>Shinar >1 Parent (Mother, Loaded, Badass, Role Model) >1 Twin Brother (Stacked, Peas in a Pod, Great Chef) >Mansion (10,000ft^2, Home Entertainment, Great Neighbors) >Y Chromosome >Custom (Formal) >Digital/Glitch >Multiplayer >Competent >The Oddity, The Entertainer, The Geek, The Inexperienced >~10 Years >Study Hall, Outdoorsmanship Club >Skin (all) >Blessing of Good Tidings (Standard, Journeyman), Blessing of Compelling Will (Manipulator, Telekinetic I, Thermosword™), Blessing of Lost Hope (Young Witch, Spirit Channeling, Necromancer, Forbidden Arts II), Blessing of Closed Circuits (Script Kiddy, Ez-Hack™, Hacker 1, Hacker 2), Blessing of Fallen Peace (Left Brained, Parietal Lobe, Frontal Lobe), Blessing of Righteous Creation (Rookie Engineer, Technician, Magitechnician, Master Magitech, Magician) >ESSENTIAL BOONS: Flight, Superhuman Physicality, Extreme Durability >MINOR BOONS: Incredible Will, Speed+, Quick Twitch, Strength+ >TELEKINETICS: Energy Channel, Forcefield >METATHERMICS: Pyromaniac I, Thermal Weaponry >CHANNELING: Spirit Medium, Fata Morgana Curse, Spectral Form >NECROMANCY: Rise From Your Graves >BLACK MAGIC: Undead Thrall >NET AVATAR: CH402.mp5 >TECHNOMANCY: Digital Infiltrator, Counter Hacker, Domain Master I >TELEPATHY: Memory Lane, Lucid Dreamer >MENTAL MANIPULATION: Hypnotist, Masquerade >SPECIALTY: Magitech, Metamagic >MAGITECH: Master Mechanic I, Master Mechanic II, Kaboom!, Max Security, Venture Capitalist >METAMAGIC: Power Sight, Dehexification, Ace in the Hole (Master) >Distortions THRALL >Undead >Subservient >Above Average >Blessing of Wordly Wisdom (Arborealist, Healer I, Healer II, Healer II), Blessing of Compelling Will (Manipulator, Thermal Master, Psycho, Telekinetic II, Reality Bender) >ESSENTIAL BOONS: Flight, Superhuman Physicality, Extreme Durability >ELEANOR'S TECHNIQUES: Psychic Surgery, Rejuvinating Bolt, Defensive Circle, Guardian Angels >TELEKINETICS: Psychic Force I, Psychic Force II, Forcefield, Sonic Boom, Subatomic Manipulation >METATHERMICS: Ice Cold I, Ice Cold II, Ice Cold III WEAPON >Bladed Melee (sword) >Thermal Supercharge, High Power, Recall, Attuned Spell (Rise from your Graves) VEHICLE >Mecha >Nanowire Armor, Hellfire Volley, The Trident, Speed x3, Armageddon Cannon