➡ General incompetence, including compilations of many different things or generalizations of the game, how the community acts, and how the community feels about jagex & runescape (both OSRS and RS3). The comments under most of these shed even more light on these things, like, "i love how cocky their message was "our software can detect ALL blah blah blah" when it was [jagex's fault]". https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jinj4d/i_got_a_few_friends_to_try_osrs_recently https://imgur.com/a/gHLl8BM https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgryfl/forget_the_equipment_rebalancing_intergrity https://postimg.cc/gallery/0qTKPqF https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtxwh/petition_to_gather_all_jagex_employees_in_one/gmukkka https://postimg.cc/gallery/Wbs1CJM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyXmO9QGcZ8 RuneScape Is VERY Broken (OSRS) As mentioned before, the comments shed more light on things like how the community feels about all of this. https://postimg.cc/gallery/szSqyx9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUQfnoOdD1g&t=9m20s Why this new OSRS Client may not be Good Enough https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k8h3tw/with_osrs_coming_to_steam_the_following_issues https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh04dt/remember_when_crumb_got_manual_bans_on_all_of_his/gmv795x https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh04dt/remember_when_crumb_got_manual_bans_on_all_of_his/gmv7l3x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txpZinJvLLM&t=39s https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/b8kymy/jagex_appears_before_uk_parliament_inquiry https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/izkdk9/when_osrs_gets_released_on_steam https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/bevhn0/hop_retard https://imgur.com/a/9UZbfE2 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/kwl9vj/the_state_of_osrs https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcx2la4l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apczwd64l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xczqkv7w.png https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtxwh/petition_to_gather_all_jagex_employees_in_one/gmuxby3 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/hjzr1x/when_you_finally_hit_22k_total/fwrtloz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhkhB9gwfeg https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgpo0b/having_to_enter_your_pin_to_access_your_grave This has been broken for years despite A: how easy it would be to disable combat while inputting a PIN since disabling combat while in the gravestone interface is already a feature, and B: how huge of an impact it can have on players who experience this bug and can't recover their items in time because of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ld8t41/steam_isnt_the_right_place_to_put_osrs_sell_osrs The second highest voted/most relatable comment, "Yes!! This would be true ironman mode. No bots, gold farmers, -> Jmods <- [Jagex employees], scammers, or other assholes to mess up your gameplay." This alone speaks volumes about the game, its playerbase, the corrupt company that manages it, and some of the toxic, player moderator lapdogs they appoint. ➡ Every game that jagex has made has been a colossal failure aside from OSRS & RS3. This includes buying the rights to successful games that indie devs made, making utterly idiotic changes to those games, ignoring the community telling them why their changes were absurd and unwanted, then shutting down those formerly successful games after everyone got fed up with jagex's incompetence & trend-chasing (the explosive rise of MTX, the battle royale trend, the [cookie] clicker genre trend, the hearthstone trend, etc.), causing players to leave in droves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2fZgXff2zs&t=4m48s https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/f2y4ou/next_gen_a_mmoarpg_in_development_by_jagex Check out the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgr9rk/ot_jagex_registered_a_new_trademark_for_space Again, see the comments ➡ The massive bot & gold farmer problem, jagex's tolerance of it, and how jagex rakes in several million dollars every year off of bots alone. This incentivizes them not to address that roughly half of players (far more in free-to-play worlds) are bots, just like in RS3 shortly before the 2011 bot nuke. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jklk78/asmongold_asking_the_jmods_about_botting Asmongold asking the Jmods [a very simple question] about botting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYssWgyw01U Bots Won RuneScape's PVP Tournament. "Office gets DDOSed? Just give up, clock out of work, and get drunk." "Just when I think that my expectations for jmods can't fall any lower." https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94uzei/last_one_got_deleted_rot_racketeering_scheme Last [thread] got deleted [by mods for speaking about this] - ROT Racketeering scheme going on at rev caves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga3PbrZj1d0 Exploring the State of Venezuela and How It Affects RuneScape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kns-GIJeUkc Venezuelan Cartels Are Taking Over RuneScape https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmqtvlk/?context=8 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmq5jui https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgpfqt/line_of_bots_stretched_from_ge_to_varrock_castle https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh0pc8/jagex_offices_the_last_two_weeks/gmut51g https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgryfl/forget_the_equipment_rebalancing_intergrity/gmtrvjh https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgryfl/forget_the_equipment_rebalancing_intergrity/gmu1hdd https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgw9gf/every_world_at_lizardmen_shaman_has_a_gold_farmer ➡ Accounts aren't secure for a wide variety of reasons, including being targeted by jagex employees - that, too, for a variety of reasons. