Name: Rio Stardust Race: [Xadera], [Tenshi] ***: [Male] Hair: [Blonde] Eyes: [Crimson] Skin: [Ghostly] Face: [Boyish] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average] Hips: [Plain] Butt: [Masculine] Fitness: [Buff] F.M.S.U.: [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Arka Tanks x1], [Arka Fountains], [Love Nectar], [Ranma], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Resting Smug Face] G.R.M.: [Horns], [Caustic Blood], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Monster Mash x1], [Bio-Immortal], [Wings], [Seraph x2], [Tasty Fate], [Kyuu], [Dhampir], [Gorgon], [Chimera Ant x1], [Auxiliary Systems], [Tireless], [Demon Core], [Claws], [Ubermensch] U.T.T.: [Excalibur], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [World Clean] Boons: [Hush Money], [Communism], [Nuru Nuru~], [Warm Welcome], [Popular], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [HUD], [Status], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky], [Unbreakable Mind], [Unbreakable Will], [Darkvision], [Hero], [Demon Lord] Banes: [Absolute Conquest], [Daitenshi], [Duel With The Devil], [Fate Dynamo], [No Metagaming], [Just Passin’ Through], [Damsel], [Lamia Curse], [Water To Wine], [Lightweight], [Masculinity], [Dankest Dungeons], [Full Party Required], [Reap What You Sow], [Potionholic], [Hymen Hunter], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure] Items: [Senketsu], [Shabetta], [Starting Bonus], [Solar Charger], [Virtual Sunshine], [Runman], [Dungeon Dowser], [Riftgate Licence], [Switch] Aferlife: [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Remuneration] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [LOST] PROFICIENCY: **** II: Dark, Endurance, Strength **** III: Arcane, Agility, Combat, Durability, Strategy **** IV: Charisma, Elemental, Illusion, Light, Luck, *** **** V: Bardism I posted a build a while ago and this is kind of a refinement of what that build aimed to do, which was use duel with the devil in a very specific manner-that being musical duels which I assume very few people are my equal in. If they are better than me, it's not a wash since I can use them as inspiration. Chimera Ant will give me the pinions of a cricket, another musical instrument in my repertorie by using the vibrations of the wings to produce music. I’ve got near-max mana regen as well, to take advantage of elemental, illusion, and light magic. Ideally, I could combine those magics with bardism. Elementalism to manipulate the air for better acoustics or shatter my enemies with raw sound. Illusion could give my songs the ability to confer feelings, like imagine feeling heat when you listen to Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash or intoxicating emotions that actually make you feel powerful when you listen to POWER by Kanye West. Light magic could ideally give my songs physical effects as well, like a song that could inspire you or lift you out of depression. Xadera is good for magic regen, but hopefully I’ll get good enough at manipulating flesh to manipulate vocal chords. Ranma gives me good access to female vocals. Conquest could mean a lot of things, but I’ll just take it in a very specific manner-to conquer the hearts and billboard charts of Harahel. Ambition isn’t a bad thing. I've got decent physical stats and combat III, so in the event of a situation in which I can't use magic or music I've got a backup. I’ll go by Rio Stardust. I look absolutely satanic, just like another guy whose name sounds very similar to me out there. Blonde snake hair, red eyes, fangs, insect like wings, horns. But I swear I’m not a bad guy. Thank god for illusion. My goal will be to travel the lands for inspiration for my music, to record the stories of fellow travelers like me, and to perform across the lands. Secondary to that will be to protect the populace-largely for self-interest due to hymen hunter and to preserve an audience for my music. I’ll be heading to rescue that princess in Nocturne first. Light magic is probably helpful and with elementalism/rift gate license I can be the getaway vehicle. There’s bound to be other people with me and I think it’d make such a good story, along with providing me a path to royal patronage. Afterwards, likely off to Aria to improve my magic and read any texts on musical theory. I would have picked reincarnation, but man I was way too worried about getting sent to Onoskelis very early in my life. And I’d like to let everyone I’ll be starting a fund using my a portion of my profits to protect the lamias of Harahel.