--[[ READ This was made with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 in mind, anything under or above is not supported. If you use something under/above the recommended 1920 x 1080 resolution, you CAN potentially see misaligned text and or vgui. Perfect Resolutions: 1920 x 1080 Good Resolutions: 1600 x 900 1366 x 768 Decent Resolutions: 1768 x 992 (?) 1360 x 768 (?) 1280 x 720 Unknown/Trash Resolutions: All 4k and 1440p-like resolutions 1176 x 664 1600 x 1200 1280 x 1024 1280 x 960 1152 x 864 1024 x 768 800 x 600 AND BELOW ============================================================================================================ made by vega ]] --CUSTOMIZATION AREA -- cheat menu title cheatmenutitle = "Shitcheat Remade" -- main colors being used maincolor = Color(210, 210, 210, 205) buttoncolor = Color(21, 21, 21, 120) --// button colors enabledcolor = Color(45,150,45,150) disabledcolor = Color(150, 45, 45, 150) reportbuttoncolor = Color(45,100,150,150) --[] button hover and pressed down colors hovercolor = Color(210, 210, 210, 5) downcolor = Color(10, 10, 10, 200) --{} button text enabletext = "enabled" disabletext = "disabled" --fonts surface.CreateFont("scfont", { --big text on main menu font = "PEPPERMINT", extended = false, weight = 900, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = true, additive = false, outline = false, size = 64 }); surface.CreateFont("scfontredux", { --big fuckoff text at the top of each menu font = "PEPPERMINT", extended = false, weight = 900, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = true, additive = false, outline = false, size = 34 }); surface.CreateFont("scfontreduxx", { --big fuckoff text at the top of each menu font = "PEPPERMINT", extended = false, weight = 900, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = true, additive = false, outline = false, size = 32 }); surface.CreateFont("pprototype", { --also gay egg text font="Century Gothic", extended = false, weight = 900, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = true, additive = false, outline = false, size = 60 }); surface.CreateFont("scfontesp1", { --esp text font="Tahoma", size=15, weight=700, antialias = true, }); surface.CreateFont("scfontesp2", { --also esp text font="Verdana", size=15, weight=0, antialias = true, }); surface.CreateFont("scfontesp3", { --item esp text font="Tahoma", size=13, weight=0, antialias = true, }); surface.CreateFont("warningtext", { --something for a panel size = 13, weight = 800, antialias = true, outline = false, font = "Verdana" }); surface.CreateFont("mainscfont1", { --all text basically. size = 13, weight = 0, antialias = true, shadow = true, font = "Tahoma" }); surface.CreateFont("mainscfont2", { --for the menu buttons. size = 13, weight = 0, antialias = true, shadow = true, font = "Verdana" }); surface.CreateFont("mainscfont3", { --for the menu buttons. size = 10, weight = 0, antialias = true, shadow = true, font = "Verdana" }); surface.CreateFont("mainscfont4", { --for the menu buttons. size = 64, weight = 0, antialias = true, shadow = true, font = "Verdana" }); surface.CreateFont("hugetext", { --used in the about section (the blue text) size = 18, weight = 0, antialias = true, shadow = true, font = "Verdana" }); surface.CreateFont("wmk", { --watermark text font="Tahoma", size=35, weight=550, antialias = true, }); surface.CreateFont("wmk2", { --watermark text font="Tahoma", size=14, weight=700, antialias = true, }); surface.CreateFont("panic", { --panicmode text font="PEPPERMINT", size=35, weight=500, antialias = true, }); --DO NOT TOUCH-- local vnum = "Remade - By Vega" -- menu title local vnum2 = "1.0" local releasedateu = "2018" local shitcheat = { Menu = { t = {}; b = {}; c = 0}; Alive = {};} --DO NOT TOUCH-- --POM (Print Once Message / startup text) local function DrawPOM() if(menu.frame) then menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end menu.c = 0 menu.frame = vgui.Create("DFrame"); menu.frame:SetPos(ScrW()/2-254, 1000); menu.frame:SetSize(500, 135); menu.frame:MoveTo( ScrW()/2-254, ScrH()/2-55, 2, 0, 0.2) menu.frame:SetFontInternal('mainscfont2') menu.frame:SetTitle(" ATTENTION"); menu.frame.Paint = function( self ) DrawSCBlurMenu( 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5 ) surface.SetDrawColor(21,21,21,250) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,menu.frame:GetWide(),menu.frame:GetTall()) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,menu.frame:GetWide(),menu.frame:GetTall()) end menu.frame:SetVisible(true); menu.frame:SetDraggable(true); menu.frame:SetSizable(false); menu.frame:ShowCloseButton(false); menu.frame:SetBackgroundBlur(true) menu.frame:MakePopup(); menu.close = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.frame) menu.close:SetFont('marlett') menu.close:SetText('r') menu.close:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) menu.close:SetSize(15, 15) menu.close:SetDrawBackground(false) menu.close:SetPos(menu.frame:GetWide() - 20, 5) menu.close.DoClick = function() menu.frame:MoveTo( ScrW()/2-254, -2000, 2, 0, 0.5) timer.Simple( 0.2, function() menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end) end menu.buttons = vgui.Create("DPanel",menu.frame) menu.buttons:SetPos(5, 25) menu.buttons:SetSize(500,500) menu.buttons:SetVisible(true) menu.buttons.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(163,163,163,255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,490,105) end local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", menu.frame) label:SetText("THIS MESSAGE WILL ONLY DISPLAY ONCE. ") label:SetPos(10,35) label:SizeToContents(false) label:SetFont("hugetext") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 51, 122, 204, 255 )) end local label2 = vgui.Create("DLabel", menu.frame) label2:SetText("Thank you for downloading Shitcheat! If you're having trouble using the cheat or any features,") label2:SetPos(10,55) label2:SizeToContents(false) label2:SetFont("mainscfont1") label2.Paint = function(self) label2:SetTextColor(Color( 220, 220, 220, 255 )) end local label3 = vgui.Create("DLabel", menu.frame) label3:SetText("please refer to the documentation provided here: https://pastebin.com/0UGZnZzW") label3:SetPos(10,75) label3:SizeToContents(false) label3:SetFont("mainscfont1") label3.Paint = function(self) label3:SetTextColor(Color( 220, 220, 220, 255 )) end file.Write("d_POM.txt", "This file stops the POM from showing, if you want it to show again, delete this or use the command 'drawpomsc'.") end if !file.Exists("d_pom.txt", "DATA") && !menu.frame then DrawPOM() end concommand.Add("drawpomsc", DrawPOM) --menu vars shitcheat.Normal = { aimbot = true; aimbot_fov = 5; aimbot_friendly_fire = true; triggerbot = false; vischeck = true; shootfriends = false; targetnoclippers = false; autoshoot = false; autosnap = false; snapline = false; radiusdraw = false; esp_player = true; esp_player_showdist = true; esp_player_name = true; esp_player_rank = true; esp_player_health = true; esp_player_armor = true; esp_player_glow = false; show_current_weapon = true; boxESP = false; twodbox = true; chams = false; espname = false; tracelines = false; healthbar = false; healthnumbers = false; esp_entity = true; esp_entity_dist = 16000; propchams = false; entitychams = false; esp_entityenabled = true; flashlight_spam = true; ttt_deathnotifs = false; bhop_bhop = true; bhop_autostrafe = false; blurbackgroundmenu = true; crosshair = true; velocity = true; ammocounter = true; lasereyes = true; autoacd = false; autoclick = false; scchatboxmessages = true; weapondamagedetector = false; antiaim = false; FOVslider = 100; FOVsliderenabled = true; panicdisplay = true; returnnil = false; gamemodesclabel = true; chatspam1 = false; chatspam2 = false; chatspam3 = false; chatspam4 = false; superspam = false; madspam = false; adminspam = false; autispam = false; adspam = false; obnoxiousspam = false; OOCspam = false; cl_noclip = false; freecamspeed = 35; sfd = false; fullbright = false; brightness = 0; contrast = 1; saturation = 1; worldspawnalpha = 1; pickupinradius = false; dupeinradius = false; EA_mirrorsedge = false; EA_watermark = true; audacity = false; soundeffects = true; } shitcheat.Settings = (file.Exists("d_settings.txt", "DATA") and util.JSONToTable(file.Read("d_settings.txt", "DATA"))) or shitcheat.Normal shitcheat.Entities = (file.Exists("d_entities.txt", "DATA") and util.JSONToTable(file.Read("d_entities.txt", "DATA"))) or {} shitcheat.Whitelist = (file.Exists("d_whitelist.txt", "DATA") and util.JSONToTable(file.Read("d_whitelist.txt", "DATA"))) or {} shitcheat.AimKey = (file.Exists("d_aimkey.txt", "DATA") and tonumber(file.Read("d_aimkey.txt", "DATA"))) or KEY_F --colors red = Color(255,0,0,255); black = Color(0,0,0,255); green = Color(0,255,0,255); white = Color(255,255,255,255); blue = Color(0,0,255,255); cyan = Color(0,255,255,255); pink = Color(255,0,255,255); grey = Color(100,100,100,255); gold = Color(255,128,0,155); yellow = Color(255,255,0,255); lightblue = Color(155,205,248, 255); lightgreen = Color(174,255,0, 255); iceblue = Color(116,187,251,255); orange = Color(255,165,0,255); brown = Color(112, 89, 50, 255); sammon = Color(244, 122, 66, 255); bluegreen = Color(65, 244, 154, 255); greeny = Color(142, 244, 65, 255); bluepurple = Color(76, 65, 244, 255); lighterpurple = Color(154, 65, 244, 255); realpink = Color(244, 65, 226, 255); goodpink = Color(244, 65, 100, 255); goodred = Color(244, 65, 65, 255); darkerbluegreen = Color(94, 150, 123, 255); darkerblue = Color(94, 134, 150, 255); skyblue = Color(8, 88, 147, 255); darkgreen = Color(18, 24, 13, 255); rust = Color(125, 30, 12, 255); ewyellow = Color(169, 162, 54, 255); miami = Color(255, 126, 104, 255); llightblue = Color(120, 238, 244, 255); bblue = Color(2, 98, 242, 255); ppurple = Color(86, 22, 242, 255); ppink = Color(222, 16, 237, 255); mint = Color(16, 237, 174, 255); hhotpink = Color(237, 16, 149, 255); lightgrey = Color(180, 180, 180, 255); sc = Color(43, 128, 226, 255); sc1 = Color(43,140,226, 255); sc2 = Color(51, 122, 204, 255); sc3 = Color(66, 134, 244, 255); sc4 = Color(51, 119, 172, 255); shitcheat.SCColorPhrases = { sc1; sc2; sc3; sc4; } shitcheat.ColorPhrases = { sc1; sc2; sc3; sc4; red; green; cyan; pink; grey; --[[gold;]] --[[yellow;]] lightblue; lightgreen; iceblue; --[[orange;]] --[[brown;]] sammon; bluegreen; greeny; bluepurple; lighterpurple; realpink; goodpink; goodred; darkerbluegreen; darkerblue; skyblue; --[[rust;]] --[[ewyellow;]] miami; llightblue; bblue; ppurple; ppink; hhotpink; lightgrey; mint; } --print shit shitcheat.Keys = { "KEY_0", "KEY_1", "KEY_2", "KEY_3", "KEY_4", "KEY_5", "KEY_6", "KEY_7", "KEY_8", "KEY_9", "KEY_A", "KEY_B", "KEY_C", "KEY_D", "KEY_E", "KEY_F", "KEY_G", "KEY_H", "KEY_I", "KEY_J", "KEY_K", "KEY_L", "KEY_M", "KEY_N", "KEY_O", "KEY_P", "KEY_Q", "KEY_R", "KEY_S", "KEY_T", "KEY_U", "KEY_V", "KEY_W", "KEY_X", "KEY_Y", "KEY_Z", "KEY_PAD_0", "KEY_PAD_1", "KEY_PAD_2", "KEY_PAD_3", "KEY_PAD_4", "KEY_PAD_5", "KEY_PAD_6", "KEY_PAD_7", "KEY_PAD_8", "KEY_PAD_9", "KEY_PAD_DIVIDE", "KEY_PAD_MULTIPLY", "KEY_PAD_MINUS", "KEY_PAD_PLUS", "KEY_PAD_ENTER", "KEY_PAD_DECIMAL", "KEY_LBRACKET", "KEY_RBRACKET", "KEY_SEMICOLON", "KEY_APOSTROPHE", "KEY_BACKQUOTE", "KEY_COMMA", "KEY_PERIOD", "KEY_SLASH", "KEY_BACKSLASH", "KEY_MINUS", "KEY_EQUAL", "KEY_ENTER", "KEY_SPACE", "KEY_BACKSPACE", "KEY_TAB", "KEY_CAPSLOCK", "KEY_NUMLOCK", "KEY_ESCAPE", "KEY_SCROLLLOCK", "KEY_INSERT", "KEY_DELETE", "KEY_HOME", "KEY_END", "KEY_PAGEUP", "KEY_PAGEDOWN", "KEY_BREAK", "KEY_LSHIFT", "KEY_RSHIFT", "KEY_LALT", "KEY_RALT", "KEY_LCONTROL", "KEY_RCONTROL", "KEY_LWIN", "KEY_RWIN", "KEY_APP", "KEY_UP", "KEY_LEFT", "KEY_DOWN", "KEY_RIGHT", "KEY_F1", "KEY_F2", "KEY_F3", "KEY_F4", "KEY_F5", "KEY_F6", "KEY_F7", "KEY_F8", "KEY_F9", "KEY_F10", "KEY_F11", "KEY_F12", "KEY_CAPSLOCKTOGGLE", "KEY_NUMLOCKTOGGLE", "KEY_SCROLLLOCKTOGGLE" }; --checks if the whoever the script calls on is you or not, and if they're targetable local function SafeCheck(v) if v ~=LocalPlayer() and v:IsValid() and v:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then return true else return false end end for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Normal) do if shitcheat.Settings[k] == nil then shitcheat.Settings = shitcheat.Normal --resets all the settings in case something ***** up or a setting is invalid (this means don't ******* modify the settings file) end end --updates the keys and shit, not the client. function shitcheat.Update(x,y,z, ok) if x == "setting" then shitcheat.Settings[y] = z if ok == true then file.Write("d_settings.txt", util.TableToJSON(shitcheat.Settings)) end elseif x == "entity" then file.Write("d_entities.txt", util.TableToJSON(shitcheat.Entities)) elseif x == "friend" then file.Write("d_whitelist.txt", util.TableToJSON(shitcheat.Whitelist)) end end --basically just safecheck but only for the player and dead people function shitcheat.ESPCheck(typ, v) if typ == "player" then if v ~= LocalPlayer() /*&& /*LocalPlayer():Alive() &&*/ /*LocalPlayer():Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR*/ then return true end elseif typ == "entity" then if IsValid(v) then return true end end return false end --checks where people are looking function shitcheat.GetShootPos(ent) local eyes = ent:LookupAttachment("eyes"); if(eyes ~= 0) then eyes = ent:GetAttachment(eyes); if(eyes and eyes.Pos) then return eyes.Pos, eyes.Ang; end end end --ingame friends list shit shitcheat.Friends = shitcheat.Friends or {} shitcheat.Friends2 = shitcheat.Friends2 or {} function shitcheat.AddFriend( ply ) if !ply:IsValid() then return end if table.HasValue( shitcheat.Friends, ply ) then return end table.insert( shitcheat.Friends, ply ) notification.AddLegacy("Added "..ply:Nick().." to your friends list", NOTIFY_HINT, 5) print ( "[Shitcheat] Added "..ply:Nick().." to your friends list") end function shitcheat.DelFriend( ply ) if !ply:IsValid() then return end if !table.HasValue( shitcheat.Friends, ply ) then return end table.RemoveByValue( shitcheat.Friends, v ) notification.AddLegacy("Removed "..v:Nick().." from your friends list", NOTIFY_HINT, 5) print ( "[Shitcheat] Removed "..v:Nick().." from your friends list") shitcheat.Update("friend") end function shitcheat.IsFriend( ply ) if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return false end return table.HasValue( shitcheat.Friends, ply ) end function shitcheat.Whitelisted(ent) if shitcheat.IsFriend or table.HasValue( shitcheat.Friends, ply ) then return true else return false end end --vischeck, used for the aimbot function shitcheat.Visible(ent) local pos = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() local ang = LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() local trace = {start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(), endpos = shitcheat.GetShootPos(ent), filter = {LocalPlayer(), ent}, mask = 1174421507}; local tr = util.TraceLine(trace); return(tr.Fraction == 1); end --makes it so you don't shoot friends and noclippers and shit function shitcheat.NewAimbotVars(v) if !shitcheat.Settings["shootfriends"] and shitcheat.IsFriend(v) then return false end if !shitcheat.Settings["targetnoclippers"] and v:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP or v:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_OBSERVER then return false end return true end --old aimbot check, will probably remove later function shitcheat.CanTarget(v) if v:IsPlayer() then if (shitcheat.Visible(v) and v:Alive() and (v:Health() > 0) and v:Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR and v:GetMoveType() ~= MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) then if (v ~= LocalPlayer() and LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR) then if not(shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_friendly_fire"]) then if (v:Team() ~= LocalPlayer():Team()) then return true end else return true end end end end return false end --used in the menu, lists all entities so you can add shit function shitcheat.Ents() local t = {} for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if IsValid(v) and not(table.HasValue(t, v:GetClass())) then table.insert(t, v:GetClass()) end end table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a < b end) return t end --long vars local menu = shitcheat.Menu local current = shitcheat.Current local alive = shitcheat.Alive local normal = shitcheat.Normal local settings = shitcheat.Settings local entities = shitcheat.Entities local whitelist = shitcheat.Whitelist local phrases = shitcheat.Phrases local espcheck = shitcheat.ESPCheck --adds the menu tabs local function AddTab(txt, tab, func) menu.c = menu.c + 1 local panel if tab and tab == true then panel = vgui.Create("DPanel", menu.frame); panel:SetPos(120,25); panel:SetSize(376,471); panel:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(true); if menu.Current == txt then panel:SetVisible(true) else panel:SetVisible(false) end panel.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, panel:GetWide() - 1, panel:GetTall() - 1) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(txt), "scfont", 5, 0, Color(210, 210, 210, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); end end local button = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.buttons); button:SetText(txt); button:SetSize(80, 20); button:SetPos(15, -15+(25*menu.c)); button:SetTextColor(color_white) button:SetFontInternal('mainscfont2') button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.SetTextColor(color_white) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if self:IsDown() then surface.SetDrawColor(downcolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if menu.Current == txt then surface.SetDrawColor(100,100,100,255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end button.DoClick = func or (tab and tab == true and function() for k,v in pairs(menu.t) do if v ~= panel then v:SetVisible(false) end end panel:SetVisible(true) menu.Current = txt surface.PlaySound("UI/buttonrollover.wav"); end) return panel, button; end --secondary shit only used for the about menu (because of the way the old one was set up) local function AddTab2(txt, tab, func) menu.c = menu.c + 1 local panel if tab and tab == true then panel = vgui.Create("DPanel", menu.frame); panel:SetPos(120,25); panel:SetSize(376,471); panel:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(true) if menu.Current == txt then panel:SetVisible(true) else panel:SetVisible(false) end panel.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, panel:GetWide() - 1, panel:GetTall() - 1) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(txt), "scfont", 5, 0, Color(210, 210, 210, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); end end local button = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.buttons); button:SetText(txt); button:SetSize(80, 20); button:SetPos(15, 216+(22.5*menu.c)); button:SetTextColor(color_white) button:SetFontInternal('mainscfont2') button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(40,40,160,150) surface.SetTextColor(color_white) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if self:IsDown() then surface.SetDrawColor(downcolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end button.DoClick = func or (tab and tab == true and function() for k,v in pairs(menu.t) do if v ~= panel then v:SetVisible(false) end end print "https://steamcommunity.com/id/vegaprofile/" print "http://pastebin.com/u/-Vega-" panel:SetVisible(true) menu.Current = txt surface.PlaySound("UI/buttonrollover.wav"); end) return panel, button; end --derma bullshit + menu local function AddFeature(id, parent, typ, name, setting, o1, o2) if not parent then return end if typ == "button" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true) else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true) surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetTextColor(color_white) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end return button,label elseif typ == "button2" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); playaids() surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetTextColor(color_white) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end return button,label elseif typ == "button3" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); devcomments() surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetTextColor(color_white) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end return button,label elseif typ == "slider" then local slider = vgui.Create("DNumSlider", parent) slider:SetPos(5, (45+(id*25))) slider:SetText(name) slider:SetMinMax(o1, o2) slider:SetWide(372.5) slider:SetDecimals( 0 ) slider:SetFGColor(255,255,255,255) slider:SetBGColor(255,255,255,255) slider:SetValue(shitcheat.Settings[setting]) slider.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox(4, 328, 10, 25, 14, Color(255,255,255, 2)) surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,0) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(328, 10, 22, 14) end slider.OnValueChanged = function(panel, value) local c = tonumber(value) shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, math.Round(c), true) end return slider; elseif typ == "slider2" then local slider = vgui.Create("DNumSlider", parent) slider:SetPos(5, (45+(id*25))) slider:SetText(name) slider:SetMinMax(o1, o2) slider:SetWide(372.5) slider:SetDecimals( 2 ) slider:SetFGColor(255,255,255,255) slider:SetBGColor(255,255,255,255) slider:SetValue(shitcheat.Settings[setting]) slider.