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k3dtwx/comparison_how_difficult_it_is_long_it_takes_to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2wLQHCUmNE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkSwtr9g_M0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYssWgyw01U Bots Won RuneScape's PVP Tournament. "Office gets DDOSed? Just give up, clock out of work, and get drunk." Just when I think that my expectations for jmods can't fall any lower. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/kwlo49/cant_login_to_my_account_for_two_days_now_i_guess https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg7uzw/account_security_lol https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k0poy3/need_help_jagex_too_many_login_attempts_please The comments shed more light on this. ➡ Jagex lies on a regular basis about listening to player feedback, while actively doing the exact opposite. They claim they care deeply about polling - asking players what content & tweaks they want added to the game - but their hypocritical actions speak louder than their words. This sums up most, but not all, of Jagex's f*ckery when it comes to polling: "Failed poll powercreep items [being added to the game despite failing their polls] / Failed poll drop rate changes / Picking which failed poll questions are forced into the game with no consistency whatsoever / Failed changes that only serve to make combat easier / Phrasing only a select few poll questions as 50%/50% A-or-B choices that ignore the 75% pass threshold all other A-or-B questions get / Failed QoL changes that are flawed in some way, hence why they failed / Failed poll balance changes that kind of look like integrity changes if you squint but aren't actually integrity related, hence why they were polled" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_nlUCH4QQ0&t=7m28s Jagex asks for input, receives it, then does the opposite. This is a recurring theme with an overpowered item called VLS in particular https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apczwd64l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cpg5q7q.jpg https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cx8ok4b.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdc2o9a4r.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cak3p72.jpg https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46aco3ao7z.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcx2la4l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46aco3ao7z.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xczqkv7w.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc8a5p4z.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zca9geyw.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcrgb9yk.png Highlighting how jagex picks and chooses which paying members are and aren't allowed to vote on polls, claiming they won't be affected by these changes so they don't get to vote which is clearly a lie, and despite the entire community already having voted and made themselves clear that this shit shouldn't be polled for the 5th or 6th time to force it into the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/g1h5po/jagex_is_adding_vls_without_a_poll_and_its https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1247802417816588290 https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1250152018242670596 "1/6: Actually, people don't want this due to how overpowered VLS is. 2: Votes on wildly different content from years ago are not relevant to voting on this specific piece of content. Don't change the subject & pretend you're still on-topic. 3: Voting clearly shows what large / portions of the community want. The desires of the many > the few. 4/6: Quickly unpinning what was once a sticky announcing this news on reddit is incredibly sketchy & further proves lack of integrity. 5: Voting works for the vast majority, yet you say it's worked for no one but / spite-voters, I.E. the vast majority of people. You can't keep blindly implying/stating by the transitive property, "anyone who votes 'no' is a spite voter" in the face of indisputable facts (5 OP VLS specs in the same time as 2 AGS specs, the OP ability to spec & switch to / nightmare staff specs, etc, etc.). 6/6 Don't claim to care about game integrity anymore after all of the above - refusing to poll the addition of an ungodly overpowered PvP weapon, hiding it, constantly declaring "the community votes no... That means they're spite voters!", etc." "Mod "No means yes" Ash" "Mod "I think I only got a 'no' out of spite, so I did it anyway" Ash" "Well, at least Jagex is transparent" "That is just... do you not look outside of Runescape at all? So many other companies are able to maintain open dialogues with their players much more consistently than Jagex. Jagex is actually **behind** the curve of community interaction, not ahead of it." ➡ Special treatment (either excessively good or over-the-top bad, depending on whether they've criticized jagex recently) for streamers with big followings. There's a LOT more of this documented under the next section. