probes instead of the improved ones the game actually uses default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_visambient_point Draw leaf ambient lighting samples, for a point (like particles). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_vismodellighting_lightpos Draw a line from the point light to the model lighting origin for this many of the closest lights that have r_vismodellighting enabled. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vismodellighting_maxdist default: `"1000.0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vismodellighting_mindist default: `"48.0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vismodellighting_offset_x Offset the model lighting spheres by this amount. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vismodellighting_offset_y Offset the model lighting spheres by this amount. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vismodellighting_offset_z Offset the model lighting spheres by this amount. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_vissun_transitions Shows which lightprobes receive total sunlight (red), partial sunlight (purple), and none (blue). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_visualizeproplightcaching default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_visualizetraces default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_visualizetraces_duration default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
r_volumetric_lighting_blur_count default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
r_volumetric_lighting_blur_type default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
r_volumetric_lighting_defer_init Init Volumetric Textures Dynamically default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
r_volumetric_lighting_enabled Toggle Volumetric Light default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
r_volumetric_lighting_numSteps default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
r_volumetric_lighting_rotate_dither default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_waterforceexpensive default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_waterforcereflectentities default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
r_zfill default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ragdoll_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
ragdoll_sleepaftertime After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep. default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
rankedplay_display_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
rankedplay_voice_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
rate Max bytes/sec the host can receive data default: `"128000"` flags: `0x2`
reactive_wakeOnStop default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
real_time_update_dt default: `"0.001"` flags: `0x2`
realms_add_child_to_parent_by_default default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
realms_script_error_on_parenting_mismatch default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
recalculateOrigin_threaded_chunksize default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_available_timespan Amount of seconds for which reconnect is available since last save. default: `"2400"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_check_platform_id Check platform id from local file. Useful when testing with multiple local win64 clients. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_debug Never disconnect a player having lost connection. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_delay Amount of seconds for which reconnect is waiting before connecting. default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_enabled Whether disconnecting keeps the player around to allow reconnecting default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_party_enabled Reconnect to your party (if any) when reconnecting to the match. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
reconnect_timeout Seconds after a disconnected client is completely removed from the server, stopping it from reconnecting default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
remoteCalls_requireConnectionScriptsForViewPlayer default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
remoteMatchInfo_print default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
replay_enable Enable Replay recording on server default: `"1"` flags: `0x402002`
replay_prediction_smooth default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
report_cliententitysim List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
report_clientthinklist List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
roamingcam_cameraspacemotion default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_downSpeedMult default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_forwardSpeed default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_forwardSpeed_fast default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_forwardSpeed_slow default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_moveCollisionThreshold default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_movecollision default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_movesmoothing default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_rollSpeed default: `"40"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_serverupdateinterval default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_sideSpeedMult default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_smoothtime default: `"0.15"` flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_viewsmoothing default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rodeo_camera_smooth_blend_out_time default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2`
rodeo_camera_smooth_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
rodeoed_anims_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rope_collide Collide rope with the world default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
rope_debug_shake Helps visualize ropes effected by a shake. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rope_parallelMeshBuilder default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
rope_regenMeshEachDraw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rope_shake default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rope_texels_per_world_unit default: `"8"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_harmonic_falloff Falloff for oscillation magnitude of wave of increasing frequency (ropes and grapple) default: `"0.75"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_magnitude_loose Fraction of rope (including grapple) distance used as max wiggle distance while the rope is loose (shooting) default: `".04"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_magnitude_tight Fraction of rope (including grapple) distance used as max wiggle distance while the rope is tight (pulling or retracting) default: `".002"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_oscillate_speed Speed at which rope (including grapple) wiggle oscillates default: `"64"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_rotate_speed Speed at which rope (including grapple) wiggle rotates default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wiggle_zipline_min_points Increases point count for ziplines that are wiggling default: `"80"` flags: `0x2`
rope_wind_dist Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance. default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
rotate_ents default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rspn_motd default: `""` flags: `0x2`
rt_sleep default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
rt_sync_message_pump If 1 render thread with process message queue before starting main thread processing. If 2 then main thread will wait for the next frames message queue processing before gathering mouse input. If 3 then the main thread will wait for the current frames message queue processing before gathering mouse input...this may have a problem with the queue message pump sometimes starting before gathering mouse input and sometimes after causing hitches, but it has less latency and lower frame times when compared to the other methods. If 0 then gathering mouse input may happen before, during, or after the last frames mouse messages were process causing horrible hitch mouse response. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
rt_worker default: `"1"` flags: `0x80000`
ruiPanel_resArgName default: `"actualRes"` flags: `0x2`
rui_asyncTracks Toggles async update of RUI tracks default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
rui_defaultDebugFontFace Default font face for rui text in debug messages default: `"ArameMono"` flags: `0x2`
rui_defaultFontFace Default font face for rui text default: `"DefaultRegularFont"` flags: `0x2`
rui_defaultFontHeight Default font height for rui text default: `"28"` flags: `0x2`
rui_overrideVguiTextRendering Use rui for rendering all vgui text default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
rui_padDist default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2`
rui_safeAreaFrac Fraction of safe area to use default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x2` max value: `1`
rui_standardTextHeight default: `"64.0"` flags: `0x2`
rui_staticPropLimit Arbitrarily limit static props in rui. default: `"51"` flags: `0x2`
rui_useWidgetDraws default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
save_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
scheme_manager_font_debug 0:Off, 1:On default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
scr_centertime default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
screen_indicator_back_range Number of degrees behind the player that is considered more behind than to the side default: `"60.0"` flags: `0x2`
screen_indicator_ellipse_height default: `"0.75"` flags: `0x2`
screen_indicator_ellipse_width default: `"0.85"` flags: `0x2`
screen_indicator_pitch_limit The maximum pitch difference that will affect the indicator position default: `"75.0"` flags: `0x2`
screen_indicator_pitch_scale default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2`
screenfade_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
scriptNetVar_categoryAsserts default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
script_compile_all_levels Compiles all level scripts when loading a map. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
script_debugger_connect_client_on_mapspawn default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
script_debugger_connect_ui_auto Only takes effect after uiscript_reset. Use command line argument -script_debugger_connect_ui for startup. default: `""` flags: `0x2`
script_debugger_host default: `"localhost"` flags: `0x2002`
script_debugger_port_client default: `"15101"` flags: `0x2`
script_debugger_port_server default: `"15100"` flags: `0x2`
script_debugger_port_ui default: `"15102"` flags: `0x2`
script_disallow_newslot_on_globals Throws compile errors for global variables assigned with <- default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
script_div_0_script_error default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
script_dump_simple If enabled then script dump format will skip null array/table entries and display each non-container value on a single line with the fully scoped key name. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
script_error_on_midgame_load default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
script_infinite_loop_ms If script runs for more than this many milliseconds at one time then you will get a script error. default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2002`
script_obfuscated_id_technique default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
script_parallel_trace_LOS_multiple default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
script_precache_errors default: `"1"` flags: `0x6000`
script_printDeferredCalls default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
script_retry_after_compile_errors After a compile error, tries compiling again immediately. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
script_seasonNameQueryInterval default: `"600"` flags: `0x2`
script_showErrorDialogs default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
script_slopTimeBeforeBudgetEnforcement How long to wait before we start complaining about slow budgets default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
script_window_client_precache default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
scriptremotefunctions_debug Enable debug print around remote functions default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
scriptremotefunctions_resetOnlyUi Only UI function can be reset default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
scriptremotefunctions_saveFuncName Save script function name for easier debugging default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
seasonquest_force_missionscleared_count default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
seasonquest_force_treasurepacks_count default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
sequence_transitioner_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
serverFilter Only connects to servers with the same value default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
serverReports_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
server_build_datenum Server compile date number. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
server_concommands_allways_network When set to 1 , server commands with listen server pass down the network layer. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
server_query_interval default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
sfm_record_hz default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
shader_lod_static_prop_scaled_dist default: `"4000"` flags: `0x2`
shader_lod_world_mesh_scaled_dist default: `"4000"` flags: `0x2`
