utarrrg hey 8:53:32 krystal 8:57:06krystalshaft heyyy 8:57:38 how are ya?! 8:59:17utarrrg im ok 8:59:22 how are you 9:00:30krystalshaft doing pretty good actually! 9:00:37 aside from burning myself 9:00:38 hahahah 9:01:25utarrrg how 9:01:37krystalshaft making potstickers 9:01:43 lit handle got HOT 9:01:49utarrrg oh nooo 9:01:49krystalshaft lid 9:01:58 it's not bad yet 9:02:03 but I feel beginning of blister 9:02:20 but yeah 9:02:26 I've been deep cleaning 9:02:41 physically cleaning my space to help with my head 9:02:45 because I'm stuck here 9:03:21utarrrg stuck why 9:09:29krystalshaft just stuck working from home 9:09:40utarrrg oh ok 9:10:05 i tried to say hey to kushy on fb and she responded with ? 9:10:16 and i took that way too personally and just said nothing 9:10:22 and then havent talked to her since lol 9:10:58krystalshaft I mean, when was last time you guys talked 9:11:02 she's had a lot happen 9:11:05 and stuff 9:11:08utarrrg uhhhh 9:11:11 oh really 9:11:14krystalshaft maybe just hey isn't enough? Dab.Chat: jonnypsilocybin has joined the room! 9:11:16utarrrg weeks ago 9:12:50krystalshaft i dunno I've always been the one that talks about my problems 9:12:51 is honest 9:12:54 get thingso ut 9:12:59 don't beat around bush 9:13:05 if I see my friend hurting I ask why 9:13:07 not hi 9:13:18utarrrg hmm? 9:13:26 how would i know she was hurting? 9:13:40 if i havent talked to her in weeks 9:13:42krystalshaft how would you know otherwise 9:13:43 ? 9:13:49utarrrg ???? 9:13:52krystalshaft I'm saying, say more than hi 9:13:55 ?????????????????????? 9:13:59utarrrg im not going to assume anything about someones life 9:14:05krystalshaft ok don't 9:14:11 say more than hi 9:14:13utarrrg i was just saying hello because i hadnt talked to her in a while 9:14:17 apparently thats not okay 9:14:18krystalshaft I didn't say be psyychich 9:14:30utarrrg cool thanks krystal 9:14:38krystalshaft people think you're insensitive 9:14:40 you are 9:14:44utarrrg ill talk to you another day 9:14:45krystalshaft just being blunt 9:14:49utarrrg are you serious 9:14:51krystalshaft and hten you do this 9:14:58utarrrg "do this" 9:15:09 i was having a really bad night and i came in here to talk to someone 9:15:10krystalshaft "I don't wanna talk about this" 9:15:20 OTHER PEOPLE NEED THAT TOO 9:15:24utarrrg huh 9:15:41 hahahaha no kidding 9:15:48 wouldnt i know that 9:15:53krystalshaft you're literally saying "I wanted to talk about my problem" 9:16:01 "not address anything else" 9:16:06utarrrg krystal 9:16:12krystalshaft "I had a bad night I don't care about others" 9:16:17 KIM 9:16:19utarrrg i want to slow down this convo because im not even getting a chance to process this 9:16:28 hold on please Dab.Chat: jonnypsilocybin has left the room! 9:16:49 i dont understan where any of this came from 9:17:38 you think im insensitive 9:17:43 thats insaaaaane 9:17:49 i feel so hard for people every day 9:17:53 it hurts me 9:18:18 its powerful and im surprised you really do think that 9:18:35 apparently saying hi to kushy wasnt enough 9:19:03 ahhh 9:19:07 idk if youre responding but this chat sucks 9:19:11 and my messages didnt all go through 9:19:20 and now theyre all gone so i cant scroll up and respond to more of what you said 9:19:40krystalshaft so basically 9:19:58utarrrg i had said i hear what you said about kushy, that it wasnt enough 9:20:05 ill try to learn from that 9:20:12krystalshaft I kind of feel like you're not seeing how you can be a true friend to people 9:20:16utarrrg my intention was to reach out 9:20:21krystalshaft that's what I wanted to bring to attention 9:20:26utarrrg i think about her often 9:20:33krystalshaft saying how are you instead of hi is important 9:20:33utarrrg and how it is where she is 9:20:41krystalshaft saying I care about you instead of :wave 9:20:51utarrrg i cant talk like that krystal 9:20:59krystalshaft because I'll be honest she told me that was what you said 9:20:59utarrrg i have too much baggage to come right out and say that 9:21:01krystalshaft :wave 9:21:13utarrrg you know what krystal 9:21:17krystalshaft that hurt her Dab.Chat: ratdirt has left the room! Dab.Chat: ratdirt has left the room! 9:21:25 she reached out to me 9:21:29utarrrg i dont need the gif put back in my face 9:21:33krystalshaft saying she was hurt and what was up with you? 9:21:38utarrrg wtf 9:21:40krystalshaft I'm not trying to be midle man 9:21:45utarrrg because of a gif 9:21:51krystalshaft I AM BEING HONEST 9:21:53 WHEN NEEDED 9:21:55utarrrg my husband and i use gifs back and forth all the time 9:22:08krystalshaft sometimes it is the right time 9:22:10utarrrg we use gifs in this chatroom 9:22:13 wtf??? 9:22:20krystalshaft I totally understand but aftersilnce 9:22:23 maybe not a gif 9:22:26utarrrg silence? 