Alb Mauler Melee Mauler (Alb) --- <-- Stats --> Strength: 125 / 121 (4) Constitution: 88 / 92 Dexterity: 56 / 90 Quickness: 75 / 105 Acuity: 0 / 75 Hits: 554 / 600 Armor Factor (AF): 30 / 50 <-- Resists --> Crush: 26% / 26% Slash: 25% / 26% Thrust: 26% / 26% Body: 28% / 26% (2) Spirit: 29% / 26% (3) Energy: 31% / 26% (5) Heat: 25% / 26% Cold: 33% / 28% (5) Matter: 37% / 26% (11) Essence: 0% / 26% <-- Skills --> All Dual Wielding: 0 / 11 All Magic Skills: 0 / 11 All Melee Skills: 8 / 11 Aura Manipulation: 0 / 11 Fist Wraps: 11 / 11 Magnetism: 0 / 11 Mauler Staff: 8 / 11 Power Strikes: 0 / 11 <-- Other Bonuses --> Melee Damage: 10% / 10% Style Damage: 14% / 10% (4%) Melee Speed: 22% / 10% (12%) Cast Speed: 6% / 10% Magic Damage: 10% / 10% Spell Range: 0% / 10% Power Pool: 0% / 25% Spell Pierce: 10% / 10% Debuff Bonus: 0% / 25% Arcane Siphon: 0% / 25% Radiant Aura: 0% / 10% Heal Bonus: 0% / 25% Spell Duration: 4% / 25% Mythical DPS: 11% / 10% (1) Mythical Power Regen: 0% / 25% Mythical CC Reduction: 0% / 25% Mythical Realm Points: 20% / 10% (10) Mythical Health Regen: 10% / 50% Mythical Endurance Regen: 5% / 10% Buff Bonus: 0% / 25% Conversion: 8% / 10% XP Bonus: 0 / 10 Gold Bonus: 0 / 10 Realm Point Bonus: 0 / 10 Bounty Point Bonus: 0 / 10 <-- Items --> Head: Otherworldly Mighty Eyes ( Chest: Robe of Dark Fury ( Arms: Armguards of Dark Fury ( Hands: Sigil Etched Leather (Aerus) Hands (Crafted) (Dexterity ***: 5) Watery Shielding Jewel (flawed) (Slash: 5%) Airy Shielding Jewel (polished) (Thrust: 9%) Airy Essence Jewel (perfect) (Quickness: 29 pts) Fiery Shielding Jewel (polished) (Crush: 9%) Legs: Dragonsworn Etched Leather Legs (Crafted) (Strength: 15 pts) Glacial War Sigil (rough) (Fist Wraps: 3) Watery Shielding Jewel (polished) (Slash: 9%) Airy Shielding Jewel (polished) (Thrust: 9%) Fiery Shielding Jewel (polished) (Crush: 9%) Feet: Boots of Dark Fury ( Necklace: Ghostly Medal of Valor ( Cloak: Cloak of the Loyal Mauler ( Jewel: Emerald of the Harbinger ( Belt: Otherworldly Mercurial Belt ( Left Bracer: Pendragon's Bracer ( Right Bracer: Pendragon's Bracer ( Left Ring: Demon Queen Blood Ring ( Right Ring: Midsummer's Triumphant Wrap ( Mythirian: Freezing King Mythirian ( <-- Weapons --> Right Hand: Cursed Fist Wrap ( Shield: N/A Left Hand: Flamescarred Mauler Fist Wrap ( Staff: N/A <-- Spellcrafting --> 2 Fiery Shielding Jewel (polished) 1 Watery Shielding Jewel (polished) 2 Airy Shielding Jewel (polished) 1 Glacial War Sigil (rough) 1 Watery Shielding Jewel (flawed) 1 Airy Essence Jewel (perfect)