var _timeouts = []; function setTimeout(cb, wait) { var cur_time = new Date().getTime(); _timeouts.push({ date: cur_time, wait: wait, call: cb, type: "timeout", }); return _timeouts.length - 1; } function clearTimeout(timeout) { _timeouts.splice(timeout, 1); } function _setTimeoutOnFrame() { var cur_time = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < _timeouts.length; i++) { var a = _timeouts[i]; if (cur_time > + a.wait) { + a.wait, i); if (a.type == "timeout") _timeouts.splice(i, 1); else if (a.type == "interval") _timeouts[i].date = cur_time; } } } Global.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "_setTimeoutOnFrame"); var jsName = "skid.js", settings = [ { name: "General", options: [ { name: "Resetscore on death", type: "checkbox", }, ], }, { name: "Clantag", options: [ { name: "Enable", type: "checkbox", }, { name: "Text", type: "textbox", }, { name: "Animation", type: "dropdown", values: ["Gamesense"], default: "Gamesense", }, ], }, { name: "Killmsg", options: [ { name: "Enable", type: "checkbox", }, { name: "Messages ( Separate with + )", type: "textbox", }, ], }, { name: "Min. dmg", options: [ { name: "[skid.js] Min damage override", short: "Mindmg override", type: "hotkey", }, { name: "Minimum damage", type: "slider", min: 0, max: 100, }, ], }, { name: "Kill sound", options: [ { name: "Enable", type: "checkbox", }, { name: "Playback", type: "checkbox", }, { name: "Sound(s) (Separate file names with +)", type: "textbox", }, { name: "Sound length (in sec)", type: "slider", min: 0.0, max: 10.0, }, ], }, { name: "Scope FOV", options: [ { name: "Enable", type: "checkbox", }, { name: "Scope FOV", type: "slider", min: 50.0, max: 150.0, }, ], }, ]; function main() { for (var index = 0; index < settings.length; index++) { const value = settings[index], tabName = jsName + " - " +; UI.AddSubTab(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR"], tabName); for (var i = 0; i < value.options.length; i++) { const val = value.options[i]; if (!val.type) continue; const path = ["Config", tabName, tabName]; switch (val.type) { case "textbox": UI.AddTextbox(path,; break; case "checkbox": UI.AddCheckbox(path,; break; case "dropdown": UI.AddDropdown(path,, val.values, 0); break; case "hotkey": UI.AddHotkey( ["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds"],, val.short || ); break; case "slider": UI.AddSliderInt(path,, val.min || 0, val.max || 100); break; default: break; } } } } main(); // General function resetscore_main() { const tabName = jsName + " - General", enabled = UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Resetscore on death"]); if ( enabled && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker")) && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) ) Cheat.ExecuteCommand("rs"); } Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "resetscore_main"); // Clantag var CT = {}; function clantag_main() { const tabName = jsName + " - Clantag"; var enabled = UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Enable"]); var anim = UI.GetString(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Animation"]); var text = UI.GetString(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Text"]); if (!enabled) { Local.SetClanTag(""); setTimeout(clantag_main, 2500); return; } if (!CT.animation || anim != CT.animation || !CT.text || text != CT.text) CT = { animation: anim, text: text, }; const tag = CT.text.slice(0, 14), _tag = "", timeout = 500; switch (anim) { case "Gamesense": if (!CT.state || !CT.from) { CT.state = "write"; CT.from = 0; } if (CT.state == "write") if (CT.from < tag.length) CT.from += 1; else CT.state = "remove"; else if (CT.from > 0) CT.from -= 1; else CT.state = "write"; _tag = CT.state == "write" ? tag.slice(0, CT.from) : tag.slice(tag.length - CT.from, tag.length); timeout = CT.state == "write" ? 400 : 225; break; default: break; } Local.SetClanTag(_tag); setTimeout(clantag_main, timeout || 500); } clantag_main(); // Killmsg var shots = {}; function killmsg_main() { const tabName = jsName + " - Killmsg", enabled = UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Enable"]); if (!enabled) return; if ( Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker")) && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) ) { var msgStr = UI.GetString(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Messages ( Separate with + )"]), allMsg = msgStr.split("+"), msg = allMsg[Math.floor(Math.random() * allMsg.length)]; msg = msg .replace("_v", Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"))) || "nn") .replace("_shots", shots[Event.GetInt("userid")] || 1); Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + msg); delete shots[Event.GetInt("userid")]; } else shots = {}; } Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "killmsg_main"); function killmsg_hurt() { if ( Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker")) && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) ) { if (!shots[Event.GetInt("userid")]) shots[Event.GetInt("userid")] = 0; shots[Event.GetInt("userid")] += 1; } } Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "killmsg_hurt"); // Mindmg override function mindmg_main() { if ( UI.GetValue([ "Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "[skid.js] Min damage override", ]) ) { const tabName = jsName + " - Min. dmg", dmg = UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Minimum damage"]), enemies = Entity.GetEnemies(); for (enemy in enemies) { Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(enemies[enemy], dmg || 1); } } } Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "mindmg_main"); // Kill sound var KS = { playing: false, started: 0.0, }; function killsound_main() { const tabName = jsName + " - Kill sound"; if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Enable"])) return; if ( Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker")) && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) ) { KS.started = Global.Realtime(); KS.playing = true; if (UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Playback"])) Global.ExecuteCommand("voice_loopback 1"); Sound.PlayMicrophone("..\\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\\" + killsound_getRandomSound()); } } function killsound_reset() { const tabName = jsName + " - Kill sound"; if ( KS.playing && KS.started + UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Sound length (in sec)"]) - Global.Realtime() < 0.05 ) { KS.playing = false; Sound.StopMicrophone(); Global.ExecuteCommand("voice_loopback 0"); } } function killsound_getRandomSound() { var tabName = jsName + " - Kill sound", str = UI.GetString(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Sound(s) (Separate file names with +)"]), sounds = str.split("+"), sound = sounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * sounds.length)]; return sound + ".wav"; } Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "killsound_main"); Global.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "killsound_reset"); // Scope FOV const SFOV = { defaultFov: UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "View", "General", "Field of view"]), }; function scopefov_main() { const tabName = jsName + " - Scope FOV"; if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Enable"])) { UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "View", "General", "Field of view"], SFOV.defaultFov); return; } const localPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), isScoped = Entity.GetProp(localPlayer, "CCSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped"), scopeVal = UI.GetValue(["Config", tabName, tabName, "Scope FOV"]); // set FOV UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "View", "General", "Field of view"], isScoped ? scopeVal : SFOV.defaultFov); setTimeout(scopefov_main, 25); } setTimeout(scopefov_main, 25);