shader_lods_enable default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_always_update Set to 1 to make shadow maps regenerate every frame. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_bleedfudge Fudge value to decrease shadow map light bleeding default: `"0.0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_capable default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_clear_dist default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_dbg_cone_depthtest for shadow_dbg_cones default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_dbg_cones Visualize shadow cones. Color-coded per shadow status. default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_dbg_draw Visualize shadow atlas texture (1 .. 4, larger numbers for smaller sizes)Tweak - Purple, Dirty - Red, Dynamic - Green, Old Dynamic - Blue default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_default_filter_size Size of the blur filter applied to spot shadows that don't request a different size. Odd integer only. default: `"3"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_depth_dimen_min Minimum resolution of a spot shadow map in width and height default: `"256"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_depth_upres_factor_max Maximum requested upres factor of spot shadows (dimen_min << this) == largest spot shadow dimen default: `"2"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_drawfrustum default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_dynamic_blendfactor Blend dynamic shadows over time. Low value: long history, 1: no history default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_enable default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_esm_enable (EXPERIMENTAL) Use exponential spot shadow maps instead of variance maps default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_filter_maxstep Max step threshold for shadow map blend default: `"0.18"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_format_16_bit Use 16-bit float format for shadows default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_info Information about currently active depth shadows default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_lobby_mode_allowed allow special mode for lobby that does some tricks to improve spotlight shadow quality. 0 - disallowed, 1- allowed, 2 - forced default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_lobby_player_intersect_scalar Priority scalar for shadows in lobby whose cone intersects the player. (Lower is higher priority) default: `"1.0f"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_max_downsizing_spot_updates Downsizing shadows are exceptions. We want to update more of them than shadow_max_spot_updates default: `"24"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_max_dynamic_lobby Maximum number of shadows that should update every frame in Lobby. default: `"10"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_max_old_dynamic Maximum number of old shadows that should update every frame. It's a part of shadow_maxdynamic default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_max_spot_updates Maximum number of dynamic shadow maps to update on any given frame default: `"4"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_maxdynamic Maximum number of shadows that should update every frame. default: `"4"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_maxdynamic Maximum number of shadows that should update every frame. default: `"4"` flags: `0x40000000`
shadow_min_count_smallest Represents the minimum number of min resolution spot shadows to allocate in the shadow atlas.This will be adjusted upward to a multiple of the max sized spot shadow to find legal sized atlas dimensions. default: `"576"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_minvariance Minimum variance for shadow maps (controls edge softness) default: `"0.00001"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_multisampled Enable multisampling for shadows. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_noLOD default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
shadow_show_spot_udpate_infos default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_tools_depth_dimen_min Minimum tools mode (lightedit) resolution of a spot shadow map in width and height default: `"256"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_tools_depth_upres_factor_max Maximum requested tools mode upres factor of spot shadows (dimen_min << this) == largest spot shadow dimen default: `"3"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_tools_min_count_smallest Represents the minimum number of min resolution spot shadows to allocate in the shadow atlas in tools mode.This will be adjusted upward to a multiple of the max sized spot shadow to find legal sized atlas dimensions. default: `"4096"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_tools_mode Turn on shadow tools mode rendering (higher atlas size limits, running out of shadows does not spam default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
shadow_update_culling Don't update shadows that aren't in the view frustum. default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
shake_angleFactor_human default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
shake_angleFactor_titan default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
shake_basicPitchFactor default: `"0.20"` flags: `0x2`
shake_basicRandomRollFactor default: `"0.15"` flags: `0x2`
shake_offsetFactor_human default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
shake_offsetFactor_titan default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
shake_viewmodelFactor_ads_human default: `"0.01"` flags: `0x2`
shake_viewmodelFactor_ads_titan default: `"0.10"` flags: `0x2`
shake_viewmodelFactor_human default: `"0.10"` flags: `0x2`
shake_viewmodelFactor_titan default: `"0.10"` flags: `0x2`
showfps_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
showfps_heightpercent default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
showfps_max_ms Maximum time in ms that will fit on the showfps graph. default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x80000`
showfps_mouse_latency If 1 showfps_enabled will show mouse input latency instead of the time from before the move command. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
showfps_smoothtime default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
showfps_spinner default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
showmem_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
showmem_mode_bottom Mode 0 is total free memory(excluding garlic), 1 is small block heap, 2 is total small block heap, 3 is Client Script, 4 is UI Script, 5 is Server Script (on PC) default: `"3"` flags: `0x80000`
showmem_mode_top Mode 0 is total free memory(excluding garlic), 1 is small block heap, 2 is total small block heap, 3 is Client Script, 4 is UI Script, 5 is Server Script (on PC) default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
showmemnumstats Display On-Screen Numerical Memory Information default: `"0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
showmemnumstatsrefresh Refresh rate of querying the os for memory information in milliseconds. default: `"500"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
shownet_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
showsnapshot_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
sidearmSwapSelectCooldown default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
sidearmSwapSelectDoubleTapTime default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
single_frame_shutdown_for_reload default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
singlestep Run engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame ) default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
skill_arena The arena that skill should be read from / written to (eg. fnf, experimental, etc) default: `""` flags: `0x2`
skill_dediOnly Only do skill for dedicated servers default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
skill_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
skill_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
skip_jump_height_fraction Jump height fraction when skipping default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_jump_height_speed Jump height loss only applies above this speed default: `"450"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_replenish_double_jump Whether the player can double jump after skipping default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_sounds Enables skip-specific sounds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_speed_reduce Speed lost when skipping default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_speed_retain Speed loss doesn't go below this default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2002`
skip_time Time after landing that is considered "skipping" if the player jumps again default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
sleep_when_meeting_framerate Sleep instead of spinning if we're meeting the desired framerate. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sleep_when_meeting_framerate_headroom_ms Only sleep if the current frame has at least this much time remaining, otherwise spin. default: `"2.25"` flags: `0x2`
slide_auto_stand Automatically stand when slide ends default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
slide_max_angle_dot Cosine of max angle from forward that you can slide when sprinting default: `"0.6"` flags: `0x2002`
slide_max_duck_frac_to_start Required max duck fraction to start a slide default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
slide_step_velocity_reduction Velocity reduction when going up a step (is multiplied by step height) default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
slide_viewTiltDecreaseSpeed Speed at which view tilt decreases while sliding in degrees per second default: `"2.5"` flags: `0x2`
slide_viewTiltIncreaseSpeed Speed at which view tilt increases while sliding in degrees per second default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
slide_viewTiltPlayerSpeed Speed at which view tilt is full while sliding default: `"400"` flags: `0x2`
slide_viewTiltSide View tilt when looking to the side while sliding in degrees default: `"15"` flags: `0x2`
slide_whileInAir Allows beginning a slide (including the boost) while still in the air default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
slowconsolelog_old_logic Flush console.log after each write. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
smoothstairs_lunge default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
snapshot_recipient_code_affects_tick_last_changed When a SendProp updates its Recipient Code refresh its tick last changed default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
snapshot_tlc_sorted_props_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sort_opaque_meshes Sort opaque meshes front to back to try to improve rendering speed. This may not be worth the CPU cost. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sound_classic_music classic music volume default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_entity_seek_snap Play C_ImporantOnEntSound entity sound from beginning if we get it within this many seconds of its begin time. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
sound_musicReduced default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_num_speakers 2 - headphones or stereo, 6 - 5.1 surround, 8 - 7.1 surround. All other values invalid default: `"2"` flags: `0x80`
sound_only_warn_on_missing_sound_events_in_client_script default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sound_printloaderrors Set to 1 to print sound errors on load. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sound_volume master game volume default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_volume_dialogue dialogue volume (mp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_volume_dialogue_sp dialogue volume (sp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sound_volume_music_game music volume in game (mp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_volume_music_game_sp music volume in game (sp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sound_volume_music_lobby music volume in lobby default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_volume_sfx sound effect volume (mp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
sound_volume_sfx_sp sound effect volume (sp) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sound_volume_voice voice chat volume default: `"1"` flags: `0x80`
sound_without_focus Play sounds even when the app doesn't have focus. default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
soundscape_fadetime Time to crossfade sounds between soundscapes default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x4000`
soundscape_message default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
soundscape_radius_debug Prints current volume of radius sounds default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
soundtrigger_repeat_interval Decides how long to wait before repeating a soundtrigger event on the given player. Set to 0 to wait until the current sound ends. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sp_not_focus_pause Pause the singleplayer game when the window is not in focus default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
spam_skinning_matrices_used default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
spam_skinning_matrices_used_detailed default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
spatial_partition_deadlock_assert default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
spectator_command_interval Specify the minimum time between spectator command. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
speech_queue_bytes default: `"33000"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_audioenabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
speechtotext_forcedisabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_hostname default: `"api.us-east.speech-to-text.watson.cloud.ibm.com"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_msg_droptimeout default: `"30.0"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_path default: `"instances/b7fc6d53-24c8-4594-978c-2e19bc484d00/v1/recognize?profanity_filter=true&smart_formatting=true"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_quiettime default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_stats_errorspermin default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_stats_interval default: `"60.0"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_stats_senderrors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_stats_sendrequests default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotext_stats_sendsuccess default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speechtotexttoken_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
speex_audio_recording default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
speex_audio_value default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
speex_preprocess_agc_max_gain Set maximal gain in dB. ( High values Risks swamping noise filter) default: `"13"` flags: `0x2`
speex_preprocess_noise_suppress Set maximum attenuation of the noise in dB (negative number) default: `"-20"` flags: `0x2`
speex_preprocess_set_agc_decrenment Set maximal gain decrease in dB/second. default: `"-10"` flags: `0x2`
speex_preprocess_set_agc_increment Set maximal gain increase in dB/second. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speex_preprocess_set_agc_target Set Automatic Gain Control target. 0/32767 default: `"8000"` flags: `0x2`
speex_quiet_threshold default: `"1300"` flags: `0x80`
speex_quiet_window default: `"40"` flags: `0x2`
speex_set_enh Set enhancement on/off (decoder only) default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speex_use_highpass Controlls the running o a lowpass filter do help remove DC. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
speex_use_preproser Controls the running of voice preprocessor. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