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgrlr9/a_follow_up_regarding_the_1013_situation_the https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgq49l/jagex_unbanning_1013_shows_a_complete_lack_of https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgdftm/can_we_get_an_updated_set_of_rules_since_the_one https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh12r5/11 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh972j/new_amulet_suggestion_for_equipment_rebalancing https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k0poy3/need_help_jagex_too_many_login_attempts_please/gdjphw1 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgq3kr/nice_one_gagex https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/a56l9h/had_a_go_at_animating_one_of_zuhaars_more_sfw/ebkf4qk https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtxwh/petition_to_gather_all_jagex_employees_in_one https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtxwh/petition_to_gather_all_jagex_employees_in_one/gmusn4k https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgsrz4/i_want_to_buy_enough_gold_to_get_my_buyables_done https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgf14a/so_cheating_is_fine_as_long_as_whoever_created https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg93i5/opinion_offenses_on_shared_accounts_should_stick https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh3r57/threaten_gagex_employee_evidence_to_free_your ➡ False bans, shadowbans, lying about how they've never falsely banned (and then unbanned) people, lying about shadowbans, abysmal customer service that copy & pastes useless replies & gives out your personal info, and generally being scummy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5zKELIBhs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkSwtr9g_M0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yB_KcFhtHo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZ1AHb2xEk&t=6m11s https://twitter.com/dankolxd/status/1018444280405229568 Noting how blind their own employees are to obvious fraud and cover it up for years while lying to the community, claiming everything's fine, or giving them the cold shoulder as if nothing's wrong. https://twitter.com/dankolxd/status/1057544369866104832 This is especially embarrassing since this cheater was physically with them inside the same damn building day in and day out, and there was already a mountain of proof that mod Jed was doing insanely shady shit like teaching ROT how to DDOS players to unfairly win many competitions (some of which had cash prizes worth tens of thousands of dollars), and even MORE embarrassing for Jagex since they claim they have infallible systems that detect any illegal activities at their offices, like if a jmod tried to spawn gold and sell it. Something mod Jed had been doing for YEARS before getting caught. https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2020/04/runescape-players-falsely-banned-have-restoration-requests-censored-by-reddit-ignored-by-jagex/107445 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCItEyNDTo4 Uncovering RuneScape's Biggest Inside Job / From jagex employees telling player moderators to lie to protect jagex, to an unknown number of employees profiting in the real world off of ingame changes that affected item prices, and from banning someone under false pretenses for criticizing jagex, to muting players just for mentioning the name of that falsely banned player, this video has it all. None of the 4 aforementioned things are one-time occurrences, either. They've all happened many times over the years that we know of, and many more times that we *don't* know of thanks to jagex's "ignore at first, outright lie if confronted by persistent comments or questions" stance that hasn't changed since the mid to late 00's. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k07tkr/evscape_silenced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsjcjPZDtsw Silenced. / Jagex going FAR out of their way to ban someone FOR CRITICIZING THEM IN A JOKE TWEET like children, then lying about why they did it, *and* lying about, "these 6 mutes & bans that were all applied at the exact same time to random offenses from anywhere from weeks to years ago were just, uhh, automated bans by our algorithm, yeah..." "Actually, I have proof that these bans were applied manually; 1 or more Jmods chose to target my account specifically to go through the chat logs, then copied and pasted the offenses into the reason given for each mute & ban, so clearly they weren't automatic." "Jmod: *Starts typing a message to him on discord... Stops typing, then never responds to him again*" "I thought this was like the time where they wrongfully banned me for botting and less than 15 minutes [it was actually less than 2 minutes] later they unbanned me because I always play live on streams and clearly wasn't f'ing botting" "They went into my account's entire chat history to look for anything offensive they could find and permamuted me for jokingly saying 'im 12' ON MY 15 YEAR OLD ACCOUNT." "Imagine if this had happened to a regular player, not a content creator like me with a direct line to Jagex" - everyone would be calling the guy in question a liar and he'd quickly be covered up & forgotten. Jagex & rabid OSRS fanboys pulls this shit all the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqyiamaW-9Q&t=40s No Longer Silenced. / Jagex admits EVScape was specifically targeted because of his tweet, removes all 6 offenses & unmutes him because of this, but lies and says "they've never done this before, ever" LMFAO YEAH RIGHT Jagex: "We get so many reports, bans, appeals we can't handle all of them" Jagex later: "We have somehow manually viewed every single one of the literal hundreds of millions of reports and bans in existence in <24 hours and found that we have never done this in any other case, only yours. Also, I know we have a gargantuan backlog of exploits and gold farmers but instead of using our resources to protect the game, I'm going to use my abilities to punish someone who made a tweet that I did not like. We don't have time to fix the game, but we got time to ruin it" "I disagree with Jagex suspending you from the content creator program for three months, that's still [targeting] you." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x34Fpih_urM Permanent Manual Ban on all accounts "Lol cmon man.. no, it's not "fair enough." Every single person in the game would be muted and unable to play if they muted everyone for the same reasons they muted you." "We need mods like Mat K back. Biggest loss to the company. He even weighed in on the original tweet saying "I wish I had this kind of support when I was working there" or some shit. Implying that this is either the "head of esports" abusing her mod privileges or some other mod is white knighting for her." "Getting banned for saying "cunt" contradicts what jagex said during the whole n word blocking debacle. i was on jagex's side throughout all of that because they were explicit in saying you won't be muted for "f*ck", "cunt", etc. I see what their word is worth now." https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/j7izjs/overheard_in_ge_pmods_recommendation_that https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lfbo5k/harassed_for_over_a_month_now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McxsQil-8EA From Rank 1 to Literal Jagex Sabotage / All because they (plural) constructively criticized the game and made videos wishing Suomi the best, which jagex DEMANDED they delete before hiring some of the aforementioned people to work for their company "THAT'S why RuneShark deleted most of their videos? Man, Jagex really seems to be run by a bunch of children with fragile egos most of the time." "Honestly, Jagex have historically be such a scummy company at times. Remember all this f*ckery like it was yesterday and giving the golden gnome to Jake was such a dead ass move. Maybe Jagex should have listened to suomis [constructive] criticisms given [more than 80% of] players agreed at the time, hence the successes of osrs [and crash-and-burn failure of RS3 in 2011-2012]. Still- Suomi is an RS legend." "Got selectively targeted for muting for having a girlfriend yet in the runescape documentary they interviewed a couple that met and dated on runescape and even got married id of thrown a massive bitch fit" "more alarmed they specifically went into his account's private message history just to childishly find an excuse to mute him for criticizing them. Guess [private messages aren't so private" "On top of this there was a period where Jmods would stalk him while he was killing cave crawlers for effigies. You could get a lot of effigies per hour killing them and they were basically a free 120k exp across 5 skills. The j mods would disguise themselves as a rock or be out of bounds with their character model hidden. You could still see the dot on the map and right click them though. He would always say hi to them because he always caught them and was not botting like they suspected. He posted multiple videos where he would catch them. Sad days." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY0YpzHV_Eo&t=5m14s This RuneScape Duplication Glitch Was Silenced / A Jmod publicly admitting on video that they lied about a duplication glitch being "just a merch clan dumping, nothing to worry about, Listen and Believe" AND that this was just ->one of many times<- that this happened & they lied about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txpZinJvLLM The Hidden Runescape Duplication Glitch / This video is about a different duplication glitch than the one in the video above. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBabr-3d2Ag RuneScape Was Just Exploited. They Duped Trillions of Gold. / This video is ALSO about a different duplication glitch than the one in the video above. There have been many duplication glitches over the years, including as recently as both the current year & last year, and who knows how many more unknown ones that have been successfully covered up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41WSLqeRCCI&t=2m47s People were making 5b/hr on Runescape with this Glitch / A few seconds after the timestamp, a player points out that yet another dupe glitch (what is this, the 6th one to have happened in RS3 alone?) happened a few months prior to this video being made. https://i.imgur.com/xh4seqS.png Jagex lying about game integrity while intentionally choosing to ignore all of the most critical aspects of game integrity, including account security, bots, equal treatment of players, the game's entire economy, etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ccboki/have_you_ever_seen_a_cheater_allowed_to_keep_half https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/fhx43g/is_this_some_kind_of_a_joke https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/k20w7m/9_days_later_still_cant_log_in_too_many_login "theyre working on it and they'll fix it when they fix it" "They've been saying that about this game-breaking glitch since at least April 2019, if not much earlier than that. Factoring in all their lies and coverups (and the fact that they're currently being sued in the U.K. for said lies and coverups), I don't believe them for a second. Their shady asses could tell me grass grows and I'd still fact-check them before believing them." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2wLQHCUmNE https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zca9geyw.