hello, to anyone reading this i will be debunking two clips sent by (the asai insurgency) in port maersk first clip https://youtu.be/bl_APEVaJYY - latency, i had 300ms as i said, person recording probably had like 30-100ms, also (vak raycasts are retarded) - from 0:02 you're literally widepeeking for over 2-3 seconds like a retard, how the **** do you not expect to get shot after widepeeking on topmain for 3 seconds lol second clip clip by snipe1xd - i don't really know why my raycast did not appear but; i shot him when he peeked - basically tldr; vak raycasts are shit and retarded, as there are unnecessary invisible walls everywhere in port maersk, my raycast did not appear and went off and became weird when i shot him