CREATE TABLE author (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT UNIQUE, last_name TEXT, books_sold INTEGER NOT NULL); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Jakob", "Bandelin", 5000000000); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Bugs", "Bunny", 50); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Stefan", "Gefan", 8); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Kevin", "Macleod", 300000); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Hugo", "Boss", 400000); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Carl", "Gustaf", 900000); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Spoder", "Man", 1000000); INSERT INTO author (name, last_name, books_sold) VALUES ("Dick", "Dick", 1); CREATE TABLE books (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, author_id INTEGER, booktitle TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, book_genre TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES author(id)); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (1, "SQL is the shit", "educational"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (2, "Big Chungus", "horror"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (2, "What's up", "comedy"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (3, "Why mobile games is the best", "educational"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (4, "Music of the ages", "historical"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (4, "How to create great music", "educational"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (5, "How to be big boss", "educational"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (6, "Carl Gustav Best King (Måste läsa, annars dö)", "historical"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (7, "How to make best memes", "educational"); INSERT INTO books (author_id, booktitle, book_genre) VALUES (8, "Not funny, didn't laugh", "comedy"); SELECT * FROM author; UPDATE author SET name ="Spider" WHERE name ="Spoder"; SELECT * FROM author; DELETE FROM author WHERE name ="Stefan"; SELECT * FROM author; CREATE table friends ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, person1_id INTEGER, person2_id INTEGER); INSERT INTO friends (person1_id, person2_id) VALUES (2,7); INSERT INTO friends (person1_id, person2_id) VALUES (1,6); INSERT INTO friends (person1_id, person2_id) VALUES (4,5); SELECT booktitle, name, last_name FROM author JOIN books ON = books.author_id; SELECT, a. last_name,, b.last_name FROM friends JOIN author a ON friends.person1_id = JOIN author b ON friends.person2_id =; SELECT COUNT(author_id), CASE WHEN author_id = 1 then "Jakob" WHEN author_id = 2 then "Bugs" WHEN author_id = 4 then "Kevin" WHEN author_id = 5 then "Hugo" WHEN author_id = 6 then "Carl" WHEN author_id = 7 then "Spider" WHEN author_id = 8 then "Dick" END as author FROM books GROUP BY author_id