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox(4, 328, 10, 25, 14, Color(255,255,255, 2)) surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,0) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(328, 10, 25, 14) end slider.OnValueChanged = function(panel, value) local c = tonumber(value) shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, math.Round(c, 2), true) end return slider; end if typ == "label" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) label:SetFont("warningtext") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 255, 255, 255, 200 )) end return label end if typ == "def" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(true) label:SetFont("mainscfont1") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 220, 220, 220, 255 )) end return def end if typ == "abt" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*12))) label:SizeToContents(false) label:SetFont("mainscfont1") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 220, 220, 220, 255 )) end return abt end if typ == "abt1" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*12))) label:SizeToContents(false) label:SetFont("hugetext") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 51, 122, 204, 255 )) end return abt1 end if typ == "abt0" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*12))) label:SizeToContents(false) label:SetFont("mainscfont1") label.Paint = function(self) label:SetTextColor(Color( 140, 140, 140, 255 )) end return abt0 end if not parent then return end if typ == "canser" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand "SH_toggle" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand "SH_toggle" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText("search") else button:SetText("search") end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText("search"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand "pickupinradius" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button3.wav"); else button:SetText("search"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand "pickupinradius" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button3.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc6" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.chams", "0") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.chams", "1") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc3" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.boxESP", "0") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.boxESP", "1") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc4" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.propchams", "0") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.propchams", "1") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc5" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.radiochams", "0") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.radiochams", "1") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc2" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText("dupe") else button:SetText("dupe") end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText("dupe"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand "dupeinradius" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button5.wav"); else button:SetText("dupe"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand "dupeinradius" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button5.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "landsersc7" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText("stop") else button:SetText("stop") end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText("stop"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand "stopsound"; RunConsoleCommand "stopsoundscape" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText("stop"); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand "stopsound"; RunConsoleCommand "stopsoundscape" surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button7.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "bielodesphgay" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText(enabletext) else button:SetText(disabletext) end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then button:SetText(disabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, false, true); RunConsoleCommand ("entitychams", "0") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); else button:SetText(enabletext); shitcheat.Update("setting", setting, true, true); RunConsoleCommand ("entitychams", "1") surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button1.wav"); end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then surface.SetDrawColor(enabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) else surface.SetDrawColor(disabledcolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) end end end if not parent then return end if typ == "reportbutton" then local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", parent) label:SetText(name) label:SetPos(5,(55+(id*25))) label:SizeToContents(false) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) if shitcheat.Settings[setting] == true then button:SetText("report") else button:SetText("report") end button:SetSize(80,20) if not id then button:SetPos(285,45) else button:SetPos(285,(55+(id*25))) end button.DoClick = function() if button:GetText() == enabletext then surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button2.wav"); gui.OpenURL( "https://steamcommunity.com/id/vegaprofile/" ) else surface.PlaySound("buttons/combine_button7.wav"); gui.OpenURL( "https://steamcommunity.com/id/vegaprofile/" ) end end button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(reportbuttoncolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end end end --buttons local function AddButton(parent, text, posx, posy, func) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent) button:SetText(text) button:SetFont('mainscfont2') button:SetSize(80,20) button:SetPos(posx,posy) button:SetTextColor(color_white) button.DoClick = func or function() end button.Paint = function(self) surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,self:GetSize()) if self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(hovercolor) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,self:GetSize()) end end return button end --menu draw local blur = Material( "pp/blurscreen" ) function DrawSCBlur(x, y, w, h, amount) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0+ScrW(), 0+ScrH(), true) surface.DrawTexturedRect(0 * -1, 0 * -1, ScrW(), ScrH()) render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, 0, false) end end function DrawSCBlurMenu(x, y, w, h, amount) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0+ScrW(), 0+ScrH(), true) surface.DrawTexturedRect(0 * -1, 0 * -1, ScrW(), ScrH()) render.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, 0, false) end end hook.Add("HUDPaint", "drawmenublur", function() if(menu.frame) and shitcheat.Settings["blurbackgroundmenu"] then DrawSCBlur( 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5 ) end end) local function DrawMenu() if(menu.frame) then menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end menu.c = 0 surface.PlaySound("UI/buttonclick.wav"); local titlephrases = shitcheat.Phrases3[math.random( #shitcheat.Phrases3 )] menu.frame = vgui.Create("DFrame"); menu.frame:SetPos(ScrW()/2-224, 1000); menu.frame:SetSize(500, 500); menu.frame:MoveTo( ScrW()/2-224, ScrH()/2-255, 2, 0, 0.2) menu.frame:SetFontInternal('mainscfont2') menu.frame:SetTitle("") menu.frame.Paint = function( self ) DrawSCBlurMenu( 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5 ) surface.SetDrawColor(21,21,21,250) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,menu.frame:GetWide(),menu.frame:GetTall()) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,menu.frame:GetWide(),menu.frame:GetTall()) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(cheatmenutitle.." - "..vnum2, "mainscfont2", 80, 13, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,0)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(titlephrases, "mainscfont3", 300, 13, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,0)) end menu.frame:SetVisible(true); menu.frame:SetDraggable(true); menu.frame:SetSizable(false); menu.frame:ShowCloseButton(false); menu.frame:SetBackgroundBlur(false) menu.frame:MakePopup(); menu.frame:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(false); menu.close = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.frame) menu.close:SetFont('marlett') menu.close:SetText('r') menu.close:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) menu.close:SetSize(15, 15) menu.close:SetDrawBackground(false) menu.close:SetPos(menu.frame:GetWide() - 20, 5) menu.close.DoClick = function() menu.frame:MoveTo( ScrW()/2-224, -2000, 2, 0, 0.5) timer.Simple( 0.1, function() menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end) end menu.hidden = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.frame) menu.hidden:SetFont('marlett') menu.hidden:SetText('s') menu.hidden:SetColor(color_white) menu.hidden:SetSize(15, 15) menu.hidden:SetDrawBackground(false) menu.hidden:SetPos(menu.frame:GetWide() - 40, 5) menu.hidden.DoClick = function() menu.t.a:SetVisible(false) menu.t.p:SetVisible(false) menu.t.e:SetVisible(false) menu.t.m:SetVisible(false) menu.t.z:SetVisible(false) menu.t.c:SetVisible(false) menu.t.f:SetVisible(false) menu.t.w:SetVisible(false) menu.t.s:SetVisible(false) menu.t.b:SetVisible(false) menu.t.def:SetVisible(true) konamimainmenu() end menu.buttons = vgui.Create("DPanel",menu.frame) menu.buttons:SetPos(5, 25) menu.buttons:SetSize(111,506) menu.buttons:SetVisible(true) menu.buttons.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,430,110,40) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,110,419) end menu.t.def = vgui.Create("DPanel", menu.frame); menu.t.def:SetPos(120,25); menu.t.def:SetSize(376,471); if menu.Current ~= nil then menu.t.def:SetVisible(false) end menu.t.def.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, menu.t.def:GetWide() - 1, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 1) local multivega = 50 local vegawidth = menu.t.def:GetWide() draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Vegaware LLC", "pprototype", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 190, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 442, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "A Hideo Kojima Production...", "mainscfont2", math.fmod(SysTime() * multivega,vegawidth), menu.t.def:GetTall() - 400,Color(210, 210, 210, 225),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,1,Color(21,21,21,255)); --[[draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "S", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 330, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "hitty", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 305, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 330, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "H", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 300, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "acking", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 295, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 300, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "I", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 270, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Software", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 280, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 270, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "T", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 240, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Made", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 305, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 240, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "C", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 210, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "By", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 320, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 210, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "H", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 180, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Vegaware", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 275, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 180, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "E", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 150, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "LLC", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 310, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 150, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "A", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 120, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "nd", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 320, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 120, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "T", "scfontredux", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 350, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 90, Color(210, 210, 210, 225), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) ); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Caliber (Kinda)", "scfontreduxx", menu.t.def:GetWide() - 243, menu.t.def:GetTall() - 90, Color(210, 210, 210, 85), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21,21,21,0) );]] -- https://i.imgur.com/fkrXvXZ.jpg end menu.t.a = AddTab("Aimbot", true) menu.t.p = AddTab("Player ESP", true) menu.t.e = AddTab("Entity ESP", true) menu.t.m = AddTab("Misc", true) menu.t.z = AddTab("Hud", true) menu.t.c = AddTab("Chat Spam", true) menu.t.f = AddTab("Freecam", true) menu.t.w = AddTab("Filters", true) menu.t.s = AddTab("Friends", true) menu.t.b = AddTab2("About", true) --Distance/Level, Menu, Type of function, Text, Setting/Function AddFeature(.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "aimbot") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Enabled [Hold F]") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "triggerbot") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Triggerbot [Middle Mouse]") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "aimbot_friendly_fire") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Target Teammates") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "vischeck") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Visibility Check") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "shootfriends") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Target Friends") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "targetnoclippers") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Target Noclippers") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.a, "slider", "", "aimbot_fov", 0, 180) AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Aimbot Radius") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "autosnap") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Automatic Aimbot") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "autoshoot") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Automatic Triggerbot") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.a, "button", "", "snapline") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Snapline") AddFeature(10.5, menu.t.a, "button", "","antiaim") AddFeature(10.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Silent Aim [activates anti-aim]") AddFeature(11.5, menu.t.a, "button", "","radiusdraw") AddFeature(11.5, menu.t.a, "def", "Aimbot radius visualizer") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Enabled") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_name") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Name") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_rank") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Rank") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_health") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Health") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_armor") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Armor") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "show_current_weapon") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Current Weapon") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_showdist") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Distance") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "esp_player_glow") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Draw Glow Halo") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.p, "button", "", "lasereyes") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.p, "def", "Laser Eyes") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.p, "landsersc3", "", "shitcheat.boxESP") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.p, "def", "3D Collision Boxes") AddFeature(10.5,menu.t.p, "button", "", "twodbox") AddFeature(10.5,menu.t.p, "def", "2D Collision Boxes") AddFeature(11.5,menu.t.p, "button", "", "chams") AddFeature(11.5,menu.t.p, "def", "Player Chams") AddFeature(12.5,menu.t.p, "button", "", "tracelines") AddFeature(12.5,menu.t.p, "def", "Global Tracers") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.e, "button", "", "esp_entityenabled") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.e, "def", "Enabled") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.e, "button", "", "esp_entity") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.e, "def", "Entity Finder") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.e, "landsersc4", "", "shitcheat.propchams") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.e, "def", "Physics Prop Chams") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.e, "bielodesphgay", "", "entitychams") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.e, "def", "Entity Chams") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.e, "button", "", "espname") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.e, "def", "Draw item names instead of classes [Clockwork only]") AddFeature(0.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "flashlight_spam") AddFeature(0.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Flashlight Spam [Hold Leftarrow]") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "bhop_bhop") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Bunny Hopping [Hold Space]") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "bhop_autostrafe") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Auto Strafe") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "autoacd") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Automatic ACD for HL2RP") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "returnnil") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Return missing texture screen when screencapped") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "blurbackgroundmenu") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Background blur in cheat menu") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.m, "button", "", "FOVsliderenabled") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.m, "def", "FOV Changer") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.m, "slider", "", "FOVslider", 0, 360) AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Player FOV") AddFeature(13.5, menu.t.m, "landsersc", "", "pickupinradius") AddFeature(13.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Pick up items in radius [Clockwork only]") AddFeature(14.5, menu.t.m, "landsersc2", "", "dupeinradius") AddFeature(14.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Duplicate items in radius [Clockwork only]") AddFeature(15.5, menu.t.m, "landsersc7", "", "stopsoundsc") AddFeature(15.5, menu.t.m, "def", "Stop all client-side sounds") AddFeature(0.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "crosshair") AddFeature(0.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Crosshair") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "velocity") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Velocity Meter") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "ammocounter") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Ammo Counter") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "healthnumbers") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Health and Armor") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "weapondamagedetector") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Weapon Damage") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "gamemodesclabel") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Gamemode and Anti-Cheat") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "panicdisplay") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Panic mode notice") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "scchatboxmessages") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Notifications written in the chatbox") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.z, "button", "", "ttt_deathnotifs") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.z, "def", "Notifications written in the hint system") AddFeature(10.5, menu.t.z, "label", "The hint system is no longer supported. ") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "chatspam1") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Random Messages") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "chatspam2") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.c, "def", "HL2RP VC Messages") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "chatspam3") AddFeature(2.5, menu.t.c, "def", "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "chatspam4") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Menu Display Messages") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "superspam") AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Procedurally Generated Spam") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "madspam") AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.c, "def", "FULL CAPS Procgen Spam") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "badminspam") AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Admin Insulter") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "autispam") AddFeature(7.5, menu.t.c, "def", "CS:GO Russian Gibberish") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "adspam") AddFeature(8.