9:22:30 it works both ways 9:22:30krystalshaft after weeks of silence 9:22:58utarrrg silence lol 9:23:03 idek what that means 9:23:14 i stopped coming here almost at all so i stopped talking with anyone from here 9:23:38krystalshaft you know what let me actually say something positive 9:23:48utarrrg and id like to speak to her directly about this instead of you telling her what we're talking about which i think is already happening 9:23:50krystalshaft thank you, like I am in no way joking thank you 9:23:59utarrrg krystal this is awful 9:24:01krystalshaft thank you for trusting me and being able to allow us to be open and honest 9:24:05utarrrg i really care for both of you 9:24:09krystalshaft I am actually really truly happy 9:24:11utarrrg this is really upsetting 9:24:14krystalshaft that you can trust me 9:24:17 to talk with me 9:24:23 I'm happy so thank you, I'm not upset 9:24:35utarrrg im upset 9:24:37krystalshaft I am very happy you can trust me to tell me this 9:24:45 it means we can grow from it 9:24:47 and be stronger 9:24:53utarrrg does she know we're talking 9:24:57 can i apologize to her 9:25:06krystalshaft I apologize that I was a bit rude 9:25:22utarrrg i felt attacked 9:25:37 didnt have to do the gif so many times 9:25:38krystalshaft I jsut had no idea 9:25:46utarrrg no idea what 9:26:12krystalshaft that my friends were as emotionally susceptable 9:26:16 as myself 9:26:24utarrrg are you crying 9:26:33krystalshaft no I'm having a revelation 9:26:36 happiness 9:26:44utarrrg okay 9:26:47krystalshaft joy that I can have a bond with strangers 9:26:51 so silly but so real 9:27:06utarrrg i feel like im being insulted s 9:27:09krystalshaft it's special to have you as a friend 9:27:22utarrrg i dont understand this conversation 9:27:24krystalshaft it's so uncommon you know? 9:27:40 I mean to all your friends and fam do they even know you come here? 9:28:02utarrrg my husband does and sometimes i point to different people and describe them to him 9:28:17 people i like, im not like "this is blabla theyre mean" i dont focus on that 9:28:29 uhhh my bffl does i brought her to hb a few times. 9:28:33krystalshaft so the fact that you care about these people on almost a same level 9:28:35utarrrg im so upset and dont undestand 9:28:47krystalshaft is special 9:28:58utarrrg i just came here to smoke 9:29:01krystalshaft but sep from your actual IRL life 9:29:08utarrrg does kushy know we're talking about this 9:29:11krystalshaft no 9:29:22 but she recently told me about it 9:29:29 after I asked her suh wit hou 9:29:36 and after I reached out to you 9:29:37 in snapchat 9:29:39 last week Dab.Chat: greeney153 has joined the room! 9:30:08utarrrg i dont really want to hear more about the convo 9:30:19 and i cant believe she showed you the actual gif 9:30:54 can i tell kush you told me 9:31:24krystalshaft if it makes you feel better 9:31:34utarrrg it was really hard for me to reach out to her just to say hi krystal 9:31:34krystalshaft or maybe you could even think of how it makes you feel 9:31:50utarrrg because i have no idea if peolple actually value talking wiith me 9:31:56 krystal 9:31:58krystalshaft I jsut told you 9:32:07 I just told you and thanked you 9:32:07utarrrg i dont need you to tell me how to think or what to feel 9:32:10 im sitting her bawling 9:32:16krystalshaft for being open with me, for allowing our convos to be honest 9:32:18utarrrg im going to tell her how i feel 9:32:31 well you attacked me about it and ill remember that ill talk to kush about it 9:33:59krystalshaft I've never lied to you 9:34:08 I get nothihg out oflying to ppl anymore 9:34:13 (except white lies to my mom) Dab.Chat: vernon has