spinner_debug_info default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
sprint_powerdrain default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sprint_view_shake_style default: `"0"` flags: `0x41000000`
sprinttilt_accel Acceleration of sprint view tilt fraction default: `"35"` flags: `0x2002`
sprinttilt_maxvel Maximum speed of sprint view tilt default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
sprinttilt_turnrange Max turn rate that creates view tilt when sprinting default: `"120"` flags: `0x2002`
ss_enable Enables Split Screen support. Play Single Player now launches into split screen mode. NO ONLINE SUPPORT default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ss_force_primary_fullscreen If enabled, all splitscreen users will only see the first user's screen full screen default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ss_mimic Split screen users mimic base player's CUserCmds default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
ss_splitmode Two player split screen mode (0 - recommended settings base on the width, 1 - horizontal, 2 - vertical (only allowed in widescreen) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ss_verticalsplit Two player split screen uses vertical split (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ss_viewmodelfov Client-side viewmodel fov control that is global for all splitscreen players on this machine. This gets overridden via splitscreen_config.txt for splitscreen. default: `"54"` flags: `0x2002`
ss_voice_hearpartner Route voice between splitscreen players on same system. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_allow_partial When it's enabled, Partial SSAO could run when dynamic viewport is smaller than SSAO targets. It doesn't look good and has a problem of some flickering. Try it with viewportscale_rand to see the problem. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_blur default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_blur_edge_sharpness default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_depth_max default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_downsample 0 = 1:1, 1 = 2:1, 2 = 4:1 default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
ssao_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000000`
ssao_exponent default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_jitter_scale in range of [0,1] default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_max_res SSAO render target size will be enforced to be this size when it's going to be ssao_max_res_threshold or greater default: `"1080"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_max_res_threshold ssao_max_res is enforced when SSAO render target size is at this size or greater default: `"1440"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_num_directions default: `"8"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_num_steps default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_on_everything default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_radius occlusion hemisphere radius in world space unit default: `"118"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_radius_in_lobby occlusion hemisphere radius in world space unit default: `"4"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_show default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_show default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_show default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_snap_uv default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_tech 0 = Off, 1 = HBAO, 2 = GTAO uni, 3 = GTAO cos, 4 = HBAO basic, 5 = HBAO1x1, 6 = GTAOuni1x1, 7 = GTAOcos1x1 default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_tech 0 = Off, 1 = HBAO, 2 = GTAO uni, 3 = GTAO cos, 4 = HBAO basic, 5 = HBAO1x1, 6 = GTAOuni1x1, 7 = GTAOcos1x1 default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
ssao_upsample_ranged It improves downsampled SSAO quality. it works for GTAO 4x4 mode only. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
startButtonCommand What command to send when start is pressed default: `"ingamemenu_activate"` flags: `0x2`
staticPropUseDepthEarlySortBulkGrab default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
staticPropUseDepthSortBulkGrab default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_SkipEarlyDepthOnlyTranslucent default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_budget The maximum number of static props that will be drawn. default: `"8192"` flags: `0x2` min value: `100` max value: `8192`
staticProp_buildlists_on_worker default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_debug_draw Orange - regular culled prop. Red - "do not fade" prop Green - out of range default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_earlyDepthPrepass default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_gather_size_weight default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_max_scaled_dist default: `"2500"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_no_fade_scalar default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2`
staticProp_refineDrawOnWorker 0 - none, 1 - mainview, 2 - depth-prepass, 3 - mainview & depth-prepass default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
static_prop_dist_debug_draw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow 0 : off, 1 : generate once, 2 : minimum update with cache, 3 : update dirty rects with cache, 4 : update dirty rects without cache, 5 : always refresh default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow 0 : off, 1 : generate once, 2 : minimum update with cache, 3 : update dirty rects with cache, 4 : update dirty rects without cache, 5 : always refresh default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_bounds_per_env 0 - use world min/max, 1 - use current light environment's head box default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_debug_2d default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_debug_dirty_rects only works with static_shadow_debug_2d = 1 default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_depth_bias_scale only effective on materials with non-zero shadowBiasStatic values default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_expand_z z range should be inflated to be able to cover flying objects higher than world min/max default: `"30000"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_good_merge_ratio merge ratio = merged extent / bigger one's extent. when merge ratio is less than this value, the pair can be merged even when merged extent > m_StaticShadowMaxExtentForDirtyRect default: `"1.01"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_good_merge_score score = merged extent + wasted extent, where 4.0 is full screen default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_prop_min_size Minimum size of prop to be drawn in static shadow default: `"40.0"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_res Set the static shadow maps rendertarget resolution default: `"4096"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_shrink_culler default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_use_d16 default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
static_shadow_uses_shadow_lod default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
staticfile_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
stats_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
status_effect_warning_level Set to 0 for nothing, 1 for warnings, 2 for script errors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
steam_debug Enable Steam HTTP debug logging default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
steam_environment default: `"production"` flags: `0x80000`
steam_id default: `""` flags: `0x12`
steam_name default: `""` flags: `0x12`
steam_presence_player_group_issession default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
steam_presence_updateRate Minimum time between steam updates in seconds. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
steam_spoofPCInGetUserInfo default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
steamlink_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
stream_addnoise Adds corruption to streamed-in MIP levels for debugging. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_bsp_bucket_bias Tweak MIP of BSP coverage (higher = blurrier mips) default: `"-0.5"` flags: `0x2`
stream_bsp_dist_scale Scale BSP coverage (relative to models) (higher = more important) default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_capacity_animseq Stream Cache Capacity in MiB default: `"25"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_capacity_mdl Stream Cache Capacity in MiB default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_capacity_while_loading Stream Cache Capacity in MiB while loading, if < 0 will be ignored. default: `"200"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_high_priority_animations Try never to drop (and always prioritize loading) animations. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_high_priority_static_models Try never to drop (and always prioritize loading) static model geo. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_mdl_freeze_threshlold (KB) threshold below which static models are loaded and frozen by the streamcache system default: `"16"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_multithreaded Use jobs to do upload for model geo. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_preload_from_rpak 0 = Never preload; 1 = Preload static models default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_read_buffer_cap Concurrent read buffer capacity in MiB. default: `"32"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_read_count_cap Concurrent read limit. default: `"24"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_speculative_drop_animseq Attempt to drop models to reach this fraction of stream_cache_capacity. default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2`
stream_cache_speculative_drop_mdl Attempt to drop models to reach this fraction of stream_cache_capacity. default: `"0.9"` flags: `0x2`
stream_drop_unused Drop unused textures aggressively default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_enable Enable texture streaming default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_freeze_camera Freezes camera for purposes of streaming map textures. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_load_after_drop Allow us to continue loading in a frame after dropping any textures. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_memory Stream memory to target (in kb). default: `"300000"` flags: `0x40000000`
stream_memory_ignore Ignore stream_memory limit when streaming is enabled. default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000002`
stream_memory_ignore_vram Ignore vram size when setting streaming buffer size. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_memory_min Minimum streaming memory (in kb). default: `"0"` flags: `0x40000000`
stream_memory_while_loading Stream memory to target (in kb). default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_mode Stream mode: default all none default: `"default"` flags: `0x40000002`
stream_never_high_priority_frac Never assign 'high priority' to a texture that uses more than this fraction of total streaming buffer. default: `"0.0125"` flags: `0x2`
stream_overlay Texture streaming debug overlay. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_overlay_mode Which debug view to show (tex mtl bsp short) default: `"short"` flags: `0x2`
stream_pause Pause texture streaming default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_picmip Picmip used when stream mode is picmip. (Or the map doesn't have streaming data.) default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
stream_resource_max_commits_per_frame *** on number of streaming texture commits allowed in a GPU frame. (0 disables ***) default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
stream_resource_thread Create resources on separate thread, and delay copy and binding of those resources. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_resource_wait_copy_to_commit Number of frames to wait between copying old texture data and actually using a new texture. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_resource_wait_creation_to_copy Number of frames to wait between creating a texture and copying old texture data in. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_resource_wait_for_additional_gpus Enable to reset the commit counter less frequently when you have multiple GPUs. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stream_temp_abort_old_inner_loop Temp stability - don't check for IST_ABORTED before calling Gfx_TextureAsset_EndAddMipLevels_Failed default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_temp_old_abort_all_behavior Temp stability - StreamedDataManager_AbortStreamingTexture( true ) has broken (abort just one) behavior. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stream_temp_skip_abort_all Temp stability - call to StreamedDataManager_AbortStreamingTexture( true ) does nothing default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries Rebuild dictionary file on every level load default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stringtable_compress Compress string table for networking default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
stryder_forceOriginUsersInvisible default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
stryder_security default: `""` flags: `0x80000200`
stuck_debugging Debug getting stuck default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
stuck_debugging_world_only Only check for stuck in world geo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
studiobonecache_unlimited default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
subscription_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x2`
superjump_disabled_from_water default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_drain_power_onfail default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_fail_sound_when_jump_limit default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_limit default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_limitreset_onwallrun default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_max_power_use default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_min_height_fraction Minimum fraction of desired superjump height that is acheived, even if already moving quickly upwards default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_min_power_use default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
superjump_powerreset_onground default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_airaccelerate default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_allTicksFinal default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_allowSendTableTransmitToClients Allow transmission of sendtable data to clients. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_allowSpectatorClients default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_asyncSendSnapshot default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_backspeed How much to slow down backwards motion default: `"0.6"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_balanceTeams default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_bounce Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_cheats Allow cheats on server default: `"0"` flags: `0x82000`