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcadx57p.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogclw8dy9.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmmgHWAG5oQ&list=UUvho6pwZ8r6n-Kl8pC1On-A&index=8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNRo60QzFA4&list=UUvho6pwZ8r6n-Kl8pC1On-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0mxrS_uhtI&list=UUvho6pwZ8r6n-Kl8pC1On-A&index=2 https://twitter.com/Skiddler/status/1186584297022656512 https://twitter.com/Skiddler/status/1186585249456840710 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZ1AHb2xEk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF-5reRU3Jk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KoympZqKYA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-XdKE7pdPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuQjuqkPO_c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqRq6iSHzeA https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/cascdx/quintolo_corporeal_beast/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/9tjfiz/antimen_multiaccount_method_and_osrs_rule/e9bdzbl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/d2d4a5/king_of_the_skill_ended_650_days_ago_and_i_havent/ King of the Skill ended 650 days ago and I haven't received my physical rewards Yet another example of them adding usernames of falsely banned players to their subreddit's list that shadowbans posts & comments mentioning them and how jagex censors false macroing bans is Bargan, the #1 F2P OSRS player and KotS 1st place winner. He had to win a KotS competition and go through legal troubles just to get a response and unbanned while he got his prize. He mentioned that he entered the contest and tried so hard to win it just to draw attention to the fact that he was falsely banned and get Jagex to admit they were in the wrong. While they did unban him after a few years they never admitted they were wrong. But their actions say it all. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmq72hl https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmq5jui https://twitter.com/Book0fMudora/status/1249269416505880576 https://twitter.com/Book0fMudora/status/1249997129130610691 https://twitter.com/BEARDSQUADRS/status/1163381057082798080 https://twitter.com/MH_Wishengrad/status/1163497572125696004 https://twitter.com/osrs_jvh/status/1240646364838707201 https://twitter.com/MeleeHellElfman/status/1240837311803187200 "EVScape got a manual perma ban for macro major on ******* Livestream then got unbanned literally 1-2 mins later as a "mistake"." "Yeah its not like Jagex used to employ Jed who was hacking into accounts and stealing gold along with [stealing accounts with usernames people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for, like 1 digit names] to his friends. Jagex Is ALWAYS right, they definitely dont have anyone who would lie or otherwise **** people over!" https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/4jw7ie/lynx_titan_falsely_2day_banned_for_botting/ #1 ranked OSRS player Lynx Titan falsely banned for macroing due to playing extremely efficiently for around 17 hours every day (hence being the #1 ranked player in the world). Because he's famous, jagex unbanned him in less than 2 minutes. https://i.imgur.com/topOBHW.png "People don't get falsely banned" - Jagex support This is yet more proof to add to the mountain of evidence that nothing is manually reviewed unless you're a well-known streamer who they either want to give special treatment to, or go into their account to manually search for tiny offenses they can ban them over because they recently criticized jagex. http://imgur.com/a/PtCzI "People don't get falsely banned" - Disgraced jagex employee & criminal who committed fraud, got caught, then lied about it, Mod Infinity https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/2fni67/mod_infinity_runezone_forges_court_documents_to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBdDiivj91E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lag6gwcLq90 Possible Runescape DataBase Breach (Evidence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA9tFhVZuiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_nlUCH4QQ0 Former 5-year CEO of Jagex believes all games should have a 'bell curve' of player population and revenue, then die off, and he & the other executives should move on to the next game they can kill off. Literally parasitic behavior. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2fZgXff2zs Check the comments for more info. Everyone who plays OSRS knows that jagex's customer support is non-existent unless you're a big streamer. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/l27ijq/deceptive_wording_in_rebalance_blog_vs_actual Deceptive wording in Rebalance Blog vs. actual numbers. B**M*****Z** is an obsessed fanboy who vehemently defends jagex every single day of the week. If you've seen his posts in this thread, you've seen 'em all, so to speak. *Especially,* as someone commented: "I like how you were proven wrong in your original comments. Deleted them all to hide it then post this nice little essay to be proven wrong again." He childishly does that every time someone proves him wrong to control the narrative in favor of himself and jagex, while hiding behind, "but I sometimes give them constructive criticism!" as a flimsy shield for silencing people who speak out too much without warning. https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcg3w64k.png This is just one of many posts he deleted when called out on his lies and double standards. This seems to be an everyday occurrence for him. https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcrkbpyk.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcnwjo7w.