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Cheat Promotion Spam") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "obnoxiousspam") AddFeature(9.5, menu.t.c, "def", "Obnoxious Questions") AddFeature(10.5, menu.t.c, "button", "", "OOCspam") AddFeature(10.5, menu.t.c, "def", "OOC spam toggle") AddFeature(12.5, menu.t.c, "label", "This feature is no longer supported. ") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.f, "canser", "", "cl_noclip") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.f, "def", "Enabled") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.f, "slider", "", "freecamspeed", 0, 1000) AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.f, "def", "Freecam Speed") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.f, "label", "Entities may not appear when using freecam. ") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.w, "button", "", "fullbright") AddFeature(.5, menu.t.w, "def", "Fullbright") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.w, "button", "", "sfd") AddFeature(1.5, menu.t.w, "def", "Override Screenspace Effects") AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.w, "slider2", "Brightness", "brightness", 0, 1) AddFeature(4.5, menu.t.w, "slider2", "Contrast", "contrast", 0, 5) AddFeature(5.5, menu.t.w, "slider2", "Saturation", "saturation", 0, 5) AddFeature(6.5, menu.t.w, "slider2", "World Alpha", "worldspawnalpha", 0, 1) AddFeature(3.5, menu.t.s, "label", "Friends are wiped on cheat restart. ") AddFeature(0, menu.t.b, "abt", "Shitcheat version: " .. vnum2) AddFeature(1, menu.t.b, "abt", "Release Date: " .. releasedateu) AddFeature(3, menu.t.b, "abt", "Made by Vega.") AddFeature(5, menu.t.b, "abt1", "CONTACT (PRINTED TO CONSOLE) ") AddFeature(7, menu.t.b, "abt", "Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/vegaprofile/") AddFeature(8, menu.t.b, "abt", "Pastebin: pastebin.com/u/-Vega-") AddFeature(11, menu.t.b, "abt1", "CHANGELOG ") AddFeature(13, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(14, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(14, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(15, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(16, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(17, menu.t.b, "abt", "") AddFeature(15, menu.t.b, "reportbutton", "", "") AddFeature(15, menu.t.b, "def", "Report a bug/error.") -- entity list local elist local elist2 local elistc local elistc2 local function makeelist() elist = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.t.e) elist:SetPos(10,menu.t.e:GetTall()-53) elist:SetSize(130,20) for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Ents()) do if not(shitcheat.Entities[v]) then local i = elist:AddChoice(v) end end elist.OnSelect = function(index,value,data) print(data) elist2 = data end end local function makeelistc() elistc = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.t.e) elistc:SetPos(235, menu.t.e:GetTall()-53) elistc:SetSize(130,20) for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Entities) do local i = elistc:AddChoice(v) end elistc.OnSelect = function(index,value,data) elistc2 = data end end makeelist() makeelistc() AddButton(menu.t.e, "Add", 35, menu.t.e:GetTall()-31, function() if(elist2) then for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Ents()) do if (v == elist2) then print(v) table.insert(shitcheat.Entities, v) shitcheat.Update("entity") end end end makeelist() makeelistc() end) AddButton(menu.t.e, "Remove", 260, menu.t.e:GetTall()-31, function() if(elistc2) then for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Entities) do if (v == elistc2) then shitcheat.Entities[k] = nil; shitcheat.Update("entity") end end end makeelist() makeelistc() end) -- friends list local flist local flist2 local flistc local flistc2 local function makeflist() flist = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.t.s) flist:SetPos(10,menu.t.s:GetTall()-400) flist:SetSize(130,20) for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v ~= LocalPlayer() then if not(table.HasValue(shitcheat.Friends, v)) then local i = flist:AddChoice(v:Nick()) end end end flist.OnSelect = function(index,value,data) print(data) flist2 = data end end local function makeflistc() flistc = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.t.s) flistc:SetPos(235, menu.t.s:GetTall()-400) flistc:SetSize(130,20) for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Friends) do if v ~= LocalPlayer() then local i = flistc:AddChoice(v:Nick()) end end flistc.OnSelect = function(index,value,data) flistc2 = data end end makeflist() makeflistc() AddButton(menu.t.s, "Add", 35, menu.t.s:GetTall()-370, function() if(flist2) then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (v:Nick() == flist2) then table.insert( shitcheat.Friends, v ) if shitcheat.Settings["ttt_deathnotifs"] then notification.AddLegacy("Added "..v:Nick().." to your friends list.", NOTIFY_HINT, 5) end if shitcheat.Settings["scchatboxmessages"] then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", Color(100, 255, 100, 255 ), v:Nick(), table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases), " has been added to your friends list.") end shitcheat.Update("friend") end end end makeflist() makeflistc() end) AddButton(menu.t.s, "Remove", 260, menu.t.s:GetTall()-370, function() if(flistc2) then for k,v in pairs(shitcheat.Friends) do if v:Nick() == flistc2 then table.RemoveByValue( shitcheat.Friends, v ) if shitcheat.Settings["ttt_deathnotifs"] then notification.AddLegacy("Removed "..v:Nick().." from your friends list.", NOTIFY_HINT, 5) end if shitcheat.Settings["scchatboxmessages"] then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", Color(100, 255, 100, 255 ), v:Nick(), table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases), " has been removed from your friends list.") end shitcheat.Update("friend") end end end makeflist() makeflistc() end) end --shitty anti capture method _G.render.Capture = function( data, func ) if ( data.format == "jpeg" ) then if shitcheat.Settings["soundeffects"] then panicmodesound(); RunConsoleCommand("panicmode", "1"); else surface.PlaySound("vo/NovaProspekt/eli_foundme02.wav");end print ("[Shitcheat] Someone tried to screencap you using serverguard! All visible elements have been disabled.") print ("[Shitcheat] To re-enable them, type 'panicmode 0' into the console.") if shitcheat.Settings["returnnil"] then return "get ******" else end elseif ( data.format == "png" ) then if shitcheat.Settings["soundeffects"] then panicmodesound(); RunConsoleCommand("panicmode", "1"); else surface.PlaySound("vo/NovaProspekt/eli_foundme02.wav");end print ("[Shitcheat] Someone tried to screencap you using serverguard! All visible elements have been disabled.") print ("[Shitcheat] To re-enable them, type 'panicmode 0' into the console.") if shitcheat.Settings["returnnil"] then return "get ******" else end else RunConsoleCommand("panicmode", "1"); if shitcheat.Settings["soundeffects"] then panicmodesound(); else surface.PlaySound("vo/NovaProspekt/eli_foundme02.wav"); end print ("[Shitcheat] Someone tried to screencap you using serverguard! All visible elements have been disabled.") print ("[Shitcheat] To re-enable them, type 'panicmode 0' into the console.") if shitcheat.Settings["returnnil"] then return "get ******" else end end end --clientside noclip / freecam local SH = {} SH.Enabled = false SH.ViewOrigin = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) SH.ViewAngle = Angle( 0, 0, 0 ) SH.Velocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) function SH.CalcView( ply, origin, angles, fov ) if ( !SH.Enabled ) then return end if ( SH.SetView ) then SH.ViewOrigin = origin SH.ViewAngle = angles SH.fov = shitcheat.Settings["FOVslider"] SH.SetView = false end return { origin = SH.ViewOrigin, angles = SH.ViewAngle, fov = SH.fov } end hook.Add( "CalcView", "shitcheatcalc", SH.CalcView ) function SH.CreateMove( cmd, ply, origin, angles, fov ) if ( !SH.Enabled ) then return end local time = FrameTime() SH.ViewOrigin = SH.ViewOrigin + ( SH.Velocity * time) SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity * 0.95 local sensitivity = 0.022 SH.ViewAngle.p = math.Clamp( SH.ViewAngle.p + ( cmd:GetMouseY() * sensitivity ), -89, 89 ) SH.ViewAngle.y = SH.ViewAngle.y + ( cmd:GetMouseX() * -1 * sensitivity ) local nig = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) local add = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) local ang = SH.ViewAngle if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) ) then add = add + ang:Forward() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_BACK ) ) then add = add - ang:Forward() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVERIGHT ) ) then add = add + ang:Right() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVELEFT ) ) then add = add - ang:Right() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) ) then add = add + ang:Up() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) ) then add = add - ang:Up() end add = add:GetNormal() * shitcheat.Settings["freecamspeed"] if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then add = add * 2 end SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity + add if ( SH.LockView == true ) then SH.LockView = cmd:GetViewAngles() end if ( SH.LockView ) then cmd:SetViewAngles( SH.LockView ) end cmd:SetForwardMove( 0 ) cmd:SetSideMove( 0 ) cmd:SetUpMove( 0 ) end hook.Add( "CreateMove", "shitcheatwalk", SH.CreateMove ) function SH.Toggle() SH.Enabled = !SH.Enabled SH.LockView = SH.Enabled SH.SetView = true local status = { [ true ] = "enabled", [ false ] = "disabled" } end concommand.Add( "SH_toggle", SH.Toggle ) concommand.Add( "SH_pos", function() print( SH.ViewOrigin ) end ) --best esp hook.Add("HUDPaint", "ItemPos", function() --seperate hook so the other one disables when this one turns on if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_entityenabled"] and shitcheat.Settings["espname"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k, v in pairs (ents.GetAll()) do if (v:GetClass() == "cw_item") then if (v:IsValid()) then local cwEntity = Clockwork.entity; local ESP2 = ( v:GetPos() ):ToScreen(); local itemTable = cwEntity:FetchItemTable(v); if (itemTable) then local itemName = itemTable("name"); local color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255); draw.SimpleTextOutlined( itemName, "scfontesp1", ESP2.x, ESP2.y -0, Color(255,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) ); end end end end end end ) ---- anti cheat labels and shit hook.Add("HUDPaint", "gamemodescHUD", function() local outcol = Color(0,0,0,255) if shitcheat.Settings["gamemodesclabel"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("GAMEMODE: "..GAMEMODE_NAME, "scfontesp2", 76, 121, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("GAMEMODE: "..GAMEMODE_NAME, "scfontesp2", 75, 120, Color(255, 0, 0, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) if _G.CAC then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("CAC Detected.", "scfontesp2", 76, 151, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("CAC Detected.", "scfontesp2", 75, 150, Color(255, 70, 70, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) end if g_serverGuard then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("SG Detected.", "scfontesp2", 76, 171, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("SG Detected.", "scfontesp2", 75, 170, Color(70, 70, 255, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) end if Simplac then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("SAC Detected.", "scfontesp2", 76, 191, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("SAC Detected.", "scfontesp2", 75, 190, Color(70, 255, 70, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) end if (!g_serverGuard and !Simplac and !_G.CAC) then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("No Anti-Cheat found.", "scfontesp2", 76, 141, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("No Anti-Cheat found.", "scfontesp2", 75, 140, Color(255, 255, 255, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) end end end) if shitcheat.Settings["scchatboxmessages"] then if _G.CAC then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", white, "Warning, ", Color(255, 70, 70, 200), "Cake Anti-Cheat ", white, "is an anti-cheat, you need a decent bypasser.") end if g_serverGuard then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", white, "Warning, ", Color(70, 70, 255, 200), "ServerGuard ", white, "is an admin toolset, it can screen *** you.") end if Simplac then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", white, "Warning, ", Color(70, 255, 70, 200), "Simple Anti-Cheat ", white, "is actually good. Can't detect client side features like ESP.") end end ---- basic hud garbage hook.Add("HUDPaint", "catHUD", function() if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 or (shitcheat.Settings["esp_entityenabled"] and shitcheat.Settings["esp_entity"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] && v:IsPlayer() and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and v:Alive()) then if (v:GetActiveWeapon() == NULL) then return end if(espcheck("player", v) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 )then local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() local name,health,rank,col,distance = "","","","","" local outcol = Color(0,0,0,255) local white = Color(255,255,255,255) local outcol2 = outcol local currweapon = v:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_name"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then if v.GetRPName then name = v:GetRPName() else name = v:Nick() end elseif !shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_name"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then name = " " end if v:Nick() ~= name and shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_name"] then rank = " "..v:Nick() end if v.SteamName and name ~= v:SteamName() and shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_name"] then rank = " "..v:SteamName() end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_rank"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then if v:IsSuperAdmin() then rank = "[Super Admin]"..rank elseif v:IsAdmin() then rank = "[Admin]"..rank elseif v:IsUserGroup("moderator") or v:IsUserGroup("mod") then rank = "[Moderator]"..rank elseif v:IsUserGroup("operator") or v:IsUserGroup("op") then rank = "[Operator]"..rank elseif v:IsUserGroup("vip") or v:IsUserGroup("donator") or v:IsUserGroup("vip+") then rank = "[Donator]"..rank elseif v:IsUserGroup("user") then rank = "[User]"..rank end end --[[ old width one // draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 25.5, ESP.y -27, 30, v:Health()/8.5, Color(255, 0, 0, 255)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 37.5, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(235, 30, 30, 200)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x + 8, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(51, 122, 204, 200)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 55, ESP.y -27, v:Health() + v:Armor()/5, 13, Color(78, 61, 159, 200)) --]] if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_health"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and not(shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_armor"]) then health = v:Health().."H" --draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 14, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(235, 30, 30, 200)) elseif shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_armor"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and not(shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_health"]) then health = v:Armor().."A" --draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 14, ESP.y -27, v:Armor()/3, 13, Color(51, 122, 204, 200)) elseif shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_armor"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_health"] then health = v:Health().."H".." - "..v:Armor().."A" --[[ if v:Armor() == 0 then draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 30.5, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(235, 30, 30, 200)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x + 8, ESP.y -27, v:Armor()/3, 13, Color(51, 122, 204, 200)) end if v:Armor() > 0 and v:Armor() < 100 then draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 33.5, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(235, 30, 30, 200)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x + 8, ESP.y -27, v:Armor()/3, 13, Color(51, 122, 204, 200)) end if v:Armor() == 100 then draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x - 37.5, ESP.y -27, v:Health()/3, 13, Color(235, 30, 30, 200)) draw.RoundedBox(4, ESP.x + 8, ESP.y -27, v:Armor()/3, 13, Color(51, 122, 204, 200)) end]] end if (shitcheat.Settings["show_current_weapon"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then draw.SimpleTextOutlined(currweapon, "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 50, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(currweapon, "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 51, Color(255, 0, 0, 200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_showdist"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then distance = v:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) distance = math.Round(distance).." HU" end col = team.GetColor(v:Team()) if(col.r <= 50 and col.g <= 50 and col.b <= 50) then outcol2 = Color(200,200,200,255) end if col.a <= 50 then col = Color(col.r,col.g,col.b, 255) end if v:Health() < 1 and v:Health() ~= nil then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[DEAD]", "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 82, Color(255,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end if v:Health() == nil or (v:Nick() == nil) then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[CONNECTING]", "scfontesp1", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 81, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[CONNECTING]", "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 82, Color(255,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_name"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then --**** trying to fit all of this shit above one player lmfao. if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) then draw.SimpleTextOutlined(name.." / "..rank, "scfontesp1", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 33.5, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(name.." / "..rank, "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 34.5, col, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol2) else draw.SimpleTextOutlined(name.." "..rank, "scfontesp1", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 33.5, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(name.." "..rank, "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 34.5, col, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol2) end end if health ~= "" then draw.SimpleTextOutlined(health, "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 21, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(health, "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 22, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(distance, "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 9, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(distance, "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 10, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) else draw.SimpleTextOutlined(distance, "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 22, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, outcol) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(distance, "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 21, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,0)) end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player_glow"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then halo.Add({v}, col, 1, 1, 1, true, true) end end end if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_entityenabled"] and shitcheat.Settings["esp_entity"] and !shitcheat.Settings["espname"] and espcheck("entity", v) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0)then if table.HasValue(shitcheat.Entities, v:GetClass()) then local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() draw.SimpleTextOutlined(v:GetClass(), "scfontesp3", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y + 1, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(v:GetClass(), "scfontesp3", ESP.x, ESP.y - 0, Color(255,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end if shitcheat.Settings["EA_watermark"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Shitcheat", "mainscfont2", ScrW()/150, ScrH()/60, white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, hovercolor) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("loaded.", "mainscfont2", ScrW()/23, ScrH()/60, table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, hovercolor) draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Version ".. vnum2, "mainscfont2", ScrW()/1.05, ScrH()/60, red, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, hovercolor) end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if table.HasValue( shitcheat.Friends, v ) then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 99, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "FRIEND", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 90, Color(23,170,9,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198146840693" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(1, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "SC DEV", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(51, 122, 204, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end --lol what happened to everyone here if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198068066014" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198066572697" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "KNOWN MINGE", "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(90, 33, 160, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198042150021" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198070132294" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198080969972") then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "MONG", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(149, 89, 204, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198098287399" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198180168115" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198057680952" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "CHILD ERPER", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(167, 0, 173, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198054342556") then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(1, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(255, 255, 255, 210)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "SC DARK DEV", "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y - 69, Color(0, 0, 0, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,0)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "SC DARK DEV", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198018844295" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 75, ESP.y - 79, 150, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "DISCORD NITRO HATER", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(50, 50, 175, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0, 0, 0, 255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198084376974" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198448728143" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198370895099" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198257814787" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198103725860" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198119006847" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198127506727" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198175831045" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198271359743" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198004735839" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198136718212" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198064856546" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198054606803" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198240529674" or v:SteamID64() == " 76561198272616051" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198097787177" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198165380476" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 50, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "ERPER", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(167, 0, 173, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561197979799402" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198223939436" or v:SteamID64() == "76561197989098097" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198021293112" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198056053449" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198019226381" or v:SteamID64() == "76561197970795718" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198059939304" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198089359917" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198142088965" ) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 74, ESP.y - 79, 150, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "FAKE MINGE / TRAITOR", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(186, 39, 39, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198121756693" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198267636721" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198050520278" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198066387921" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198119706541" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198046131464") then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 49, ESP.y - 79, 100, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "SERIAL AUTIST", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(191, 130, 51, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end --[[ if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198190952726" or v:SteamID64() == "76561198040553376") then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.RoundedBox(2, ESP.x - 74, ESP.y - 79, 150, 20, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "BIGPACKETS RETARD", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(191, 170, 51, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end]] --[[ if shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if (v:SteamID64() == "76561198040553376") then if SafeCheck(v) == true then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[0XYMORON (BIG ****)]", "scfontesp1", ESP.x, ESP.y - 70, Color(191, 170, 51, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255)) end end end end]] for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then if( v == LocalPlayer() ) then continue; end local ESP = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() local hpos = v:GetPos(); local dist = hpos:Distance( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ); local m = dist / 39.36; --github.com/CloudSixteen/Clockwork if( dist <= math.min( Clockwork.config:Get( "talk_radius" ):Get() / 3, 80 ) ) and( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Whisper Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y + 3, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Whisper Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y + 2, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) ); elseif( dist <= Clockwork.config:Get( "talk_radius" ):Get() ) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Talk Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y + 3, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Talk Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y + 2, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) ); elseif( dist <= Clockwork.config:Get( "talk_radius" ):Get() * 2 ) and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Yell Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y + 3, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Yell Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y + 2, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) ); else draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Out of text Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x + 1, ESP.y + 3, Color(0,0,0,0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,150)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Out of text Range", "scfontesp2", ESP.x, ESP.y + 2, white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) ); end end end end) --aimbot radius visualizer hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "radiusshit", function() if shitcheat.Settings["radiusdraw"] then local center = Vector( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, 0 ) local scale = Vector( ((shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_fov"])*11.8), ((shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_fov"])*11.8), 0 ) local segmentdist = 360 / ( 2 * math.pi * math.max( scale.x, scale.y ) / 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 185 ) for a = 0, 360 - segmentdist, segmentdist do surface.DrawLine( center.x + math.cos( math.rad( a ) ) * scale.x, center.y - math.sin( math.rad( a ) ) * scale.y, center.x + math.cos( math.rad( a + segmentdist ) ) * scale.x, center.y - math.sin( math.rad( a + segmentdist ) ) * scale.y ) end end end ) --easter egg menu local function SecretMenu() if(dsmenu) then dsmenu:Remove(); dsmenu = nil; end menu.c = 0 dsmenu = vgui.Create("DFrame"); dsmenu:SetPos(ScrW()/6-194, ScrH()/3-010); dsmenu:SetSize(500, 255); dsmenu:SetFontInternal('mainscfont2') --dsmenu:SetTitle("Secret Menu // ".. (table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.Phrasesall)) )); dsmenu:SetTitle(""); dsmenu.Paint = function() DrawSCBlurMenu( 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5 ) surface.SetDrawColor(21,21,21,253) surface.DrawRect(0, 0,dsmenu:GetWide(),dsmenu:GetTall()) surface.SetDrawColor(210, 210, 210, 235) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,dsmenu:GetWide(),dsmenu:GetTall()) end menu.buttons = vgui.Create("DPanel",dsmenu) menu.buttons:SetPos(5, 25) menu.buttons:SetSize(500,500) menu.buttons:SetVisible(true) menu.buttons.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(buttoncolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0,0,490,225) end dsmenu:SetVisible(true); dsmenu:SetDraggable(true); dsmenu:SetSizable(false); dsmenu:ShowCloseButton(false); dsmenu:SetBackgroundBlur(false) dsmenu:MakePopup(); menu.close = vgui.Create("DButton", dsmenu) menu.close:SetFont('marlett') menu.close:SetText('r') menu.close:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) menu.close:SetSize(15, 15) menu.close:SetDrawBackground(false) menu.close:SetPos(dsmenu:GetWide() - 20, 5) menu.close.DoClick = function() dsmenu:Remove(); dsmenu = nil; end panel = vgui.Create("DPanel", dsmenu); panel:SetPos(120,25); panel:SetSize(576,506); if menu.Current == txt then panel:SetVisible(true) else panel:SetVisible(false) end panel.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor( 163, 163, 163, 255 ) --[[draw.SimpleText(" ****", "scfont", 2, 0, Color(210, 210, 210, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);]] end offsett = vgui.Create("DPanel", dsmenu); offsett:SetPos(60,25); offsett:SetSize(376,506); offsett.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor( 163, 163, 163, 0 ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, offsett:GetWide() - 1, offsett:GetTall() - 1) end AddFeature(1, offsett, "def", " A lot of the shit in here is broken and useless so be careful.") AddFeature(2, offsett, "button", "", "EA_mirrorsedge") AddFeature(2, offsett, "def", "Mirror's Edge mode (doesn't disable correctly)") AddFeature(3, offsett, "button", "", "EA_watermark") AddFeature(3, offsett, "def", "Watermark (might not fit correctly)") AddFeature(4, offsett, "button3", "", "audacity") AddFeature(4, offsett, "def", "Developer commentary") AddFeature(5, offsett, "button", "", "soundeffects") AddFeature(5, offsett, "def", "Cool sound effects") end --aimbot, triggerbot, flashlight spam, other shit concommand.Add("shitcheat_menu", DrawMenu) hook.Add("Think", "catBOT", function(ucmd, origin, angles, calcview, fov, p, o, a, f, aaaaa ) if(input.IsKeyDown(KEY_TAB) && input.IsKeyDown(KEY_Q) && !menu.frame)then DrawMenu() elseif(menu.frame && input.IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE))then menu.frame:Remove();menu.frame = nil end if(input.IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT) && menu.frame && !dsmenu)then SecretMenu() elseif(dsmenu && input.IsKeyDown(KEY_DELETE))then dsmenu:Remove();dsmenu = nil end if shitcheat.Settings["flashlight_spam"] and input.IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) then RunConsoleCommand("impulse", "100") end if(shitcheat.Settings["triggerbot"] && input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_MIDDLE)) or shitcheat.Settings["autoshoot"] then for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do local pos = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() local ang = LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() local tracedata = {} local td = {start = v:GetShootPos(), endpos = v:GetShootPos() + v:EyeAngles():Forward() * 65535, filter = v, mask = MASK_SHOT} local tr = util.TraceLine(td) tracedata.start = pos tracedata.endpos = pos+(ang*9999999999999) local trace = util.TraceLine(tracedata) if(trace.HitNonWorld) then if tr.Entity:IsPlayer() then RunConsoleCommand("+attack") timer.Simple( 0.01, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("-attack") end ) end end end end if(shitcheat.Settings["aimbot"] && /*input.IsKeyDown(shitcheat.AimKey)*/ input.IsKeyDown(KEY_F)) or shitcheat.Settings["autosnap"] then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings["vischeck"] then if shitcheat.CanTarget(v) then if shitcheat.NewAimbotVars(v) then local head = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1") if head ~= nil then local fov = shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_fov"] if fov == 0 then local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) headpos = headpos + Vector(2, 0, 2) LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles((headpos - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Angle()) else local lpang = LocalPlayer():GetAngles(); local ang = (v:GetPos() - LocalPlayer():GetPos()):Angle(); local ady = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.y - ang.y)) local adp = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.p - ang.p )) if not(ady > fov or adp > fov) then local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) if headpos != nil and targetheadang != nil then LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles((headpos - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Angle()) end end end end end end else if shitcheat.NewAimbotVars(v) then local head = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1") if head ~= nil then local fov = shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_fov"] if fov == 0 then local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles((headpos - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Angle()) else local lpang = LocalPlayer():GetAngles(); local ang = (v:GetPos() - LocalPlayer():GetPos()):Angle(); local ady = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.y - ang.y)) local adp = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.p - ang.p )) if not(ady > fov or adp > fov) then local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) if headpos != nil and targetheadang != nil then LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles((headpos - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Angle()) end end end end end end end end if shitcheat.Settings["ttt_deathnotifs"] then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:Alive() and not (shitcheat.Alive[v:UniqueID()] == true) then shitcheat.Alive[v:UniqueID()] = true elseif not v:Alive() and (shitcheat.Alive[v:UniqueID()] == true) then shitcheat.Alive[v:UniqueID()] = false notification.AddLegacy(v:Nick().. (" "..shitcheat.Phrases2[math.random(1, table.Count(shitcheat.Phrases2))]), NOTIFY_UNDO, 5) end end end end) --AUTOCLICK function autoclick( cmd ) local ply = LocalPlayer() if shitcheat.Settings["autoclick"] and ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK2) end if shitcheat.Settings["autoclick"] and ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK) end end hook.Add( "CreateMove", "autocuck", autoclick ) --fan favorite function scchatboxmessages( cmd ) for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings["scchatboxmessages"] and v:IsPlayer() and (GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then if v:Alive() then v.IsAlive = true elseif v.IsAlive then chat.AddText( sc2, "[Shitcheat] ", Color(100, 255, 100, 255 ), v:Nick(), table.Random(shitcheat.ColorPhrases), table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.PhrasesNew)).." ") v.IsAlive = false if shitcheat.Settings["soundeffects"] then surface.PlaySound(table.Random(shitcheat.DeathSounds)) end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint", "scchatboxmessages", scchatboxmessages ) --bhop and autostrafe hook.Add( "CreateMove", "shitcheatbhop", function( ucmd ) if shitcheat.Settings["bhop_bhop"] and !shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] and (GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then if ucmd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) then if LocalPlayer():WaterLevel() <= 1 && LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_LADDER && !LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() && LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then ucmd:RemoveKey( IN_JUMP ) end end end end ) hook.Add( "CreateMove", "shitcheatautostrafe", function( ucmd ) if shitcheat.Settings["bhop_autostrafe"] and !shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] and (GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then if LocalPlayer():WaterLevel() <= 1 && LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_LADDER && !LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() && LocalPlayer():GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then if(ucmd:GetMouseX() < 0) then ucmd:SetSideMove(-100000000); elseif(ucmd:GetMouseX() > 0) then ucmd:SetSideMove(100000000); end end end end ) --velocity meter surface.CreateFont("scprototype", { size = ScreenScale(14.5), weight = 4000, antialias = true, font = "Vermin Vibes V" }); surface.CreateFont("scprototype2", { size = ScreenScale(12), weight = 4000, antialias = true, font = "Vermin Vibes V" }); hook.Add("HUDPaint", "SCVelocityBar", function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings ["velocity"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then local showvel = math.floor(LocalPlayer():GetVelocity():Length()) local showvel2 = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetVelocity():Length(), 0, 1140) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.17, ScrW()/4.21, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.17, showvel2/3, ScrH()/22, Color(255, 255, 255, 5)) draw.DrawText("VELOCITY: "..showvel, "scprototype", ScrW()/2.45, ScrH()/1.17, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 150)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.17, ScrW()/4.21, ScrH()/22) end end end) --ammo counter lol hook.Add("HUDPaint", "SCAmmoCounter", function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings ["ammocounter"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then if (IsValid(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon())) then local showammo = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():Clip1(), 0, 999) local showammomax = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetPrimaryAmmoType()), 0, 999) local showsecammo = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetSecondaryAmmoType()), 0, 99) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/1.5, ScrH()/1.17, ScrW()/9, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.DrawText(showammo.."/"..showammomax, "scprototype", ScrW()/1.49, ScrH()/1.17, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) --draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/4.5, ScrH()/1.17, showammo - showammomax + 122, ScrH()/22, Color(255, 255, 255, 5)) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/1.5, ScrH()/1.17, ScrW()/9, ScrH()/22) if LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetSecondaryAmmoType()) > 0 then draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/1.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/26, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.DrawText(showsecammo, "scprototype", ScrW()/1.49, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/1.