sv_compressPlaylists default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_compressTimeValEpsilon default: `"0.0005"` flags: `0x2`
sv_compressTimeVals default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_connectingClientDelay Amount of time to wait between resends of data to a connecting client default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
sv_debug_prop_send default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_debugmanualmode Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_disconnectOnScriptError default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_dumpstringtables default: `"1"` flags: `0x4000`
sv_earlyPersistenceRead Should the server try to read persistence earlier in the connection process default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
sv_everyThirdTick Do networking every third tick, regardless of how backed up we are default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_extra_client_connect_time Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update default: `"60.0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_fakeClientBaseId Base platform user ID for created fake clients. Useful, for example, when running multiple dedis with matchmaking bots; create a different base for each dedi to get unique IDs -- matchmaking uses user IDs as a primary key. default: `"9990000"` flags: `0x26`
sv_footsteps Play footstep sound for players default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_friction World friction. (Equivalent player setting is in player settings files) default: `"4"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_gravity World gravity. default: `"750"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_hibernate_ms # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating. default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
sv_hibernate_when_empty Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_ignoreAllNewConnections default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_infinite_ammo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_instancebaselines Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_loadMapModelEarly default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_lobbyType default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_lobby Maximum amount of prop data per-snapshot in dwords (huge lobby) default: `"300000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_multiplayer Maximum amount of prop data per-snapshot in dwords (huge multiplayer) default: `"2500000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_prop_data_dwords_singleplayer Maximum amount of prop data per-snapshot in dwords (singleplayer) default: `"400000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_props_lobby Maximum amount of props per-snapshot (lobby) default: `"250000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_props_multiplayer Maximum number of props per-snapshot (huge multiplayer) default: `"1250000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_props_singleplayer Maximum number of props per-snapshot (singleplayer) default: `"300000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_snapshots_lobby Maximum number of snapshots for the lobby default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_snapshots_multiplayer Maximum number of snapshots for multiplayer levels default: `"100"` flags: `0x2`
sv_max_snapshots_singleplayer Maximum number of snapshots for singleplayer levels default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
sv_maxclientframes default: `"300"` flags: `0x2`
sv_maxrate Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited default: `"0"` flags: `0x82000` min value: `0` max value: `1000000000`
sv_maxroutable Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use. default: `"1200"` flags: `0x2` min value: `576` max value: `1200`
sv_maxspeed default: `"320"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_maxupdaterate Maximum updates per second that the server will allow default: `"60"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_maxvelocity Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. default: `"34000"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_minrate Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited default: `"128000"` flags: `0x82000` min value: `0` max value: `1000000000`
sv_minupdaterate Minimum updates per second that the server will allow default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_optimizedmovement default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_partyDediOnlyMaxClients Client limit for party dedi only default: `"124"` flags: `0x2`
sv_pausable Whether the server is allowed to pause default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
sv_playerNameAppendCheater default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_players default: `"1"` flags: `0x2012`
sv_printHighWaterMark default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_pushaway_accel How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players. default: `"400"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_clientside Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 2=all players) default: `"2"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_clientside_size Physics props below this size are made client side default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_debug Debug physics object pushaway default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_dist Max distance at which physics objects are pushed from players. default: `"15"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_min_player_speed If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things). default: `"75"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_pushaway_player_accel How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects default: `"3000"` flags: `0x6002`
sv_pushaway_player_dist Max distance at which player is pushed from physics objects default: `"5"` flags: `0x6002`
sv_rejectClientConnects default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_rejectConnections default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_rejectInvalidStryderSecurityToken default: `"1"` flags: `0x22`
sv_requireOriginToken default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_resendSignonData default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_rollangle Max view roll angle default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_rollspeed default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_runSpatialOptimizeInJob default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_scarySnapDeltaPrints default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
sv_sendEarlyServerInfo default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_sendReplayNetMessagesOnNoDeltaSnaps default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_separate_freq_change_prop_send default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_showClientTickCmds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_showLargeSnapshotSize default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_showSnapshots default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_showUserCmds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_single_core_dedi default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_skipSendingUnnecessaryPersistence default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_snapshot_uniform_interval A snapshot is created at uniform intervals, rather than according to final_tick default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_specaccelerate default: `"1000.0"` flags: `0x2080`
sv_specnoclip default: `"1"` flags: `0x2080`
sv_specspeed default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2080`
sv_stats Collect CPU usage stats default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_stopspeed Minimum stopping speed when on ground. (Equivalent player setting is in player settings files) default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_stressbots If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_struggleCheck How long ago the 20th server frame can have been. 1.0 means the server is running in realtime. Higher means small hitches are ok. default: `"1.050"` flags: `0x2`
sv_struggleSpam How long ago the 20th server frame can have been before it starts yelling. 1.0 means the server is running in realtime. Higher means small hitches are ok. default: `"1.4"` flags: `0x2`
sv_struggleSpamInterval default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
sv_tempents_send_from_delta Causes snapshot send code to walk back to delta, instead of always sending just current snapshot. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_tempents_send_from_last_sent Causes snapshot send code to walk back to last m_lastSnapshotTick, instead of always sending just current snapshot. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_testLargeDatablock default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_teststepsimulation default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_tournament_assist_style_override Overrides the player's aim assist style default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_transmitToAllPlayersMask_allBitsSet This enables the legacy behavior of setting all bits inside of PerPlayerBitMask when we want to transmit an entities to all clients. This includes setting bits to clients that can't even exist(compare GetMaxClients to ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT) default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_unnecessaryConnectDelay Amount of time to wait before responding to a connecting client (or malicious hacker) default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
sv_unreliableSnapMaxSize If we're sending a snapshot this size or larger, send it via the datablock sender. If a player has 4% packet loss, 10k of data would have a 40% chance of making it across with no resends default: `"10000"` flags: `0x2`
sv_updaterate_mp Maximum update rate at which server sends packets to clients in MP (updates per-second). default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
sv_updaterate_sp Maximum update rate at which server sends packets to clients in SP (updates per-second). default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
sv_useReputation default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
sv_voiceEcho Server will return a voice chat message back to the sending client. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
sv_voiceenable default: `"1"` flags: `0x80080`
sv_warnAboutCmdNumJumps default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
sv_watchdogTimer default: `"20"` flags: `0x2`
sv_wateraccelerate default: `"10"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_waterdist Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane. default: `"12"` flags: `0x2002`
sv_writePersistenceOnShutdown default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_hitch_frametime_msec A server frametime that exceeds this is considered a hitch default: `"150"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_packetchoke_threshold Average percent of choked packets to trigger warning flag default: `"15"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_packetloss_threshold Average percent of lost packets to trigger warning flag default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_player_subset_size The minimum subset of players experiencing packet loss or choke to trigger the warning flag default: `"5"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_slow_frametime_msec Server frametimes that exceed this are considered slow default: `"45"` flags: `0x2`
svperf_query_slow_frametime_threshold Average percent of recent server frames considered slow to trigger warning flag default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
sys_attract_mode_timeout default: `"30"` flags: `0x2`
system_alt_f4_closes_window If set to true, alt+f4 will close the window default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
teams_unassigned_are_friendly default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
telemetry_client_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
telemetry_client_enable Enable sending telemetry data default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
telemetry_client_sendInterval How often to send telemetry data (seconds) default: `"10.0"` flags: `0x2`
telemetryevent_client_enable Enable sending client telemetry events default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
tencent_restricted default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
test_fakeTimeDays Days worth of seconds that will be added to the result of GetUnixTimestamp() for script and playlist rotation. Server authoritive. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_damageScale amount that stretching the tether damages it default: `"0.00"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_healthDrain rate at which tether health drains even if it isn't stretched default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_healthDrainCutoffPct health percent at which the healthDrain stops applying. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_healthDrainDelay time delay before the health drain starts applying default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_radius default radius below which the tether does nothing default: `"250"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_default_strength strength with which tether pulls back (per unit past the radius) default: `"25"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_dodge_damage Damage done to tether by dodging away from it default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_healthDrainNPC rate at which tether health drains even if it isn't stretched (when attached to an NPC) default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_maxStretchDamag max dmg a tether can take from a stretch default: `"50"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_maxvel max velocity with which tether pulls you back default: `"200"` flags: `0x2002`
tether_strength_healthScale scales the strength of the tether based on the current health. a value of 0.5 means the tether will be at half strength when at 0 health default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
thirdperson_mayamode Set to 1 to enable maya-like controls in game (only in third person) [Also don't move the camera when the mouse moves.] default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
thirdperson_override Set to -1 to stop overriding. Set to 0 to force first person, 1 to force third person default: `"-1"` flags: `0x4000`
