what is the difference between "vgcfgbackup & vgcfgrestore" and "vgexport & vgimport" vgcfgbackup : creates a backup of the LVM configuration extent within the volume group. vgcfgbackup -f /tmp/vg01 vg01 ================================================================================== vgcfgrestore : Use this to restore the LVM configuraztion on a physical disk, for instance, after it has been replaced. When the LV on a replaced disk is not mirrored, a vgcfgrestore is rather useless, but when your LV is mirrored, you can resync your mirror to the new disk after a vgcfgrestore. The following procedure will require a valid prior LVM volume group configuration file and also a map file. 1. Make sure the volume group is deactivated. # vgchange -a n /dev/ Volume group "" has been successfully changed. 2. Verify the PV list in the configuration file shows the previous configuration. In this case we are assumming that the user added a second disk to the VG, old configuration file will show only one: # vgcfgrestore -f /dev/lvmconf/.conf.old Volume Group Configuration information in ".conf.old" VG Name /dev/ ---- Physical volumes : 1 ---- /dev/rdsk/c#t#d0 (Non-bootable) 3. Restore the VG header information from previous configuration file. It should be restore to the old physical volume. # vgcfgrestore -f /etc/lvmconf/.conf.old /dev/rdsk/c#t#d# Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdsk/c3t15d0 4. Remove VG configuration out of the lvmtab. # vgexport /dev/ 5. Recreate VG directory: # mkdir /dev/ 6. Recreate the volume group "group" node file. Remember that the minor number must be unique. # mknod /dev//group c 64 0x0#0000 7. Reimport the volume group. LV structures will be recover from map file. # vgimport -m /tmp/.map /dev/ /dev/dsk/c#t#d# Warning: A backup of this volume group may not exist on this machine. Please remember to take a backup using the vgcfgbackup command after activating the volume group. 8. Reactivate volume group. Some warning messages may be received. # vgchange -a y /dev/ Volume group "" has been successfully changed. ================================================================================== vgexport : Gathers the physical disks and LV-number/name mapping to configuration files and removes the VG configuration from the LVM, but leaves all information on disk intact. vgexport -vps -m vg_pas_dvebmgs.map /dev/vg_pas_dvebmgs ================================================================================== vgimport : Reads the above configuration files to add a VG to the LVM setup, but the data on the disks itself should already be there. vgimport -vs -N -m vg_pas_dvebmgs.map /dev/vg_pas_dvebmgs ================================================================================== vgcfgrestore/vgcfgbackup : Backups the LVM configuration on disk for pure restore/recovery reasons. vgexport/vgimport : Backups LVM layout to allow you to move the disks to another system and import the configuration there.