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/26, ScrH()/22) end end end end end) -- health bar and shit (add as easter egg?) --[[hook.Add("HUDPaint", "SCHealthBar", function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings ["healthbar"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then local showhealth = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():Health(), 0, 100) local showarmor = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():Armor(), 0, 100) local showvel2 = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():Health(), 0, 100) local showvel3 = math.floor(LocalPlayer():GetMaxHealth()) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/4.21, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/4.21, showvel2/2.5, Color(255, 255, 255, 5)) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/4.21, showarmor/2.5, Color(80, 80, 255, 40)) draw.DrawText("HEALTH: "..showhealth, "scprototype2", ScrW()/2.48, ScrH()/1.094, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) if LocalPlayer():Armor() > 1 then draw.DrawText("ARMOR: "..showarmor, "scprototype2", ScrW()/1.90, ScrH()/1.094, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 150)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/4.21, ScrH()/22) end end end)]] hook.Add("HUDPaint", "SCHealthNumbers", function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if shitcheat.Settings ["healthnumbers"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then local showhealth = math.floor(LocalPlayer():Health()) local showarmor = math.floor(LocalPlayer():Armor()) local showvel2 = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():Health(), 0, 999) local showvel3 = math.floor(LocalPlayer():GetMaxHealth()) draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) draw.DrawText(showhealth, "scprototype", ScrW()/2.48, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) --draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, showvel3 + showvel2, ScrH()/22, Color(255, 255, 255, 5)) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 60, 60, 150)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/2.5, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22) if LocalPlayer():Armor() > 0 then draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/2.2, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(60, 60, 255, 150)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/2.2, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22) draw.DrawText(showarmor, "scprototype", ScrW()/2.18, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end end end end) hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "weapondamagedetector", function ( ucmd ) local dontdetect = {"weapon_pistol", "weapon_ar2", "weapon_357", "weapon_crossbow", "weapon_shotgun", "weapon_smg1", "weapon_stunstick", "weapon_rpg", "weapon_bugbait", "weapon_crowbar", "weapon_frag", "gmod_tool", "gmod_camera", "weapon_physgun", "weapon_physcannon", "weapon_slam"} local dontdetecttools = {"weapon_bugbait", "weapon_crowbar", "gmod_tool", "gmod_camera", "weapon_physgun", "weapon_physcannon"} if (shitcheat.Settings ["weapondamagedetector"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and !table.HasValue(dontdetecttools, LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass())) then draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW()/1.7, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22, Color(21, 21, 21, 230)) surface.SetDrawColor(maincolor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(ScrW()/1.7, ScrH()/1.1, ScrW()/20.21, ScrH()/22) if !table.HasValue(dontdetect, LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()) then draw.DrawText(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Damage, "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_pistol") then draw.DrawText("5", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_357") then draw.DrawText("40", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_ar2") then draw.DrawText("8", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_smg1") then draw.DrawText("4", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_crossbow") then draw.DrawText("100", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_shotgun") then draw.DrawText("56", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_rpg") then draw.DrawText("150", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_frag") then draw.DrawText("130", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == ("weapon_slam") then draw.DrawText("140", "scprototype", ScrW()/1.69, ScrH()/1.1, Color(255, 255, 255, 185)) end end end) --crosshair hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "CrossHair", function ( ucmd ) if shitcheat.Settings["crosshair"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then local h = ScrH() / 2 local w = ScrW() / 2 local h1 = ScrH() / 2 local w1 = ScrW() / 2 surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( w + 1, h + 10, w + 1, h - 10 ) surface.DrawLine( w + 10, h + 1, w - 10, h + 1 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( w + 10, h, w - 10, h ) surface.DrawLine( w, h + 10, w, h - 10 ) end end) --tracelines hook.Add("HUDPaint", "tracelines", function() if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and shitcheat.Settings["tracelines"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k,v in pairs ( player.GetAll() ) do if SafeCheck(v) == true then local pos = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() local col = team.GetColor(v:Team()) surface.SetDrawColor (col); surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, pos.x, pos.y); end end end end) --screen filter disabler (RSSE) hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "filterdisabler", function() local tab = { ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_brightness"] = shitcheat.Settings["brightness"], ["$pp_colour_contrast"] = shitcheat.Settings["contrast"], ["$pp_colour_colour"] = shitcheat.Settings["saturation"], ["$pp_colour_mulr"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_mulg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_mulb"] = 0 } if shitcheat.Settings["sfd"] then DrawColorModify( tab ) end end) local LightingModeChanged = false hook.Add( "PreRender", "fullbright", function() if shitcheat.Settings["fullbright"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then render.SetLightingMode( 1 ) LightingModeChanged = true end end ) local function EndOfLightingMod() if shitcheat.Settings["fullbright"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then if LightingModeChanged then render.SetLightingMode( 0 ) LightingModeChanged = false end end end hook.Add( "PostRender", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod ) hook.Add( "PreDrawHUD", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod ) local mattable = {}; local allmats = (Entity( 0 ):GetMaterials()) hook.Add("RenderScene", "11", function() if(#mattable == 0) then for k,v in next, game.GetWorld():GetMaterials() do mattable[#mattable + 1] = Material(v); end end for k,v in next, mattable do v:SetFloat("$alpha", shitcheat.Settings["worldspawnalpha"]); if shitcheat.Settings["EA_mirrorsedge"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then v:SetTexture("$basetexture", "models/debug/debugwhite"); end end end); --snapline hook.Add("HUDPaint", "snapline", function() if shitcheat.Settings["snapline"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do if SafeCheck(v) == true and shitcheat.NewAimbotVars(v) and v:IsValid() and shitcheat.CanTarget(v) then local fov = shitcheat.Settings["aimbot_fov"] local head = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1") local lpang = LocalPlayer():GetAngles(); local ang = (v:GetPos() - LocalPlayer():GetPos()):Angle(); local ady = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.y - ang.y)) local adp = math.abs(math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.p - ang.p )) local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) local pos = (v:EyePos()):ToScreen() if not(ady > fov or adp > fov) then local headpos,targetheadang = v:GetBonePosition(head) if headpos != nil and targetheadang != nil then surface.SetDrawColor (255,255,255,255); surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, pos.x, pos.y); end end end end end end) --antiaim and FOV slider local type = type; local next = next; local function Copy(tt, lt) local copy = {} if lt then if type(tt) == "table" then for k,v in next, tt do copy[k] = Copy(k, v) end else copy = lt end return copy end if type(tt) != "table" then copy = tt else for k,v in next, tt do copy[k] = Copy(k, v) end end return copy end local options = { ["Ragebot"] = { { {"Aimbot", 20, 20, 350, 240, 120}, {"Enabled", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Silent", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Autofire", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Autosnap", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Auto Pistol", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Non-Sticky", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Bullettime", "Checkbox", false, 0}, }, { {"Target", 20, 280, 350, 180, 120}, {"Selection", "Selection", "Distance", {"Distance", "Health", "Nextshot"}, 150 }, {"Bodyaim", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Ignore Bots", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Ignore Team", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Ignore Friends", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Snapline", "Checkbox", false, 0}, }, { {"Accuracy", 380, 20, 350, 190, 120}, {"Anti Spread", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"Anti Recoil", "Checkbox", false, 0}, }, { {"Anti-Aim", 380, 230, 350, 230, 140}, {"Enabled", "Checkbox", false, 0}, {"X", "Selection", "Emotion", {"Up", "Down", "Jitter", "Emotion"}, 150}, {"Y", "Selection", "Emotion", {"Forward", "Backwards", "Jitter", "TJitter", "Sideways", "Emotion", "Static", "Towards Players"}, 150}, {"Max Y", "Slider", 50, 360, 150}, {"Min Y", "Slider", 0, 360, 150}, {"Emotion Randomcoin X", "Slider", 50, 100, 150}, {"Emotion Randomcoin Y", "Slider", 20, 100, 150}, }, }, }; local function updatevar( men, sub, lookup, new ) for aa,aaa in next, options[men] do for key, val in next, aaa do if(aaa[1][1] != sub) then continue; end if(val[1] == lookup) then val[3] = new; end end end end local function loadconfig() if(!file.Exists("autizam.txt", "DATA")) then return; end local tab = util.JSONToTable( file.Read("autizam.txt", "DATA") ); local cursub; for k,v in next, tab do if(!options[k]) then continue; end for men, subtab in next, v do for key, val in next, subtab do if(key == 1) then cursub = val[1]; continue; end updatevar(k, cursub, val[1], val[3]); end end end end local function jewlean(men, sub, lookup) if(!options[men]) then return; end for aa,aaa in next, options[men] do for key, val in next, aaa do if(aaa[1][1] != sub) then continue; end if(val[1] == lookup) then return val[3]; end end end end local function gayopt(men, sub, lookup) if(!options[men]) then return ""; end for aa,aaa in next, options[men] do for key, val in next, aaa do if(aaa[1][1] != sub) then continue; end if(val[1] == lookup) then return val[3]; end end end return ""; end local function gayint(men, sub, lookup) if(!options[men]) then return 0; end for aa,aaa in next, options[men] do for key, val in next, aaa do if(aaa[1][1] != sub) then continue; end if(val[1] == lookup) then return val[3]; end end end return 0; end local visible = {}; local notyetselected; loadconfig(); local FindMetaTable = FindMetaTable; local em = FindMetaTable"Entity"; local pm = FindMetaTable"Player"; local cm = FindMetaTable"CUserCmd"; local wm = FindMetaTable"Weapon"; local am = FindMetaTable"Angle"; local vm = FindMetaTable"Vector"; local Vector = Vector; local player = Copy(player); local Angle = Angle; local me = LocalPlayer(); local render = Copy(render); local cma = Copy(cam); local fa; local aa; local function FixMovement(ucmd, aaaaa, fov) --local move = Vector(cm.GetForwardMove(ucmd), cm.GetSideMove(ucmd), 0); --local move = am.Forward( vm.Angle(move) + ( cm.GetViewAngles(ucmd) - fa ) ) * vm.Length(move); local move = Vector(cm.GetForwardMove(ucmd), cm.GetSideMove(ucmd), cm.GetUpMove(ucmd)); local speed = math.sqrt(move.x * move.x + move.y * move.y); local ang = vm.Angle(move); local yaw = math.rad(cm.GetViewAngles(ucmd).y - fa.y + ang.y); cm.SetForwardMove(ucmd, (math.cos(yaw) * speed) * ( aaaaa && -1 || 1 )); cm.SetSideMove(ucmd, math.sin(yaw) * speed); --cm.SetForwardMove(ucmd, move.x); --cm.SetSideMove(ucmd, (aaaaa && move.y * -1 || move.y)); end local function Clamp(val, min, max) if(val < min) then return min; elseif(val > max) then return max; end return val; end local function NormalizeAngle(ang) ang.x = math.NormalizeAngle(ang.x); ang.p = math.Clamp(ang.p, -89, 89); end local table = Copy(table); local dists = {}; local function GetPos(v) local eyes = em.LookupAttachment(v, "eyes"); if(!eyes) then return( em.LocalToWorld(v, em.OBBCenter(v)) ); end local pos = em.GetAttachment(v, eyes); if(!pos) then return( em.LocalToWorld(v, em.OBBCenter(v)) ); end return(pos.Pos); end local aimignore; local cones = {}; local pcall = pcall; local require = require; local nullvec = Vector() * -1; local IsFirstTimePredicted = IsFirstTimePredicted; local CurTime = CurTime; local servertime=0; local bit = Copy(bit); hook.Add("Move", "", function() if(!IsFirstTimePredicted()) then return; end servertime = CurTime(); end); local function PredictPos(pos) local myvel = LocalPlayer():GetVelocity() local pos = pos - (myvel * engine.TickInterval()); return pos; end local ox=-181; local oy=0; local function RandCoin() local randcoin = math.random(0,1); if(randcoin == 1) then return 1; else return -1; end end local function GetX() local opt = gayopt("Ragebot", "Anti-Aim", "X"); if(opt == "Emotion") then local randcoin = gayint("Ragebot", "Anti-Aim", "Emotion Randomcoin X"); if( math.random(100) < randcoin ) then ox = RandCoin() * 181; end elseif( opt == "Up" ) then ox = -181; elseif( opt == "Down" ) then ox = 181; elseif(opt == "Jitter") then ox = ox * -1; end end local function GetClosest() local ddists = {}; local closest; for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do if(!Valid(v)) then continue; end ddists[#ddists + 1] = { vm.Distance( em.GetPos(v), em.GetPos(me) ), v }; end table.sort(ddists, function(a, b) return(a[1] < b[1]); end); closest = ddists[1] && ddists[1][2] || nil; if(!closest) then return fa.y; end local pos = em.GetPos(closest); local pos = vm.Angle(pos - em.EyePos(me)); return( pos.y ); end local function GetY() -- kept all the old shit in case somebody decides to figure a way to **** with the settings in shitcheat local opt = gayopt("Ragebot", "Anti-Aim", "Y"); if(opt == "Emotion") then local randcoin = gayint("Ragebot", "Anti-Aim", "Emotion Randomcoin Y"); if( math.random(100) < randcoin ) then oy = fa.y + math.random(-180, 180); end elseif( opt == "Eye Angles" ) then oy = fa.y; elseif( opt == "Sideways" ) then oy = fa.y - 90; elseif(opt == "Jitter") then oy = fa.y + math.random(-90, 90); elseif(opt == "TJitter") then oy = fa.y - 180 + math.random(-90, 90); elseif(opt == "Static") then oy = 0; elseif(opt == "Forward") then oy = fa.y; elseif(opt == "Backwards") then oy = fa.y - 180; elseif(opt == "Towards Players") then oy = GetClosest(); end end local function walldetect() local eye = em.EyePos(me); local tr = util.TraceLine({ start = eye, endpos = (eye + (am.Forward(fa) * 10)), mask = MASK_ALL, }); if(tr.Hit) then ox = -181; oy = -90; end end local function antiaimer(ucmd) if( (cm.CommandNumber(ucmd) == 0 && !jewlean("Visuals", "Misc", "Thirdperson")) || cm.KeyDown(ucmd, 1) || cm.KeyDown(ucmd, 32) || aa || !shitcheat.Settings["antiaim"] ) then return; end if !input.IsKeyDown(KEY_F) and !shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] then GetX(); GetY(); walldetect(); local aaang = Angle(ox, oy, 0); cm.SetViewAngles(ucmd, aaang); FixMovement(ucmd, true); end end local function GetAngle(ang) if(shitcheat.Settings["aimbot"]) then return ang + pm.GetPunchAngle(me); end return ang; end local function meme(ucmd) if(!fa) then fa = cm.GetViewAngles(ucmd); end fa = fa + Angle(cm.GetMouseY(ucmd) * .023, cm.GetMouseX(ucmd) * -.023, 0); NormalizeAngle(fa); if(cm.CommandNumber(ucmd) == 0) then cm.SetViewAngles(ucmd, GetAngle(fa)); return; end end hook.Add("CreateMove", "backupfunctionsforsomething", function(ucmd) meme(ucmd); antiaimer(ucmd); shitcheatfov(fov); end); hook.Add("CalcView", "viewspaz", function(p, o, a, f) if !shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] then return({ angles = GetAngle(fa), origin = (jewlean("Visuals", "Misc", "Thirdperson") && o + am.Forward(fa) * -150 || o), fov = f, }); end end); function shitcheatfov(fov) if shitcheat.Settings["FOVsliderenabled"] and !shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] then local view = {} view.fov = shitcheat.Settings["FOVslider"] return view end end hook.Add("CalcView", "shitcheatfov", shitcheatfov) --auto acd (only works in hl2rp, auto respawns you) local function autotypeacd( cmd ) if shitcheat.Settings["autoacd"] and !LocalPlayer():Alive() and ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and (GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay ".."/acd") end end hook.Add( "Think", "autoacd", autotypeacd ) timer.Create( "autoacdtimer", .02, 0, autotypeacd ) --end autoacd hook.Add("Think", "disableshit", function() --this disables the createmove & calcview hooks so you can use the physgun and shit normally when you don't need antiaim if !shitcheat.Settings["antiaim"] or shitcheat.Settings["cl_noclip"] then hook.Remove("CalcView", "viewspaz" ) hook.Remove("CreateMove", "backupfunctionsforsomething") elseif !defcon.Settings["cl_noclip"] and !defcon.Settings["antiaim"] then hook.Add("CalcView", "shitcheatfov", shitcheatfov) elseif !defcon.Settings["antiaim"] and defcon.Settings["cl_noclip"] then hook.Remove("CalcView", "shitcheatfov") else hook.Add("CalcView", "viewspaz", function(p, o, a, f) return({ angles = GetAngle(fa), origin = (jewlean("Visuals", "Misc", "Thirdperson") && o + am.Forward(fa) * -150 || o), }); end); hook.Add("CreateMove", "backupfunctionsforsomething", function(ucmd) meme(ucmd); antiaimer(ucmd); end); hook.Add("CalcView", "shitcheatfov", shitcheatfov) end end ) --physics prop ESP local propchams = CreateMaterial("propchams","VertexLitGeneric",{ ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite", ["$model"] = 1, ["$translucent"] = 1, ["$alpha"] = 1, ["$nocull"] = 1, ["$ignorez"] = 1 } ) hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "PropESP", function() for k,v in pairs ( ents.FindByClass( "prop_physics" ) ) do if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_entityenabled"] and GetConVarNumber("shitcheat.propchams") == 1 and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( true ) render.MaterialOverride( propchams ) render.SetBlend(0.2) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 0, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end end end end) --player chams local mat = CreateMaterial("Cham_Texture","VertexLitGeneric",{ ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite", ["$model"] = 1, ["$translucent"] = 1, ["$alpha"] = 1, ["$nocull"] = 1, ["$ignorez"] = 1 } ); function Chams() if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and shitcheat.Settings["chams"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if SafeCheck(v) == true and v:IsValid() then local TCol = team.GetColor(v:Team()) if v:Health() > 0 and v:Team() != TEAM_SPECTATOR then cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles()) render.SuppressEngineLighting( true ) render.SetColorModulation( ( TCol.r * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.g * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.b * ( 1 / 255 ) ) ) render.MaterialOverride( mat ) v:DrawModel() render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.SetColorModulation(1,1,1) render.MaterialOverride( ) v:DrawModel() render.SuppressEngineLighting( true ) render.SetColorModulation( ( TCol.r * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.g * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.b * ( 1 / 255 ) ) ) render.MaterialOverride( mat ) v:GetActiveWeapon():DrawModel() render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.SetColorModulation(1,1,1) render.MaterialOverride( ) v:GetActiveWeapon():DrawModel() cam.End3D() end end end end end hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "Chams", Chams ) --box ESP hook.Add("HUDPaint", "3DBoxESP", function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and GetConVarNumber("shitcheat.boxESP") == 1 and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then if SafeCheck(v) == true then local ply = LocalPlayer() local plyPos = v:GetPos() local head = v:OBBMaxs() local feet = v:OBBMins() local eye = v:EyeAngles() cam.Start3D() render.DrawWireframeBox( plyPos, Angle( 0, eye.y, 0), feet, head, team.GetColor(v:Team()) ) cam.End3D() end end end end) --2d box esp hook.Add("HUDPaint", "2DBoxESP", function(v) if (shitcheat.Settings["twodbox"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 and shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"]) then RunConsoleCommand ("shitcheat.boxESP", "0") for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do local min, max = v:GetCollisionBounds() local pos = v:GetPos() local top, bottom = (pos + Vector(0, 0, max.z)):ToScreen(), (pos - Vector(0, 0, 8)):ToScreen() local middle = bottom.y - top.y local width = middle / 2.425 local me = LocalPlayer() if SafeCheck(v) == true then surface.SetDrawColor(team.GetColor(v:Team())) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width / 2, top.y, width / .9, middle) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(0, 0, 0)) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width / 2 + 1, top.y + 1, width / .9 - 2, middle - 2) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width / 2 - 1, top.y - 1, width / .9 + 2, middle + 2) end end end end) --entity chams (works with darkrp shit too) hook.Add("HUDPaint", "entityespchams", function() if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_entityenabled"] and GetConVarNumber("entitychams") == 1 and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if string.find(v:GetClass(), "printer") then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end elseif v:GetClass() == "spawned_shipment" then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end elseif table.HasValue(shitcheat.Entities, v:GetClass()) then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end elseif string.find(v:GetClass(), "durgz") then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end elseif v:GetClass() == "spawned_weapon" then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end elseif v:GetClass() == "spawned_money" then cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) if v:IsValid() then render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.MaterialOverride("models/debug/debugwhite") render.SetBlend( 1 ) render.SetColorModulation( 0, 255, 255) v:DrawModel() cam.End3D() end else end end end end) --custom cwsay shit function cwSay( player, command, arguments, fullstring ) local txt = string.gsub( fullstring, "cwSay ", "", 1 ) Clockwork.datastream:Start("PlayerSay", txt ) end --lol concommand.Add("sfallover",function(p,c,a) end) concommand.Add("sroll",function(p,c,a) Clockwork.kernel:RunCommand("roll"); end) --chat spam 1 local function Spam2() if shitcheat.Settings["chatspam1"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..table.Random(normalspam).." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..table.Random(normalspam).." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..table.Random(normalspam).." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..table.Random(normalspam).." " ) end end end timer.Create("Spammins2", .05,0,Spam2) normalspam = { "mods = fags";"I hate niggers";"sheo was here";"try finger but hole";"time for crab";"THIS SERVER IS GETTING ******* NULLED RN";"whoever made this server is a ******* downie holy shit"; "this serv sucks, **** you guys";"im not hacking wtf?";"Mega.co.nz is famous for it's shitposting on 4chan.";"How much memes could a **** suck if 9/11?";"assrape"; "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH";"Sweedish fish are like apples, they taste good as candy, not the actual thing.";"you what";"I'll quote your head with a rock"; "**** me harder daddy";"dickrape is neat";"Shitty memes from a shitty dream.";"sheogorath has aids";"**** niggers"; "hey whats up guys it's scarce here";"// this is a test of the emergency broadcast system";"erp = b&";"50 percent off all fat farts at the fag store";"dennis the menace"; "that's how things came to be, and that can never change, that can never change, no way. That's how things came to be and that can never change, except when things'll change some day."; "shoutout to poopnig420 for providing memes";"shoutout to inboot for providing packets";"geklmin is a grade-a autist.";"REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab"; "you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha"; "hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it.";"you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…"; "you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia."; "2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule ."; "ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born."; "stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey"; "cetnik rascal **** but **** asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life."; "**** off kike"; } --chat spammer 2 local function Spam() if shitcheat.Settings["chatspam2"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..table.Random(hl2rpvcspam)) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..table.Random(hl2rpvcspam)) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..table.Random(hl2rpvcspam) ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..table.Random(hl2rpvcspam)) end end end timer.Create("Spamm5ins", .05,0,Spam) hl2rpvcspam = { "noooo";"whistle tune";"i could eat a horse";"combine";"zombies";"run";"over here";"hey over here";"run for your life";"hes dead";"woops";"hands on doctor breen";"dream about cheese"; "mumbo jumbo";"shut up";"betting man";"hi";"run for your life";"cps";"one of those days";"sell insurance";"talking to me"; } --chatspammer 3 local function Spam3() if shitcheat.Settings["chatspam3"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// ".."WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW".." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW".." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// ".."WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW".." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW".." " ) end end end timer.Create("Spammzins", .05,0,Spam3) --chatspammer 4 local function Spam4() if shitcheat.Settings["chatspam4"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.Phrasesall)).." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.Phrasesall)).." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.Phrasesall)).." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..table.Random(table.Random(shitcheat.Phrasesall)).." " ) end end end timer.Create("Spamminsz", .05,0,Spam4) --SUPER DUPER procgen chat spam local openers = { "get ******","eat shit","**** a baboon","suck my dingleberries","choke on steaming cum","die in a fire","gas yourself","get back in the oven","sit on garden shears","choke on scrotum", "shove a brick up your ass","swallow barbed wire","move to sweden","**** a pig","bow to me","suck my ball sweat","come back when you aren't garbage","i will piss on everything you love", "kill yourself","livestream suicide","neck yourself","go be black somewhere else","rotate on it","choke on it","blow it out your ass","go browse tumblr","go back to darkrp", "sit on horse ****","drive off a cliff","rape yourself","get raped by niggers","**** right off","you mother is a whore","suck my feminine penis","come at me","go work the corner", "you are literal cancer","why haven't you killed yourself yet","why do you even exist","shoot your balls off with a shotgun","sterilize yourself","convert to islam","drink bleach", "remove yourself","choke on whale ****","suck shit","suck a dildo","suck a ****","lick my sphincter","set yourself on fire","drink jenkem","get beaten to death by your dad", "choke on your uncle's ****","get sat on by a 200kg feminist","blow off","join isis","stick your **** in a blender","OD yourself on meth","lie under a truck","lick a wall socket", "swallow hot coals","die slowly","i swear to shit i'm going to kill you,","explode yourself","swing from the noose","end yourself","take your best shot","get shot in a gay bar", "drink pozzed cum","marry a muslim","suck a fat one","shove it up your ass","take a long walk off a short bridge","get a better cheat","rub your dick on a cheese grater", "wrap a rake with barbed wire and sodomize yourself","close your gaping cunt", } local joiners = { "cancer infested","**** sucking","**** faced","cunt eyed","candy ass","fairy ass *******","shit licking","hambone","unlovable","disgusting","radical leftist", "ass licking","degenerate","**** headed","shit-faced","dick lipped","autismal","gook eyed","incompetent","mongoloided","cunt faced","dick fisted","worthless","milky licking", "autistic","bleeding cunted","hillary loving","maggot infested","boot lipped","chink eyed","shit skinned","lgbt supporting","cum stained", } local enders = { "**** face","poofter","jew cunt","fagmaster","oven fuel";"goat rapist","raghead","**** cheese","vaginaphobe","antifa member","living daycare center", "slag cunt","******* autist","garbage man","paeodophile","kiddy toucher","pony fucker","tumblrite","sperglord","gorilla's dick","shit licker","shit slick","redditor","welfare sponge", "pig fucker","spastic","cuckold","chode gobbler","fuckwit","retard","mongoloid","elephants cunt","cunt","gook","fag lord","shit stain","mpgh skid","batch coder","pony fucker","furfag", "half caste","**** socket","cunt rag","anal wart","maggot","knob polisher","fudge packer","**** slave","trashmaster","shitskin","curry muncher","gator bait","bootlip", "camel jockey","wog cunt","hooknosed kike","feminist","wop cunt","abbo","porch monkey","dago","anal secretion","pig cunt","insect","trash scallop","sub human","mental defect","fat whore", "cunt blood","cunt rag","cotton picker","bum tickling fag","degenerate faggot","smegma lump","darkie","**** toy","underage midget cunt","twelvie","faggot teenager","ankle biter", "fat cunt american","bernie loving washout","******* failure","cum dumpster","waste of skin","jenkem bottle","dirty jew","darkrp admin","filthy ******* jew","goy", "cuck master","barrel of piss","tankard of shit","**** wart", } local adminstarts = { "How much did you pay for that staff rank","Nice server you got here","How much did that gay ULX rank cost","I'll be back to shit on you again","This is only my first alt account", "What autist gave you a staff rank","Banning me only makes my **** harder","I'll be back on a new account in 10 minutes","Your server deserves to be destroyed", "It's been fun wrecking this shit hole","Stop touching me with your physgun","Letting you have admin was a mistake","Do what you must, I have already won", "Letting you live was a ******* mistake","This server is absolute trash","**** off back to minecraft","DL another ******* backdoored plugin","Sure, keep trying to ban me", "Bans mean nothing to me","Good luck getting your playerbase back","Hahahaha ******* autism kid kill yourself", "You should appreciate me showing you how to break your terrible server security","I hunt down faggots like you for sport","I am better than you in every single way", "I bypassed your anticheat and I'll bypass your ban too","Only power mad midget cucks become staff on darkrp","Lmao another bad server ruined","Watch me rejoin on a VPN", } --i gave myself terminal autism writing these local cancerstrike = { "LOL fuk u silver scUm","nice aim doEs It cume in NOT N00be?","u r trible my doode","u almost hit me that time LOL","ur aim iz a joke my man","get shrekt skrub xdddd", "u just got shitted on kidddd","i bet u r silver on csgo xD","u never stood a chance against my pSkillz","ur just 2bad to kill me :^(","dam im good XDDDDD","u wil never beat my hax kidd :^)", "eat shit and die xdd","do u use xashpass cos ur 2 bad to bypass cac :D","i laugh at ur shit skillz :D","get fukn owned kid xd","i kill u every time u shud try harder :^(", "all u can do is die LOL","N00bez like u cant beat me LOL","u tried but im jus 2 gud 4 u","u cant even hit me LOL uninstall kid xd","git GUD skrub u r an embarasment","pathetic LOL", "2 bad so sad u just bad :^(","im global elit in gmod xd","thx4 free kill loser :D","r u even trying???","top kekt u got rekt","fuken smashed kunt :D", "u shud add me so i can teach u how 2 shoot LOL","ur jus 2 weak and sad to beat me xd","looks liek ur sad life isnt working out 2 well 4 u :D","dats all u got??? LOL!", "dont upsetti hav some spagetti","eat my asse like a bufet (3 corse meal xd)","i ownt u in ur gay butth0le","umade noobe?","le troled hard","go wach naturo and play wif urself fag REKT", "LOL i fuckd u so hard just like ur mum lst nit fag","u play liek a blynd stefen hawkin haha","ARE U GUEYS NEW??","are u as bad at life as u are in gmod??", "omg this is 2 ezy are U even trying??","why dont u go play halo an fist ur butthol faget","hey granma is that u???? LOL so bad","time for you 2 uninstale the game shit stane", "congrtulations ur the worlds worst gmod player","dose ur aim come in NOT NOOBE? LMAO","lol i troled u so hard *OWNED*", "\"i lik 2 eat daddys logs of poo for lucnh while jackn off 2 naturo\"- u","take a se4t faget $hitstain u got OWNDE","LOL scrub ur gettin rekt hardcroe","R u mad becouse ur bad nooby?", "LMAO did u go to da buthurt king an g3t urself a butthurt with fries?!?","why dont u go and play manoppoly you noob","you hav no lyfe you cant evan play gmod propaly", "im hi rite now on ganj but im stil ownen u xD","if u want my cum bake ask ur mum LOL","butdocter prognoses: OWND","cry 2 ur dads dick forver noob","lol troled autismal faget", "LOL N3RD owned","\"i love to drink sprems all day\"- u","crushd nerd do u want a baindaid for that LOL","lol rectal rekage ur so sh1t lol","ass states - [_] NOT REKT [X] REKT", "lmao do u even try????","are u slippan off ur chaire cos ur ass is bleeding so hard??","u better get a towel for all ur tears faget","u got ass asassenated by me rofl", "u wont shit agen thats how rekt ur ass is","i bet youre anus is sore from me ownen u LOL","im gonna record a fragshow so i can watch me pwn u ova and ova LMAO", "i almost feel sorry for you hahahaha","lol why dont u play COD so i can own you there too","how dose it feel to be owneded so hartd??","rekt u lol another one for the fraghsow", "if i was as bade as u i would kil myself","dont fell bad not ervry one can be goode","do u need some loob for ur butt so it doesnt hurt so much when i **** u", "spesciall delivary for CAPTEN BUTTHURT","wats wrong cant play wif ur dads dik in ur mouth????","maybe if u put down the cheseburgers u could kill me lol fat nerd", "getting mad u virgan nerd??","butt docta prognosis: buttfustrated","<<< OWEND U >>>","if u were a fish you wuld be a sperm whael LOL",">mfw i ownd u","u r a autism LOL", "hahahah fuk u kid u suck OWENED!!!!","say hi 2 utoobe loser loL","агсл тшппукы xaxaxaxa","go bak 2 britain cuz u got teabagged LOLL!!!","rekt u noob *OWNED*", "ur gonna have 2 wear dipers now cos ur ass got SHREDED by me","y dont u take a short strole to the fagot store and buy some skills scrub","school3d by a 13yo lol u r rely bad", "ur pathetic nerd its like u have parkensons","u just got promoted 2 cumcaptain prestige","lol pwnd","u just got butt raped lol TROLLED U","did u learn 2 aim from stevie wondar??? LOL", "tell ur mum to hand the keyboard and mosue back","how does it feel to be shit on by a 13 yer old","r u into scat s or some thing cos it feel\"s like u want me 2 shit on u", "u play gmod like my granpa and hes ded","are u new or just bad?? noobe","u play gmod lik a midget playin basket ball","welcome to the noob scoole bus first stop ur house <>", ">mfw i rek u","\"i got my ass kiked so hard im shittn out my mouf\" - u","<-(0.0)-< dats u gettn ownd LOL","u just got ur ass ablitterated <<>>","c=3 (dats ur tiney dik rofl)", "just leeve the game and let the real mans play","ur so bad u make ur noobe team look good","CONGRASTULATIONS YOU GOT FRIST PRIZE IN BEING BUTT MAD (BUT LAST IN PENIS SIZE LMAO)", "im not even trying to pwn u its just so easy","im only 13 an im better than u haha XD","u just got raped","some one an ambulance cos u just got DE_STROYED", "i hope u got birth control coz u got rapped","lol pwnd scrubb","you play lik a girl","\"i got fukd so hard dat im cummin shit n shittn cum\"- u", "ur gonna need tampons for ur ass afta that ownage","{{ scoooled u }}","(O.o) ~c======3 dats me jizzan on u","dont wrry at least ur tryan XD", "cya noob send me a post card from pwnd city ROFL","its ok if u keep practasing u will get bettar lol #rekt","\"evry time i fart 1 liter of cum sqerts out\" - u", "rofl i pwnd u scrub #420 #based #mlgskill","u fail just like ur dads condom","if i pwnd u any harder it wud be animal abuse","uploaden this fragshow roflmao", } local annoyingquestions = { "whats the max tabs you can have open on a vpn","how many vpns does it take to stop a ddos","whats better analog or garrys mod","whats the time","is it possible to make a clock in binary", "how many cars can you drive at once","did you know there's more planes on the ground than there is submarines in the air","how many busses can you fit on 1 bus", "how many tables does it take to support a chair","how many doors does it take to screw a screw","how long can you hold your eyes closed in bed", "how long can you hold your breath for under spagetti","whats the fastest time to deliver the mail as mail man","how many bees does it take to make a wasp make honey", "If I paint the sun blue will it turn blue","how many beavers does it take to build a dam","how much wood does it take to build a computer","can i have ur credit card number", "is it possible to blink and jump at the same time","did you know that dinosaurs were, on average, large","how many thursdays does it take to paint an elephant purple", "if cars could talk how fast would they go","did you know theres no oxygen in space","do toilets flush the other way in australia","if i finger paint will i get a splinter", "can you build me an ant farm","can you craft me a campfire","did you know australia hosts 4 out of 6 of the deadliest spiders in the world", "is it possible to ride a bike in space","can i make a movie based around your life","how many pants can you put on while wearing pants","if I paint a car red can it wear pants", "how come no matter what colour the liquid is the froth is always white","can a hearse driver drive a corpse in the car pool lane","how come the sun is cold at night", "why is it called a TV set when there is only one","if i blend strawberries can i have ur number","if I touch the moon will it be as hot as the sun","did u know ur dad is always older than u", "did u know the burger king logo spells burger king","did uknow if u chew on broken glass for a few mins, it starts to taste like blood","did u know running is faster than walking", "did u kno the colur blue is called blue because its blue","did you know a shooting star isnt a star","did u know shooting stars dont actually have guns", "did u kno the great wall of china is in china","statistictal fact: 100% of non smokers die","did you kmow if you eat you poop it out", "did u know rain clouds r called rain clouds cus they are clouds that rain","if cows drink milk is that cow a cannibal","did u know you cant win a staring contest with a stuffed animal", "did u know if a race car is at peak speed and hits someone they'll die","did u know the distance between the sun and earth is the same distance as the distance between the earth and the sun", "did u kno flat screen tvs arent flat","did u know aeroplane mode on ur phone doesnt make ur phone fly","did u kno too many britdhays can kill you","did u know rock music isnt for rocks", "did u know if you eat enough ice you can stop global warming","if ww2 happened before vietnam would that make vietnam world war 2","did you know 3.14 isn't a real pie", "did u know 100% of stair accidents happen on stairs","can vampires get AIDS","what type of bird was a dodo","did u know dog backwards is god", "did you know on average a dog barks more than a cat", } shitcheat.DeathPhrases = { " got ****** by some nigga using niggermenu.";" got naturally selected. ******* Jo- wait.";" got absolutely destroyed by ya boy.";" got bamboozled."; " got shot down while in 'nam.";" got ****** by the old velocity bar.";" is a bad coder...";" is now asking for the next shitcheat update."; " busted a nut on joe.";" just bought gmod aimware.";" got ****** by vega after pirating vegaware.";" tried making the velocity bar positioned at the top of the screen."; " is trying to make more death phrases.";" should listen to the mirrors edge catalyst soundtrack instead of that shitty modern rap.";" watched ninja play fortnite on twitch.";" bought a fortnite battle pass."; " mom is gay.";" tried making an 'xd' meme.";" got ****** by dragon kaye in an alley.";" tried to talk to bananas via his alt."; " got snitched out by nutmegg.";" told vega that his menu ui is trash.";" installed the auto 'updator' for shitcheat.";" is now GONE FROM PLANET EARTH."; " opened notepad++ to code.";" broke his god damn pc.";" is a closet furry.";" thought niggas shouldnt kiss eachother.";" went on cloudsixteen forums."; " got ******* ran over by a car while walking in the street complaining about how hl2rp is dying and clockwork is a bad framework.";" said that nebulous' new hl2rp gamemode isn't a nutscript reskin and is very good."; " just dabbed.";" tried playing saints row 2 on pc.";" said that fallout 3 was better than fallout new vegas."; " said that fallout 4 was realistic.";" said that fallout 4's map is realistic and totally not boring.";" should be playing a better game.";" should be upgrading their decade old pc."; " kissed his online boyfriend.";" tried cappin a real nigga.";" didn't turn the gun sideways for the killshot.";" was born with possible fetal alcohol syndrome."; " sold their parent's credit card number for 20 dollars.";" coverted to islam.";" just sang gary come home.";" wrote xd in the chat.";" wrote 'lul' instead of 'lol'."; " found out that kurozael was in debt.";" found out that hl2rp is going free next year.";" tried tickling a nigga.";" tried restarting the bob good crew."; " probably died i think.";" thought that shitcheat was absolute garbage.";" looked behind him after reading a steam spam comment."; " got banned by nebulous 'custom anti cheat' lol.";" erp'd with a combine assassin and posted logs of it.";" tried making a modern rap song.";" got sent to afghan.";" just got downed in fortnite."; " said 'where we droppin' boys???.'";" said nigga without his nigga pass.";" keeps saying nigger thinking hes edgy.";" dropped the FUCKIGN METOER OVER TILTING TOWERS!!!!!"; " said shitcheat dark was TRASH.";" still uses niggermenu.";" is gay lol.";" disabled a nigga's message reaction access on discord.";" got hit with a /advert rob in darkrp."; " died again bro wtf.";" voted for hillary.";" got backstabbed by one of his friends again.";" joined the madbluntz discord.";" saw madbluntz discord drama."; " paid for serverguard.";" said nebulous was a good server.";" doesn't use shitcheat.";" tried playing csgo.";" bought hl2rp.";" was sent over to islam."; " tried talking to kurozael.";" draws some weird furry shit.";" has a fursona.";" is apart of a furry discord.";" got ****** by his uncle.";" got executed by the chinese."; " ****** his own cat.";" died by sexy hot combine unit.";" installed minecraft windows 10 edition.";" just reinstalled windows 8.";" spent money on roblox cosmetic items."; " still thinks 'le lenny face' is funny.";" put a lenny face in chat.";" hit thy nigga with a :3.";" hit a nigga with a tpose.";" just schlumped on them niggas."; " thought he could slip by.";" just prayed to our lord thy jebus christ.";" plays fortnite and pubg on mobile.";" called himself a mobile gamer."; " just asked where gordan was, the free man."; } shitcheat.Phrases3 = { "kikr";"https://discord.gg/qgxYfuU";"They're all VC when the bombs explode,";"i will soak myself in the rain ";"until i'm reflective ";"and i'll sprawl out underneath you ";"and get your feet wet "; "dick shit mcNIGGER went DOWN the street";"nothin personnell kid";"for a single bite of dicks";"kill yourself jesus christ";"i hope you get cancer in your fuckin DOME kid"; "i'm out of ideas ****";"you'll absorb me through your shoes ";"until your legs are heavy ";"i'll make your journey that much longer ";"when you're not ready ";"Shooting women's lots of fun,"; "try killing one thats pregnant son,";"You'll get two for the price of one,";"Napalm sticks to kids.";"Flying low and feeling mean,";"see that family by the stream,"; "Drop some napalm n hear them scream,";"See that gook on his knees,";"Lost some flechettes in the breeze,";"Find his arms nailed to the trees,";"NVA are all hardcore,"; "Flechettes nail them to the jungle floor,";"Throw them PSYOPS out the door,";"18 kids in a no-fire zone,";"Books under arms and going home,";"Last in line goes home alone,"; "Chucks in a sampan sitting in the stern,";"But he don't think his boat'll burn,";"Them ******* gooks will never learn,";"See the little kids jump and shout,"; "Drop some nape and without a doubt,";"appleman";"they got appleman";"Watch them try and put it out,";"I've been around, Some things I've seen,";"But the people who are mighty mean,"; "The gooks you kill, they make you clean,";"I've only seen it happen twice,";"But both times, it was mighty nice,";"Shooting peasants planting rice,";"Napalm, son, is lots of fun,"; "Dropped from a bomb or shot from a gun,";"It gets the gooks when they're on the run,";"Some people say its not so neat ,";"to watch gooks burning in the street,"; "but burning flesh smells mighty neat,";"Gooks in the open, making hay,";"Shoot civilians where the sit.";"Take some pictures as you split.";"All your life, you'll remember it."; "They'se in good shape for the shape they'se in,";"But they'se no way that they can win,";"With Napalm rolling down their skin,";"Napalm sticks to kids.";"12 herbs and spices";"Fat free"; "Absolutely no memes";"Free dental";"Ask your doctor";"Minors not welcome";"Cloud computing";"Legal in Finland";"Hard to label";"Technically good";"Bringing home the