thirdperson_screenspace Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
timeout Seconds without communication before clients or servers will decide to disconnect. default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
timeout_during_load Seconds without communication during a level load before clients or servers will decide to disconnect. default: `"60"` flags: `0x2`
titan_sprint_sound default: `"titan_eject_servos_3p"` flags: `0x2`
toggle_on_jump_to_deactivate Toggle or release jump to deactivate the offhand weapon default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000200`
toggle_on_jump_to_deactivate_changed If Toggle or release jump to deactivate the offhand weapon changed by the player default: `"0"` flags: `0x1000000`
tracehull_height_error_check Error checking for hull traces requiring extents with larger heights than widths. 0 = none, 1 = warnings, 2 = assert and script errors default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
tracer_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
trail_optimizedRemove default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
traversal_anim Enables automantle animation default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_cooldown Minimum time between traversals (in seconds) default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_enable Enables player traversals default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_hand_debug Enables debugging of traversal hand positioning default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_hand_required_width Required width of geometry for hands (from center) default: `"6"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_viewLerpInDuration Duration of view lerp from normal at the start of a traversal default: `"0.15"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_viewLerpOut Controls whether traversal view position and angle lerp back to normal at the end of a traversal default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
traversal_viewLerpOutAngle Controls whether traversal view angle lerps back to normal at the end of a traversal default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
traversal_viewLerpOutDebug Debugs traversal view position lerping default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
traversal_viewLerpOutPos Controls whether traversal view position lerps back to normal at the end of a traversal default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
traversal_window_duration Duration of window side traversal animation default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_enable Enables window traversals default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_finish_angle Finishing yaw relative to the window's forward direction when starting at a 90 degree angle default: `"45"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_forward_offset Distance of player through the window after completing window traversal default: `"6"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_hand_vertical_offset Vertical distance from hand position to eye position at start and end of window traversal default: `"22"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_sideways_offset Distance of player from the edge of the window toward the center of the window after completing window traversal default: `"18"` flags: `0x2002`
traversal_window_view_pitch_max Max view pitch when doing window traversal default: `"35"` flags: `0x4000`
traversal_window_view_pitch_min Min view pitch when doing window traversal default: `"-80"` flags: `0x4000`
traversal_window_yaw_max Max view yaw when doing window traversal default: `"80"` flags: `0x4000`
trigger_ignore_nonsolids If set to false, non solid objects will activate triggers. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
tsaa_blendfactorincreaseatmaxvelocity default: `"4.0"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_blendfactorincreasewhenunoccluded default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_blendfactormaxesoutatvelocity default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_blendfactormodulationonsparklesandunocclusion default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_blendfactoroverride default: `"-1"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_curframeblendamount default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_debugresponsiveflag default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_neighborhoodclamping default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_neighborhoodclampingsoftened default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
tsaa_numsamples default: `"64"` flags: `0x2`
tweak_light_shadows_every_frame default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
twitch_check_interval How often we ask if this user has a linked twitch account if we think they don't have one default: `"3600"` flags: `0x2`
twitch_drops Entitlements user has recieved through the Twitch Drops program default: `""` flags: `0x210`
twitch_drops_initialized Whether the user has received any twitch drop info from stryder default: `"0"` flags: `0x210`
twitch_drops_simulate_failure Set to 1 to simulate not being able to get a response from stryder default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
twitch_prime_rewards Entitlements user has recieved through the Twitch Prime rewards program default: `""` flags: `0x210`
twitch_shouldQuery True if we should check to see if this user has a linked twitch account default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ui_DpadNavigationDeActive default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
ui_fadecloud_time default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2`
ui_fadexui_time default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
ui_gameui_ctrlr_title default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_gameui_modal If set, the game UI pages will take modal input focus. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_autotransition_time default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_fadein_time default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_fadeout_time default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_fadeout_time default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_mintransition_time default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
ui_loadingscreen_transition_time default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_lobby_jointimeout default: `"75"` flags: `0x2`
ui_lobby_noautostart default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
ui_lobby_noresults_create_msg_time default: `"2.5"` flags: `0x2`
ui_posedebug_fade_in_time Time during which a new pose activity layer is shown in green in +posedebug UI default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x24000`
ui_posedebug_fade_out_time Time to keep a no longer active pose activity layer in red until removing it from +posedebug UI default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x24000`
ui_virtualnav_render default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
unique_entity_names Should entities have permanently unique entity names. Or just concurrently unique? default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
universal_weapon_disable Apply more restrictive weapon disable logic default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
usePromptBaseColor default: `"255 255 255 255"` flags: `0x2`
usePromptButtonTextColor default: `"255 255 255 255"` flags: `0x2`
usePromptImageScale default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2`
usePromptImageYOffset default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
usePromptTextColor default: `"220 215 210 255"` flags: `0x2`
use_monitors default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
use_presence_to_refresh_userInfoCache default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
use_valve_auto_gain default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
use_vm_cloak_offset default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
user_tracking_enabled default: `"0"` flags: `0x12`
users_hostname default: `""` flags: `0x80000`
v_centermove default: `"0.15"` flags: `0x2`
v_centerspeed default: `"500"` flags: `0x2`
variable_sights_gravity_scale_override Projectile Gravity Scale to be used for variable sights. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2`
vehicle_predictViaPlayer Predict this vehicle if the player's data says they're driving this vehicle...rather than checking if this vehicle has a driver default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_EnableFixedAspectScaling Enables fixed screen size for vgui elements default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_drawPolyShapes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_drawfocus Report which panel is under the mouse. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_drawfocus Report which panel is under the mouse. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_drawkeyfocus Report which panel has keyboard focus. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_interactive default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_noquads default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
vgui_notext default: `"0"` flags: `0x4000`
vgui_resize_on_resolution_change default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_show_glyph_miss default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vgui_simulate_during_bone_setup default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
video_menu_uiscript_reset default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewDrift default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_ads_delay_debounce_time Time between zoom-out and zoom-in before viewdrift_ads_delay is reset. default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base1_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base1_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base1_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base2_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base2_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_base2_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_scaler_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_scaler_base default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_scaler_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_scaler_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_shifter_amp default: `"0.6"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_shifter_freq default: `"2.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_pitch_shifter_phase default: `"1.6"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base1_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base1_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base1_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base2_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base2_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_base2_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_scaler_amp default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_scaler_base default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_scaler_freq default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_scaler_phase default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_shifter_amp default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_shifter_freq default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewDrift_yaw_shifter_phase default: `"-0.6"` flags: `0x2002`
view_models_draw_early default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
view_offset_entity_enable Whether to apply camera animations from the view offset entity default: `"1"` flags: `0x6000`
viewangle_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x4002`
viewangles_simpler default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodelShake Enables viewmodel shake. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodelShake_sourceRollRange The range of weapon kick roll that will be sampled for viewmodel shake. default: `"3"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_attachment_fov_fix default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_bounds_draw default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_bounds_draw_lock default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_selfshadow Set whether to use viewmodel self shadow default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_selfshadow_debug_2d default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
viewmodel_selfshadow_tightbounds Viewmodel bounds are sliced by Main view frustum default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
viewportscale Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling) default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80000` min value: `0.0015625` max value: `2`
viewpunch_base_springConstantX Default. Bigger number increases the speed at which the view corrects. default: `"65.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewpunch_base_springConstantY Default. Bigger number increases the speed at which the view corrects. default: `"65.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewpunch_base_springConstantZ Default. Bigger number increases the speed at which the view corrects. default: `"65.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewpunch_base_springDampingX Default. Bigger number makes the response more damped. default: `"9.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewpunch_base_springDampingY Default. Bigger number makes the response more damped. default: `"9.0"` flags: `0x2002`
viewpunch_base_springDampingZ Default. Bigger number makes the response more damped. default: `"9.0"` flags: `0x2002`
violence_ablood Draw alien blood default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_ablood Draw alien blood default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_agibs Show alien gib entities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_agibs Show alien gib entities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_hblood Draw human blood default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_hblood Draw human blood default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_hgibs Show human gib entities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
violence_hgibs Show human gib entities default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
visible_ent_cone_debug_duration_client default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vm_effect_format_attachments default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_absTriggerAmount default: `"2"` flags: `0x2`
voice_allow_mute_self default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_avggain default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2`
voice_clientdebug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_debugAddSecondTalker default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_debugThresholds default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_debugfeedback default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_decimate_at_bytes default: `"22050"` flags: `0x2`
