In theory, human rights are universal and inalienable to all human beings. But, in practice in a late-stage capitalist society, human rights become commodities with a price tag. Justice never works the same for the rich and the poor, the economic elites and the excluded minorities. The whole experiment with democracy, human rights, and rule of law in the Western world seems to be coming to an end. Large populations can be controlled and exploited with violence in many forms and shapes: physical and psychological, explicit and implicit, political and economic. Production systems works the same in failed states and authoritarian regimes, as in "full democracies" and "free societies". There was never a real democracy or real freedom to begin with, as whole societies end up serving elites. "Free market" is an oxymoron: elites end up rigging any production system, by means of economic influence. Ethics of people in power have a price tag, like everything in the human world. Elites frequently pay for it by means of bonuses, gifts, stock options, and many other means. Markets can't regulate themselves: market players rule over each other until a hierarchy emerges. Balance in matters involving large sums of money cannot exist. A dominant set of players ends up taking everything. The only way out is not to believe in money, but it's infeasible. Money should be considered a toxic waste, like hydrogen cyanide, a substance that is odious to handle and store. A substance that corrodes, burns, and poisons. But our means of exchanging goods and services is precisely through that toxic waste.