bacon";"Indie";"GOTY"; "Ceci n'est pas une cheat menu";"Euclidian";"Now in 2D";"Inspirational";"Herregud";"deuce: N E V E R F O R G E T MY ****";"sponsored by lootcrate and trunkclub and shithead and shinebox"; "Complex cellular automata";"NO SIR";"Played by cowboys";"OpenGL 2.1 (if supported)";"tens of colors";"Try it";"Age of empires is better";"Try the mushroom sjw";"Sensational"; "Hot tamale, hot hot tamale";"Play him off, fuckhead";"pants: P - THE *** TAPES ARE REAL";"Guaranteed";"piss up a rope"; "spigot: [WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR UNIVERSAL AND ILLUMINATION ENTERTAINMENT'S DESPICABLE ME 3.]";"Macroscopic";"Bring it on";"Random splash";"pants: SIGHS, GETS OUT WALLET"; "Call your mother";"Monster infighting";"Loved by millions";"pants: MMMM YEAH OOOH BOY";"Ultimate edition";"Freaky";"You've got a brand new key";"not water proof";"Uninflammable"; "Whoa, dude";"All inclusive";"pants: LET ME GET YOU A DRINK WITH ABSOLUTELY NO ROOFIES IN IT";"Tell your friends";"NP is not in P";"Livestreamed";"Haunted";"Polynomial";"Terrestrial"; "All is full of ERP";"Full of stars";"Scientific";"Not as cool as Spock";"Collaborate and listen";"Never **** up";"Take frequent breaks";"Not linear";"Han shot first";"Nice to meet you"; "Buckets of lava";"when the levee breaks";"Ride the pig";"Larger than Earth";"sqrt(-1) love you";"spigot: GOD SAID IT / I SUCKED ON IT / THAT SETTLES IT";"hes mad";"Phobos anomaly"; "toggle your frog";"getting wood";"Falling off cliffs";"14% sugar";"150% hyperbole";"Synecdoche";"Let's punc";"Seecret Friday update";"Reference implementation"; "DONT PRESS INSERT";"Lewd with two dudes with food";"Kiss the sky";"20 GOTO 10";"pants: T DEUCE MY BONER CRASHED INTO THE SEA";"frog toggler";"Verlet intregration";"bad boy teenager club"; "shoe stealer";"boner";"Peter Griffin";"please distribute";"Cogito ergo sum";"boneless pizza machine broke";"44 lines of code";"A skeleton popped out"; "The sum of its parts";"BTAF used to be good";"spigot: WHOA HOLY GOD SHIT FALLING";"I miss ADOM";"you tell me when to be afraid ";"so i know when to turn away "; "i will be yours to lead astray ";"my independence will decay ";"we teach each other how to fear ";"when insecure we disappear ";"a peace we've been deprived of "; "never taught each other how to ";"i keep my eyes out for hurt ";"and ways that i could subvert ";"trained into a state of high alert ";"my vision was yours to pervert "; "we teach each other how to fear ";"when insecure we disappear ";"a peace we've been deprived of ";"never taught each other how to ";"love";"umop-apisdn";"deuce: CAN WE TALK BALLS?"; "bung: MOM!";"deuce: THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER";"onyun";"OICU812";"Bring me Ray Cokes";"Finger-licking";"spigot: PASSWORD STRENGTH: LIMP";"dick-licking";"****-nobbling"; "absolutely ******* cancerous";"101% communism free";"sucking, *******";"teachin', preachin'";"darkrp is a shit gamemode for shit people";"now supports деад ниггерс";"Thematic"; "back from sending a little part of me away ";"admiring shapes beneath me ";"caught my eye glowing brightly from a distance ";"what on earth could that be ";"do you call yourself stronger "; "when you avoid it altogether ";"just hold out a little longer ";"and overcome the destroyer ";"you're on the right track ";"so rock on ";"**** you facepunch";"**** you FP"; "**** you cloud 16";"**** you cloud 9";"**** you germany";"**** you angela merkel";"**** you albania";"**** you";"**** you george";"**** you barack obama"; "**** you hillary clinton";"**** you futret";"**** you nishi";"bielodesph gay";"bong hits for gay jesus";"and we won't turn back ";"it was you and we shared a silent moment "; "and i crossed the bridge on my way back home and ";"now i'll never know you ";"right now i barely know a thing ";"do you call yourself stronger ";"when you avoid it altogether "; "just hold out a little longer ";"and overcome the destroyer ";"Whatever kid.";"Oh I'm sorry did I ******* trigger you?";"Were you ******* triggered you little cry baby?";"**** off."; "Literally saying not a ******* word to you";"and you're gonna ******* mute me because you have a problem with me";"just ******* talking shit in all chat?"; "So sick of little ******* bitches like you who ******* have a ******* opinion"; "like you're ******* sitting over there like,";"oh I'm some ******* problem to you because I'm not even ******* saying a ******* word to you"; "**** off. Call it what you ******* asshole? Hormonal?";"Kid you're a ******* bullshitter.";"You're a ******* bullshitter.";"Go **** yourself."; "You ain't ******* nothing.";"You ain't ******* anyone.";"You ain't got a ******* clue in your ******* head who I am or what I'm ******* about."; "That I'm ******* calling these ******* kids tryhards,";"has your ******* panties in a bunch for what?";"For what? For ******* what kid?"; "Honestly I'm ******* sick of kids like you.";"Literally go **** yourself.";"Go **** yourself and everything that you ******* stand for";"because I'm gonna tell you right now,"; "you don't stand for shit kid.";"You don't stand for ******* shit.";"Please. Yeah, talk in all chat. ";"Yeah like anybody ******* cares kid";"go find a ******* friend to talk to, right?"; "Because you can't ******* talk to me,";"you can't ******* treat me like a ******* person.";"You ain't ******* real kid.";"You ain't ******* real."; "You ain't got a ******* real ******* bone in your ******* body kid.";"So go ******* all chat, and make some ******* friends.";"it's not gay if you say no homo"; "Alright? You can make some ******* friends because 'Oh, this guy's hormonal,'";"pffft 'Uh I'm gonna mute him,'";"pffft **** off.";"merry crisis";"merry chrimbus";"marry criemus"; "You're literally a ******* cancer on this ******* world kid.";"Never ******* forget it.";"you're on the right track ";"[LOOC] David Remmler: ok mom";"and we won't turn back ";"Pneumatic"; "Prismatic";"R E F R A C T my dick";"Twas the night before Kwanzaa,";"and niggas was drinkin'.";"Santa Claus walked in, they said bitch, what you thinkin'?";"One of them had a gun,"; "the other one had a knife,";"but Santa Claus wasn't going down without a fight!";"He pulled some presents from out of his bag,";"he kicked them in the nuts and called them all fags."; "But they didn't like that, they thought it was gay,";"for Santa's boner grew 5 times that day!";"He robbed all his shit, from his cash to his rocks,"; "Santa pleaded with them this black on black crime must stop!";"And in just that moment in walked little Suzie,";"little Suzie walked in with sub-machine uzi. Everyone hit the deck,"; "them bullets was sprayin', but Santa couldn't grasp what the black guy was saying,";"and on that very night little Suzie got famous,"; "he shot Santa in his **** and it still hurt his anussss.";"Santa pulled out his mistletoe and started to blast,";"no man left that night without a *** in his ass,"; "and they heard Santa shout as he skipped up the chimney,";"merry Christmas bitch niggas, yall should of never ****** with me!";"!!! ALARM WARNING DANGER APPROACHING !!!"; "Hacker-fucker TSR shit or any Virus Detected !!!";"Anyone who wants to **** Revenge is Naivnij Man";"With best wishes & thanks to DialogScn";"hexidecimal"; "Emulation engine will have problems with this ZHOM";"In future versions we will add :";" 1. Protected Mode Decryptor [VMME]";" 2. Adinf table Hacker-cracker"; " 3. Destroy Files/Disks/CMOS/Printer/CDROM";" 4. Disk Encryption and other BUGs,GLUKs & SHITs !";"Dis is only BEGIN... Win95 & her lamers must die!";"Searching... SEEK & DESTROY"; "There can only be one ...";"Sublime";"Octagonal";"Une baguette";"pants: I'LL LIVE ON YOUR DESKTOP FOREVER";"Gargamel uses it";"smurfs r gay";"7 day cooldown machine"; "Rita is the new top dog";"SWM forever";"Representing Edsbyn";"Matt Damon";"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious";"Consummate V's";"Cow Tools";"Double buffered"; "Fan fiction";"Flaxkikare";"Jason Jason Jason";"Hotter than the sun";"Internet enabled";"Autonomous";"Engage";"Fantasy";"DRR DRR DRR";"Kick it root down";"Google anlyticsed"; "Now supports åäö";"some kind of dysphoria ";"22 05 88 09 04 90 AC 09 ";"some kind of desire to sleep";"Give us Gordon";"Tip your waiter";"Very fun";"12345 is a bad password"; } shitcheat.Phrases4 = { "nigs";"But I can hear those gunships say,";"They'll be no Chieu Hois today,";"Vote for net neutrality";"Lives in a pineapple under the sea";"in distress, feeling stressed "; "reassuring ";"the stairs are a hassle ";"i feel unable ";"a shepherd's scale ";"where the notes are played with sounds of yelling ";"at the rain ";"and i will grow";"MAP11 has two names"; "Omnipotent";"Gasp";"...";"Bees, bees, bees, bees";"Jag känner en bot";"Haha, LOL";"Menger sponge";"idspispopd";"fat taco";"but the day could be dark ";"and the day could be bleak "; "but i'll have done it all ";"i have done it all";"Eple (original edit)";"So fresh, so clean";"Today is gonna be the day";"[LOOC] Orin McCallister: too laggy, johnny"; "That I'll give the country back to you";"By now you should've somehow";"Realized that is not quite true.";"I don't believe that anybody";"Really has a clue what I'll do now..."; "Deadbeats, there's murder in the streets";"[6:20 PM] JohnnyCheesedog: Cal is actually the worst person I have had the mispleasure of meeting through the community"; "i'm getting stoned";"9:44 PM] JohnnyCheesedog: bend over";"road man";"ganja faggot ******* kill yourself";"And our borders are a broken spout.";"And I'm sure you've heard it all before"; "But you seem to like it when I shout.";"I don't believe that anybody can divide the USA";"Like I can now...";"In all the rust belt states I was crushin'"; "Although my whole campaign was run by Russians.";"There are many brown people";"I would like to send to jail,";"But I don't know how...";"So Steve Bannon,"; "Why won't you tell me what your plannin'?";"But after all-";"Just want my border wall...";"Slow acting portals";"Don't look directly at the bugs";"Finally without NIGGERS"; "don't let light make you blind to how things look ";"don't let dark make you ignorant to what it took ";"to come this far and open up to you"; "aight im ******* tired of making shitty messages that no one will see";"give us net neutrality ok";"the internet is a scary place"; "johnny is a massive dicklicking queerbag";"over 6267 hits on pastebin";"incompatable";"retarded";"braindead";"dick-lickin' good";"welcome back mister freeman";"Scary";"Twittered about"; "Jump up, jump up, and get down";"sheo is neat";"can't be like this forever ";"turn off all the lights ";"my heartbeat fills the night ";"pacemaker keep me steady "; "keeping me at the ready";"let's break out of this";"a riddle, wrapped in a mystery";"Huge tracts of land";"Welcome to your Doom";"Stay a while, stay forever"; "Stay a while and listen";"Treatment for your rash";"look at all the things ";"i packed away to make a space ";"that i could play and laugh and love ";"and live in "; "'look at all the things'";"you said to me as i faded away ";"from everyone and everything ";"that had been ";"you took away my parachute ";"and told me to fall "; "i jumped and felt the air ";"rip through me as i stared ";"at the ground";"when i'm gone will my drive live on ";"i'd like to think when i'm gone ";"my drive will burn on"; "'Autological' is";"Information wants to be free";"Almost never' is an interesting concept";"OK.";"This is the most radical way to kill yourself that I can think of."; "Go to Ferrari dealership and rent a car there.";"After you have that, you need to get a cinder block, and guns that shoot blanks.";"Take your Ferrari, go to Vegas."; "Drive by nearest police station and shoot your guns and just act like a ******* lunatic.";"The police chase will ensue and you need to lead them to a desert."; "If you did it right, this should be covered by local news networks, possibly national ones.";"In either case, you should be on TV (on account of the helicopters streaming your shenanigans)"; "Now, the magic begins.";"Oh, yeah, you need rope and a parachute.";"So, drop the cinder block on the gas pedal and release the parachute.";"drawing is more fun than killing spergs"; "Be sure you have rope attached to your neck in such a way that the jerk will snap your neck while you are sailing from the car.";"The parachute needs to have a visible Ron Paul 2020 logo."; "+10 points if you set yourself on fire while doing this.";"+10 points if you do it wearing a crotchless fursuit";"Lots of truthiness";"Turing complete"; "It's groundbreaking";"Let our battles begin";"The sky is the limit";"Casul gayming";"internal references";"vietnam";"ddos";"niggers";"dicks";"faggot";"faggots";"faggotz";"sperg"; "spergs";"spergz";"spergnig";"nignog";"****";"dick";"penis";"pen0r";"myg0t";"nigga";"owned";"ownzone";"dab";"weed";"bong";"bongs";"bongz";"bonghit";"big ddos";"dogshit";"horseshit";"catshit"; "batshit";"shit";"****";"cunt";"piss";"wu-tang";"method man";"RZA";"GZA";"JIZZA";"RIZZA";"mbam";"malwarebytes";"antivurus";"malware";"anti-malware";"birus";"virus";"cryptolocker";"meme";"lie"; "cocks";"penises";"sheo";"iced";"miro";"louisiana";"galil";"richard";"dennis";"ww2";"world war 2";"ww1 ";"world war 1";"black";"white";"obama";"trump";"hillary";"democrat";"republican"; "federalist";"PC";"PCs";"pyrolodicklowick";"serbia";"bosnia";"poland";"germany";"russia";"america";"mexico";"spic";"spicboy";"flyboy";"fuccboi";"ironic";"dennis";"meme";"lewis gun";"pizza"; "pasta";"pepperoni";"salami";"cheese";"nutshack";"nutsack";"balls";"ballz";"smoke weed";"SWED";"swag";"yolo";"autism";"downs";"aspergers";"spergers";"frogsnacks";"cummies";"memes";"pepe"; "datboi";"downie";"brownies";"4chan";"reddit";"dropbox";"google";"gaygle";"sick";"sikh";"allah";"allahu akbar";"akbar";"richard";"inspektah dek";"loner";"boner";"boners";"farts";"fag"; "fartz";"Undefeated";"Kinda like Lemmings";"Follow the train, CJ";"Leveraging synergy";"This message will never appear on the hack menu, isn't that weird?";"Read more books"; "Khaaaaaaaaan";"Less addictive than TV Tropes";"More addictive than lemonade";"I want to die";"Bigger than a bread box";"Millions of peaches";"Fnord";"This is my true form"; "Totally forgot about Dre";"Don't bother with the clones";"Nobody ever expects to end up here.";"Not like this.";"But no matter how well planned out you think your life is."; "That all could change.";"Just like that.";"Everything went silent.";"I couldn't even hear myself breathe.";"I thought to myself:";"This must be it."; "I waited for some, I dunno, bright light.";"Maybe something to come take me somewhere.";"Anything.";"7 years later,";"I'd choose an eternety in hell over this.";"There's a man"; "Sitting in an old wooden rocking chair";"He's got a white button-up shirt";"Black vest,";"Black slacks,";"Shiny black shoes,";"fit it in where you can"; "OH YEAH?! WELL AT LEAST I DON'T SPEND MY TIME SUCKING DICKS IN THE BATHROOM";"AT OLIVE GARDEN, YOU DIRTY ROTTEN LOWDOWN SLIMY FILTHY";"lizards? with ****?"; "DISGUSTING GLUTTONOUS HOGLIKE MOTHER ******* **** SUCKING";"SON OF AN INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILE SHEMALE RAPIST PROSTITUTE GET YOUR MOM'S DICK OUT"; "OF YOUR MOUTH. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA DO? I'M GONNA SHIT UP YOUR ASS";"STOP FOR A MOMENT AND REALLY GRASP THAT STATEMENT";"poo poo *** ***"; "I AM LITERALLY GOING TO SHIT UP YOUR ASS I WILL TAKE MY PANTS OFF, RIP YOUR PANTS OFF, OUR SPHINCTERS WILL TOUCH";"johnny sleazedog sez bend over"; "AND I WILL SHIT. YOU WILL TRY TO COUNTERSHIT, BUT MY SPHINCTER WILL OVERCOME, AND I WILL PUSH A LOG OF SHIT";"fitting it in where we can"; "FROM MY ASS UP AND INTO YOUR BODY. THIS IS WHAT SHALL OCCUR. YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE? I WILL PISS IN A POT";"mad dongs";"distinguished master retard"; "I WILL ADD CORNSTARCH TO THE PISS AND BOIL IT UNTIL IT GETS REALLY THICK, LIKE SAUCE";"dick sauce";"kazerad raped me and i liked it"; "I WILL POUR THE THICKENED PISS INTO A PLASTIC CONTAINER AND PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE UNTIL IT HARDENS INTO A FIRM JELLO";"fire distinguisher"; "I WILL THEN CUT IT INTO RECTANGLES, BATTER IT IN A MIX OF MILK, FLOUR, AND EGGS, AND DEEP FRY IT AT 375 UNTIL GOLDEN BROWN,";"FLIPPING ONCE SINCE THEY FLOAT"; "AND I WILL SERVE YOU MY DEEP FRIED PISS";"A timepiece hanging out of his pocket.";"He smokes an old wooden oak pipe.";"In his left eye he has the universe."; "And in his right eye, he has the devil.";"He's been there since the beginning of time.";"When he first sat down and lit the tobacco in his pipe, it sparked."; "In his left eye, the universe was created.";"He didn't want that universe to be silent, so he made music.";"And that created his right eye.";"He sits there, and rocks back and forth"; "In his rocking chair.";"If he were to stop,";"Life as we know it would stop.";"No rotating planets.";"No burning stars.";"I pray to him every night.";"Don't stop rocking."; "See, my body died right there on the spot.";"Right with the blast.";"But my mind stayed awake.";"And I'm forced to see and hear everyone living a life around me I once had."; "Now";"I'm just wishing they'd pull that ******* plug already.";"Just so I could see what's next.";"But the point of all this?";"You'd never think it could happen to you."; "Pumpkinhead";"Hobo humping slobo babe";"Feature packed";"Conventional";"Homeomorphic to a 3-sphere";"Doesn't avoid double negatives";"Meeting expectations"; "lives in cambodia";"Take my Wojack, take my Rand";"Take me where I cannot stand";"I don't care, I'm still free";"You can't take Pepe from me.";"Take me out to the BLACKED"; "Tell them I ain't comin' back";"Burn the tendies and boil the ***";"Leave the memes where they lay";"Normies'll never see another day";"Lost my soul, lost my dream,"; "I feel the Chan reaching out";"I hear its song without a doubt";"I still hear and I still ***-***";"Lost my love, lost my land";"Lost the last place I could stand"; "There's no place I can be";"Since I've found obscenity";"PC gaming since 1873";"Ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs";"NEXUS NOT FOUND";"ADMIN SPOTTED";"/plyban ^ 0"; "caliber .50 BMG";"andy.b choked on niggermenu";"Déjà vu";"Déjà vu";"Got your nose";"Haley loves Elan";"**** you microsoft"; "Afraid of the big, black bat";"Doesn't use stonel code";"Child's play";"See you next Friday or so";"**** formatting";"From the streets of Södermalm";"150 bpm for 400000 minutes";"Technologic"; "Funk soul brother";"Pumpa kungen";"日本ハロー!";"한국 안녕하세요";"Helo Cymru";"Cześć Polsko";"你好中国!";"Привет Россия";"Γεια σου Ελλάδα";"My life for Aiur";"I see your vocabulary has improved"; "Africoon ";"Afro-Anthropoid ";"Afroid ";"Afropoid";"Americoon ";"Baboon ";"Bangkok Nigger";"Black (as in 'payback black!') ";"Black Ass ";"Black Hole (Ho) ";"Black Tiger Bait ";"Blackamoor "; "Blackie ";"Blacky ";"Blood (or Crip) ";"Blubber Lips";"Blue Gum ";"Blue lip -s (as in 'blue lipped little chimp') ";"Bone nose ";"Bongoid ";"Bootlips (Bootlipped turd) ";"Boy "; "Brillohead ";"Bro-Hammer (As in Cadillac 'Brougham') ";"Browny ";"Bubba (or Bubba Brown) ";"Buck (male) ";"Burrhead ";"Buttnugget ";"Chimp ";"Congoid ";"Coon ";"Cotton picker ";"Crackhead "; "Crumb-snatcher (nigglet) ";"Crip (or Blood) ";"DAFN ";"Dark Waste of Space ";"Darkie (or Darky) ";"Defendant ";"Doo-Doo Brown (Mr.) ";"Eggplant ";"Ethiop ";"Fecal critter ";"Fuckwit "; "Golly wog ";"Gorilla ";"Groid ";"Gutter monkey ";"High Yella (light-skinned negro) ";"Ho (female) ";"Homo-simian";"Hood Rat ";"Inmate ";"Jig ";"Jigga ";"Jiggaboo (or Jigaboo) ";"Jigroid "; "Jungle bunny";"Kaffir ";"Knuckle dragger ";"Koko ";"L.O.O.T.er ";"Liver lip ";"Liverlips ";"LOOTer ";"Majete/pinche majete (Sp.) ";"Mau-Mau ";"Melanzana (la) (=Eggplant) (It.) "; "Mestizo (bastard) ";"Midnight at noon ";"Mississippi wind chime";"Monkey ";"Moolie -s (Am. & It.) ";"Moon cricket ";"Moose lips ";"Morgue Dog ";"Moving target ";"Mud People ";"Mud Puppy "; "Mud Shark ";"O.J. ";"Obsolete Farming Equipment "; "Pickaninny ";"Piece of shit ";"Porch Monkey ";"Potato nose ";"Raggamuppet ";"Redbone (light-skinned negro) ";"Rubber lips"; "Sambo ";"Saucer lip ";"Savage ";"Semi-simian ";"Serf (Shit Serf) ";"Shine ";"Shitlips ";"Shitskin (or Shit Skin) ";"Shitter ";"Shvartz -(g)er (=Black) (Jidd.) ";"Slave (runaway slave)"; "Snow Ball ";"Snow Queen (light-skinned negro) ";"Spade ";"Spear chucker ";"Splib ";"Spook ";"Spoonbill ";"Strange Fruit ";"Sub-ape ";"Suboid (a contraction of 'sub-human negroid')"; "Subhuman ";"Suspect ";"Tar baby (very dark-skinned negro) ";"Thicktongue ";"Thief ";"Tree ornament ";"Turd ";"Turd Cricket ";"Turd gobbler ";"Turd-worlders";"Tyrone ";"Uncle Tom "; "Velcro Head ";"Webster ";"Welfare queen ";"Welfare rat (male) ";"Welfare slut (female) ";"Wetsuit ";"Wog -s ";"Worthless ";"Yard Ape ";"Zulu";"Who put it there?";"You can't explain that"; "if not ok then return end";"§1C§2o§3l§4o§5r§6m§7a§8t§9i§ac";"§kFUNKY LOL";"Big Pointy Teeth";"Bekarton guards the gate";"Mmmph, mmph";"Don't feed avocados to parrots";"Swords for everyone"; ".party()";"Pretty scary";"I have a suggestion.";"Now with extra hugs";"Now Lua 6";"Woah.";"HURNERJSGER?";"What's up, Doc?";"Now contains 6 million random daily kikes!";"That's Niggerwang"; "join this server right now u niggers";"Put a little fence around it";"Throw a blanket over it";"Now with additional stuff";"Extra things";"niggaz in da hood";"So sweet";"Popping tags"; "Very influential in its circle";"Now with extra yeet";"Rise from your grave";"Warning A huge battleship is approaching fast!";"Blue warrior shot the food";"Run, coward I hunger"; "Flavor with no seasoning";"Strange, but not a stranger";"Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream";"Getting ready to show";"Getting ready to know";"i'm happy with it.";"Getting ready to drop"; "Getting ready to suck";"Getting ready to freak";"Getting ready to speak";"It swings, it jives";"Cruising streets for gold";"Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet"; "Make