1. Write a program to find the root of non-linear equation using Bisection method. //Bisection Method #include #include #include #define MAX 20 #define E 0.00001 #define f(x) (x*x-4*x-10) int main() { int count=0; float x1,x2,x0; printf("Enter the inital guess values x1 and x2\n"); scanf("%f%f",&x1,&x2); if(f(x1)*f(x2)>0) printf("The guess values don\'t bracket root. Change the guess values."); else { begin: x0=(x1+x2)/2; if(fabs(f(x0))0){ x2=x0; count++;} else if(f(x0)<0){ x1=x0; count++;} if (count #include #include #define MAX 20 #define E 0.0001 #define f(x) (exp(x)-x-2) #define f1(x) (exp(x)-1) int main() { int count=1; float x0,x1; printf("Enter the initial guess value. "); scanf("%f",&x0); if(f1(x0)==0) printf("Derivative is zero at guess value."); else { begin: x1=x0-(f(x0)/f1(x0)); if(fabs((x1-x0)/x1) #include #include #define MAX 20 #define E 0.0001 #define f(x) (exp(x)-x-2) int main() { int count=1; float x1,x2,x3,f1,f2; printf("Enter two initial guess values. "); scanf("%f%f",&x1,&x2); begin: f1=f(x1),f2=f(x2); x3=x2-f2*(x2-x1)/(f2-f1); if(fabs((x3-x2)/x3) #include #include #define MAX 20 #define E 0.0001 #define g(x) (exp(x)-2) //exp(x)-x-2=0, x=exp(x)-2 int main() { int count=1; float x0,x1,error; printf("Enter the initial guess value. "); scanf("%f",&x0); begin: x1=g(x0), error=x1-x0; if(fabs(error)