voice_decimate_rate default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
voice_enabled Toggle voice transmit and receive. default: `"1"` flags: `0x1000000`
voice_energyPerZeroThreshold default: `"8000"` flags: `0x2`
voice_energyThreshold default: `"12000"` flags: `0x2`
voice_forcemicrecord default: `"1"` flags: `0x80`
voice_inputfromfile Get voice input from 'voice_input.wav' rather than from the microphone. default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
voice_late_update default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
voice_loopback default: `"0"` flags: `0x200`
voice_maxgain default: `"10"` flags: `0x2`
voice_minEnergyPerZeroThreshold default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2`
voice_mixer_boost default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
voice_mixer_mute default: `"0"` flags: `0x80`
voice_mixer_volume default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x80`
voice_modenable Enable/disable voice in this mod. default: `"1"` flags: `0x40000080`
voice_noxplat Only send voice data to players on the same platform as the talker default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_profile default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_recordtofile Record mic data and decompressed voice data into 'voice_micdata.wav' and 'voice_decompressed.wav' default: `"0"` flags: `0x80000`
voice_scale default: `"1"` flags: `0x80`
voice_showchannels default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_showincoming default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_threshold_delay default: `"0.3"` flags: `0x2`
voice_triggerCrossingRate default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_triggerRate default: `"50"` flags: `0x2`
voice_turn_off_new_filters default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_vox Voice chat uses a vox-style always on default: `"1"` flags: `0x80` max value: `1`
voice_writevoices Saves each speaker's voice data into separate .wav files default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_xsend_debug default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
voice_zeroCrossingThreshold default: `"0.02"` flags: `0x2`
vortex_damageimpulsescale Scales impulse force from bullets when using the vortex default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x6000`
vprof_server_spike_threshold default: `"999.0"` flags: `0x2`
vprof_server_thread default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vscript_ui_do_delay_init default: `"1"` flags: `0x12`
vsm_culling default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
vsm_ignore_edge_planes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vsm_ignore_face_planes default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
vtx_environment default: `"production"` flags: `0x80000`
vx_do_not_throttle_events Force VXConsole updates every frame; smoother vprof data but at a slight (~0.2ms) perf cost. default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
wall_climb_pose_paramteter_hands_enabled default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
wallclimb_vertical_gain_reduction Amount of height the player loses when falling off a wall climb that can't be regained by future wall climbs before touching the ground. default: `"128"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_angleChangeMinCos Cosine of maximum angle the wall can change away from you without falling off default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_avoid_wall_top_decel Deceleration applied to prevent the player from wall running too close to the top of a wall and falling off default: `"3000"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_curveDebug Draws debugging information for wallrun curves default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_curveEnable Enables usage of wallrun curve hints default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_debug Shows wall run debug info default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_enable Enables wall running default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_fallAwaySpeed Velocity away from the wall when falling off default: `"70.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_hangStopTime Length of time to come to a stop when zooming default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_hangslipduration Time it takes for slipping to become completely gravity based default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_hangslipstarttime Time wall hanging before you start to slip down default: `"3.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_hangslipvel Impulse downward when slipping starts while wall hanging default: `"70"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_maxViewTilt Amount of roll applied to the view in degrees while wall running default: `"10.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_minAngle_air Angle at which you can start wall running when hitting a wall from a jump (0 to 180) default: `"180.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_noInputSlipFrac Min fraction of slip behavior when not pushing in any direction (applies more gravity) default: `"0.7"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_pushAwayFallOffTime Pushing away from the wall for this many seconds causes you to fall off default: `"0.05"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_repelEnable Enables repelling players from walls they have jumped off of default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_repelSoftness Softness of wall jump repel: higher values make it easier for players to reduce their speed away from the wall default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_repelTimeMax Time after jumping off the wall that player is no longer repelled from the wall default: `"0.4"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_repelTimeMin Time after jumping off the wall that player is repelled from the wall default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_retry_interval Length of time between checking for the ability to wallrun after hitting a wall in air movement default: `"0.07"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_rotateMaxRate Maximum rotation speed around a wall in radians per second; avoids sticking to walls that do tight curves default: `"3"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_sameWallDist Within this distance of the previous wall run, wall run is prevented at a higher point on the same wall default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_sameWallDot Dot product threshold for preventing wall running on the same wall twice default: `"0.9"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_sameWallSlope Beyond wallrun_samewalldist, wall running is permitted at higher points with this slope default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_slipduration Time it takes for slipping to become completely gravity based default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_slipslowdown Fraction of velocity lost when slipping starts default: `"0.5"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_slipstarttime Time wall running before you start to slip down default: `"1.5"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_slipvel Impulse downward when slipping starts default: `"70"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_strengthLossEnd Number of wall runs at which point upward strength is fully lost (scales upWallBoost, jumpUpSpeed, and gravityRampUpTime to zero) default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_strengthLossStart Number of wall runs allowed before starting to lose upward strength (scales upWallBoost, jumpUpSpeed, and gravityRampUpTime) default: `"1000"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_upwardAutoPush The amount of automatic up-the-wall input applied when the player pushes forward along the wall. Helps to fight gravity when pushing forward. default: `"0.65"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_viewTiltPredictTime Time before you start wall running where your view starts tilting. Predicts upcoming wall running default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
wallrun_viewTiltSpeed Speed at which the view tilts while wall running default: `"6.0"` flags: `0x2002`
was_loaded Current game from a restore? default: `""` flags: `0x12002`
weaponFastHolsterScale Scales holster animations if swapping to a weapon with "fast_swap_to" enabled. default: `"0.25"` flags: `0x2002`
weaponSwitch3p_checkNewWeapon Only play 3p weapon switch if there is a new weapon. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weaponSwitch3p_onHolster Start third person weapon switch animation as soon as the current weapon starts being holstered. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_activity_modifier_fully_charged_weapon_specific default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_auto_swap_ordnance_no_ammo If you touch a new ordnance weapon with no ammo in your current it will auto replace it default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_debugScript default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_doIdleForSurvivalMelee default: `"0"` flags: `0x2`
weapon_friendly_fire_prevent_ui UI to show on friendly fire prevention default: `""` flags: `0x2`
weapon_meleeButtonPressProtection default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_parentingFixLerp default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
weapon_pickup_allow_dupes Whether or not you are allowed 2 of the same weapon in your inventory default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weapon_poseParamMaxDistance default: `"6000"` flags: `0x2`
weapon_render_with_fastpath Allow weapons to draw using the fast path. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2`
weapon_setting_autocycle_on_empty default: `"1"` flags: `0x41000200`
weapon_sprint_raise_delay Enables weapon delay between sprint and shooting default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weaponx_predicting_client_only_optimization Enable/disable weaponx optimization for burst fire, shot count and charge data only being sent to predicting client default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
weaponx_smartammo_data_optimization Enable/disable weaponx smartammo data optimization. Only applies with net_optimize_weapons >= 2 default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_debug Debugs search for window hints default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_fov_down Window hints below this vertical FOV will be ignored default: `"0"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_fov_horz Window hints beyond this horizontal FOV will be ignored default: `"60"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_fov_up Window hints above this vertical FOV will be ignored default: `"60"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_keyboard_fov_horz Window hints beyond this horizontal FOV will be ignored default: `"7"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_lookahead_time Lookahead prediction time for window checks default: `"0.8"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_max_horz_vel_change_dot Min dot product of velocity change when adjusting for windows default: `"0.966f"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_max_vel_change_down Max removed vertical velocity when adjusting for windows default: `"150"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_max_vel_change_up Max added vertical velocity when adjusting for windows default: `"80"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_min_horz_vel Horizontal velocity is increased to at least this when adjusting for windows default: `"100"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_permissive_max_horz_vel_change_dot Min dot product of velocity change when adjusting for windows (off grapple) default: `"0.88f"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_permissive_max_vel_change_down Max removed vertical velocity when adjusting for windows (off grapple) default: `"300"` flags: `0x2002`
window_hint_permissive_max_vel_change_up Max added vertical velocity when adjusting for windows (off grapple) default: `"300"` flags: `0x2002`
z_ragdoll_impact_strength default: `"500"` flags: `0x2`
zipline_check_usable_before_deploy For Zipline grenades, check if the zipline will be usable before allowing the player to deploy it. default: `"1"` flags: `0x2002`
zipline_cooldown_time_0 Zipline Cooldown. default: `"0.1"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
zipline_cooldown_time_1 Zipline Cooldown. default: `"0.2"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
zipline_cooldown_time_2 Zipline Cooldown. default: `"1.0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
zipline_cooldown_time_3 Zipline Cooldown. default: `"3.0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
zipline_cooldown_time_4 Zipline Cooldown. default: `"5.0"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0`
zipline_fade_dist default: `"6000"` flags: `0x2`
zipline_subdiv_lod_dist_base The base distance that ziplines will begin using zipline_subdiv_slices_lod. This value is scaled by the diameter of the zipline. default: `"150"` flags: `0x2`
zipline_subdiv_slices Zipline subdivision amount around the rope, affects roundedness. default: `"6"` flags: `0x2` min value: `1` max value: `12`
zipline_subdiv_slices_lod Zipline subdivision amount around the rope when lod is active, affects roundedness. default: `"4"` flags: `0x2` min value: `0` max value: `12`
zipline_subdiv_stacks Zipline subdivision amount between each zipline node. default: `"6"` flags: `0x2` min value: `1` max value: `24`
## ConCommands
+ability flags: `0x400a0000`
+ability_held flags: `0x400a0000`
+attack flags: `0x40080000`
+backward flags: `0x400a0000`
+break flags: `0x40080000`
+camdistance flags: `0x2`
+camin flags: `0x2`
+cammousemove flags: `0x2`
+camout flags: `0x2`
+campitchdown flags: `0x2`
+campitchup flags: `0x2`
+camyawleft flags: `0x2`
+camyawright flags: `0x2`
+commandermousemove flags: `0x80000`
+csm_rot_x_neg flags: `0x2`
+csm_rot_x_plus flags: `0x2`
+csm_rot_y_neg flags: `0x2`
+csm_rot_y_plus flags: `0x2`
+displayFullscreenMap flags: `0x40080000`
+dodge flags: `0x400a0000`
+duck flags: `0x400a0000`
+forward flags: `0x400a0000`
+graph flags: `0x40080000`
+jump flags: `0x400a0000`
+klook flags: `0x40080000`
+left flags: `0x40080000`
+lookdown flags: `0x80000`
+lookup flags: `0x80000`
+mat_texture_list flags: `0x2`
+melee flags: `0x40080000`
+movedown flags: `0x40080000`
+moveleft flags: `0x400a0000`
+moveright flags: `0x400a0000`
+moveup flags: `0x40080000`
+offhand0 flags: `0x40080000`
+offhand1 flags: `0x40080000`
+offhand2 flags: `0x40080000`
+offhand3 flags: `0x40080000`
+offhand4 flags: `0x40080000`
+pause_menu flags: `0x40080000`
+ping flags: `0x400a0000`
+posedebug Turn on pose debugger or add ents to pose debugger UI flags: `0x4000`
+pushtotalk flags: `0x40000000`
+reload flags: `0x40080000`
+right flags: `0x40080000`