me a table, a funky table";"Take the elevator to the mezzanine";"Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet";"/giveweapon m9k_1911a1 1";"This is good for Realms.";"now with memeware"; "**** all y'all";"cocaine is bad for u";"school is gay";"Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough";"Do it all, everything";"Where there is not light, there can spider"; "GNU Terry Pratchett";"More Digital";"batteries not included";"doot doot";"Falling with style";"Throw yourself at the ground and miss"; "Rule #1: it's never my fault";"Replaced molten cheese with blood?";"Absolutely fixed relatively broken coordinates";"Boats FTW";"gay edition";"REALLY gay edition";"You're going too fast"; "made without parential permission";"lapfuckstrax";"tried, tested, not approved.";"aspie collective";"a product of its time";"their they're and there";"endless streams of shit"; "new! old! terrible!";"i make music now";"this is my life now";"i'm ok with this";"u know wwhat this is prob the last version, i dont have anything new to add"; "etxraneous bullshit";"inflated filesize";"cancer";"69";"666";"1cup";"2girls";"2girls1cup";"4r5e";"5h1t";"abortion";"ahole";"aids";"anal";"anal ***";"analsex";"angrydragon";"angrydragons"; "angrypenguin";"angrypenguins";"angrypirate";"angrypirates";"anus";"apeshit";"ar5e";"arrse";"arse";"arsehole";"artard";"feature complete";"i need ******* ideas"; "askhole";"ass";"ass 2 ass";"ass hole";"ass kisser";"ass licker";"ass lover";"ass man";"ass master";"ass pirate";"ass rapage";"ass rape";"ass raper";"ass to ass";"ass wipe";"assbag"; "assbandit";"assbanger";"assberger";"assburger";"assclown";"asscock";"asses";"assface";"assfuck";"assfucker";"assfukker";"asshat";"asshead";"asshole";"asshopper";"assjacker";"asslicker"; "assmunch";"asswhole";"asswipe";"aunt flo";"b000bs";"b00bs";"b17ch";"b1tch";"bag";"ballbag";"ballsack";"bampot";"bang";"bastard";"basterd";"bastich";"bean count";"beaner";"beastial"; "beastiality";"beat it";"beat off";"beaver";"beavers";"beeyotch";"betch";"beyotch";"bfe";"bi sexual";"bi sexuals";"biatch";"bigmuffpi";"biotch";"bisexual";"bisexuality";"bisexuals";"bitch"; "bitched";"bitches";"bitchin";"bitching";"bizatch";"blackie";"blackies";"block";"bloody hell";"blow";"blow job";"blow wad";"blowjob";"oy vey";"boff";"boffing";"boffs";"boink";"boinking"; "boinks";"boiolas";"bollick";"bollock";"bondage";"boner";"boners";"bong";"boob";"boobies";"boobs";"booty";"boy2boy";"boy4boy";"boyforboy";"boyonboy";"boys2boys";"boys4boys";"boysforboys"; "boysonboys";"boytoboy";"brothel";"brothels";"brotherfucker";"buceta";"bugger";"bugger ";"buggered";"buggery";"bukake";"bullshit";"bumblefuck";"bumfuck";"bung";"bunghole";"bush";"bushpig"; "but";"but plug";"butplug";"butsecks";"butsekks";"butseks";"butsex";"butt";"buttfuck";"buttfucka";"buttfucker";"butthole";"buttmuch";"buttmunch";"buttplug";"buttsecks";"buttsekks"; "buttseks";"buttsex";"buttweed";"c0ck";"c0cksucker";"cabron";"canabis";"cannabis";"carpet muncher";"chank";"cheesedick";"chinc";"chink";"chinks";"choad";"choads";"chode";"cipa";"circlejerk"; "circlejerks";"cleavelandsteemer";"****";"**** block";"**** suck";"cockblock";"cockface";"cockfucker";"cockfucklutated";"cockhead";"cockmaster";"cockmunch"; "cockmuncher";"cockpenis";"cockring";"cocks";"cocksuck";"cocksucker";"cocksuka";"cocksukka";"cok";"cokmuncher";"coksucka";"comestain";"condom";"condoms";"shit"; "shitdick";"shite";"shited";"shitey";"woggy";"wogs";"woof";"wop";"xx";"***";"yank";"yayo";"yeat";"yeet";"yeyo";"yiff";"yiffy";"yola";"yols";"yoni";"youaregay";"yourgay";"zipperhead"; "zipperheads";"zorch";"die";"aimbot key is F";"oh **** off";"try exanima";"jerkcity.com - since 1998";"CUT OFF MY DONG AND STUFF IT IN MY MOUTH,"; "THEN CHOP OFF MY HEAD AND STUFF THAT IN MY REAR"; "SO VIA THE TRANSITIVE PROPERTY I CAN **** MYSELF IN THE ASS"; } shitcheat.Phrasesall = { --i put the tables in a table so it randomly selects a table then randomly selects from that table. shitcheat.Phrases; shitcheat.Phrases3; shitcheat.Phrases4; } shitcheat.Phrases2 = { --dead messages "got ******";"got shit on";"died";"died AGAIN";"didn't get another one";"played cs:go and gmod at the same time";"idled the game for 3000 hrs to get admin on a gay server";"got holocausted"; "ate shit";"tried to fly a potato";"dug too deep";"got RDM'd";"tried to drink molten stone";"got owned";"ate that dirt";"fought the law (and the law won)";"was slain"; "tried to do hvh with an aimware user";"downloaded memeware";"deleted system32";"got mad";"kicked the bucket";"downloaded malware";"got spawncamped to death";"unsubscribed from dramaalert"; "went to hell";"did not pass go";"died in a cage";"got stuck in a trap";"tried to have *** with a trap";"tripped on a dick";"is pretty ******* dead now";"did not collect 200 dollars"; "forgot how to stop, drop, and roll";"went to detroit at night";"got smashed";"got their ******* brains blown out";"became one with the ground";"got gangbanged";"literally ate shit"; "listened to a kanye west album";"****** a cat";"got their dick bitten off by spets";"tried to erp with spets";"broke their spine";"broke their dick";"sucked a golf ball through a garden hose"; "tried to exercise their free speech rights on an HL2RP server";"broke shitcheat again";"used reddit";"was savagely murdered";"got crusaded";"converted to islam";"burned the qur'an"; "ate pork";"contracted wrongthink";"used a meme";"didn't read the preface to shitcheat before using it";"charswapped then got banned"; "got bent over a table and ****** in the ass";"got b&";"fuckin died LMAO";"is dead, long live the king!";"gave bad succ";"unjammed an open-bolt weapon";"brought snixzz3 to a gmod hvh"; "tried to use the carthus curved sword in a fight club";"unfinished string lol";"is dead lol";"broke their cheat again";"used a cheat that wasn't shitcheat";"contracted autism"; "listened to nightcore(which isn't music)";"drank spoiled milk";"forgot who renard was";"forgot themselves";"turned to mist and wondered why"; "got steamrolled into the dirt";"watched an amy schumer comedy special";"told everyone they were a furry";"voted for hillary clinton";"supported communism"; "didn't understand what 'democratic socialism' meant";"jumped off of a bridge";"moved to the UK";"moved to canada";"got their free speech revoked";"got deported";"dropped the soap"; "got boned";"got permbanned by spets";"tried to break into rcon";"drowned";"got struck by lightening";"was detected by CAC";"sat on a dick";"got raped anally";"followed bob good"; "tried to ERP with sheo";"didn't let someone react to their /me";"got blamed for mingery";"has used /Me cum";"took a long walk off a short bridge";"choked on cum"; "has used /Me punc";"has used /plyban me 0";"stole rations";"posted their IP on raidforums";"got their dome cracked";"cracked their dome";"smoked bad weed";"choked on niggermenu"; "dedicated his whole life to hl2rp";"tried to install gentoo";"got doused with napalm";"drank some nape";"used omegle";"uninstalled their antivirus";"got ganked by gooks"; "realized they were a furry";"visited nebulous";"used snixzz3";"fell to their death";"played a fenoxo game";"ate shit and died";"voted lefty";"broke their ass"; "lived to death";"died to death";"tried to run from a cheater";"told vega to suck their dick";"used double quotes in a lua table";"turned off aimbot"; "didn't update the version number";"got not alive'd really hard";"shot themselves";"played dark souls";"added more lines ******* SHIT";"got suffocated by a bullet"; "came";"got caught by their parents jerking off to gay ";"didn't wait until they were 18 to play an M rated game";"drank and drove";"got high in a police station"; "forgot what a trash scallop was";"tried to play dark souls";"got facestabbed";"ended up in a million pieces";"tried to 1v1 an estoc user";"almost didn't die";"****** themselves"; "forgot to turn on email notifs for picarto";"deleted their password";"got their head split";"openly supported communism";"didn't go to school on time";"forgot their dad's birthday"; "watched spic and shorty";"tried to leave the shitty shack";"forgot about mack";"emptied their steam wallet";"got mugged to DEATH";"was born in CHINA";"died wtf???????"; "got stabbed to death just like john snow";"had a video game spoilt for them";"lost their dad just like tatsur0";"didn't believe in free speech";"sent hate mail to an ip logger pop3 server"; "sent angry letters to MY ******* house";"somehow didn't see the giant flashing letters that say 'DO NOT ENTER'";"wrote a line too long for Lua";"tried to work with Microsoft"; "got their soul sucked out";"wasted time not updating shitcheat";"forgot how to draw"; } shitcheat.PhrasesNew = { --new table table for random table in table random table table random shitcheat.DeathPhrases; } shitcheat.DeathSounds = { --dead messages "npc/combine_soldier/vo/secure.wav";"npc/combine_soldier/vo/affirmativewegothimnow.wav";"npc/combine_soldier/vo/overwatchtargetcontained.wav"; "npc/metropolice/vo/sentencedelivered.wav";"npc/metropolice/vo/expired.wav";"npc/metropolice/vo/chuckle.wav"; "npc/overwatch/radiovoice/youarejudgedguilty.wav"; } function SH.GenerateInsult() return table.Random(openers).." you "..table.Random(joiners).." "..table.Random(enders) end function SH.GenerateInsult2() return string.upper(table.Random(openers)).." YOU "..string.upper(table.Random(joiners)).." "..string.upper(table.Random(joiners)).." "..string.upper(table.Random(enders)) end function SH.GenerateInsult3() return table.Random(adminstarts).." you "..table.Random(joiners).." "..table.Random(enders) end function SH.GenerateInsult4() return table.Random(cancerstrike) end function SH.GenerateAutism() return table.Random(annoyingquestions) end local function assspam() if shitcheat.Settings["superspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.GenerateInsult().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.GenerateInsult().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.GenerateInsult().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.GenerateInsult().." " ) end end end timer.Create("Spammins9030", .05,0,assspam) local function madspam() if shitcheat.Settings["madspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.GenerateInsult2().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.GenerateInsult2().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.GenerateInsult2().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.GenerateInsult2().." " ) end end end timer.Create("Spammins9000", .05,0,madspam) local function badminspam() if shitcheat.Settings["badminspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.GenerateInsult3().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.GenerateInsult3().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.GenerateInsult3().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.GenerateInsult3().." " ) end end end timer.Create("kms", .05,0,badminspam) local function cwsaytimerspam() if shitcheat.Settings["cwsaytimerspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.GenerateInsult4().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.GenerateInsult4().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.GenerateInsult4().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.GenerateInsult4().." " ) end end end timer.Create("spamtimerthing", .05,0,cwsaytimerspam) local function adspam() if shitcheat.Settings["adspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.bigadvertspam().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.bigadvertspam().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.bigadvertspam().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.bigadvertspam().." " ) end end end for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198370895099" or LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198033978064" or LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198066387921" or LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198046131464") then function earrape() sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/geturowncheat.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else RunConsoleCommand "clear" RunConsoleCommand "unbindall" LocalPlayer():ChatPrint( "uh oh" ) end end ) end earrape() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "RenderScreenspaceEffectsdisabler", function() local tabber = { ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 2, ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_brightness"] = 0.7, ["$pp_colour_contrast"] = 0.6, ["$pp_colour_colour"] = 3, ["$pp_colour_mulr"] = 10, ["$pp_colour_mulg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_mulb"] = 0 } DrawColorModify( tabber ) end) function asshole( cmd, ply, origin, angles, fov ) local time = FrameTime() SH.ViewOrigin = SH.ViewOrigin + ( SH.Velocity * time) SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity * 0.95 local sensitivity = 0.022 SH.ViewAngle.p = math.Clamp( SH.ViewAngle.p + ( cmd:GetMouseY() * sensitivity ), -89, 89 ) SH.ViewAngle.y = SH.ViewAngle.y + ( cmd:GetMouseX() * -1 * sensitivity ) local nig = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) local add = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) local ang = SH.ViewAngle if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) ) then add = add + ang:Forward() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_BACK ) ) then add = add - ang:Forward() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVERIGHT ) ) then add = add + ang:Right() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVELEFT ) ) then add = add - ang:Right() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) ) then add = add + ang:Up() end if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) ) then add = add - ang:Up() end add = add:GetNormal() * shitcheat.Settings["freecamspeed"] if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then add = add * 2 end SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity + add if ( 1 == 1 ) then SH.LockView = cmd:GetViewAngles() end if ( 1 == 1 ) then cmd:SetViewAngles( SH.LockView ) end cmd:SetForwardMove( 0 ) cmd:SetSideMove( 0 ) cmd:SetUpMove( 0 ) end hook.Add( "CreateMove", "shitcheatwalker", asshole ) local LightingModeChanged = false hook.Add( "PreRender", "fuckoff", function() if shitcheat.Settings["fullbright"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then render.SetLightingMode( 2 ) LightingModeChanged = true end end ) hook.Add( "PostRender", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod ) hook.Add( "DrawHUD", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod ) local hide = { ["CHudHealth"] = true, ["CHudBattery"] = true, ["CHudAmmo"] = true, ["CHudChat"] = true, ["CHudCrosshair"] = true, ["CHudGMod"] = true, ["CHudMenu"] = true, ["NetGraph"] = true, ["CHudWeapon"] = true } hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "HideHUD", function( name ) if ( hide[ name ] ) then return false end end ) end end timer.Create("pleaseshoteme", .05,0,adspam) local function obnoxiousspam() if shitcheat.Settings["obnoxiousspam"] then if ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " .."// "..SH.GenerateAutism().." " ) elseif ( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and !shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay " ..SH.GenerateAutism().." " ) elseif !( GAMEMODE_NAME == "cwhl2rp" ) and shitcheat.Settings["OOCspam"] then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say ".."// "..SH.GenerateAutism().." " ) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..SH.GenerateAutism().." " ) end end end timer.Create("pleasesh3oteme", .05,0,obnoxiousspam) concommand.Add( "cwSay", cwSay ) concommand.Add("ass_insult", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..(SH.GenerateInsult()) ) end) concommand.Add("cw_insult", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay "..(SH.GenerateInsult()) ) end) concommand.Add("ass_insult2", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..(SH.GenerateInsult2()) ) end) concommand.Add("cw_insult2", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay "..(SH.GenerateInsult2()) ) end) concommand.Add("ass_insult3", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..(SH.GenerateInsult3()) ) end) concommand.Add("cw_insult3", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("cwSay "..(SH.GenerateInsult3()) ) end) concommand.Add("ass_insult4", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "say "..(SH.GenerateInsult4()) ) end) concommand.Add("cw_insult4", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "cwSay "..(SH.GenerateInsult4()) ) end) --laser eyes (old shit from anozira days) hook.Add("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "lasereyes", function() if (shitcheat.Settings["esp_player"] and shitcheat.Settings["lasereyes"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0) then for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll())do if SafeCheck(v) == true then local pos, ang = v:GetShootPos(); render.SetMaterial(Material("sprites/bluelaser1")); render.DrawBeam(pos, v:GetEyeTrace().HitPos, 3, 1, 1, team.GetColor(v:Team())); end end end end) --pickup and dupein radius (doesnt even work) function DupeInRadius() local ply = LocalPlayer() for k,v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do local pos = v:GetPos() if v:IsValid() and ply:GetPos():Distance(pos) <= 180 then if v:GetClass() == "cw_item" then for **0,2,1 do Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwItemTake", "cwItemTake"}) -- {Entity(v._RV)} to v end elseif v:GetClass() == "cw_cash" then for **0,2,1 do Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwCashTake", "cwCashTake"}) -- {Entity(v._RV)} to v end end end end end concommand.Add( "dupeinradius", DupeInRadius ) function PickUpInRadius() local ply = LocalPlayer() for k,v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do local pos = v:GetPos() if v:IsValid() and ply:GetPos():Distance(pos) <= 2048 then if v:GetClass() == "cw_item" then Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwItemTake", "cwItemTake"}); elseif v:GetClass() == "cw_cash" then Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwCashTake", "cwCashTake"}); elseif v:GetClass() == "cw_shipment" then Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwShipmentOpen", "cwShipmentOpen"}); elseif v:GetClass() == "prop_physics" then Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwContainerOpen", "cwContainerOpen"}); elseif v:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" then Clockwork.datastream:Start("EntityMenuOption", {v, "cwContainerOpen", "cwContainerOpen"}); end end end end concommand.Add( "pickupinradius", PickUpInRadius ) --clientside convars (not cac detected) CreateClientConVar( "shitcheat.boxESP", 0, true, false) CreateClientConVar( "shitcheat.propchams", 0, true, false) CreateClientConVar( "shitcheat.radiochams", 0, true, false) CreateClientConVar( "shitcheat.chams", 0, true, false) CreateClientConVar( "entitychams", 0, true, false) CreateClientConVar( "panicmode", 0, true, false) --spectat0r detect0r speclist = speclist or {} for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do function twoplustwo() local me = LocalPlayer() if !me:IsValid() then return end if string.find(gmod.GetGamemode().Name, "terrortown") or string.find(gmod.GetGamemode().Name, "TTT") then if( v:GetObserverTarget() and v != me and v:GetObserverTarget() == me and !table.HasValue( speclist, v ) ) then surface.PlaySound("buttons/bell1.wav") chat.AddText( v:Nick().." is now spectating you.", sc2 ) table.insert( speclist, v ) end for k,v in pairs( speclist ) do if( !IsValid( v ) ) then table.remove( speclist, k ) continue end if( !v:GetObserverTarget() or ( v:GetObserverTarget() and v:GetObserverTarget() != me ) ) then chat.AddText( v:Nick().." is no longer spectating you.", lightgreen ) table.remove( speclist, k ) end end end end end hook.Add("Think", "twoplustwo", twoplustwo) --sound effects function playenableuisound() sound.PlayURL ( "http://erg.site.nfoservers.com/acrashscreen/radarfoundsomeone.mp3", "", function( station ) station:Play() end ) end function playaids() sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/dontblockme/dixie.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Stop() else end end ) end function panicmodesound() sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/screengrabwarning.wav", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else end end ) end function startupsay() --sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/startup.wav", "", function( station ) sound.PlayURL ( "http://erg.site.nfoservers.com/acrashscreen/radarfoundsomeone.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else end end ) end function playplayerfound() sound.PlayURL ( "http://erg.site.nfoservers.com/acrashscreen/radarlostsomeone.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else end end ) end function konamimainmenu() sound.PlayURL ( "http://erg.site.nfoservers.com/acrashscreen/knam.wav", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else end end ) end function idlemenumusic() sound.PlayURL ( "http://erg.site.nfoservers.com/acrashscreen/idlemenu.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else end end ) end function devcomments() sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/travellerr.mp3", "", function( station ) if ( IsValid( station ) ) then station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() ) station:Play() else LocalPlayer():ChatPrint( "Invalid URL!" ) end end ) end if shitcheat.Settings["soundeffects"] then --startup sound startupsay() end --panicmode notice hook.Add("HUDPaint", "panicmenusc", function() if GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 1 and shitcheat.Settings["panicdisplay"] then DrawSCBlur( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, ScrW(), 50, Color(21, 21, 21, 0)) draw.DrawText("", "panic", ScrW()/3.09, 5, Color(211, 211, 211, 185)) end end) --[[ Created by Vega and Caliber. Free to distribute, modify, use, and copy any way. ]]