Game 1 Pre-Game eaJ Park: YEP **** eaJ Park: sona lol! In-Game eaJ Park: sups like sona arent viable rn eaJ Park: im not eaJ Park: im just saying eaJ Park: i have 6 kp eaJ Park: im trying brother eaJ Park: to let you know sona is dogshit in this szn eaJ Park: i do eaJ Park: i dont want you to int my games eaJ Park: or anyones eaJ Park: dont play that shit anymore eaJ Park: you and mf inted lv 1 eaJ Park: i cant do anything aboutt that eaJ Park: sona you're bad eaJ Park: just admit you made mistakes this game and in champ select eaJ Park: and improve from it eaJ Park: i am too eaJ Park: sona is the one who started shit eaJ Park: stop the count eaJ Park: just dont play sona it's not viable eaJ Park: dont int anyone else's games it's not cool eaJ Park: stop pinging me!!!! eaJ Park: waahh ;-; eaJ Park: cone visioned eaJ Park: cause leona is strong eaJ Park: we saw they play swain eaJ Park: you choose sona into them eaJ Park: The only advice I have for Sona eaJ Park: is to not play that champion eaJ Park: and just play hook champs eaJ Park: And "you lost lane to twitch" is dumb because you lost lane to Draven Swain eaJ Park: Just dodge his stun eaJ Park: I didn't lose to Leona eaJ Park: You all lost to her eaJ Park: Twitch is op rn eaJ Park: Sett eaJ Park: You have to understand eaJ Park: No bot prio eaJ Park: no mid prio eaJ Park: no top prio eaJ Park: since you guys are all terrible eaJ Park: Not jungle fault eaJ Park: I ganked when i could, i had 6 kp while everyone only had 2 or 1 eaJ Park: Please understand that. eaJ Park: I ganked you twice eaJ Park: I ganked bot twice eaJ Park: I know you did, but she was constantly pushed in eaJ Park: I came, I ganked, I succeeded. eaJ Park: I came bot, Sona misses everything, cone vision. eaJ Park: True MF eaJ Park: I like how Sett calls me out for pinging but won't with Sona eaJ Park: dick sucker eaJ Park: keep riding sona's dick brother eaJ Park: KKonaW mf Game 2 Pre-Game eaJ Park: who likes ****? eaJ Park: coke* eaJ Park: i'll suck your juicer eaJ Park: i like juice* In-Game eaJ Park: farm top side eaJ Park: go away eaJ Park: you're trolling man eaJ Park: you're ******* retarded eaJ Park: go **** yourself eaJ Park: you back at the worst times eaJ Park: dumbass eaJ Park: you're garbo moron eaJ Park: you're losing to kled in farm eaJ Park: how eaJ Park: doodoo eaJ Park: cosmetic ulti eaJ Park: amumu calling me shit when he lost to kled in farm eaJ Park: zzZZZ eaJ Park: and he called me the N word Post-Game eaJ Park: gg reported amumu you're so lame dude eaJ Park: don't be racist in here eaJ Park: not fun. eaJ Park: gg. Game 3 In-Game eaJ Park: he didnt eaJ Park: he didnt eaJ Park: ezreal eaJ Park: come? eaJ Park: stop the *** eaJ Park: reported eaJ Park: enjoy the fun lane buddy eaJ Park: this ezreal is one of the worst eaJ Park: hp 1 eaJ Park: why do i have a better score than ezreal eaJ Park: bad adc eaJ Park: got us killed eaJ Park: moronic adc player eaJ Park: ezreal just run eaJ Park: moron eaJ Park: ezreal you're BAD eaJ Park: you literally do nothing for the team eaJ Park: nimrod eaJ Park: You. are. a. nimrod. eaJ Park: this sint seaonas d110 riebudmdbass mothienkrfncukeer eaJ Park: dfiohdjxyou jan rewe aa dfuckin ggj mor9rorno inc lplakyer eaJ Park: one of the worst