Glass tower - 240L Microalgae - 9.5L each tower Fertilizer(F/2 medium) - 100ml per tower (1 month) for microalgae (1ml per litre of seawater) Feeding of rotifer with microalgae - 1L depends (feeding adlitum) Preparation of rotifer: -1/3 of DI water in conical bottom tub -Remember to lock the pump at bottom -Add seawater to 25-27 ppt (salinity) -35g/L of seasalt for 27ppt -1g of salt - 1 ppt - 1L ( estimation cuz salt not accurate 480/15 =32g - 25ppt) -repeat for 6 tubs -same volume -setting up of air pump -air rocks help form fine bubbles for the rotifer + move the water to prevent them from sinking -air rocks lowered to the bottom of the tank -maintain equal bubbling intensity for all tanks with air valves -dose with bleach to disinfect the water (0.12 ml/L) - 48L needs 5.76ml serological pipette + let it sit for 24h or 1h -sodium thiosulphate crystals (Na2S2O3) to neutralize the bleach (same amount) -wait for 30-40 mins to neutralize (chemical reaction) -Add sodium bicarbonate depending on SOP -adding of rotifer culture (5L) -feeding with nannochloropsis oculata (adding till conical tubs cannot see bottom - approx 1 and a half jug of microalgae) -refilling of rotifer main tank (DI water and 5 and a half scoops of Seasalt + stirring) -Enriched feed(Isochrysis Galband) has DHA(metabolism, growth and immunity) + abit EPA while nannochloropsis oculata only has EPA -Rotifer culture drain 3L + add 3L of microalgae -Excel sheet: (date) (3rd August start water quality) (Rotifer count growing slowly, removed 3L and added 3L of main tank0 rotifer) Tubs: (30 July /3rd Aug) 1.19/49/62/46/54/60/114/64/69/109/90/ 105/119 2.13/38/54/32/47/83/99/69/72/83/84/95/ 105 3.13/29/31/43/52/66/87/63/80/84/87/104/136/ 4.15/21/27/43/40/56/76/61/57/71/77/116/123 5.15/39/44/56/45/42/72/73/71/89/78/125/83 6.29/24/31/70/53/64/98/86/67/63/83/89/ 115 7. (Main) : 98/108/169/130/184/200/220/63/100/120/106/100/109 water change: Drain water slowly with a filter mesh until rotifer is stuck on the mesh (creamish brown/green). Reverse wash (backwash) the filter in a zigzag and circular motion with clean seawater into a *** to obtain high density of rotifer. Pour the rotifer pack into the tub and flush. (Known as harvesting also) Add 2L of nannochloropsis + 1L of Tetraselmis Tetrathele (more nutritious) to improve growth rate. Females observed next day. (egg sac) Decrease in rotifer density - not feeding enough - harvest then add nano + tetra Still decreasing - add 3ml of nano 3600 into each tank. (the reasoning is that concentrated nannochloropsis paste is grown in large outdoor tanks, made up of high cell concentrations, will allow us to achieve more than 300 rotifers per ml) Preparation of filter pads - cutting of filter bads and submerging 9/10 of it under the tank to collect residue. pH (6.5-8.5) (Sodium bicarbonate add to obtai higher level of pH + higher buffer of kH for carbon dioxide which contributes of pH) 1. 7.4 added (2.3 +12 sodium bicar) to 8.0 2. 8.0 all 3. 8.0 all 4. 8.0 (tub 3-6) + 8.4(tub 1&2)(Increment from microalgae which turns co2 into O2 making pH basic) 5. 8.0(tub 6,4,1,5,2) + 8.4(tub 3) 6. 8.0(tub 1,2,4,5,6) + 8.4(tub 3) 7. 8.0(tub 1,2,3,4,6) + 7.4-7.8(tub 5) 8. 8.0 all 9. 7.4 (Tub 1, 2,4,5) + 7.8(tub 3,6) (add 14.3 x 2) 10. 8.0 all 11. 8.0 all Ammonia(and below) 1. 2.0ppm 2. 2.0ppm 3. 2.0 ppm 4. water change 1 - 2.0ppm 5. harvesting 2 - 2.0 - 4.0ppm 6. 2.0 - 4.0ppm 7. 2.0-4.0 ppm 8. 2.0-4.0 ppm 9. 2-4 10. 0.5-1ppm 11. 0.25-0.5 Salinity(8-31 ppt) 1. In Range 2. In Range 3. In Range 4. In Range 5. In Range 6. In Range (9 Aug) 7. in range 8. in range 9. In Range 10. in range KH(more survival rate - high density high C02 toxic which lowers pH) Formula : Ideal - whatever we need(ppm KH) then multiply 1.333 x total volume of tank in Litres then divide 1000 1. 12? water change date 1. Aug 6th(50%)