import requests, re, os from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime, timedelta from unidecode import unidecode subreddit = 'Romania' output_dir = os.getcwd() output_filename = 'RomaniaWordCloud' titles = [] done = False start_date = datetime(2021, 1, 1) end_date = datetime(2022, 1, 1) days_to_increment = 5 after_date = start_date before_date = start_date + timedelta(days_to_increment) while not done: after = after_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') before = before_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') url = '' + subreddit + '&after=' + after + '&before=' + before response = requests.get(url).json(); for item in response['data']: title = unidecode(item['title']) if title not in titles: titles.append(title) print('Got titles between ' + after + ' and ' + before + '. Reached ' + str(len(titles)) + ' titles') if before_date >= end_date: done = True else: after_date += timedelta(days_to_increment) if before_date + timedelta(days_to_increment) >= end_date: before_date = end_date else: before_date += timedelta(days_to_increment) print('Got a total of ' + str(len(titles)) + ' titles') words = '' for title in titles: words_in_title = title.split() substring = ' '.join(map(str, words_in_title)) substring = re.sub(r'[^\w\s\-]', '', substring) words += substring + ' ' # conjunctii, anomalii etc exclusions = [ 'fost', 'cine', 'au', 'ca', 'că', 'căci', 'când', 'cât', 'cum', 'dacă', 'dar', 'darămite', 'de', 'decât', 'deci', 'deoarece', 'deși', 'fără', 'fie', 'fiindcă', 'iar', 'isi', 'încât', 'însă', 'întrucât', 'necum', 'nici', 'numai', 'or', 'ori', 'până', 'uri', 'F', 'lui', 'precum', 'sau', 'să', 'și', 'totuși', 'unde', 'pe', 'la', 'spre', 'cu', 'de', 'fără', 'sub', 'în', 'prin', 'pentru', 'către', 'contra', 'lângă', 'ce', 'si', 'sa', 'ma', 'fi', 'in', 'din', 'care', 'se', 'de', 'va', 'fi', 'ati', 'imi', 'asa', 'mi', 'un', 'nu', 'da', 'mai', 'ati', 'ce', 'cat', 'o', 'e', 'la', 'ne', 'pe', 'au', 'mi', 'al', 'cel', 'vs', 'își', 'pt', 'new', 'home', 'ati', 'asa', 'ai', 'te', 'le', 'o', 'mi', 'ul', 'n', 'm', 'l', 'il', 'ii' ] word_list = words.split(' ') curated_words = '' for word in word_list: if word.lower() not in exclusions: curated_words += ' ' + word print('Plotting...') word_cloud = WordCloud(width=2048, height=1024).generate(curated_words) plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) plt.imshow(word_cloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(output_dir + '/' + output_filename + '.png', dpi=200) print('Done!')