/b the keys were in the car - it was still running just stalled so I just left it without opening it and I chose to leave the keys inside when he searched me - I said maybe someone took them. They came back anyway and took their time to lock pick it afterwards while I was watching for like 10 minutes we were in the same spot... in a nice neighborhood... which they also claimed (one of the people that contacted me on discord) that - that area - was their main HQ... meaning anyone who they want can be a suspect and they are 'allowed' to just do this if they don't pull over to their demands. I have IRL friends that tell me stories about them growing up - and visiting Brazil and the madness that goes there , and I think that this scene is just... well unrealistic even compared to that - we have cops - we have rules -)) just because the server is empty doesn't mean you can play like its an apocalypse stopping - ramming and killing anyone on the spot. especially when it is against the rules. So I left the keys inside seeing I thought they will work a bit harder to get my stuff - seeing they are literally 10 people against one. They had the time to do everything. doesn't look like me 'not giving them the keys' hurt them and It wasn't a territory war or something . I am in no gang so even If I run away I wasn't a threat to them to begin with. So I do not see why they have to rob me completely jsut cause they 'thought i was a suspect' or 'they killed me cause I was in their terf' the insults were due to their actions in game - their way of RP was not only bad, but also very unrealistic, reminds me of an apocalypses, no one stopped to check my ID who I was, they contacted me on discord - theyre back stories of the incident change from moment to moment when I tried to understand why I was killed... I still do not know and I can tell it was just one of those deaths. I was only referring to their actions - the way they did everything and how 10 people just ganged up on someone and robbed him and left him there. I was Role Playing with the White Mitsubishi that I could have just drove off from him several times - but I stopped for him and we began talking he was trying to figure out my name - at the same time (while we were Role Playing - this Kamachou came in and just - 2 seconds tried to talk but he needed to refresh his voice on my end and - not even before I noticed the 4 other cars started driving towards me ... I reveresed and they rammed me while yelling: "get out of the car" not simulating the rap as an RP injury as well... although they were there to obviously kill me. As I left the car - I did not attempt to run - I wanted to ask them what is going on - even in /b but no one responded to my calls - no one replied to the fact that I called DM. They just cared about my items, and I quote from the video "Aww he only had a heavy" and like 16 other stuff that I personally collected and kept in case I need them at one point - but these guys just loot and steal from one to the next, their loot changes, they don't mind. A civilian has valuables, his wallet his phone (which was not stolen thank god) and I had clothing and items that I bought from friends... I was looted , and my car, completely dry. No one asked to help me. no one asked who I am, no one even called the medics when they left. The moment I got out of the car and they immediately shot me - is why I 'insulted' them. I just commented on their game style. I never insult players in person. I told them over discord that they contacted me after that they should probably go play something more killing related - like GTA V online cause it has all the same stuff , even Role Playing in different servers and people , and you can kill there all you want without reason. It is practically the same in my eyes - this scene keeps happening to me and everytime I just realize that people don't know how to RP and they have no self control - boredom - what ever... why you didn't respond properly to their finishing attempt RP - my character has military experience and In that case - dying in the street - like a dog - was worse than anything. He couldn't just look up and let him snap his neck. He has combat and hand to hand experience... any gangster that comes close, even in the last moments of deaths, Bruce can fight on. They moved away and shot me anyway which was the right way to do it against him. simultaneously stalling RP? and why you returned to the scene of your death to retrieve your vehicle while still having an NLR tag? I was simply in shock that they just went for everything after they Randomly Killed me... You can see me typing and erasing - I type fast - I really didn't know how to react to that deathmatch - its those moments that I see that no one cares about you - that its just about killing you and taking your loot - what am I an AI? go play against bots? Stalling.... I can type faster than any one of them in any scenario - thye baretly even replied to my /b but I am exected to jump on their Key demands? on their execute demands? SURE when they kill me immediately and THEN play by the rules its OK - for them... But when someone doesn't play along ? and after he gets rule broken - for killing and looting his own body? Why am I to tolerate and run along with it? Why should I suffer 30-1 hour of getting my stuff back - my car - repair - driving over there - and waiting the 30 minutes JUST CAUSE they randomly killed me? There is a BIG difference between them RDMing me out of the blue - with no context - what if I had a lot of stuff on me? or just moving my stuff one place to the other? If I lost 50k of loot they would be celebrating - and even then it will still be my fault for 'rule breaking' cause they RDMed me - but after that no one is allowed to rule break after that? I wasn't about to get a shotgun and run there back and kill them... I just cant understand this logic - I am sorry - I get it only admin can stop RP but - why are they allowed to do the BIGGEST rule break - they forced RP on me - I didn't have a chance to react to their 'no sound- demands' and then I am just supposed to play along? I can guarantee you if they didn't kill me and lets say, broke another less serious rule, IDK mixing or anything in between - that doesn't invlove hurting others DIRECTLY. I wounldn't mind and placed my hands up - just like I intended to do after they stalled my car - but seeing the fact that these guys were only there to kill me and not Role Play is the main key why I just want to quit role playing servers in general - it seems that if you are not in a govern job with a body cam on - some players will always do these things and just go 'kill all' mode. As I said, I didn't stall in my eyes... I honestly didn't know what am I supposed to do. They broke RDM KOS > excpect me to follow the rules > report me for not following the rules AFTER they broke the rules? If there was an admin watching - he would've stopped