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zca3gzyw.png https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmqkk9k https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmqhoo5/?context=8&depth=4 "thanks for the data. I knew they were lying out their ass when they said "over half" when it's much MUCH more" "Thanks i was going to make something like this.. The survey numbers were WITHOUT A DOUBT misused. F*ck jagex." "[Specific jmod name hidden] himself said they only did it to confirm what they were already thinking. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/l2rako/equipment_rebalancing_next_steps/gk78lb6/ And then when the results were different from what they wanted to hear, they simply ignored them." "Yall remember when jagex released eoc in 2012 they said 75% wanted it because only 25% voted it was terrible, like 25% said they didn't care, and 50% said it was bad but had potential lmao Then runescape lost over half its memberbase in 1 month? I remember." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDQRp1Jb7yY&t=7m27s The Truth Behind The Update That "Killed" RuneScape https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh04dt/remember_when_crumb_got_manual_bans_on_all_of_his/gmvdei3 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgbztv/dangers_of_running_clan_events_with_cash_prizes https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jzsv34/vorkath_only_account_progression_163k_kills_in_50 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jzsv34/vorkath_only_account_progression_163k_kills_in_50/gddsr59 This incident alone, and the comments under these 2 posts, sum up both jagex's incompetence and arrogance nicely. Context for people who haven't played OSRS and don't understand what's happening: dude posts a screenshot of how he's rank #30 in the entire world for most kills of a boss called Vorkath. Says he got 16,300 kills in merely 50 days. This makes it immediately obvious that his account is botting; real players can't play often enough to get that many kills. This contradicts jagex's claim that their bot detection system has no flaws. A jagex mod chimes in with a condescending post saying, 'Those kills mean nothing because you just ran a bot to do them for you, and then you sold the gold for RL money.' The community calls this sort of thing "jmod smackdowns." That's when OP replies with an equally condescending post saying, 'Actually, this isn't my account. It's one that I reported 2 months ago. A week later I'd gotten no response and the account was still unbanned, so I informed jmods over twitter. Here we are 2 months & 0 responses later and this account, like hundreds of thousands of others, is still blatantly botting, yet not getting banned even when players report them. But apparently all I had to do was make a trending post on reddit in order for a jmod to finally respond. Just like the community always says: jagex ignores everyone outside of social media, and that includes customer support. Got anything to say about this?" https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lg8yen/how_jagex_deals_with_the_bot_problem/gmq72hl Some choice comments, only picking out some of the most highly upvoted ones to give a better idea of comments that the community agrees with enough to upvote: "🦀 $11 🦀" A reminder that this is the level of incompetence and arrogance players have to put up with from jagex while paying $11 monthly for grossly subpar service worth more like $1 a month at most, considering the total lack of account security, no customer support (just giving people the runaround with articles that have nothing to do with the issue you're having), etc. And while you can play around with free-to-play content without membership, it's so heavily botted and restricted that it's not sustainable for 99% of players. Imagine creating a WoW character, rotating your camera to look around you, and then being limited to playing only that content in only that area, constantly surrounded by bots and scammers. That's what it's like being a F2P player in OSRS. The jmod's quick response, "Touché - not all of tipoff can be actioned due to the amount of reports sent to it, however" Public admission that they get too many reports to possibly review and take action against, even when the same user gets reported multiple times, is obviously playing too much to be human, despite making record-breaking profits every year for the past decade or so they refuse to hire competent employees capable of programming bot-catching algorithms, etc. "So you won't do jack shit when someone reports through the proper channels for months, but you will act immediately if something is done that embarrasses you. Pathetic." "Yeah i guess only when people go through the wrong channels to report it, [then jagex] can take action 👍" "What's the point of having this tipoff inbox if it's not being worked to completion? Idk who the management in charge is but there's need to be accountability within your staff infrastructure." "When you can investigate things selectively based on what you see trending on social media within an hour of it being posted, but don’t address over a month of backlog in e-mailed tipoffs it really says something. This is absolutely embarrassing." "Imagine being the "Senior Anti-Cheating Specialist" at Jagex and not realizing wtf is going on here." "This only proves how incompetent jagex employees are." "Corrupt as well." "Surely the blatancy of tip offs has to play a part? Like how in the hell does this slip through the cracks twice, but receives a near instantaneous reply on Reddit from yourself?" "Weird how there’s actions and enough money in the budget for hiring someone to do a shitty LMS tournament and then muting the guy who called you out for that, but somehow there isn’t enough in budget to keep [even the most basic, bare-bones] game integrity alive?" "Hoping you report to the CIO so you can try and convince him/her that you need a project manager to help implement a better system ... as you're claiming here that it's unmanageable." "If you didn’t come in here trying to puff your chest out and act tough, you wouldn’t have gotten smacked down as hard as you did. How the f*ck do you guys let this happen in the first place? 