> **Subscriber benefits:** > + Discord Role + displayed in Discord Server > + Sub Discord voice chat + general text chat > + No Ads > + Can post links without permits. > + Sub Games > + Community Movie Nights > + Vote on FFZ/BTTV emotes for both Discord & Twitch! > + Sub emotes! (Some of which are on stream!) > Thank you so much for donations as well! For your privacy I don't really intend on ever doing a "top dono", although I have considered a leaderboard-type thing, and if that's something that interests the community I'll consider it for the future. *(If you do donate, all donations will trigger an alert. Donations are **NOT** asked for, nor are they necessary for you to watch my stream or interact with me. **Please do not donate and refund**, and please **do not donate, sub or spend money in any way shape or form** at my stream **if you cannot afford to do so**. I promise your viewership means enough ♡* )