joined the room! 9:36:07utarrrg you didnt have to say all the things you said 9:36:09 but wahtever 9:36:14 this convo went better than it could have 9:36:49 cool i pm'd her and she stood up and walked away 9:37:02krystalshaft I do not regret saying what I said but I apologize for it's crass ass tone even throug chat 9:37:10 she getting a drink refill 9:37:18 she lost a friend last week\ 9:37:31utarrrg ok so bad timing 9:37:50 for context 9:38:01 i sent gif to "in real life" friends like that too 9:38:28 but ill stop trying to defend myself 9:38:42krystalshaft sometimes when I get a feeling to talk to someone 9:38:46utarrrg im going to try to get rid of puffy eyes long enough to smoke w the room before bed 9:38:51krystalshaft I will ask them a question 9:38:55utarrrg by the way krystal 9:38:58krystalshaft because sometimes it really feels like an energy 9:39:01 like you need to 9:39:10utarrrg i hope this doesnt come off as uncaring because listen to the first part of this statement 9:39:32 i listen to people for 5-7 hours a day and hear their deepest everythings 9:39:39 and so when i come to this chat i may seem uncaring 9:39:51 sometimes im just ******* done and thats not ok to be rude or mean 9:39:55 but here we are 9:40:20 what ive noticed 9:40:25 is i feel better when i am not here 9:40:32 so thats why ive stopping coming as much Dab.Chat: vernon has left the room! Dab.Chat: vernon has left the room! 9:40:47 i miss the people that arent elsewhere on the internet but i cant ignore that feeling 9:41:23 ok vent over 9:41:31 thanks for coming to my ted talk etc etc 9:42:38krystalshaft I completely agree with that sentiment 9:43:00 it's imporrtant to be able to wind down, relax, and feel sep from job Dab.Chat: utarrrg has joined the room! 9:43:18utarrrg omg this crummy chat 9:43:25 disconnecting reconnecting garbage 9:45:18krystalshaft it happens to me too Dab.Chat: skunky420 has joined the room! 9:45:23utarrrg oh god 9:45:56krystalshaft see she was just getting comfort 9:46:01 this is good 9:46:30utarrrg dont think shes read yet 9:47:22 im panicing Dab.Chat: utarrrg has joined the room! 9:47:48 i think im going to take a pill 9:48:33krystalshaft I think these last few months have taught me how valuable it is to check in with people you care about 9:48:46 I had a friend who I had no idea had depression 9:48:52 I text him 9:49:18utarrrg im going to have to leave before she reads it 9:49:23 its nearly 1am here 9:49:38krystalshaft sleep is important too 9:49:54utarrrg K woke up at 5 this morning 9:49:59 well yesterday morning 9:50:11krystalshaft i don't remember what that loks like 9:50:19utarrrg lol 9:50:33krystalshaft sun isn't out at 5am 9:50:33utarrrg you know what was kinda cool 9:50:42 when i was Bfing her i was up all hours of the night 9:50:42krystalshaft i htink 9:50:43 what 9:50:47utarrrg ok that part wasnt cool 9:50:50 BUT 9:51:03 i noticed that every single hour overnight, birds chirp 9:51:09 i thought they went to sleeps 9:51:17krystalshaft there's always one bird lost 9:51:18utarrrg but every single hour throughout the night id hear chirps 9:51:20krystalshaft or looking for a lost 9:51:24 same with cats 9:51:29utarrrg nah it was a chorus 9:51:32krystalshaft I've ben trying to find a kitten 9:51:42 well I found it 9:51:42utarrrg good luck so is everyone else lol 9:51:45krystalshaft I mean rescure 9:51:56 it's a shunned lil bb' 9:52:02 momma don't wanna care for it 9:52:03utarrrg aw 9:52:12krystalshaft it's a tiny black kitten 9:52:26 and the dominant strays in this neighborhood are ginger and tabby 9:52:28 so.... 9:52:30 um 9:52:32 mom is racist 9:52:55 but I kid you not last 3 nights I've been up trying to catch Middy 9:53:07 (midnight or Mid buds aka not cool) 9:54:16utarrrg cute 9:54:33 greta 9:54:35 kfhdhbjrdhmfstaysjht 9:55:15krystalshaft you worry 9:55:24utarrrg lol 9:55:29 i have a severe anxiety disorder 9:55:30krystalshaft but when bandaid off 9:55:36 wound healed 9:55:37 it's over 9:55:39utarrrg my psychiatrist is like "you know its possible for you to not shake" 9:55:48 and im like nahh come on lol 9:56:05 she may not accept apology? 9:58:16 i have to go 9:59:27 either ignoring or didnt read it yet 10:03:09 goodnight krystal