RP the moment he just sprayed me down after immediately getting out of my car and just standing there - there are like 10-15 bullets spray on a -not hostile - not moving target. either this player shouldn't have guns - at all - or make it harder to get them like... x10 and the punishment for RDMing x10 more severe. either in prison or ooc. There are some rules that affect in-game actions a lot more than other rules- NLR CAN be used to do harm and cheat - I understand that - but me coming back to a scene that was empty for 20 minutes (I was contemplating if to /respawn or to wait for help....) They lock picked my car - they executed me and took ALL my times. I came back to get my novak and repair it...... with nothing on me and the scene was empty. I get the punishment for dying is 30 minutes to not get your stuff back - back in this case my death for me, was against the rules, out of place, and I do not feel like I should suffer for their actions any extra than just the fact that they just randomly killed me. So that is my logic. How do they say? do not negotiate with terrorist's ? Let's say they were terrorists - rule breakers - why would I listen to them? I am already downed surrounded by 10 people with AKs like I am in Afghanistan and I just got KILLED immediately - why would I think these guys can actually let me go? what is my logic in TRUSTING them now with my car keys? that they will kill me? they already shot me on sight... what is there more for me to fear of???? That is my reasoning. in a real scenario - if you see 4 cars roll up on you - you reverse... fast. especially due to the nature of this city - people tend to react with their cars a lot - driving around you - blocking people for fun or not - people say for fun 'put your hands up' am I supposed to react to every single one liner when it became a joke already? Everything can be sorted out by RPing and NOT shooting someone in 2 seconds. especially when you have like 4-5 cars and 4-5 automatic weapons and pistols waiting just across the road for me to try to escape. Why use lethal force against one player? If another 4-5 cars roll up with guns - yeah go wild... unfortunately this is not the first time I have seen this and expected to just submit back to rule breakers like everything is ok. I don't know why people think this should be the normal - again if it s a RDM compared to mixing or something else - that doesn't involve HARMING someone else... I understand. But if the first rule break - that gives him htte biggest advantage in the Role Playing scenario is taken and he didn't role play and at least explain me the situation WHY or AFTER he killed me EXPLAINED me WHY ... (I have it recorded that someone shot me, cause a friend of mine started punching my car and me in the middle of the road and I shot him there - as an EMT I was about to take him to the hospital but another player spotted me shooting at him and engaged me - that is perfect RP , I shot, im a threat to people in the street - I can exepct someone rogue using his pistol, even with or without a license or understanding of usage, downs me. That makes sense! cause I was a threat to people. He didn't know what happened but he waited for me to do an action - and so did I - my friend started unching me and my car - I tried to tell him to stop and he went for me so I engaged him downing him. So it is a Action for Action. If your first action is Deathmatching > just acting like its ok and looting the body and leaving the scene - not only its disrepectful to you or to the guy you loot - it is not Role Playing - so it doesn't even belong in the server - It just isn't fair to the side that got DMed cause obviouisly he cannot retaliate - he cannot defend his stuff - and now that's it. I understand the rules need to be always kept - but If I can say I do believe that I didn't intend no harm to these players - AT ALL - and not only that I tried to communicate them nicely AT FIRST and saw their further actions as demeaning and disrespectful - the fact that one of them contacted me over discord and just kept repeating the same stuff after I tried to ask him why he did the actions he did - eventually blocking me and removing that after and the 2nd guy that contacted me on discord was a bit more respectful but I don't know If I can just call it a day after seeing the actions they took in every aspect of this report - not only the in game - the /b - the actions and their behavior -a bit of decency to see someone is reporting you and ask for what? even after I told them I was streaming - and recording - they just kept on doing what they know best. So I am sorry that I broke the rules - but my rule breaking aren't to hurt others in this case like they did. So I do not want to even play after that - not even to mention to do a report and waste my in-game time to PLAY and write this. so 30 minutes to wait for NLR, and then how ever long it will take me to get back my items, I had clothes, I had stuff I got from people. items for daily use and more! it is all recorded - so I get Deathmatched, then they expect me to play along and theen they expect ME to abide by server rules that only hurt me? That shouldn't be the case if the player (and I did PM them one by one) that I am reporting them. The actions are against the player that shot me with the pistol - stalling my vehicle and that Kamachou driver that blocked my hood and breaking my Role Playing moment with the White mitsubishi without me even talking back to him - cause I couldn't even hearr him - he needed a cough drop, I did not even see him get out from the car with a pistol cause he did it 2 seconds after arriving and blocking me. I was reversing back cause I saw the 4 cars driving up to me - which scared me obviously and the man with the pistol shot me and stalled my engine. The report is also against the 2 players in the Shafter V12 driver per say. ramming me and at the same time yelling pull over (that was the first time I heard pull over and by that time my engine was stalled by a bullet from the kamachou passanger with the pistol. After that I got out and I was so shocked I didnt even move. I stood there for 2 seconds as he sprays me with 15 bullets to the body and they begin scavanging my body immediately - there is no 'who is he' 'why did you kill him?' they were all on it together - no one even asked anyone in that scene WHY or WHO I was and WHY did they kill me - so they all calculated this to begin with. I know communication and you guys are probably doing this on the daily basis - I am an EMT and I treat all the 'reports' that people want to make but don't have a bodycam or the time or the force to report these kind of actions and I would like to see it being slowly worked on so people will understand better how this scene is completely crazy in my mind. Sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for your time. let me know if you have any other questions please