34k Kc, number 30 on the rankings and you’re just now banning him? Come the f*ck on." "Imagine caring about social media policing more than your actual job. Get absolutely dumpstered my dude, you got played." "The Chinese overlords * love the amount of bots that buy bonds. Jagex doesn't care you RWT gp to buy bonds, nor do they take action against the REAL profitable bots. I bet the majority of thousands of bots being banned are f2p bc Jagex didnt get their cut. Bonds at their most expensive (relative to gp not USD) due to the sheer amount of inflation." * Jagex is currently majority owned by a Chinese ore-mining company; their shareholders get the final say in all decisions. Jagex ownership swaps hands between incompetent companies who don't give a damn about creating a good game, only leeching as much of a profit off of RS as possible, once every few years. "This is why I don't play OSRS anymore. Mods literally don't give a f*ck about the game." "I also sent in a report around the same time this guy did about users who gamble rs gold in G.E for real money donations on YouTube livestreams and yet they’re still live, mods probably make money from the bots and shady shit cause they just let it happen." "Surprised he didn't ban OP for speaking out with an 'automatic' account audit" "Please don't try to go full CIA JMOD again and look into my account and ban me because of the silly things I said months ago while trash talking a friend or crashers." "only time Jagex gives customer support even a fraction of a thought it's so they can play gotcha -- never to actually help anyone" "All jokes aside...... what are you doing to ensure this doesn’t happen again?" "probs keep his mouth shut" "The fact that you even took action [now] is gross. Apparently to get any customer support you just need 10k upvotes on reddit lmao" "FIX THE TOO MANY LOGIN ATTEMPTS Players shouldn't have to be locked out for [weeks, months, or years because of] your awfully designed system!!" ➡ Jagex frequently gives conflicting or outright false information about the most important aspects of the game. To name a few examples: 1: Constantly touting that players' votes in polls control the game, while they intentionally choose not to poll changes that the majority of the community doesn't want, and re-polling questions that failed which jagex wants to force into the game no matter how many polls it takes. 2: There's an area called the stronghold of security that teaches new players about account security. There's a question that asks how you should get in touch with jagex's customer support. Using the website is the correct answer to a newbie, and according to the game, but every veteran knows that the real answer is one that's flagged as "wrong": bring up the issue on social media. If the issue gains enough attention, it might get addressed. Otherwise there's an absolute 0% chance it will be addressed. Got falsely banned and you stream your gameplay 24/7 on twitch to show your innocence? You'd better get thousands of upvotes on reddit or be a youtuber with at least 50,000 subscribers or else your permaban is going to remain in place & jagex will send you a copied & pasted message stating that their system is flawless, despite its massive number of documented flaws, including well-documented false bans against innocent people, and jagex mods rushing to unban those people live on stream less than three minutes after their broken system gave them a false ban, further proving how imperfect it is. As if the fact that roughly half the players in the games are bots doesn't make that indisputable already. 3: Quoting another highly rated comment, "Kinda shitty how jagex has always pushed “we will only contact you through the runescape inbox! Be careful of email scams!!” Then switch to email. So many noobs are going to be phished" The stronghold of security also has a question about how jagex will contact you. The """correct""" in-game answer is to choose "Jagex will NEVER contact me outside of my account's message box!" The ACTUAL answer in reality is that they'll usually email you. They just can't be consistent to save their lives. 4: Hilariously, the above 2 points were written just days *before* this fresh drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtxwh/petition_to_gather_all_jagex_employees_in_one https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lginqs/change_the_answer_to_this_security_question_as_it https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lh0pc8/jagex_offices_the_last_two_weeks https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgf14a/so_cheating_is_fine_as_long_as_whoever_created ➡ Fanboys will not be honest with you about the game. Choice-supportive bias (E.G. playing up RS' strengths and shouting down anyone who criticizes the game) is extremely common and plays a large role in this. But as far as I can tell, the main reasons why they're so desperate for huge influxes of new players is that these veterans & addicts want a better ratio of real players to bots, less dead content [ghost town areas, like minigames that can't be played on most worlds due to a lack of players to join each team], more potential friends to