CWF2 - Depart: BlueHaven Marina ProvoT&C - To: Virgins - (p) Calypso - Fleming 65 SYNOPSIS: Mon1 starts quite windy, with brisk SE wind funneling around HI pressure area SE of Bermuda, and into approaching ColdFRONT. However, gradually during the day Mon1 these Dynamics break down, and less air funnels thru your area, and wind/seas gradually subside. ColdFRONT is very windy & squally as it approaches T&C and the DomRep, with squalls and possible T-strms beginning in T&C after Midnight Mon1 night...and beginning along the DomRep and waters to the N during the day Tue2 (pressing as far S&E as SamanaDR Tue2 afternoon. From BlueHaven Marina it's about 240mi to SamanaDR, so if you depart BlueHaven in the afternoon Mon1, then you'll pass Samana in the afternoon Tue2, which is ideal timing. By the time you reach waters N of the MonaPassage (near or a bit after Sunset Tue2) the earlier strong SE winds should be settling, and you will remain ahead of the squalls. Rest of trip is easy, with mild SE winds N of PuertoRico, and moderate SE winds approaching Virgins. The 2 roughest parts of trip are likely from departure until you approach the N Coast of the DR, and also just E of the DR as you transit waters just N of the MonaPassage. For both of these areas, it's better to be LATER rather than EARLIER, so if it were me, I would depart BlueHaven as late as possible on Mon1 afternoon, while allowing you to clear all significant navigation hazards before Sunset. FORECAST: NOTE:the "<" symbol describes a TREND in conditions over specified timeframe and should be read as the word BECOMING. Mon1 afternoon, departing BlueHaven Marina: 140@16-18g23<170@12-15g19, wind-chop in the Ocean 6'<4', but on the Banks more like 4'<2-3', SWELL between T&C and the DR builds to about 5-6'/13secNNE. STRATEGY: depart as late as you can, while still clearing navigation hazards in daylight, and enjoy conditions at the lower end of the "wind progression" detailed above. Mon1 night, aiming in the general direction of 20N / 70-30W: 170@12-15g19<180@10-15g20k, wind-chop 3-4'<2-4', SWELL remains 5-6'/13secNNE. STRATEGY: steaming on a course of about 135T, toward OceanWorld, or a WAYPOINT of 20N / 70-30W. Tue2, from about 20N / 70-30W to about 19-10N / 68-30W: 180@7-14g18<160@12-18g23, wind-chop 1-4'<4-5', SWELL 5'/13secNNE. STRATEGY: you want to pace yourself so you do NOT pass 19-10N / 68-30W until after Sunset Tue2. If you pass 19-10N / 68-30W before Sunset, then you could see 150@20g25, 6-7' wind-chop in this area until Sunset. Ideally, I would try to pass 19-10N / 68-30W about 10pm Tue2 evening. Tue2 night, from about 19-10N / 68-30W to just N of PuertoRico: backing 160-180@12-18g23<130@6-14g17, wind-chop 3-5'<1-4', SWELL 5'<4'/12secN. STRATEGY: steaming in the general direction of SanJuanPR, in moderating conditions. Wed3, approaching waters off SanJuan into the Virgins: 135<110@7-14g17, wind-chop 1-4', SWELL 4'/11secN. STRATEGY: benign arrival in Virgins late Wed3. NOTE: when arriving Virgins, ensure you are not in an area impacted by NNW swell, as a large NNW swell establishes Wed3 night and persists a couple days. If you have questions or need another forecast, let us know...Chris.