+score flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand1 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand2 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand3 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand4 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand5 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand6 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand7 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand8 flags: `0x40080000`
+scriptCommand9 flags: `0x40080000`
+showscores flags: `0x40080000`
+speed flags: `0x40080000`
+strafe flags: `0x40080000`
+toggle_duck flags: `0x400a0000`
+toggle_zoom flags: `0x40080000`
+use flags: `0x40080000`
+useAndReload flags: `0x40080000`
+use_alt flags: `0x40080000`
+use_long flags: `0x40080000`
+variableScopeToggle flags: `0x400a0000`
+voicerecord flags: `0x2`
+walk flags: `0x40080000`
+weaponCycle flags: `0x40080000`
+weapon_discard flags: `0x40080000`
+zoom flags: `0x40080000`
-ability flags: `0x400a0000`
-ability_held flags: `0x400a0000`
-attack flags: `0x40080000`
-backward flags: `0x400a0000`
-break flags: `0x40080000`
-camdistance flags: `0x2`
-camin flags: `0x2`
-cammousemove flags: `0x2`
-camout flags: `0x2`
-campitchdown flags: `0x2`
-campitchup flags: `0x2`
-camyawleft flags: `0x2`
-camyawright flags: `0x2`
-commandermousemove flags: `0x80000`
-csm_rot_x_neg flags: `0x2`
-csm_rot_x_plus flags: `0x2`
-csm_rot_y_neg flags: `0x2`
-csm_rot_y_plus flags: `0x2`
-displayFullscreenMap flags: `0x40080000`
-dodge flags: `0x400a0000`
-duck flags: `0x400a0000`
-forward flags: `0x400a0000`
-graph flags: `0x40080000`
-jump flags: `0x400a0000`
-klook flags: `0x40080000`
-left flags: `0x40080000`
-lookdown flags: `0x80000`
-lookup flags: `0x80000`
-mat_texture_list flags: `0x2`
-melee flags: `0x40080000`
-movedown flags: `0x40080000`
-moveleft flags: `0x400a0000`
-moveright flags: `0x400a0000`
-moveup flags: `0x40080000`
-offhand0 flags: `0x40080000`
-offhand1 flags: `0x40080000`
-offhand2 flags: `0x40080000`
-offhand3 flags: `0x40080000`
-offhand4 flags: `0x40080000`
-pause_menu flags: `0x40080000`
-ping flags: `0x400a0000`
-posedebug Turn off pose debugger or hide ents from pose debugger UI flags: `0x4000`
-pushtotalk flags: `0x40000000`
-reload flags: `0x40080000`
-right flags: `0x40080000`
-score flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand1 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand2 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand3 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand4 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand5 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand6 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand7 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand8 flags: `0x40080000`
-scriptCommand9 flags: `0x40080000`
-showscores flags: `0x40080000`
-speed flags: `0x40080000`
-strafe flags: `0x40080000`
-toggle_duck flags: `0x400a0000`
-toggle_zoom flags: `0x40080000`
-use flags: `0x40080000`
-useAndReload flags: `0x40080000`
-use_alt flags: `0x40080000`
-use_long flags: `0x40080000`
-variableScopeToggle flags: `0x400a0000`
-voicerecord flags: `0x2`
-walk flags: `0x40080000`
-weaponCycle flags: `0x40080000`
-weapon_discard flags: `0x40080000`
-zoom flags: `0x40000000`
BindToggle Performs a bind "increment var 0 1 1" flags: `0x2`
CMaterialSystem_clear_loading flags: `0x20002`
CMaterialSystem_set_loading flags: `0x20002`
DebugPrintUsedTextures flags: `0x2`
DumpClientDataBlockReceiver flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_send_presence flags: `0x2`
EADP_RTM_test_subscribe flags: `0x2`
EADP_dump_MyPresence flags: `0x2`
EADP_dump_friends flags: `0x2`
EADP_get_friend_test flags: `0x2`
EADP_is_friend_user_test flags: `0x2`
EADP_presence_subscribe_all_club_members flags: `0x2`
EADP_search_test2 flags: `0x2`
EADP_unfriend_user_test flags: `0x2`
MemTrackDeltaSnapshot Debug command compares two snapshots. Takes indices into the snapshot array, negative means from end flags: `0x2`
MemTrackPrintStats Debug command prints current mem stats & creates a named snapshot - first param is snapshot name flags: `0x2`
OriginRebootCLientAuthTokens_Test flags: `0x2`
RTM_FORCE_shutdown flags: `0x2`
ReloadAimAssistSettings Reloads aimassist config files. flags: `0xa`
XLOG_TLS_close_connections flags: `0x2`
adminmsg Send text to the current community (if you are an admin) flags: `0x2`
aisettings_reparse_client Reloads the AI settings files flags: `0xa`
alias Alias a command. flags: `0x2`
applyVideoChangesDeferred Workaround for applying video changes using controller buttons shortcuts. flags: `0x40000008`
bind Bind a key to TAPPED. flags: `0x40000000`
bind_US_standard Bind a key to TAPPED. Given a key on a standard US keyboard, this function will translate that key to the appropriate key on the user's current keyboard. flags: `0x40000000`
bind_held Bind a key to HELD. flags: `0x40000000`
bind_held_US_standard Bind a key to HELD.. Given a key on a standard US keyboard, this function will translate that key to the appropriate key on the user's current keyboard. flags: `0x40000000`
bind_list List all current bindings. flags: `0x2`
bind_list_abilities List all ability bindings and what commands they resolve to flags: `0x2`
bink_dump_precached_movies Dumps information about all precached Bink movies flags: `0x2`
bot_loadout Override bot loadout flags: `0x4008`
box Draw a debug box. flags: `0x4000`
buildcubemaps Rebuild cubemaps. flags: `0x2`
cam_command Tells camera to change modes flags: `0x4008`
cancelselect flags: `0x10000002`
cc_emit Emits a closed caption flags: `0xa`
centerview flags: `0x2`
changelevel Change server to the specified map flags: `0x20002`
chaosmonkeydisconnect Server tells us to crash. The monkey server has spoken. flags: `0x40000008`
chat Send text to the current chatroom flags: `0x2`
chat_wheel Opens the chat wheel flags: `0x40000008`
chatroom_adminsOnly Set the chatroom to be admins-only flags: `0x2`
chatroom_away Tell the chatserver you are away from the room flags: `0x2`
chatroom_freetalk Set the chatroom to be free talk flags: `0x2`
chatroom_present Tell the chatserver you are present in the room flags: `0x2`
chatserver Connect to a chatserver flags: `0x40000000`
chroma_base Transitions to a new base layer for chroma hardware flags: `0x2`
chroma_layer Adds an overlay layer for chroma hardware flags: `0x2`
cl_dump_particle_stats dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv flags: `0x2`
cl_ent_absbox Displays the client's absbox for the entity under the crosshair. flags: `0x4008`
cl_ent_bbox Displays the client's bounding box for the entity under the crosshair. flags: `0x4008`
cl_ent_rbox Displays the client's render box for the entity under the crosshair. flags: `0x4008`
cl_find_ent Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring. Format: cl_find_ent flags: `0x4000`
cl_find_ent_index Display data for clientside entity matching specified index. Format: cl_find_ent_index flags: `0x4000`
cl_flip_visibility Flips the visibilityBits of all Entities flags: `0x4000`
cl_fullupdate Forces the server to send a full update packet flags: `0x4000`
cl_interpolation_report Prints all entities being interpolated on the next frame flags: `0xa`
cl_panelanimation Shows panel animation variables: . flags: `0xa`
cl_particles_dumplist Dump all new particles, optional name substring. flags: `0xa`
cl_precacheinfo Show precache info (client). flags: `0x2`
cl_removedecals Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair. flags: `0x4000`
cl_showents Dump entity list to console. flags: `0x4000`
cl_soundscape_flush Flushes the client side soundscapes flags: `0x10004008`
cl_trace_start_solid Trace with given parameters and return start solid result flags: `0xa`
cl_trace_test_hitbox_with_non_zero_start_offset flags: `0xa`
cl_updatevisibility Updates visibility bits. flags: `0xa`
clear_loading_progress_detente Clears the detente for the load screen. flags: `0x20002`
clear_loading_progress_sp_text Clears the sp text for the load screen. flags: `0x20002`
cm_query_log_record Start recording a log of all queries flags: `0x2`
cm_query_log_replay Play back a query log for performance testing flags: `0x2`
cmd Forward command to server. flags: `0x2`
cmd1 sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1 flags: `0x40000000`
cmd2 sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2 flags: `0x2`
cmd3 sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3 flags: `0x2`
cmd4 sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4 flags: `0x2`
collision_debug Sends a collision ray from player and gathers info. flags: `0x4008`
colorcorrectionui Show/hide the color correction tools UI. flags: `0x4000`
community_browse Browse available communities flags: `0x2`
community_getPendingJoinRequest Get a random pending join request to answer flags: `0x2`
community_join Join a community flags: `0x2`
community_leave Leave a community flags: `0x2`
community_list list my communities flags: `0x2`
community_report Report a community flags: `0x2`
community_showerror Get a random pending join request to answer flags: `0x40000000`
connect Connect to specified server. flags: `0x20002`
connectAsSpectator Connect to specified server as a spectator flags: `0x20002`
connectWithKey Connect to specified server with an explicit encryption key. flags: `0x20002`
connectwithtoken Connect to specified server with a reservation token. flags: `0xa0000`
convar_differences Show all convars which are not at their default values. flags: `0x2`
convar_findByFlags Find concommands by flags. flags: `0x2`
convar_list Show the list of convars/concommands. flags: `0x2`
createparty Create a party flags: `0x2`
createpartyifnotinone Create a party if we aren't in one flags: `0x2`
csm_status Usage: csm_status flags: `0x2`
damagedefs_reparse_client Reloads the damage defs flags: `0xa`
debugModelPurge Debug command to purge unused models... flags: `0x2`
devshots_nextmap Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist. flags: `0x2`
devshots_screenshot Used by the -makedevshots system to take a screenshot. For taking your own screenshots, use the 'screenshot' command instead. flags: `0x20002`
dfs_print_flag_states Prints all dfs flag states to console flags: `0x2`
dfs_print_true_flags Prints all true feature flags to console flags: `0x2`
disconnect Disconnect game from server. flags: `0x48000000`
display_elapsedtime Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started flags: `0x4000`
dlight_debug Creates a dlight in front of the player flags: `0x4008`
do_InvitePeople_test flags: `0x2`
do_Invite_friend_test flags: `0x2`
do_joinPeople_test flags: `0x2`
do_origin_test_presence flags: `0x2`
downloadPlaylists Re-download the playlists flags: `0x2`
dumpClientStringTable Dump the contents of the client's game string table to the console. flags: `0x4000`
dumpstringtables Print string tables to console. flags: `0x2`
eadp_groups_send_lastactive Change current club's lastActive field. This sends to EADP too! flags: `0x2`
echo Echo text to console. flags: `0x10000002`
echo_error Echo error text to console. flags: `0x10000002`
editor_toggle Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor flags: `0x4000`
endmovie Stop recording movie frames. flags: `0x20002`
entitlements_send Send client's entitlements to the server flags: `0x2`
envmap flags: `0x2`
escape Escape key pressed. flags: `0x40000000`
exec Execute script file. flags: `0x40000000`
execPlayerConfig Load player settings. flags: `0x80000`
execifexists Execute script file if file exists. flags: `0x2`
exit Exit the engine. flags: `0x2`
eyeInfo gets info about the current view flags: `0x2`
firstperson Switch to firstperson camera. flags: `0x2`
force_centerview flags: `0x40080000`
fps_stats_dump flags: `0x2`
fps_stats_reset flags: `0x2`
fps_stats_start flags: `0x2`
fps_stats_stop flags: `0x2`
friends_update flags: `0x2`
fs_clear_open_duplicate_times Clear the list of files that have been opened. flags: `0x2`
fs_dump_open_duplicate_times Set fs_report_long_reads 1 before loading to use this. Prints a list of files that were opened more than once and ~how long was spent reading from them. flags: `0x2`
fs_fios_cancel_prefetches Cancels all the prefetches in progress. flags: `0x2`
fs_fios_flush_cache Flushes the FIOS HDD cache. flags: `0x2`
fs_fios_prefetch_file Prefetches a file: . The preftech is medium priority and persistent. flags: `0x2`
fs_fios_prefetch_file_in_pack Prefetches a file in a pack: . The preftech is medium priority and non-persistent. flags: `0x2`
fs_fios_print_prefetches Displays all the prefetches currently in progress. flags: `0x2`
fs_printopenfiles Show all files currently opened by the engine. flags: `0x2`
fs_warning_level Set the filesystem warning level. flags: `0x2`
fx_impact_reparse Reloads the weapon impact effect table files flags: `0x4008`
gameui_activate Shows the game UI flags: `0x40000000`
gameui_allowescape Escape key allowed to hide game UI flags: `0x40000000`
gameui_allowescapetoshow Escape key allowed to show game UI flags: `0x2`
gameui_hide Hides the game UI flags: `0x40000000`
gameui_preventescape Escape key doesn't hide game UI flags: `0x40000000`
gameui_preventescapetoshow Escape key doesn't show game UI flags: `0x2`
getNewAuthToken Ask for a new auth token. flags: `0x2`
getfov Gets info about the current FOV flags: `0x2`
gethttpdatacenterlist Gets the list of datacenters flags: `0x2`
getpos dump position and angles to the console flags: `0xa`
getpos_bind Binds the given key to a setpos/setang command of your current position. flags: `0xa`
getposvec dump position and angles to the console in 'Vector( x, y, z ), Vector( pitch, yaw, roll )' format flags: `0xa`
give Give weapon to player. flags: `0x4008`
help Find help about a convar/concommand. flags: `0x2`
hidepanel Hides a viewport panel flags: `0xa`
hidevideos Hides video panels playing to the screen flags: `0xa`
highlight_log Log Highlight flags: `0x2`
host_runofftime Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds flags: `0x2`
hud_subtitles Plays the Subtitles: flags: `0xa`
huffman_readProps Read the huffman file and regenerate huffman trees flags: `0x2`
impulse flags: `0x40080000`
inboxmessage_report Report an inbox message as abusive flags: `0x2`
incrementvar Increment specified convar value. flags: `0x20002`
ingamemenu_activate Shows the in-game menu flags: `0x40080008`
initMatchmaking flags: `0x2`
invnext flags: `0x40080000`
is_considered_sony_multiplayer Checks the value for whether the game is currently telling sony it's in multiplayer flags: `0xa`
joinopeninvite Join the active open ****** in the chat room flags: `0x2`
joystick_initialize flags: `0x40000000`
jpeg Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg . flags: `0x40080000`
key_updatelayout Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting. flags: `0x2`
launchplaylist flags: `0x2`
leaveopeninvite Leave the active open ****** in the chat room flags: `0x2`
listClientFXScriptHandles Lists all active effects tracked by script. flags: `0xa`
listmodels List loaded models. flags: `0x2`
loadPlaylists Reload the playlists flags: `0x2`
map Start playing on specified map. flags: `0x20002`
map_background Runs a map as the background to the main menu. flags: `0x20002`