play with, and want both versions of RS to succeed so their favorite version of RS won't be shut down or flooded with microtransactions (or even *more* MTX in the case of RS3). To that end, they will exaggerate the positives and downplay or even choose not to mention any of the negatives. Here's a relatively small compilation of why many positive reviews will not be honest with you, due to the points I just mentioned: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/iznp1z/osrs_players_plz_think_before_you_write_shit #osrs players plz think before you write shit reviews on #runescape steam or forums. >2,000 upvotes, ~95% upvoted. Many people agree: negative reviews should be suppressed, positive ones should be upvoted. That's the reddit hivemind for you. Highest voted comment: as if jagex hasn’t given rs3 players enough reasons to be pissed enough to leave bad reviews. I haven’t played the game since 2011 and no, I won’t be leaving any form of a review. you can only gaslight people for so long before they realize you’re full of shit and things aren’t going to change. Jagex should expect to see the consequences of their actions. Desite how strongly this player feels and how many people agree with him, he still refuses to leave a negative review. Even without this being the most highly upvoted comment by a mile, I could have told you that this is the prevailing sentiment in both RS communities, RS3 & OSRS alike. They dislike what each game has become, how they keep getting worse over time, and how jagex keeps getting caught in more lies and increasingly act against their players over time, and yet they're either addicted and can't stop playing, or they managed to quit playing, but they still keep checking up on it 10+ years after they quit in the hopes that things might get better one day. It's sad, but that's just how most of the community is, Very disappointed, but also addicted. The highest voted response to said comment, to further illustrate how the community feels: [OSRS] exists because they literally destroyed half of [RS3's] player base and needed to compromise to get us to return. They're brave to put [RS3 and OSRS] somewhere with public reviews because they're going to deservedly catch a metric **** ton of hate. ...Just not any hate from him, or the poster of the highest upvoted comment, or the >600 people who agree with him enough to upvote his comment, etc. The community vents about how they really feel elsewhere but they won't do it on steam reviews because that goes against their interests. They won't have more real players than bots, more potential friends to play with, etc. if they left an honest, negative review on the steam store page. So they either don't leave a review at all or leave a positive review even though they feel that jagex doesn't deserve it at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/l720qh/old_school_on_steam_coming_soon Highest voted comment's first sentence: It will hopefully introduce some new players through steam. Again, they really want more people to play with them, hence why they will play up the positives & neutral aspects of the game and downplay or outright lie about the negative aspects. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jb52gq/rs3_is_on_the_front_page_of_the_steam_store_this Highest voted comment: top 100 being played, wonder if it will rise. Wanting new, non-bot players to interact with is their biggest concern, and they won't hesitate to downplay negatives and exaggerate the positives to reel you into an addicting, but unsatisfying, experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lav8h1/is_steam_launch_a_sign_of_a_doomed_future_for_osrs Highest voted comment's first sentence: Maybe it will cause an influx of players? Upvoted comment on the same post: It's all about bringing in more people. More people means more money and more content for us. Deeply downvoted comment on the same post: You don't need to get so defensive, we already know that Jagex butchered the game once, and they might very well be on their way to doing it again. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/l3q4vg/osrs_on_steam Highest voted comment: If they can move everyone to it, bots are dead. Sadly we all use runelite and it seems like it would be a huge project to port the reflection/injection code from 2011 over. Hopefully, they move everyone over by putting all the approved features in; until then, enjoy your bots. ➡ PvP is utterly broken. PvP communities used to thrive in both OSRS and RS3, but every year jagex makes things worse, driving off existing PvPers and constantly raising the skill level required for new, prospective PvPers to stand even a tiny chance of winning against experienced ones. Just a few examples: https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcx2la4l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apczwd64l.png https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xczqkv7w.png https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ldhh7p/so_about_that_combat_triangle https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lgtn89/skull_trick_fix 🦀Jagex🦀is🦀powerless🦀to🦀implement🦀common🦀sense🦀ideas🦀 God forbid Jagex retain a huge percentage more PvP newcomers by giving them time to breathe & pick up their loot after a kill. Nah, that's just too game-breaking, can't be done. Gotta keep rewarding the players who wait for others to get a kill just to rush in, spec them to death with 0 effort, and steal all their loot + the gear of the low HP person they killed. The effort:reward ratio are completely ass-backwards and Jagex doesn't give a damn. Close to a decade they've known about this and chosen to perpetuate this issue, among many others.