to produce one btc requires 20 GWH. this is more than 3x the demand of the state of massachusetts at 6 GWH, all this to produce $54K. The costs of this 20 GWH is (assuming 20cents/kwh) is $4,000,000 Annual Energy Consumption Electric Power: 55.3 TWh (1% total U.S.) 120 gigawatts entire BTC network 72,000 GW for one BTC 72,000 GW / 3600s = 20 GWh For Massachusetts 55,3000 GWh / (24 x 365 h) = 6.3 GWh or less than 1/3 of BTC mining Assume 20 cents/KWh electric rate 20,000,000 KWh x $0.20 = $4,000,000 cost of electricity to mine one BTC 1 BTC is now at $55k Whether one decides to buy bitcoin now or $4M is the real question.