maps Displays list of maps. flags: `0x2`
mat_antialias_mode Set antialias mode flags: `0x2`
mat_configcurrent show the current video control panel config for the material system flags: `0x2`
mat_crosshair Display the name of the material under the crosshair flags: `0x4000`
mat_crosshair_edit open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor flags: `0x4000`
mat_crosshair_explorer open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the file flags: `0x4000`
mat_crosshair_printmaterial print the material under the crosshair flags: `0x4000`
mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial reload the material under the crosshair flags: `0x4000`
mat_gamma Set gamma ramp flags: `0x40000000`
mat_hdr_enabled Report if HDR is enabled for debugging flags: `0x2`
mat_printLiveTex Print stats of all known live textures. flags: `0x2`
mat_savechanges saves current video configuration flags: `0x40000000`
mat_setvideomode sets the width, height, windowed state of the material system, as well as borderless state flags: `0x40000000`
mat_vsync Set vsync enabled flags: `0x2`
match_abortAllSearches flags: `0x2`
match_showAllSearches flags: `0x2`
matchmake flags: `0x40000000`
matchmake_cancel flags: `0x40000000`
matchmake_cleanupforparty flags: `0x40000000`
maxplayers Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server. flags: `0x2`
mem_compact flags: `0x2`
mem_dump Dump memory stats to text file. flags: `0x2`
mem_dump_vm Dump vm allocations to console. flags: `0x2`
mem_eat flags: `0x2`
mem_incremental_compact flags: `0x2`
mem_leak_vm **** specified amount of virtual memory (in MB or 'oom' to deliberately run out.) flags: `0x2`
mem_test flags: `0x2`
mem_textures flags: `0x2`
mem_verify Verify the validity of the heap flags: `0x2`
mem_vram flags: `0x2`
memory Print memory stats. flags: `0x2`
migrateme Ask your server to migrate you over to another server flags: `0x10080000`
miles_dump Writes out milesdump file and perf CSV for current session. flags: `0xa`
miles_event_info Shows information about a particular event. flags: `0x2`
miles_insert_bug_marker Fires a unique 'bug marker' event that will be visible in Miles dumps. flags: `0x40080008`
miles_pauseui_byname Pauses any sound played on the listener for this client with the given name. flags: `0xa`
miles_play Plays a given alias at an optional given position flags: `0x2`
miles_reboot restarts the audio engine flags: `0x40000008`
miles_record Enable or disable continuous recording (including previous buffer if available) of audio output to WAV file. flags: `0xa`
miles_record_that Writes audio output from the last minute or so to WAV file. flags: `0xa`
miles_stop_all stops all playing sounds flags: `0x40000008`
miles_unpauseui_byname Resumes any paused sound played on the listener for this client with the given name. flags: `0xa`
miles_write_passive_dumpfile Writes out milesdump file for current session. flags: `0xa`
mmdevinit flags: `0x20002`
multvar Multiply specified convar value. flags: `0x20002`
muteroom Mute the chatroom flags: `0x2`
net_channels Shows info for each Net Channel. '+fake' to include bot connections flags: `0x2`
net_dumpIncomingStats Dump incoming traffic stats flags: `0x2`
net_dumpOutgoingStats Dump outgoing traffic stats flags: `0x2`
net_dumpStats Dump all traffic stats flags: `0x2`
net_force_datarate Force all Net Channels to a specific data/choke rate in KiB/s flags: `0x2`
net_status Shows current network status flags: `0x2`
net_transmission_events_dump_incoming Dump total history of incoming net transmission events flags: `0x2`
net_transmission_events_dump_outgoing Dump total history of outgoing net transmission events flags: `0x2`
net_writeStatsFile Write out networking info to a file flags: `0x2`
openinvite Send an open ****** to the chat room flags: `0x2`
openinvitecomplete Open ****** is complete (we have our search results and reservation is done) flags: `0x2`
openinvitelaunch Open ****** should launch flags: `0x2`
origin_friendlist_dump flags: `0x2`
particle_create Creates the named particle effect at the location under the crosshair. flags: `0x4000`
particle_create_on_me Creates a particle effect on my location flags: `0x4000`
particle_create_ss Creates a screen space particle effect flags: `0x4000`
particle_dump dumps particles matching provided filter (id or defname substring or *) flags: `0xa`
particle_kill Destroys the particle effect created with the particle_create console command. flags: `0x4000`
particle_list lists particles all, or matching optional filter (id or defname substring) flags: `0xa`
particle_recreate Replays the last particle effect created with the particle_create console command. flags: `0x4000`
particle_remove_all flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_bake flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_play flags: `0x2`
particle_scrub_stop flags: `0x2`
party_leave quit the current party flags: `0x2`
party_serverChange update the party with new server info flags: `0x40000000`
path Show the engine filesystem path. flags: `0x2`
pause Toggle the server pause state. flags: `0x2`
pausevideos Pauses all videos playing to the screen flags: `0xa`
perfcharts_record Start / Stop perfcharts recording flags: `0x50020000`
phys_objectDump Dump a list of the active objects on the client. flags: `0x2000a`
phys_throw_client Throws an entity of the given model where the player is looking. Model must already be loaded. flags: `0x4008`
ping Display ping to server. flags: `0x6`
ping_specific_type Pings a specific ping flags: `0x40000008`
pingdatacenters Re-pings the datacenters flags: `0x2`
pixelvis_debug Dump debug info flags: `0xa`
playerSettings_reparse Reload player class settings from .set files flags: `0x40004002`
playlistdump Dump contents of playlist to console (Without changing any state.) flags: `0x2`
playsoundscape Forces a soundscape to play flags: `0x4008`
playvideo Plays a video: [width height] flags: `0xa`
playvideo_end_level_transition Plays a video fullscreen without ability to skip (unless dev 1) and fades in:
playvideo_exitcommand Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: flags: `0xa`
playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt Plays a video (without interruption) and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: flags: `0xa`
playvideo_nointerrupt Plays a video without ability to skip: [width height] flags: `0xa`
playvideo_scaled Plays a video at position using coordinates scaled relative to the base screen resolution: [pinPos posX posY width height] flags: `0xa`
print_colorcorrection Display the color correction layer information. flags: `0x4000`
print_texture_count Print number of linked textures with streaming data to the console flags: `0x2`
progress_enable flags: `0x2`
quit Exit the engine. flags: `0x40000000`
r_cheapwaterend flags: `0xa`
r_cheapwaterstart flags: `0xa`
r_cleardecals Usage r_cleardecals . flags: `0x40000000`
r_dxgi_max_frame_latency Set the max number of command buffers in flight. 0 will set it to the DXGI default of 3. Make sure you are not forcing "Maximum pre-rendered frames" in the driver settings, but leave it application controlled. flags: `0x2`
r_printdecalinfo flags: `0x2`
readMsgs Read your messages flags: `0x2`
recompute_speed Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes). flags: `0x4000`
reload Reload the game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload). flags: `0x2`
reload_localization Reloads all the localization data files flags: `0x2`
reload_script_callbacks Reloads script callback function pointers for client and server. flags: `0x4008`
reset_cam_ideal_angles Resets camera ideal angles to its default flags: `0x2`
restart Restart the game on the same level, to the beginning of the level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart). flags: `0x2`
restart_checkpoint Restart the game on the same level, to the last checkpoint (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart). flags: `0x2`
roamingcam_setang Rotate roamingcam to the specified angles.( Yaw and pitch only ) flags: `0x40004008`
roamingcam_setpos Move roamingCam to the specified origin. flags: `0x40004008`
roamingcam_setroll Set the roll value for the roamingCam. flags: `0x4008`
rumble_print Print current list of active rumbles flags: `0xa`
savePlayerConfig Store player settings. flags: `0x40000000`
scoreboard_down Select next scoreboard player flags: `0x40000000`
scoreboard_focus Focus on scoreboard flags: `0x2`
scoreboard_mute Toggle the scoreboard player's muted status flags: `0x40000000`
scoreboard_profile Show the scoreboard player's profile flags: `0x40000000`
scoreboard_toggle_focus Toggle scoreboard focus flags: `0x40000000`
scoreboard_up Select previous scoreboard player flags: `0x40000000`
screenshot Take a screenshot. flags: `0x40000000`
script_mem_report Print total script memory use to the console. flags: `0x2`
scriptremotefunctions_client_dump Dump remote functions client flags: `0x2000a`
scriptremotefunctions_print_client_stats Print remote functions client stats flags: `0x2000a`
server_single_frame Single step a frame for server flags: `0x6`
serverinfo Request serverinfo from a remote ip and port flags: `0x2`
set Change a variable in the class settings (does not save out to disk) flags: `0x40004002`
set_loading_progress_background Sets the background for load screen. This is cleared to the default after each load. flags: `0x20002`
set_loading_progress_detente Set the keyboard and controller strings for the detentes. This is cleared to the default after each load. flags: `0x20002`
set_loading_progress_fadeout_enabled Sets whether or not to fade out of loading. This is cleared to the default after each load. (Default is = true ) flags: `0x20002`
set_loading_progress_sp_text Set the sp text for the load sreen. This is cleared to the default after each load. flags: `0x20002`
setinfo Adds a new user info value flags: `0x40000000`
settype Sets a type for a Convar/ConCommand. This affects UI rendering for the convar. Examples: 'text', 'bool', 'int 0 10', 'float 0.0 100.0', 'enum apple orange banana'. Move these to code eventually. flags: `0x2`
shake_stop Stops all active screen shakes. flags: `0x4000`
shake_testpunch Test a punch-style screen shake. flags: `0x4000`
show_loading_progress Prints all debug information regarding the state of the loading progress. flags: `0x2`
showpanel Shows a viewport panel flags: `0xa`
showvideos Makes video panels playing to the screen visible (if they were hidden) flags: `0xa`
silentconnect Silently connect to specified server, without disconnecting from our current server unless it succeeds. flags: `0xa0000`
skill_writeTrainingData Write training gauntlet skill data flags: `0x6`
soundscape_dumpclient Dumps the client's soundscape data. flags: `0x4000`
spawn_as_pilot Spawn as Pilot flags: `0x2`
spawn_as_titan Spawn as Titan flags: `0x2`
ss_map Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players. flags: `0x20002`
ss_reloadletterbox ss_reloadletterbox flags: `0xa`
sssss_enable Enable screen-space subsurface scattering. 0 - off, 1 - enabled in lobby, 2 - always enabled flags: `0xa`
star_memory Dump memory stats flags: `0x2`
startmovie Start recording movie frames. flags: `0x20002`
status Display map and connection status. flags: `0x2`
steam_printid flags: `0x2`
steam_testOverlay flags: `0x2`
steamlink flags: `0x2`
steamunlink flags: `0x2`
stop_transition_videos_fadeout Fades out all transition videos playing to the screen:
stopsoundscape Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds flags: `0x4008`
stopvideos Stops all videos playing to the screen flags: `0xa`
stopvideos_fadeout Fades out all videos playing to the screen:
sv_precacheinfo Show precache info. flags: `0x2`
sv_showents Prints the server entity list flags: `0x2`
sv_shutdown Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed flags: `0x4004`
sv_writeSendTableStreamFile flags: `0x2`
testCockpitJoltAngles flags: `0xa`
testCockpitJoltOrigin flags: `0xa`
test_freezeframe Test the freeze frame code. flags: `0x4000`
testhudanim Test a hud element animation. Arguments: flags: `0x4008`
thread_test_tslist flags: `0x2`
thread_test_tsqueue flags: `0x2`
titan_loadout_select Titan loadout select flags: `0x2`
toggle Toggles a convar on or off, or cycles through a set of values. flags: `0x80000`
toggle_enemy_minimap_visibility Toggles whether enemy icons are visible on the mini-map flags: `0x40080008`
toggle_inventory Toggle the inventory menu flags: `0x40080008`
toggle_map Toggle the big map flags: `0x40080008`
toggle_observer_highlight Toggle highlighting for the observer flags: `0x40000000`
toggle_observer_player_tags Toggle the mode for viewing player tags flags: `0x40080000`
ui_reloadscheme Reloads the resource files for the active UI window flags: `0xa`
uiscript_reset Resets all UI script state flags: `0x40000000`
uiscript_resolutionchanged Notifies UI script that the resolution has changed flags: `0x40000000`
unbind Unbind a key's TAPPED binding. flags: `0x40000000`
unbind_US_standard Unbind a key's TAPPED binding. Given a key on a standard US keyboard, this function will translate that key to the appropriate key on the user's current keyboard and unbind that key. flags: `0x40000000`
unbind_all_gamepad Unbinds all gamepad binds flags: `0x40000000`
unbind_batch Unbind all bindings (tapped/held) from all specified keys (no keyboard layout translation). flags: `0x40000000`
unbind_held Unbind a key's HELD binding. flags: `0x40000000`
unbind_held_US_standard Unbind a key's HELD binding. Given a key on a standard US keyboard, this function will translate that key to the appropriate key on the user's current keyboard and unbind that key. flags: `0x40000000`
unbindall Unbind all keys. flags: `0x40000000`
unbindall_ignoreGamepad Unbind all keys, skip gamepad binds. flags: `0x40000000`
unload_level_loadscreen Unloads the loadscreen for the current level flags: `0x40000000`
unmuteroom Unmute the chatroom flags: `0x2`
unpausevideos Unpauses all videos playing to the screen flags: `0xa`
use_consumable Uses a specific consumable flags: `0x80008`
user Show user data. flags: `0x2`
users Show user info for players on server. flags: `0x2`
version Print version info string. flags: `0x2`
vgui_spew_fonts flags: `0xa`
vgui_togglepanel show/hide vgui panel by name. flags: `0x2`
voicerecord_toggle flags: `0x80000`
vx_model_list Dump models to VXConsole flags: `0x2`
weaponSelectOrdnance flags: `0x40080000`
weaponSelectPrimary0 flags: `0x40080000`
weaponSelectPrimary1 flags: `0x40080000`
weaponSelectPrimary2 flags: `0x40080000`
weapon_activity Play a custom animation activity on the active weapon. flags: `0x40000000`
weapon_inspect flags: `0x40080000`
weapon_list Lists all weapons owned by the local player flags: `0x2`
weapon_reparse Reloads the weapon script files flags: `0x4008`
xlog_list List all xlogs, and various stats flags: `0x2`
xlog_record Start writing log file to disk (including any previously buffered data) flags: `0x2`
xlog_record_that Write buffered data (if any) flags: `0x2`
xlog_stop Stop writing it to disk. (resume buffering if buffering enabled on log) flags: `0x2`
xlook flags: `0x40080000`
xmove flags: `0x40080000`