anxcrypt: Hello n welcome ~ Cykllops: hi ty Cykllops: how are you? anxcrypt: i'm pretty well, thank you ~ Yourself? Cykllops: im fine thanks Cykllops: nice room Cykllops: and nice avi anxcrypt: Thank you kindly ~ uwu Cykllops: I am looking for someone to pose on imvu in different outfits. You look awesome, so it would be nice with you Cykllops: yw Cykllops: u there? anxcrypt: Sorry, not interested but thanks for the offer ~ Cykllops: its ok, ty anyway Cykllops: i could pay if thats ok for you Cykllops: like 20k anxcrypt: Why do you need someone to pose for you? Cykllops: i just like watching and commenting Cykllops: kind of a fetish anxcrypt: Ah, i see. Well my Daddy wouldn't like that very much so i'm going to decline again lmao. Cykllops: pitty Cykllops: its ok hun Cykllops: then would you mind if i just watch your avi and.. masturbate? :$ sorry if im disturbing you